Welcome to The Long Term Forecast, hosted by Dr. Denise Milne, Executive Director of the Alberta Continuing Care Association (ACCA).
In this episode, Denise talks with Dr. Vivian Ewa. Dr. Ewa is a Care of the Elderly physician with Alberta Health Services in the Calgary Zone and is a dedicated advocate for best practices in elderly health care. Today, Denise and Dr. Ewa continue the conversation on respiratory illness season from part one in the previous episode.
View the document discussed in this episode:
- The Alberta Outreach Immunization Program Guide
A special thank you to Moderna for sponsoring this episode.
Moderna is a leader in the creation of the field of mRNA medicine. Through the advancement of mRNA technology, Moderna is reimagining how medicines are made and transforming how we treat and prevent disease for everyone. By working at the intersection of science, technology and health for more than a decade, the company has developed medicines at unprecedented speed and efficiency, including one of the earliest and most effective COVID-19 vaccines.
Moderna's mRNA platform has enabled the development of therapeutics and vaccines for infectious diseases, immuno-oncology, rare diseases and autoimmune diseases. With a unique culture and a global team driven by the Moderna values and mindsets to responsibly change the future of human health, Moderna strives to deliver the greatest possible impact to people through mRNA medicines. For more information about Moderna, please visit: www.modernatx.com/en-CA
About ACCA
The Alberta Continuing Care Association (ACCA) is a non-profit, voluntary organization, and the leading voice of continuing care in Alberta made up of a unique alliance of non-profit, faith-based, and private owners and operators of home care, supportive living, and long term care services; and providers of quality products and services that support continuing care.
Our Voice is Stronger Together.
Learn more at www.ab-cca.ca