FluentFiction - Slovenian

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Slovenian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovenian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovenian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Lake Bled, Postojna Cave, or Ljubljana Castle? Maybe you want to speak Slovenian with your grandparents from Ljubljana?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background necessary to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere and life of Slovenia, the primary country where Slovenian is fluently spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovenian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Izboljšajte svoje razumevanje poslušanja z našimi slovenskimi zgodbami danes!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Amidst Chaos and Leaves: Mateja's Battle to Heal Ljubljana
    Nov 7 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Amidst Chaos and Leaves: Mateja's Battle to Heal Ljubljana Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-07-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Mateja je stala pred vhodom v poljsko bolnišnico v Ljubljani.En: Mateja stood in front of the entrance to the field hospital in Ljubljana.Sl: Listje je padalo z dreves, vetrič je nosil zlato-rumene liste po tleh.En: Leaves were falling from the trees, and a breeze was carrying golden-yellow leaves across the ground.Sl: Bolnišnica je bila le začasna postavitev, velika telovadnica, polna postelj in kaosa.En: The hospital was only a temporary setup, a large gymnasium filled with beds and chaos.Sl: To jesen so hudo prizadeta območja v Sloveniji zaradi poplav.En: This fall, areas badly hit by floods in Slovenia were in dire need.Sl: Mateja je že teden dni spala le po nekaj ur na noč.En: Mateja had slept only a few hours each night for a week.Sl: Kljub temu je bila odločena pomagati vsakemu, ki je prišel po pomoč.En: Despite this, she was determined to help anyone who came seeking aid.Sl: "Bojan, kje potrebujemo več zalog?En: "Bojan, where do we need more supplies?"Sl: " je poklicala mladega zdravniškega pomočnika.En: she called to the young medical assistant.Sl: Bolnišnica ni imela dovolj materiala.En: The hospital didn't have enough materials.Sl: Mateja je vedela, da mora biti inovativna.En: Mateja knew she needed to be innovative.Sl: Potreben je bil vsak par rok.En: Every pair of hands was needed.Sl: "Potrebujemo več gaz in oblog, hitro!En: "We need more gauze and bandages, quickly!"Sl: " je Bojan odgovoril, medtem ko se je ukvarjal s pacienti.En: Bojan replied while attending to patients.Sl: Naravna nesreča je prinesla val ljudi v bolnišnico.En: The natural disaster had brought a wave of people to the hospital.Sl: Njihovi obrazi so bili utrujeni, polni skrbi.En: Their faces were tired, full of worry.Sl: Mateja je videla, da so potrebovali njeno pomoč.En: Mateja saw that they needed her help.Sl: Pogoltnila je utrujenost in se predala delu.En: She swallowed her fatigue and dedicated herself to her work.Sl: Ljudje so bili prestrašeni, a Mateja jih je pomirila z nasmehom in vestnim delom.En: People were scared, but Mateja reassured them with a smile and her diligent work.Sl: Sredi živahne telovadnice je zazvonil telefon.En: Amid the bustling gymnasium, the phone rang.Sl: "Zoran, potreben si na vhodu," je zaklicala Mateja.En: "Zoran, you're needed at the entrance," Mateja called out.Sl: Zoran, izkušen zdravnik, je bil večno na poti od enega konca bolnišnice do drugega.En: Zoran, an experienced doctor, was constantly moving from one end of the hospital to the other.Sl: Njegova usta so bila resna, a njegove oči so oddajale toplino.En: His mouth was serious, but his eyes radiated warmth.Sl: Skupaj sta delala brez predaha.En: Together, they worked tirelessly.Sl: Vsak trenutek je bil dragocen, vsaka odločitev ključna.En: Every moment was precious, every decision crucial.Sl: Nenadoma je prišel klic.En: Suddenly, a call came.Sl: "Mateja, tu je kritični primer!En: "Mateja, there's a critical case!"Sl: " srce ji je poskočilo.En: her heart jumped.Sl: Pacient je bil starejši moški, njegova diha plitka, koža bleda.En: The patient was an elderly man, his