Mar 3 2025

    MEET BILLY AND ELISABETH On the 4BIDDEN TOUR OF EGYPThttps://www.4biddenknowledge.com/4bidden-egypt-tour

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    48 mins
  • The Ultimate Wealth Hack: Cryptocurrency Explained
    Mar 1 2025

    Ready to build wealth through crypto? Book a FREE Discovery Call with ARC here - https://arcrypto.io/billycarson/?affiliate_id=billyJoin Billy Carson and Gven Sariol for an event on how to wealth hack with cryptocurrency. Learn how crypto can be used to grow and protect your wealth, with real strategies and insights from experts. Don’t miss it—tune in live or watch now!Invest in 4biddenknowledge. Buy your shares today! https://invest.4biddenknowledge.comGet the 4biddenknowledge TV app on your app store or visit: https://www.4biddenknowledge.tvTours:4bidden Tour Of Egypthttps://www.4biddenknowledge.com/4bidden-egypt-tour4bidden Tour Of Peruhttps://www.4biddenknowledge.com/4bidden-tour-of-peruBOOKS:Compendium Of The Emerald Tablets: https://a.co/d/aFOvwfSFractal Holographic Universe: https://a.co/d/jhCyQ7tThe Epic Of Humanity by Billy Carson and Matthew Lacroix: https://a.co/d/2qS9bQHWoke Doesn't Mean Broke by Billy Carson. Buy The Bookhttps://a.co/d/2PKIMPzThe Recipe to Elevated Consciousness by Elisabeth Carsonhttps://amzn.to/3JWRs7XThe Mother Earth Effecthttps://amzn.to/3EKWKCNProducts:Grounding productshttps://bit.ly/3RJt6SvLifewave patcheshttps://lifewave.com/EHoekstraViome Supplementshttps://viomehq.sjv.io/Wq2ErAWebsites:https://www.4biddenknowledge.com/https://www.elisabethcarson.com/Social Media:Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/4biddenknowledgehttps://www.instagram.com/billycarsonofficialhttps://www.instagram.com/elisabethicarson/Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/4biddenknowledgehttps://www.facebook.com/iamelisabethcarsonX (formerly Twitter):@4biddnknowledge@Lis_CarsonTikTok:@elisabethcarsonofficial | @4biddenknowledgeYouTube Channels:4biddenknowledge:https://www.youtube.com/forbiddenknowledge1Best of Billy Carson:https://www.youtube.com/@billycarsonofficialBest of 4BK:https://www.youtube.com/@4BKTVCLIPS 4Bidden Minds:https://www.youtube.com/@4biddenminds4BiddenKnowledge Español:https://www.youtube.com/@4BiddenKnowledgeEspanol

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    1 hr and 22 mins
  • Exploring the Origins of the Emerald Tablets: Fact or Fiction? Ft: Billy Carson & Timothy Hogan.
    Feb 28 2025

