• FOOD IN THE IMPERIUM (Yes, corpse-starch is in this one) | Warhammer 40k Lore
    Mar 12 2025


    Within the Imperium, entire worlds are devoted to the pursuit of agriculture and the growing of food, providing the necessary sustenance for the people of more specialised worlds elsewhere in the galaxy. These so-called Agri-worlds can grow a variety of food in many different ways, from the ill-tempered livestock known as Grox that provide meat to so many across the galaxy to simple wheat for bread.

    On some Agri-worlds, entire continents have been cultivated for the growth of foodstuffs. The most standard type of food grown on most Agri-worlds and distributed to feed the peoples of the Imperium is processed corn. This variety can produce confusion when Imperial cultures mix; in one recorded instance, Tona Criid, a native of Vervunhive on Verghast, mistook camouflage paint for a type of food-paste supplied to the 1st Tanith Regiment.

    Space Marines have been known to subsist on triglyceride gel and amino-porridge, as well as local wildlife hunted during their deployments. Some Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes have their own particular diets. The Dark Angels, for instance, are known to consume nutrigruel, carboloafs and vitamead.

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    1 hr and 10 mins
    Mar 5 2025


    The Nachmund Rift War is an ongoing conflict being waged by the Imperium in the Nachmund Sub-Sector.

    Closely connected to the War of Beasts and War of Nightmares on Vigilus, while the Fortress World itself continues to remain largely in Imperial hands the greater Nachmund Gauntlet finds itself besieged by the Forces of Chaos.

    Vigilus is a world situated within the Nachmund Gauntlet and one of the few passages through the Great Rift. As such, the planet has become strategically vital for the Imperium and has become a target for a wide number of its enemies.

    As part of the greater War of Beasts, Sangua Terra is under Chaos assault as Abaddon the Despoiler seeks to destroy both it and Vigilus to close the Nachmund Gauntlet. At least 2 companies of the Castellans of the Rift Chapter are fighting on the world. During the Nachmund Rift War, the planet became the linchpin of the new Imperial defensive network dubbed the Sanctus Wall.

    Due to successive Chaos invasions, Sangua Terra is presently a battle-scarred hellscape overrun by Daemons. Canoness Superior Junith Eruita has arrived on the planet to marshal its defenders.

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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • GALAXY IN FLAMES | Warhammer 40k Book Club
    Mar 1 2025

    https://www.patreon.com/AdeptusRidiculous https://www.adeptusridiculous.com/ https://twitter.com/AdRidiculous https://orchideight.com/collections/adeptus-ridiculous Having recovered from his grievous injuries, Warmaster Horus leads the triumphant Imperial forces against the rebel world of Isstvan III. Though the rebels are swiftly crushed, Horus's treachery is finally revealed when the planet is razed by virus bombs and Space Marines turn on their battle-brothers in the most bitter struggle imaginable. Truly, he is the Warhammer Forty Thousands.

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    42 mins
  • ASTARTES 2: WHO ARE THESE CHAPTERS? | Warhammer 40k Lore
    Feb 26 2025


    Trailer for new 40k show ASTARTES 2 came out recently and it was pretty good. We aren't really into doing the whole soyjak pointing reaction videos, but trailer actually contained a lot of cool stuff and showed off quite a few obscure space marine chapters we want to talk about today with Kirioth: Scythes of the Emperor, Sons of Medusa, Retributors, Angels Vermillion and Mortifactors.

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    1 hr and 27 mins
    Feb 19 2025


    A Techmarine (known as a Frater Astrotechnicus in High Gothic) is a Firstborn or Primaris Space Marine technician and engineer as well as a full Astartes battle-brother of his Chapter. They are fully initiated members of both the Cult Mechanicus and their Chapter.

    Prospective Techmarines are chosen from the ranks of the Space Marine Chapters for their affinity with technology. They learn how to divine the runes of engineering and study the liturgy of maintenance. This great body of lore must be committed to memory and understood by the novice Techmarine.

    They are taught how to "feel" the pain of a damaged machine and heal it. When they come back they serve the same role in their Chapter as a Tech-priest Enginseer in the Astra Militarum. Without the passing on of such ancient lore, the Space Marines would eventually grind to a complete halt, unable to make war. Thus does every Chapter’s might hinge upon the esoteric knowledge of its Techmarines.

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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • BRETONNIA: FOR THE LADY! | Warhammer Fantasy Lore
    Feb 16 2025


    Bretonnia, formally the Kingdom of Bretonnia, also known more prosaically as the "Land of Chivalry," is a highly martial Human feudal kingdom of the Old World that lies between the lands of the Grey Mountains and the Great Ocean. Bretonnia is second only in size to that of the Empire among the realms of Men in the Old World, and is both the Empire's chief rival and closest ally, having a culture and society that revolves around the ideals of nobility, a strict social hierarchy based on aristocratic birthright, and the upholding of a strictly enforced code of chivalry.

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    1 hr and 36 mins
  • AELDARI CORSAIRS: A PIRATE'S LIFE FOR ME! | Warhammer 40k lore
    Feb 12 2025


    Aeldari Corsairs or Anhrathe are bands of piratical Aeldari Outcasts. They are a constant threat to merchant shipping, though very rarely pose a threat to a major Imperial battlefleet. Sometimes the rigid constraints of the Eldar Path are intolerable even for an Eldar to bear; such individuals leave their Craftworlds and become known as Outcasts. Outcasts must bear the terrible burden of their heightened Eldar consciousness without the protection of the Eldar path, set free within the universe they are dangerously vulnerable. Only Eldar of especially strong character can survive for long as Outcasts.

    There are many bands of so-called Corsairs scattered across the galaxy, and all are savage and deadly raiders. Outcasts from the strict confines of the Craftworlds, the Corsairs live in self-imposed exile, seeking to explore the galaxy and experience the full gamut of emotion and sensation accessible to the Eldar’s sensitive psyche. Most are young and adventurous Eldar who will eventually return to their homes older, wiser and tempered by warfare. Some, however, embrace the raider’s life completely and fall further still, becoming ever more bloodthirsty and psychotic, indulging their darkest impulses and eventually seeking out the infamous Dark City.

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    1 hr and 13 mins
    Feb 5 2025


    The Leagues of Votann are a prominent Squat civilization based around the Galactic Core. For thousands of years, they have exploited the riches of the core and overcome the dangers of the perilous region. Over these many millennia they have battled many of the galaxy's races, while just as frequently trading or acting as mercenaries.

    The Votann are a rugged survivalist culture, having derived their society from the dangerous merchant-fleets of the Dark Age of Technology. They find strength and unity in the endless quest to acquire the resources they need to endure. While many judge them as selfish hoarders, they see these actions as necessary to ensure the survival of their race. Few other races can match the cloned Kin of the Leagues of Votann in the resilience of mind, body, and spirit.

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    1 hr and 29 mins