• Oriol's Triumph: A Nurse's Battle on All Saints' Day

  • Nov 7 2024
  • Length: 16 mins
  • Podcast

Oriol's Triumph: A Nurse's Battle on All Saints' Day

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Oriol's Triumph: A Nurse's Battle on All Saints' Day Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/ca/episode/2024-11-07-23-34-02-ca Story Transcript:Ca: Al campament hospitalari de Barcelona, l'aire feia olor d'antiseptics i de fulles humides.En: At the hospital camp in Barcelona, the air smelled of antiseptics and damp leaves.Ca: Oriol, un infermer dedicat però esgotat, estava ocupat des del trenc d'alba.En: Oriol, a dedicated but exhausted nurse, had been busy since dawn.Ca: Tot i ser Tots Sants, no hi havia temps per descansar.En: Despite it being Tots Sants (All Saints), there was no time to rest.Ca: A fora, la ciutat es recuperava de les celebracions, però dins l'hospital, el treball no minvava.En: Outside, the city was recovering from the celebrations, but inside the hospital, the work didn't ease up.Ca: Laia, la seva companya de torn, movia ràpidament un pacient d'una llitera a una altra.En: Laia, his shift partner, was quickly moving a patient from one stretcher to another.Ca: Martí, un altre infermer, corria amb una safata plena d'instruments mèdics.En: Martí, another nurse, was running with a tray full of medical instruments.Ca: Tothom estava atrafegat.En: Everyone was bustling.Ca: Oriol mirava la llarguíssima fila de pacients.En: Oriol looked at the incredibly long line of patients.Ca: Com podia fer-ho tot?En: How could he do it all?Ca: El problema era clar: masses consultes.En: The problem was clear: too many consultations.Ca: Les malalties estacionals i lesions del festival del dia anterior omplien l'hospital.En: Seasonal illnesses and injuries from the previous day's festival filled the hospital.Ca: Oriol sentia el pes de la responsabilitat damunt les seves espatlles.En: Oriol felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders.Ca: No obstant, va decidir reorganitzar-se.En: Nevertheless, he decided to reorganize.Ca: Els casos urgents primer, i la resta es dividiria entre l'equip.En: Urgent cases first, and the rest would be divided among the team.Ca: Va parlar amb Laia i Martí, delegant tasques, encara que al seu cor volia ocupar-se de tot.En: He spoke with Laia and Martí, delegating tasks, even though in his heart he wanted to handle everything.Ca: En plena jornada, un nou cas arribà.En: In the middle of the day, a new case arrived.Ca: Un accident molt greu.En: A very serious accident.Ca: Un jove havia caigut des d'un carro durant les festivitats.En: A young man had fallen from a cart during the festivities.Ca: Les llàgrimes corrien pels rostres de la família mentre el jove era portat dins.En: Tears ran down the faces of the family as the young man was brought in.Ca: Oriol sabia que aquest era el moment clau.En: Oriol knew this was the critical moment.Ca: No hi havia temps per pensar.En: There was no time to think.Ca: Va coordinar l'equip amb la calma que només l'experiència podia donar.En: He coordinated the team with a calm that only experience could provide.Ca: Les seves mans es movien ràpides, les instruccions clares.En: His hands moved quickly, his instructions were clear.Ca: La sala d'emergències treballava com una màquina ben engreixada.En: The emergency room worked like a well-oiled machine.Ca: Laia subministrava medicació, Martí controlava signes vitals, i Oriol feia mans i mànigues per estabilitzar el pacient.En: Laia administered medication, Martí monitored vital signs, and Oriol did everything possible to stabilize the patient.Ca: L'angoixa es transformà en alleujament quan, després d'intensa feina, van aconseguir estabilitzar el jove.En: The anxiety turned to relief when, after intense work, they managed to stabilize the young man.Ca: Els sospirs de calma ompliren l'aire.En: Sighs of calm filled the air.Ca: La família del pacient va donar les gràcies amb ulls emocionats, i els companys d'Oriol el van felicitar pel bon lideratge.En: The patient's family thanked them with emotional eyes, and Oriol's colleagues congratulated him on his good leadership.Ca: Mentre es prenia un breu respir, Oriol va reflexionar.En: As he took a brief break, Oriol reflected.Ca: La càrrega havia estat gran, però va entendre que no estava sol.En: The burden had been great, but he understood that he was not alone.Ca: La força de l'equip era el que realment importava.En: The strength of the team was what truly mattered.Ca: Aquella experiència li havia donat una nova perspectiva i sentit de propòsit.En: That experience had given him a new perspective and sense of purpose.Ca: Ara sabia que podia comptar amb els altres i que junts eren imbatibles.En: Now he knew he could count on others and that together they were unbeatable.Ca: A mesura que l'hospital s'omplia amb noves històries, Oriol somreia, alleugerit.En: As the hospital filled with new stories, Oriol smiled, relieved.Ca: Adaptar-se havia estat clau, i gràcies a la unió amb els seus companys, tothom acabaria Tots Sants amb més motius de celebrar.En: Adapting...
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