    WATCH THE FULL 90 MIN VIDEO FOR FREE -ONLY @ www.4BK.tv🌌 Journey into the realm of the Emerald Tablets, legendary artifacts that hold the secrets of alchemy and spiritual wisdom. Attributed to Thoth, the ancient Egyptian god of knowledge, these tablets have been revered as a source of divine insight and transformative power. In this video, we explore the rich tapestry of myths and legends surrounding the Emerald Tablets, tracing their path from the sands of Egypt to the jungles of Mesoamerica. Learn about the historical figures who have interacted with these tablets, from Aristotle and Alexander the Great to medieval alchemists and modern-day researchers. We delve into the tablets' material composition, hypothesized to be copper acetate, and discuss their potential health benefits and alchemical applications. Through a blend of storytelling and scholarly research, this video invites you to discover the enduring allure of the Emerald Tablets and their role in humanity's quest for enlightenment and unity.⏱️⏱️VIDEO CHAPTERS⏱️⏱️:00:00:00 - Introduction to the Emerald Tablet of Hermes00:04:04 - Historical Accounts and Esoteric Traditions00:06:23 - Arabic Influence on Alchemical Texts00:08:25 - Global Journey of the Emerald Tablets00:10:36 - Atlantean Origins and Cultural Connections00:13:02 - Alchemical Properties and Health Benefits00:15:14 - Research and Preservation Efforts00:17:25 - Alchemy as a Science of Atlantis00:19:38 - Worldwide Teachings and Spiritual Enlightenment00:21:58 - Cultural Depictions and Global Connections00:24:12 - Interplanetary Connections and Anomalies00:26:27 - Symbolism and Influence in Ancient Texts#MingDynastyInfluence, #DruzeTemplarsConnection, #ArabicAlchemists, #AppolloniusOfTyana, #AlexanderTheGreatDiscovery, #MayanTradition, #ThothEgyptianGod, #AncientAlchemy, #HermesTrismegistus, #EmeraldTablet, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Get the 4biddenknowledge TV app on your app store or visit: https://www.4biddenknowledge.tvTours:4bidden Tour Of Egypthttps://www.4biddenknowledge.com/4bidden-egypt-tour4bidden Tour Of Peruhttps://www.4biddenknowledge.com/4bidden-tour-of-peruBOOKS:Compendium Of The Emerald Tablets: https://a.co/d/aFOvwfSFractal Holographic Universe: https://a.co/d/jhCyQ7tThe Epic Of Humanity by Billy Carson and Matthew Lacroix: https://a.co/d/2qS9bQHWoke Doesn't Mean Broke by Billy Carson. Buy The Bookhttps://a.co/d/2PKIMPzThe Recipe to Elevated Consciousness by Elisabeth Carsonhttps://amzn.to/3JWRs7XThe Mother Earth Effecthttps://amzn.to/3EKWKCNProducts:Grounding productshttps://bit.ly/3RJt6SvLifewave patcheshttps://lifewave.com/EHoekstraViome Supplementshttps://viomehq.sjv.io/Wq2ErAWebsites:https://www.4biddenknowledge.com/https://www.elisabethcarson.com/Social Media:Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/4biddenknowledgehttps://www.instagram.com/billycarsonofficialhttps://www.instagram.com/elisabethicarson/Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/4biddenknowledgehttps://www.facebook.com/iamelisabethcarsonX (formerly Twitter):@4biddnknowledge@Lis_CarsonTikTok:@elisabethcarsonofficial | @4biddenknowledgeYouTube Channels:4biddenknowledge:https://www.youtube.com/forbiddenknowledge1Best of Billy Carson:https://www.youtube.com/@billycarsonofficialBest of 4BK:https://www.youtube.com/@4BKTVCLIPS 4Bidden Minds:https://www.youtube.com/@4biddenminds4BiddenKnowledge Español:https://www.youtube.com/@4BiddenKnowledgeEspanol

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    1 hr and 39 mins
  • Explore the Mysteries Of Ancient Egypt with Billy Carson and Elisabeth Carson
    Feb 21 2025

    Egypt Tour 2025


    Egypt Eclipse Tour 2027


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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • The Secrets of Egypt REVEALED - by Billy Carson
    Feb 20 2025

    Egypt Tour 2025


    Egypt Tour 2027


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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • The Ultimate Success Blueprint: Health, Wealth & Consciousness with John Salley
    Feb 7 2025

