• Episode 13 | Medicine Journeying, Hidden Trauma + Creating Space to Thrive
    Jul 9 2023

    I'm back!

    It's been 8 months the since I shared my last podcast.. so much has changed, which I'll be filling you in on in the next episode.

    So today I'm fresh back from a weekend at another Medicine Retreat and this one hit different for me. This one was challenging as I uncovered hidden trauma that I didn't even know I was holding on to. It feels big.

    In this episode I share all about my journey, what I took away and a few snippets which I think will help you.

    Watch out for the next episode where I'll give you an update of where I've been for the last 8 months and why I've fallen off the radar.

    So much love and I'd love to hear what you think - you can find me on instagram @VictoriaKnowlesLacks

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    21 mins
  • Transcending trauma, radical self acceptance and Kundalini with Lakshmi Dev
    Nov 8 2022

    Lakshmi Dev Bowen is a soul fulfilment mentor, yoga expert, international retreat leader, energy healer & spiritual mindset coach for women to fully embrace who they are as they fulfil their soul’s desires.

    She has been studying and practicing yoga and spiritual healing for over 25 years and has a passion for uplifting others because of her own childhood trauma, eating disorders, and addiction that she transformed into self-acceptance.

    Lakshmi Dev, who was Kim before taking on her spiritual name in 2018 has been hosting retreats for over 12 years & fully enjoys doing so in Costa Rica and across the globe. She lives in Arizona with her husband and 3 kids and has a rebellious spirit…is into fast cars, inappropriate humor, and also DJing electronic dance music or dancing her ass off to it.

    I absolutely LOVED this conversation. Lakschmi Dev shared so much wisdom, experience and rawness. There are so many powerful life lessons, insights and teachings in this episode and there's so much depth to her.

    There is so much juicy goodness in this conversation and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

    Lakschmi Dev has a free gift to share with us. Click here to get access to her "Calm your inner chaos through 5 Powerful Spiritual Practices", it's a good one!

    Find out more about and follow this incredible soul on Insta @DivineLakschmiDev. Take a screenshot and tag us in your stories, you can find me @VictoriaKnowlesLacks

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    59 mins
  • Solo Episode: My personal transformation, having an epic coach and plant medicine
    Oct 26 2022

    In this episode I felt the call to share more with you about my personal journey and an update of where I'm at right now and what it took to get here.

    I feel like after a year of soul searching a few things have really shifted and clicked for me.

    Here's what I cover:

    • How I'm building my new business around my life and making spaciousness to be with my family a priority - I've built a life I love, now it's to slot in my dream business around it.
    • My personal shift that happened on my amazing mentor, Lauries Burrows business retreat and was backed up and finalised on a plant medicine retreat the following weekend.
    • How it's so important to follow your highest excitement and how energising that is, how it's rocket fuel in fact.
    • How just because you've had some thoughts doesn't mean they're real. The good thing about thoughts is you can change them in a moment.
    • My juicy offerings that I'm excited to share. Link below to my Free Soul Aligned Business Map.
    • And two simple questions for you if you're starting to think about your shift.
    • How you can claim a free 30 minute coaching / mentoring / brainstorming session with me.

    Thanks for listening, I appreciate your time so much.

    What feels off in your business?
    What are 1-3 things you can do to shift what feels off?
    What's your highest excitement?

    Find out more + connect
    Find out more about Laurie Burrows here
    Download your FREE Soul Aligned Business Map here
    Follow me on instagram here
    Join my FREE Align + Elevate Community here

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    19 mins
  • Not Enoughness, Higher States of Consciousness, Embodiment + Personal Power with High Priestess of Self Love, Rachel Smithbone
    Oct 16 2022

    Rachel Smithbone is a self-appointed High Priestess of Sacred Self-Love and Spirituality. She is the founder of the Sacred Self Love Sanctuary and her mission on Earth is to support spiritual beings to love themselves fully in their cosmic power so that together we can raise the collective vibration of humanity and change the way we live. Rachel is also a Mindset Coach, a Sound Healer, Yoga Teacher and an round beautiful soul.

