• Amidst Chaos and Leaves: Mateja's Battle to Heal Ljubljana

  • Nov 7 2024
  • Length: 17 mins
  • Podcast

Amidst Chaos and Leaves: Mateja's Battle to Heal Ljubljana

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Amidst Chaos and Leaves: Mateja's Battle to Heal Ljubljana Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-07-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Mateja je stala pred vhodom v poljsko bolnišnico v Ljubljani.En: Mateja stood in front of the entrance to the field hospital in Ljubljana.Sl: Listje je padalo z dreves, vetrič je nosil zlato-rumene liste po tleh.En: Leaves were falling from the trees, and a breeze was carrying golden-yellow leaves across the ground.Sl: Bolnišnica je bila le začasna postavitev, velika telovadnica, polna postelj in kaosa.En: The hospital was only a temporary setup, a large gymnasium filled with beds and chaos.Sl: To jesen so hudo prizadeta območja v Sloveniji zaradi poplav.En: This fall, areas badly hit by floods in Slovenia were in dire need.Sl: Mateja je že teden dni spala le po nekaj ur na noč.En: Mateja had slept only a few hours each night for a week.Sl: Kljub temu je bila odločena pomagati vsakemu, ki je prišel po pomoč.En: Despite this, she was determined to help anyone who came seeking aid.Sl: "Bojan, kje potrebujemo več zalog?En: "Bojan, where do we need more supplies?"Sl: " je poklicala mladega zdravniškega pomočnika.En: she called to the young medical assistant.Sl: Bolnišnica ni imela dovolj materiala.En: The hospital didn't have enough materials.Sl: Mateja je vedela, da mora biti inovativna.En: Mateja knew she needed to be innovative.Sl: Potreben je bil vsak par rok.En: Every pair of hands was needed.Sl: "Potrebujemo več gaz in oblog, hitro!En: "We need more gauze and bandages, quickly!"Sl: " je Bojan odgovoril, medtem ko se je ukvarjal s pacienti.En: Bojan replied while attending to patients.Sl: Naravna nesreča je prinesla val ljudi v bolnišnico.En: The natural disaster had brought a wave of people to the hospital.Sl: Njihovi obrazi so bili utrujeni, polni skrbi.En: Their faces were tired, full of worry.Sl: Mateja je videla, da so potrebovali njeno pomoč.En: Mateja saw that they needed her help.Sl: Pogoltnila je utrujenost in se predala delu.En: She swallowed her fatigue and dedicated herself to her work.Sl: Ljudje so bili prestrašeni, a Mateja jih je pomirila z nasmehom in vestnim delom.En: People were scared, but Mateja reassured them with a smile and her diligent work.Sl: Sredi živahne telovadnice je zazvonil telefon.En: Amid the bustling gymnasium, the phone rang.Sl: "Zoran, potreben si na vhodu," je zaklicala Mateja.En: "Zoran, you're needed at the entrance," Mateja called out.Sl: Zoran, izkušen zdravnik, je bil večno na poti od enega konca bolnišnice do drugega.En: Zoran, an experienced doctor, was constantly moving from one end of the hospital to the other.Sl: Njegova usta so bila resna, a njegove oči so oddajale toplino.En: His mouth was serious, but his eyes radiated warmth.Sl: Skupaj sta delala brez predaha.En: Together, they worked tirelessly.Sl: Vsak trenutek je bil dragocen, vsaka odločitev ključna.En: Every moment was precious, every decision crucial.Sl: Nenadoma je prišel klic.En: Suddenly, a call came.Sl: "Mateja, tu je kritični primer!En: "Mateja, there's a critical case!"Sl: " srce ji je poskočilo.En: her heart jumped.Sl: Pacient je bil starejši moški, njegova diha plitka, koža bleda.En: The patient was an elderly man, his breathing shallow, his skin pale.Sl: Mateja je vedela, da mora hitro odločiti.En: Mateja knew she had to decide quickly.Sl: Njena ekipa se je zbrala okoli nje.En: Her team gathered around her.Sl: Zdelo se je, da čas teče počasneje, a v resnici je šlo vse zelo hitro.En: Time seemed to slow down, but in reality, everything was moving very fast.Sl: Odločila se je, da bodo uporabili preostale zaloge za stabilizacijo moškega.En: She decided they would use the remaining supplies to stabilize the man.Sl: Starejši gospod je s težavo dihati, a z Matejino oskrbo je njegovo stanje kmalu bilo stabilizirano.En: The elderly gentleman struggled to breathe, but with Mateja's care, his condition soon stabilized.Sl: "Dobro delo," je pohvalil Zoran, ko je opazoval Matejo.En: "Good job," Zoran praised as he watched Mateja.Sl: Vedela je, da so te besede pomenile več kot katerikoli počitek.En: She knew those words meant more than any rest.Sl: Po dolgem dnevu je sedla na klop, zadvoljna z rezultatom.En: After a long day, she sat on a bench, satisfied with the outcome.Sl: Kljub vsemu je našla trenutek notranjega miru.En: Despite everything, she found a moment of inner peace.Sl: Ko se je sonce spustilo za oblake, je Mateja pogledala proti vratom.En: As the sun set behind the clouds, Mateja looked toward the doors.Sl: Venku so listi še vedno padali.En: Outside, the leaves were still falling.Sl: Utrujena, a zadovoljna, je poglobila spoštovanje do ekipnega dela.En: Tired but satisfied, she deepened her appreciation for teamwork.Sl: Razumela je, koliko lahko dosežejo skupaj.En: She understood how much they could achieve together.Sl: ...
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