    Invest in 4biddenknowledge. Buy your shares today! https://invest.4biddenknowledge.com Get the 4biddenknowledge TV app on your app store or visit: https://www.4biddenknowledge.tv Unlock the hidden truths about the pyramids with this exclusive episode of the 4biddenknowledge Podcast featuring NBA legend John Salley and host Billy Carson. Dive into ancient mysteries, extraterrestrials, and the untold secrets of Egypt as we uncover the power of human consciousness and the importance of perseverance. Hear firsthand about John’s transformative journey to the pyramids, his take on their true purpose, and how this experience connects to manifestation and success. Join us as we explore groundbreaking topics like ancient aliens, the mysteries of Atlantis, and the role of ancient civilizations in shaping our reality. Discover how John’s unique perspective as a 4-time NBA champion intersects with health, wellness, and even investment opportunities in longevity and cutting-edge technologies like peptides and grounding. Don't miss this fascinating conversation packed with insights, wisdom, and exclusive revelations. Subscribe now to 4biddenknowledge and start your free trial on 4bk.TV to access even more workshops, tours, and life-changing content. Join the movement today and experience a world beyond the ordinary. Watch now and be part of the journey to uncover the truth! #documentaries #forbiddenknowledge #lawofonepyramids #historydocumentary #history CHAPTERS: 00:00 - Intro 01:18 - John Salley Biography 05:35 - Egypt Travel Insights 08:04 - NBA Challenges and Obstacles 13:07 - Body Care Importance in Sports 15:18 - Shaquille O'Neal's Pneumonia Experience 19:29 - Playing Through Pain: Guilt in Sports 23:20 - Developing Mental Toughness 25:55 - Grounding Techniques for Wellbeing 28:22 - Benefits of Veganism 33:28 - Stem Cell Therapy Explained 37:18 - Travel Costs with John Salley 40:50 - Life Extension Strategies 44:04 - Exploring the Nile River 48:50 - Adulting Lessons 1.0 54:55 - The Loss of Forbidden Knowledge 58:31 - CERN and Its Impact 01:01:18 - Michael Jordan's Influence Tours: 4bidden Tour Of Egypt https://www.4biddenknowledge.com/4bidden-egypt-tour 4bidden Tour Of Peru https://www.4biddenknowledge.com/4bidden-tour-of-peru BOOKS: Compendium Of The Emerald Tablets: https://a.co/d/aFOvwfS Fractal Holographic Universe: https://a.co/d/jhCyQ7t The Epic Of Humanity by Billy Carson and Matthew Lacroix: https://a.co/d/2qS9bQH Woke Doesn't Mean Broke by Billy Carson. Buy The Book https://a.co/d/2PKIMPz The Recipe to Elevated Consciousness by Elisabeth Carson https://amzn.to/3JWRs7X The Mother Earth Effect https://amzn.to/3EKWKCN Products: Grounding products https://bit.ly/3RJt6Sv Lifewave patches https://lifewave.com/EHoekstra Viome Supplements https://viomehq.sjv.io/Wq2ErA Websites: https://www.4biddenknowledge.com/ https://www.elisabethcarson.com/ Social Media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/4biddenknowledge https://www.instagram.com/billycarsonofficial https://www.instagram.com/elisabethicarson/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/4biddenknowledge https://www.facebook.com/iamelisabethcarson X (formerly Twitter): @4biddnknowledge @Lis_Carson TikTok: @elisabethcarsonofficial | @4biddenknowledge YouTube Channels: 4biddenknowledge: https://www.youtube.com/forbiddenknowledge1 Best of Billy Carson: https://www.youtube.com/@billycarsonofficial Best of 4BK: https://www.youtube.com/@4BKTVCLIPS 4Bidden Minds: https://www.youtube.com/@4biddenminds 4BiddenKnowledge Español: https://www.youtube.com/@4BiddenKnowledgeEspanol

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    1 hr and 11 mins
  • Eric Von Daniken on the Enigmatic Nan Madol and the Tomb of Jesus in Kashmir.
    Jan 31 2025

