
  • Learning To Trust The Process
    Jun 18 2021

    Today we discuss trusting the process,  which means truly believing that the end result of your goal will be worth all of the struggles that you have to face throughout the process of getting there.

    The problem with trusting the process, especially after going through an arduous boot camp or life obstacle, is that it can seem like an endless tunnel with no positive end in sight. But there is, and we discuss how to better prepare your mindset for those setbacks. 


    • Psychology Today Article
    • 10 Reasons Why Trusting The Process Is Important To Life

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    20 mins
  • Content Management Systems: Shopify vs. WordPress
    Jun 11 2021

    Today we discuss content management systems (CMS),  why they are used, and a comparison between the two most popular ones: Shopify and WordPress.

    WordPress is a content management system (CMS). It exists in two wrappings; a hosted version on WordPress.com and the WordPress CMS version on wordpress.org.

    WordPress had its origins as a blogging platform, but many buyers choose it today to build websites in which blogging is not the primary function. Its core system of templates, pages, and posts allows users to focus on adding content once the initial set up is made.

    Shopify is one of the best e-commerce platforms in the market. It is similar to WordPress in that it’s an open platform where developers provide apps and themes. Shopify's core functionality is e-commerce.

    It gives users the ability to add products, prices, and sell via a store. Its store builder can produce a good-looking, easy to build e-commerce store. Its themes are the layout of the store, and the apps are used to add more functionality for e-commerce management or marketing your products.


    • Shopify vs. WordPress
    • What Is A Content Management System?

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    29 mins
  • Digital Minimalism: How To Declutter In An Electronic World
    May 7 2021

    Today we discuss Digital Minimalism and how we practice it. But what exactly is that?

    Digital Minimalism
    is a philosophy of technology use based on the understanding that our relationship with our apps, tools, and phones is nuanced and deserves more intention than we give it, a term coined by computer science professor Cal Newport.


    • Cal Newport's Book
    • Ways to Practice Digital Minimalism

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    Email: badforeducationpodcast@gmail.com

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    23 mins
  • Top 8 VSCode Extensions Every Developer Should Have Installed For Productivity
    Apr 20 2021

    This episode we discuss eight Visual Studio Code Extensions that developers in the tech industry should have. They consist of:

    1. Custom Theme (Your own preference)
    2. GitLens
    3. Prettier
    4. VSCode Icons
    5. Bracket Colorizer 2
    6. JavaScript ES6 Snippets
    7. Auto Complete Tag
    8. Live Server


    • Top 8 VSCode  Article

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    Instagram: @badforeducationpodcast
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    Email: badforeducationpodcast@gmail.com

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    18 mins
  • This Is Crazy, But Here's A Podcast, So Callbacks, Maybe?
    Mar 30 2021

    Today we discuss JavaScript Callbacks! What is a Callback?

    A callback function is a function passed into another function as an argument, which is then invoked inside the outer function to complete some kind of routine or action.

    For example, paste this code block in your editor and try it!

    function greeting(name) { alert('Hello ' + name);}function processUserInput(callback) { var name = prompt('Please enter your name.'); callback(name);}processUserInput(greeting);


    • MDN Callback Function Definition

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    Instagram: @badforeducationpodcast
    Twitter: @badforedupod
    Email: badforeducationpodcast@gmail.com

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    13 mins
  • 7 Stereotypes About People Who Work In Tech (Specifically, Developers)
    Mar 30 2021

    This episode we discuss seven stereotypes about developers in the tech industry. We will debunk or confirm these common preconceptions:

    1. They are nerds
    2. It is male-dominated
    3. They are overweight/unattractive
    4. They are antisocial/ introverted 
    5. They are super smart
    6. They know math
    7. They have big egos 

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    Email: badforeducationpodcast@gmail.com

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    Want a free $20 Amazon gift card and to start your own podcast with Buzzsprout?
    It's as simple as one click in our link below. Get started today, and have access to their extensive network and assistance. Podcasting isn't hard when you have the right partners!
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    20 mins
  • What's the Difference Between CSS, SCSS, SASS, CSS Modules, and Styled Components?
    Mar 25 2021

    Today we discuss CSS, and the preprocessors + variations such as SCSS, SASS, CSS Modules, and Styled Components.

    CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a declarative language that controls how webpages look in the browser. The browser applies CSS style declarations to selected elements to display them properly. A style declaration contains the properties and their values, which determine how a webpage looks.

    A CSS preprocessor is a program that lets you generate CSS from the preprocessor's own unique syntax. There are many CSS preprocessors to choose from, however most CSS preprocessors will add some features that don't exist in pure CSS, such as mixin, nesting selector, inheritance selector, and so on. These features make the CSS structure more readable and easier to maintain. SASS, SCSS, and LESS are examples of these

    A CSS Module is a CSS file in which all class names and animation names are scoped locally by default. The key words here are scoped locally. With CSS Modules, your CSS class names become similar to local variables in JavaScript. By the way, a 'CSS Module' is just a .css file. You call it a 'CSS Module' if you plan on using it with a CSS Modules compiler.

    Styled Components are tagged template literals combined with the power of CSS, which allows you to write actual CSS code to style your components. It also removes the mapping between components and styles – using components as a low-level styling construct could not be easier!


    • CSS Preprocessors
    • SASS vs SCSS vs LESS
    • CSS Modules
    • Styled Components

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    20 mins
  • How To Build Your First Coding Or Developer Resume!
    Mar 23 2021

    This episode we go back into the technical, and we discuss more soft skills in the scope of resume building. We talk about how to build and design you resume, what information to put on it, and things to avoid. If you have any questions feel free to email us!


    • Andrew's Portfolio
    • Andrew's Website
    • Jason's Portfolio
    • Jason's Resume

    For some guidance, email badforeducationpodcast@gmail.com with the email title: "Resume Help Please" and attach your resume with your name and we will be glad to help! 

    Connect With Us!
    Instagram: @badforeducationpodcast
    Twitter: @badforedupod
    Email: badforeducationpodcast@gmail.com

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    28 mins