breathing shallow, his skin pale.Sl: Mateja je vedela, da mora hitro odločiti.En: Mateja knew she had to decide quickly.Sl: Njena ekipa se je zbrala okoli nje.En: Her team gathered around her.Sl: Zdelo se je, da čas teče počasneje, a v resnici je šlo vse zelo hitro.En: Time seemed to slow down, but in reality, everything was moving very fast.Sl: Odločila se je, da bodo uporabili preostale zaloge za stabilizacijo moškega.En: She decided they would use the remaining supplies to stabilize the man.Sl: Starejši gospod je s težavo dihati, a z Matejino oskrbo je njegovo stanje kmalu bilo stabilizirano.En: The elderly gentleman struggled to breathe, but with Mateja's care, his condition soon stabilized.Sl: "Dobro delo," je pohvalil Zoran, ko je opazoval Matejo.En: "Good job," Zoran praised as he watched Mateja.Sl: Vedela je, da so te besede pomenile več kot katerikoli počitek.En: She knew those words meant more than any rest.Sl: Po dolgem dnevu je sedla na klop, zadvoljna z rezultatom.En: After a long day, she sat on a bench, satisfied with the outcome.Sl: Kljub vsemu je našla trenutek notranjega miru.En: Despite everything, she found a moment of inner peace.Sl: Ko se je sonce spustilo za oblake, je Mateja pogledala proti vratom.En: As the sun set behind the clouds, Mateja looked toward the doors.Sl: Venku so listi še vedno padali.En: Outside, the leaves were still falling.Sl: Utrujena, a zadovoljna, je poglobila spoštovanje do ekipnega dela.En: Tired but satisfied, she deepened her appreciation for teamwork.Sl: Razumela je, koliko lahko dosežejo skupaj.En: She understood how much they could achieve together.Sl: ...
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    17 mins
  • Through the Frozen Silence: A Tundra Tale of Trust and Triumph
    Nov 6 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Through the Frozen Silence: A Tundra Tale of Trust and Triumph Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-06-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Matej je trdno stiskal roke v žepih.En: Matej firmly clenched his hands in his pockets.Sl: Hladno jesensko jutro je prineslo ostre vetrove, ki so brisali po neskončni beli tundri.En: The cold autumn morning brought sharp winds that swept across the endless white tundra.Sl: Vsak njegov vdih je bil izziv.En: Every breath he took was a challenge.Sl: Ana je hodila poleg njega, resna in zamišljena.En: Ana walked beside him, serious and pensive.Sl: Njihovo potovanje po Arktični tundri ni bilo le raziskava, bilo je tudi iskanje.En: Their journey across the Arctic tundra was not just an exploration, it was also a quest.Sl: Za Mateja je bilo pomembno, da uspe.En: For Matej, it was important to succeed.Sl: Pretekle napake so bile kot sence, ki so ga spremljale.En: Past mistakes were like shadows that followed him.Sl: Ana je to vedela.En: Ana knew this.Sl: Ni bila prepričana, če lahko sledi njegovemu vodstvu, a ga je podpirala.En: She wasn't sure if she could follow his lead, but she supported him.Sl: Gregor, njihov vodnik, je bil vedno korak pred njima.En: Gregor, their guide, was always a step ahead of them.Sl: Njegova močna postava je dajala vtis neuničljivosti, a tokrat je bil videti drugačen.En: His strong frame gave an impression of invincibility, but this time he appeared different.Sl: Nenadoma se je Gregor zatresel in omahnil na tla.En: Suddenly, Gregor shuddered and collapsed to the ground.Sl: Mateja in Ano je zajela panika.En: Panic consumed Matej and Ana.Sl: Hipotermija.En: Hypothermia.Sl: Bili so več ur oddaljeni od najbližje medicinske postaje.En: They were hours away from the nearest medical station.Sl: Gregorjev ponavadi trden obraz je postal bled in brezizrazen.En: Gregor's usually strong face turned pale and expressionless.Sl: Čas se je neusmiljeno odmikal.En: Time was relentlessly slipping away.Sl: "Matej," je rekla Ana, njene oči so bile polne skrbi.En: "Matej," Ana said, her eyes full of concern.Sl: "Moramo pohiteti.En: "We need to hurry.Sl: Potrebujemo načrt.En: We need a plan."Sl: "Matej je vedel, da so možnosti omejene.En: Matej knew their options were limited.Sl: Predlagal je, da počakajo na pomoč, a Ana ni bila prepričana.En: He suggested they wait for