    I absolutely loved chatting to Rachel, her energy is such a vibe and her wisdom is life changing. In this gorgeous chat we flowed through all manner of nourishing topics and things including:

    • The dreaded endemic of not enoughness. How it takes hold and takes over. Rachel has the best analogy she shares about it.
    • The equally imposter syndrome and how everyone has it, even the ones we don’t, do.
    • I shared my conscious connected breathwork experience of enoughness and how it was always within me, I just needed this modality to really bring it through for me.
    • Rachel talked about how she's the true embodiment of what she teaches and as a result how she powerfully holds clients in her energy to help facilitate their transformation into sacred self love.
    • Which modalities she uses in helping her client to shift what's possible for them.
    • The use of movement to down regulate your nervous system before shifting perspectives + bringing on healing.
    • How all of Rachels Sacred Self Love Sanctuary ceremonies are channeled from the divine + how we can tap into that inner wisdom.
    • What self love actually looks like.
    • We discussed the pressure of feeling like we have to do all the things every day and how actually another self care practice can also lead into not enoughness..
    • Rachel discusses her favourite tools for expanding self love and really integrating it.
    • I share about how I now make power moves in my business which take away the opportunity to procrastinate, so I can create outcomes much sooner.
    • When you put intention out there and how energising it is when you let go of bad energy, things are lighter.
    • Rachel talks about different ways to attain an altered states of consciousness and the benefits of them.
    • We touched on womb healing and the big mic drop: How we’re all vessels of the divine.

    I absolutely loved the conversation and everything Rachel is about. She's so my internet BFF and I adore talking to her. If you'd like to get in her magic and that incredible energy, you can find her:

    Inside her Sacred Self Love Sanctuary Membership
    On instagram @RachelSmithbone
    Online: www.rachelsmithbone.co.uk

    Come and find me on Instagram @VictoriaKnowlesLacks + inside my FREE Align + Elevate Community.

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    53 mins
  • Spiritual Awakening, Soul Alchemy, The New Earth, Past Lives + more with Sarah Lines
    Oct 4 2022

    This is such a special episode. I was joined by the incredible Soul Alchemist, Sarah Lines for a juicy conversation that I absolutely loved!

    Sarah helps soul-driven, spiritual entrepreneurs on a mission to delete of old paradigms to more deeply connect with their inner being and activate their purpose. As a Soul Coach and channel, Sarah leads visionary women into superconscious creation to manifest the life and business of their dreams, catapulting them into a new energy of radiance, abundance and purpose driven lives.

    With lifetimes of experience, she has helped hundreds of clients awaken, ascend & powerfully create new realities. Creator of the Goddess Alchemy Academy, Sarah has authored multiple books including international best sellers.

    In this incredible episode we cover:

    • Sarahs powerful story, I was literally on the verge of tears from the grit + grace
    • Spiritual awakenings, what ours looked like + what you can do if you're on the verge
    • The power of synchoronicities
    • The New Earth + elevate consciousness
    • Taking our power back + becoming it
    • Forgiveness + how it's freedom for the soul
    • Past lives + how they play out in the present
    • Sarahs life changing coach certification
    • and so much more

    This was such a powerful episode and I hope you enjoy it + get as much from it as I did.

    If you'd like to connect with Sarah, here are her links:

    Soul Alchemy Coaching Certification
    Find her on Instagram
    Grab her 5 figure launch planner freebie

    If you'd like to hang out with me more + be in my inner circle, I'd love to invite you to join my FREE Align + Elevate Soulpreneur Sanctuary. A beautiful, digital space to connect with other likeminded souls, learn + grow. Click here to join.

    So much love + I'll see you next week.

