• Jarred is Talking in Circles
    Feb 17 2025

    Jarred White, Marine Combat Veteran and Founder of FW22, is back on the show and he's talking in circles.

    - Jarred talks about being shaped like a circle and making positive life changes

    - He talks about the importance of the people you surround yourself with and keep in your circle

    - He shares how these relationships have come full-circle with Nate's involvement in FW22 and the partnerships between Bare Knuckle, FW22 and Allendale Treatment.

    - And Jarred talks about why we can't just circle November 11 on the calendar to celebrate and support our Veterans. It's estimated that 22 Veterans take their own lives every day due to unresolved mental health ailments.

    Jarred's non-profit organization, FW22, is organized to facilitate community involvement in the support and assistance of Veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) while simultaneously educating on suicide prevention and mental illness.

    Learn more about FW22 here: https://www.fw22.org/

    And learn more about Bare Knuckle Recovery here: https://www.bareknucklerecovery.com/

    #mentalhealthawareness #veteransmatter #substanceabuseawareness

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    54 mins
  • Tommy's Aunt Talks About the Impact of Active Addiction on Family
    Feb 6 2025

    You know how we often talk about the impacts that addiction can have on family members?

    Tommy's Aunt Michelle is here to talk about his time in active addiction, and she brought receipts.

    Watch here or on YouTube, or search your favorite Podcast platform for Bare Knuckle Recovery


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    28 mins
  • The Greatest Lie Ever Told in Recovery
    Jan 6 2025

    Nate & Tommy sit down with Ciara and Emma to talk about the greatest lie ever told in recovery:

    🤥 "For someone to get help with their addiction, they have to want it."

    🤥 "It needs to be their idea, or else it won't work"

    The truth is - recovery is not for those who want it or those that need it.

    It's just for those who do it.

    These 4 people, all now living productive lives in recovery, share some pieces of their story to explain why you can't just sit around and wait on your loved one to be ready to get help.


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    54 mins
  • Reaching Out without Letting Go: Why Treatment Only Works When We Surrender
    Nov 28 2024

    Tommy Streeter and Nate Moellering host returning guest, Bob Springer, to talk about reaching out for help when struggling with addiction.

    Drawing on their own experiences, the three discuss how addicts often don't necessarily know what they are asking for when they reach out for help, and how some who ask for help are not fully accepting of the help that is offered.

    When you don't fully surrender and accept the help being offered, what impact does that have on the addict, the addict's family, the community and society in general?

    Listen now to find out! (or watch this episode on YouTube)

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    54 mins
  • Get Schooled with Anthony Ponds: From Facing Life in Prison at Age 19 to Inspiring Kids at School
    Oct 9 2024

    Anthony Ponds faced capital murder charges at age 19.

    Today, he is a featured speaker for Remedy Live's 'Get Schooled Tour' and board member at Inspiration Ministry.

    So how did he get to where he was at age 19? And then how did he get to where he is now, speaking inspiration and knowledge into the kids within our community?

    Hear Anthony's incredible powerful story, hosted by Tommy Streeter and Nate Moellering of Bare Knuckle Recovery, and joined by recurring guest host, Bob Springer.


    (You can also find the video version of this episode, and all previous episodes, by searching for Bare Knuckle Recovery on YouTube.)

    #addictionrecoverypodcast #addictionrecovery #addictiontreatment #addictiontreatmentcenter #bareknucklerecovery

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    53 mins
  • Ciara's Journey: Overcoming Trauma & Addiction | Rising Above the Wounds of the Past
    Aug 27 2024

    Ciara grew up in a pretty violent household as a child. By 11-years-old, on a search to find something in her life that she could control, Ciara had developed a serious eating disorder.

    If we fast-forward the next parts of her story through the drug and alcohol abuse, more trauma, stints in jail, stints in various treatment facilities, and time on probation, Ciara now lives a full and productive life in long-term recovery.

    Listen to this episode to hear from Ciara herself on how she was able to overcome the trauma and addiction to rise above the wounds of her past.


    (You can also find the video version of this episode, and all previous episodes, by searching for Bare Knuckle Recovery on YouTube.)

    #addictionrecoverypodcast #addictionrecovery #addictiontreatment #addictiontreatmentcenter #bareknucklerecovery

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    54 mins
  • Breaking Free & Building Back: Rebuilding Trust in Sobriety
    Aug 12 2024

    As an addict, you cause a lot of damage to your life and to the loved ones around you. When you get sober, mending those relationships and rebuilding trust isn't always easy.

    It's not just the stuff you stole - like money, clothes, jewelry, etc. It's the time, the joy, the peace... stuff that you can't pay back.

    Bob Springer is back in the studio with us, this time as an official member of the BKR crew, to talk from his perspective what that has been like for him as he started getting his life back together and worked to rebuild those relationships with family and friends.

    Watch this episode here: https://www.bareknucklerecovery.com/episode-22-breaking-free-building-back/

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    54 mins
  • Wellness in the Workplace: Addressing Addiction, Mental Health, and Recovery in a Professional Environment
    Jul 12 2024

    One of the most common questions we are asked, and maybe one of the most common excuses to avoid getting treatment, is centered around how to balance taking time off of work to seek treatment for addiction and/or mental health.

    Two of our Bare Knuckle Recovery team members join Tommy and Nate to share their thoughts and experiences from different perspectives.

    During the first half of this episode, Jaime Murphy shares some insights on wellness in the workplace from the employer's view. From her background in human resources, social work and her current role as the Corporate Relations Liaison for Allendale Treatment, Allendale Behavioral Health and Fort Wayne Recovery, Jaime talks about why addiction and mental health are not talked about openly enough in the business world, and what we can do to fix that so that employees have the support of their employers when seeking treatment.

    In the second half of the episode, Zach Dawson, one of our Community Outreach Coordinators, shares his story of seeking out employment while freshly into recovery, and being open about his need to balance outpatient treatment, drug court, and work.

    As we continue to work together to do our part to reduce the stigma attached to addiction and mental health disorders, we hope to see this topic gets talked about more openly at work as all sides, the employee and the employer, benefit when individuals are able to get the care that they need.

    You can watch this full episode by searching for Bare Knuckle Recovery on YouTube, or by clicking here.

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    50 mins