help, but Ana was uncertain.Sl: Hlad je bil preveč intenziven.En: The cold was too intense.Sl: Odločiti se je moral.En: He had to make a decision.Sl: Zadnje napetosti so se strnile v njegovem srcu.En: Recent tensions condensed in his heart.Sl: Nato se je spomnil Gregorjevega nasveta o bližnjici skozi tundro.En: Then he remembered Gregor's advice about a shortcut through the tundra.Sl: Bila je nevarna, vendar je ponudila možnost hitrejšega prihoda do medicinske postaje.En: It was dangerous, but it offered the possibility of reaching the medical station faster.Sl: "Sprejeli bomo bližnjico," je rekel Matej odločno, čeprav ga je strah tiščal.En: "We'll take the shortcut," Matej said decisively, though fear gripped him.Sl: Ana se je strinjala in pomagala.En: Ana agreed and helped.Sl: Skupaj sta dvignila Gregorja in se podala na pot.En: Together, they lifted Gregor and set off.Sl: Vetrovna tišina je bila zastrašujoča, a Matej je bil odločen.En: The windy silence was daunting, but Matej was determined.Sl: Vodil je ekipni korak, sledil je nasvetom in pozornosti svoje ekipe.En: He led the team’s pace, following the advice and attention of his team.Sl: Ko so se približali medicinski postaji, je Matej čutil, kako se led na njegovem srcu topi.En: As they approached the medical station, Matej felt the ice on his heart melting.Sl: Prebujala se je nova samozavest, občutil je pomen zaupanja in sodelovanja.En: A new confidence awakened, and he sensed the importance of trust and cooperation.Sl: Ko so prispeli, so medicinski delavci hitro poskrbeli za Gregorja.En: When they arrived, the medical staff quickly took care of Gregor.Sl: Njegove trepetajoče ustnice so se sprostile in vračal se je rdeč v obraz.En: His trembling lips relaxed, and color returned to his face.Sl: Matej je stisnil Ano k sebi in ji hvaležno pokimal.En: Matej pulled Ana close and nodded gratefully to her.Sl: Kljub težki poti so uspeli.En: Despite the arduous journey, they succeeded.Sl: Naučil se je, da ni sam in da se lahko zanese na svojo ekipo.En: He learned that he is not alone and can rely on his team.Sl: Skupaj so prebrodili nevarnost, in Matej je bil pripravljen na prihodnje izzive.En: Together, they overcame the danger, and Matej was ready for future challenges.Sl: Odlomil je košček svojega dvoma in ga pustil za sabo – v neskončni belini arktične tundre.En: He broke off a piece of his doubt and left it behind—in the endless whiteness of the Arctic tundra. Vocabulary Words:clenched: stiskalpockets: ...
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    16 mins
  • Unraveling Mysteries: The Light Draws A Legacy Revealed
    Nov 5 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Unraveling Mysteries: The Light Draws A Legacy Revealed Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-05-23-34-04-sl Story Transcript:Sl: V rožnatem mraku jesenskega večera na obronku hriba, je Matevž zrl v staro, zapuščeno skladišče.En: In the pink dusk of an autumn evening on the edge of a hill, Matevž gazed at the old, abandoned warehouse.Sl: S kraja, kjer se je vzpenjal na griču, je videl, kako je skozi razbita okna utripala čudna luč.En: From the spot where he climbed the hill, he could see a strange light flickering through the broken windows.Sl: Matevž je razmišljal o svojem dedku, ki je nekoč delal v tem skladišču.En: Matevž thought about his grandfather, who once worked in this warehouse.Sl: Spomnil se je zgodb, ki mu jih je dedek pripovedoval o delovnih dneh in dogodivščinah v tem masivnem, rjasto rjavem poslopju.En: He remembered the stories his grandfather used to tell him about the working days and adventures in this massive, rust-brown building.Sl: Želel je vedeti, zakaj se luč pojavlja vsak večer.En: He wanted to know why the light appeared every evening.Sl: Kaj če je to povezano z dedkovo preteklostjo?En: What if it was connected to his grandfather's past?Sl: Njegova prijatelja, Nina in Anže, nista bila prepričana.En: His friends, Nina and Anže, were not convinced.Sl: "To je preveč nevarno," je rekel Anže in zbral moč v glasu.En: "It's too dangerous," said Anže, gathering strength in his voice.Sl: "Kaj če se skladišče zruši?"En: "What if the warehouse collapses?"Sl: Nina