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    52 mins
  • E 8 | Money Mindset, Manifestation + Personal Transformation with Money Mindset + LOA Coach Bryony Parker
    Sep 27 2022

    I'm so excited to share this episode with you. Recently I was joined by the incredible Bryony Parker who's a leading Money Mindset, Finance + Law of Attraction Coach.

    Bryony is such a beautiful soul, her energy is infectious, she's generous with her knowledge + wisdom and was such a pleasure!

    During this chat we covered things like:

    • Scarcity to Abundance Mindset + Subconscious Beliefs
    • Understanding your Money Mindset
    • How it's not healthy to be 1000% positive all the time
    • Daily Practices to change your day
    • The Law of Attraction + Leveraging It
    • The Benefits of a Positive Money Mindset
    • An intro to Dr Joe Dispenza (check him out!)
    • The Power of the Mind on the Body
    • How the next step in your journey always appears when you're ready
    • Looking Out for Synchronicities

    You can find Bryony on Instagram @BryonyParkerCoach
    Find out about working with
    Bryony on her website
    Check out Bryonys
    amazing resources here

    If you love this episode please do take a screenshot + tag me @VictoriaKnowlesLacks + @BryonyParkerCoach in your stories.

    If you'd like to join the free ALIGN + ELEVATE Soulpreneur Sanctuary Community, I'd love to see you in there.

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    53 mins
  • E 7 | Sacred sex, the divine feminine + cultivating stronger relationships with Lala
    Sep 21 2022

    My first podcast guest! I'm delighted to share with you this unscripted, from the heart chat with my very good friend + renown healer + medicine woman, Lynn-Amanda (aka Lala).

    I first met Lala about 2 years ago and she's been a huge part of my transformational journey, so I'm so happy to share her with you guys.

    In this episode we're going all in and talking about sex.

    There's so much we dig into inside this episode, from sacred sex, to making your relationship more intimate, asking for what you want, the sacredness of sex and so much more.

    I'd love to know your thoughts + I'd love to know which bits vibed with you. Let me know inside my free ALIGN + ELEVATE Community.

    Lala Mentions

    • Vagina by Naomi Wolf
    • Sex, Love + Goop

    To get in touch with Lala + to find out more about her magical healing circle and book club (I'm so joining this), you can visit her website or find her on Instagram.

    Also her 1:1 shadow work + inner child sessions I can fully vouch for.

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    44 mins
  • E6 | Getting Into Alignment With Your Body, my journey + recommendations
    Sep 13 2022

    This week I'm talking about getting my body in to alignment and what's working for me.

    This is such a MASSIVE area to talk about, so as always it was unscripted and straight from the heart. I shared about where I was in terms of being hugely misaligned with my own body after battling bulimia and low self esteem.

    Finding my strength and mental and physical power with combat sports (and expressing my inner warrior!).

    I also dig into what I eat, what I don't eat, how I'm striving to really cut back on chemicals and I'm fluoride free. The supplements I take, including Reishi + Chaga medicinal mushrooms. I touch on EMF's and the importance of grounding to support our bodies.

    How I tried and tested so much to beat inflammation and bloating and how that really helped boost my energy + get rid of brain fog.

    And finally I touch on the power of cyclical living and how I'm starting to shift in to aligning my cycle with my business so I can really optimise my performance.

    I hope there's something in this episode which sparks a little bit of interest or curiosity within you,

    Remember: This is just my journey + what works for me may not work for you. You might not be ready to cut out processed food or ditch anything and that's ok - I just share in hope of inspiring.

    Let me know if this episode helps and please do share with a friend + leave me a 5* review.

    So much love + let's talk on Instagram @VictoriaKnowlesLacks or you can join me inside my free ALIGN + ELEVATE Soulpreneur Sanctuary community.

    I talk about how
    OMG Beetroot Powder
    Magnesium Breakthrough

    Brain MD Article on Grounding
    Chopra Article on Grounding

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    27 mins