    🚀 Discover the untold stories of ancient civilizations and extraterrestrial encounters with Eric Von Daniken on the Forbidden Knowledge podcast. Hosted by Billy Carson, this video features Eric's expert analysis of humanity's ancient past, drawing from his influential book, 'Chariots of the Gods.' As a visionary in the field of ancient astronaut theory, Eric has sparked worldwide interest and debate with his bold ideas and compelling evidence. Travel to the mysterious ruins of Nan Madol, the debated tomb of Jesus in Kashmir, and the immense stone structures of Bara in Colombia. Explore the underground cities of Turkey, considering their potential use as shelters from celestial threats. Eric's fearless exploration of ancient texts and archaeological marvels invites viewers to rethink traditional narratives and embrace the possibility of extraterrestrial influence on human history. #LegendaryExplorationPioneer, #SrinagarKashmirTombJesus, #NanMadolMysteryIsland, #HistoryChannelGuest, #AncientTextsInsights, #MegalithicStructuresMystery, #HumanCivilizationOrigins, #AncientAliensShow, #ExtraterrestrialInfluences, #ChariotsOfTheGods, #AncientAstronautTheory, #EricVonDaniken, #ForbiddenKnowledgePodcast, #PassionExhausted, #QuittingNeverOption, #StopItStopIt, #BoxesBoxes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ⏱️⏱️VIDEO CHAPTERS⏱️⏱️: 00:00:00 - Introduction to Eric Von Daniken's Work 00:04:46 - Exploring the Mysteries of Nan Madol 00:07:27 - The Enigma of Nan Madol's Construction 00:10:26 - Jesus' Alleged Tomb in Kashmir 00:13:20 - Implications of Finding Jesus' Tomb 00:16:07 - Lost Civilizations and Ancient Libraries 00:18:52 - King Solomon's Flying Machines 00:21:29 - Underground Cities and Their Purposes 00:24:24 - Advanced Engineering of Neolithic Structures 00:26:58 - Eric Von Daniken's Legacy and Influence

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    29 mins
  • Introduction To The Fractal Holographic Universe by Billy Carson
    Jan 29 2025

    Join us on the 4bidden Tour http://4biddenknowledge.com 4bidden Tour Of Egypt and Peru by Billy Carson

    Unlock the secrets of humanity's origins with "The Royal Bloodline in All of Us: Anunnaki Origins 👑"! Join Billy Carson and 4biddenknowledge as we explore ancient mysteries, extraterrestrial connections, and the profound concept of the fractal holographic universe. This is your exclusive invitation to uncover the hidden truths of the Anunnaki, their role in shaping human DNA, and how their royal bloodline flows through us all.

    Immerse yourself in groundbreaking insights from Billy's bestselling books, including “Fractal Holographic Universe,” and discover why his work has captivated readers and scientists alike. Curious about AI, consciousness, and humanity's place in the cosmos? This video dives deep into how ancient wisdom meets cutting-edge science, revealing a universe more interconnected than you ever imagined.

    Don't miss your chance to join the movement! Explore exclusive workshops, life-changing tours to Egypt and Peru, and investment opportunities that allow you to be part of the 4biddenknowledge revolution. Enter to win access to unforgettable experiences or claim your own piece of this incredible journey by subscribing today.

    Start your free trial of knowledge, buy the book, or join us on a VIP tour to walk among history's most sacred sites. Whether you're a seeker, dreamer, or truth enthusiast, this is your call to action. Ancient aliens, UFOs, Atlantis, and the mysteries of the cosmos await—subscribe now and be part of the legacy!

    #billycarson #metaphysics #ai #ancientaliens #areweinacomputerprogram


    00:00 - Intro

    01:40 - Billy’s Gratitude

    06:38 - Understanding Taxes

    09:55 - AI Rebellion Insights

    12:45 - Billy’s Book Review Highlights

    14:20 - AGI and Consciousness Connection

    15:52 - Fractal Holographic Universe Explained

    24:30 - Universal Mind and Our Existence

    25:07 - Origins: What Created Us

    26:11 - Exploring the Adinkra Codes

    29:55 - No Man's Sky Overview

    32:34 - Metatron's Cube Significance

    35:11 - Tour Experiences

    36:00 - Forbidden Tours Overview

    39:05 - Forbidden Tour of Egypt Details

    45:53 - Scholarships for Tours

    46:55 - Register for Upcoming Tours

    47:55 - Get My Books Information

    49:24 - Outro

    50:10 - The Emerald Tablets Discussion

    51:35 - Unas Overview

    Own Shares Of 4biddenknowledge: http://invest.4biddenknowledge.com

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    54 mins