je pokimala v znak strinjanja.En: Nina nodded in agreement.Sl: "Ali pa je tam nekdo drug. Nekdo, ki nima dobrih namenov," je dodala z zaskrbljenim pogledom.En: "Or what if someone else is there? Someone who doesn't have good intentions," she added with a worried look.Sl: Matevž pa je čutil, da mora raziskati.En: But Matevž felt he had to investigate.Sl: Našel je tolažbo v misli, da 1. novembra, na dan vseh svetih, morda odkrije, kaj ga tako vabi.En: He found comfort in the thought that on November 1st, All Saints' Day, he might discover what was calling him.Sl: Vseeno jim je zagotovil, da bo previden.En: Nevertheless, he assured them he would be careful.Sl: Na dan vseh svetih so se oblaki zgostili nad mestom in tema je legla že zgodaj.En: On All Saints' Day, clouds gathered over the town, and darkness fell early.Sl: Matevž je natočill svetilko, pogumno zakorakal proti skladišču.En: Matevž filled his flashlight and boldly marched toward the warehouse.Sl: Kljub strahu, je srce tikalo polno vznemirjenja.En: Despite his fear, his heart ticked full of excitement.Sl: Stopil je v notranjost.En: He stepped inside.Sl: Skladišče je bilo tiho, le odmev njegovih stopinj je spremljal njegovo pot med starimi, zaprašenimi stroji in lesenimi zaboji.En: The warehouse was silent, only the echo of his footsteps accompanied his path among the old, dusty machines and wooden crates.Sl: Našel je stopnišča, ki ga je vodilo do majhne sobe, o kateri ni vedel.En: He found stairs that led him to a small room he didn't know about.Sl: Luč je utripala skozi ozko špranjo pod vrati.En: The light flickered through a narrow crack under the door.Sl: Z dominom na srcu, je pritisnil kljuko in odprl vrata.En: With a pounding heart, he pressed the handle and opened the door.Sl: Na mizi je stala luč stare elektronike, osvetljujoč pisma in fotografije.En: On the table stood a light from old electronics, illuminating letters and photographs.Sl: Spuščeni prah je trosil zgodbe.En: The settling dust scattered stories.Sl: Vzel je enega izmed listov in prepoznal dedkov rokopis.En: He picked up one of the sheets and recognized his grandfather's handwriting.Sl: Pisal je o delu in skrivnostih, ki jih je skrival s to staro napravo.En: It spoke of work and secrets he had hidden with this old device.Sl: Bil je člen v dolgi verigi družinskih skrivnosti, ki jih Matevž ni poznal.En: It was a link in a long chain of family secrets that Matevž did not know.Sl: Zbrane fotografije so kazale trenutke njegovega dedka, ki jih ni videl nikoli prej.En: The gathered photographs showed moments of his grandfather that he had never seen before.Sl: Matevž je stopil bližje k skrivnostim, ki so skupaj z lučjo razblinile njegove dvome.En: Matevž stepped closer to the secrets, which, along with the light, dispelled his doubts.Sl: Znova zunaj, Matevž je dihal globoko.En: Outside again, Matevž breathed deeply.Sl: Počutil se je bližje dedku in lastni družini.En: He felt closer to his grandfather and his own family.Sl: Njegova radovednost ni bila več le otroška igra.En: His curiosity was no longer just child's play.Sl: Zdaj je vedel, kako se soočiti z resnico - s premišljenostjo namesto z nepremišljeno drznostjo.En: Now he knew how to face the truth—with thoughtfulness rather than reckless daring.Sl: Ko se je vračal k prijateljem, so stali na...
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    16 mins

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Exactly what I needed

Thank you so much for this beautiful work. It’s not easy to find ways of learning Slovene and this is helpful and also interesting.

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Awesome idea, but the AI reader is AWFUL.

This is just awful. Sounds like they’ve used an AI reader that has zero ability to correctly accent or pronounce Slovene words. If you’re learning Slovene from these episodes, you’re going to sound ridiculous. They really need to start disclosing the use of artificial readers. I’m a native Slovene looking for tools to help my semi-fluent husband and I find these painful to listen to. Save your time and find something else that isn’t read by a robot.

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