• Ep. 17 Doing Business with Big Companies
    Oct 12 2022

    Our three co-hosts discuss what it’s like to work with companies that are much larger than their own. What are the challenges of being an entrepreneur when your client is a “giant”? How can you negotiate for favorable terms? Jason Meyer (Meyer Business Law) leads the conversation this week and gathers some interesting stories from his colleagues!

    00:30 Jason introduces the episode – “are you a David, trying to make a deal with Goliath?”

    03:15 Alisa talks about how payment can be an unexpected burden for small companies who may not have the necessary capital on hand.

    06:45 Successfully negotiating contract terms.

    12:25 Jason explains how he thinks about NASA launch protocols in advance of a sensitive deal.

    14:45 Boss Moves of the Week!

    Resources & Links:

    Smart Boss Media

    First Steps Financial

    Meyer Business Law

    River Avenue Digital

    For more information, e-mail us at info@smartboss.media


    What you have to do walking in is know your risk profile and pick your battles, and as you pick your battles, listen closely to the other side for what their requirements are and meet those requirements … in other words, be entrepreneurial about the way you deal with those negotiations.

    Jason Meyer, Meyer Business Law

    I actually didn't realize how much negotiation I was able to do on my side…I always feel as though as if there's a bigger company and they have more market share, that I have to do things their way. Knowing that I don't have to – that there is some wiggle room in that negotiation that we can at least ask for – That's really comforting to know.

    Alisa McCabe, First Steps Financial

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    20 mins
  • Ep. 16 Executive Mentorship
    Oct 5 2022

    This week, Josh, Jason & Alisa welcome Mary Forte to the show as a special guest co-host. Mary is the Philadelphia Area Vistage Chair, and former CEO at Zale Corporation. Josh (River Avenue Digital) leads the discussion on executive mentorship based on his own journey as an entrepreneur, and his most recent experience as a member of Mary’s Vistage group. Why is it important to establish a network of leaders across different industries, and what is the role of an executive mentor? All bosses know it can be lonely at the top – but it doesn’t have to be.

    00:25 Josh introduces the episode

    01:25 Josh outlines the role of a Vistage group

    07:00 Mary Forte discusses Vistage and her experience as a CEO.

    11:00 Josh talks about his favorite part of a Vistage meeting.

    13:30 Vistage goes beyond simple networking – accountability, perspective, and a wholistic assessment of the individual allow them to dive deep and do the work together.

    18:00 Boss Moves of the Week!

    Resources & Links:

    Smart Boss Media

    First Steps Financial

    Meyer Business Law

    River Avenue Digital

    For more information, e-mail us at info@smartboss.media


    How can you create camaraderie and get advice from people who have been in your seat, who are in your seat, who have done all the things that you're doing? How can you help them and get a great feeling about bringing other people along? It's all part of executive mentorship.

    Josh Irons, River Avenue Digital

    I think it's a common experience for entrepreneurs to sort of get their business to a point and then just keep hitting some glass wall.

    Jason Meyer, Meyer Business Law

    What people don't realize… is that someone who's in manufacturing is going through a lot of the same problems as someone who owns a marketing firm or someone who owns a law firm or someone who owns an accounting firm; they still have some really similar basic issues.

    Alisa McCabe, First Steps Financial

    I don't think I would have grown as much as I did in my career if it wasn't for some pretty great mentors.

    Mary Forte, Vistage Chair

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    22 mins
  • Ep. 15 Delegation as a Tool for Business Growth
    Sep 28 2022

    This week, Alisa, Josh & Jason welcome a special guest host to the show: Jeff Harris, founder of JMJB Merchant Solutions, a credit card processing brokerage based out of Philadelphia. Alisa (First Steps Financial) leads the discussion about delegating work to facilitate growth. When, how, and why should a business owner decide to delegate tasks? How do you know that the time is right to add to your team? Our co-hosts recall the moments that drove them to finally start delegating, and the immediate benefits they saw from doing so.

    00:35 Alisa introduces the episode

    02:00 Jeff Harris talks about his career path and why he decided to start his own company, JMJB Merchant Solutions.

    06:00 Jason explains why everybody should start delegating “sooner than I did!”

    07:50 Jason manages to paraphrase MC Hammer, much to the delight of his co-hosts!

    09:40 Josh knows that its’ time to delegate more when the pressure builds – delegation becomes a release valve of sorts, so you can get out of your own way.

    11:10 Jeff Harris finds that bringing someone on to do the tasks he doesn’t love doing allows him to focus his time and efforts.

    15:00 Jason asks the group to weigh in on what it’s like when you start delegating the high value work. When do you know you need another “you”?

    21:55 Boss Moves of the Week!

    Resources & Links:

    Smart Boss Media

    First Steps Financial

    Meyer Business Law

    River Avenue Digital

    JMJB Merchant Solutions

    For more information, e-mail us at info@smartboss.media


    Every time I've made that step to hand somebody something, it's freed me up to be a better boss and be able to grow my vision quickly and efficiently.

    Alisa McCabe, First Steps Financial

    As long as I keep surrounding myself with people smarter than me, my business is going to soar.

    Josh Irons, River Avenue Digital

    [When] adding to your own team, I would take ability, intellectual fire power, being a culture match -- to me, those are much more important than does someone have previous experience, do they have some particular technical skill.

    Jason Meyer, Meyer Business Law

    Figure out what you love doing and what you are incredibly good at doing, and really focus and go hard at those things. Then figure out ways to have the other stuff taken care of elsewhere.

    Jeff Harris, JMJB Merchant Solutions

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    28 mins
  • Ep. 14 - Your Business Needs Contracts
    Sep 21 2022

    Jason Meyer (Meyer Business Law) leads the conversation this week, and he starts off by admitting to his co-hosts that he’s a “contract nerd!” The conversation bounces between the four hosts who each use contracts differently. Learn how contracts become a useful tool for communication, how they can be flexible to meet the needs of both parties, and what you should include the next time you hire an independent contractor or new employee. This episode is chock-full of good tips from our experienced hosts. You’ll want to listen to this one more than once!

    00:35 Jason introduces the episode

    02:40 Alisa shares how contracts help to immediately set expectations between her staff and their clients.

    04:45 Josh talks about protecting capital with contract terms

    06:25 Ayesha reviews what kind of contract you want for an independent contractor vs. the offer letter she recommends for employees.

    13:00 Jason talks about how contracts have helped him avoid unnecessary confrontation

    15:25 Boss Moves of the Week!

    Resources & Links:

    Smart Boss Media

    Hamilton Law Firm

    First Steps Financial

    Meyer Business Law

    River Avenue Digital

    For more information, e-mail us at info@smartboss.media


    I once was involved in a contract dispute related to me delivering things between nine and four at the loading dock, and I think you all know that you can't really deliver digital marketing services to a loading dock.

    Josh Irons, River Avenue Digital

    One of the greatest protections that a company has is the at-will employment relationship. Ayesha Hamilton, Hamilton Law

    … [a contract] gives a clear path of what's going to happen next, and what the scope is really, and how we can both stay inside of it…

    Alisa McCabe, First Steps Financial

    I don't think entrepreneurs think enough about their contracts, and I don't think they really use them … to their advantage.

    Jason Meyer, Meyer Business Law

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    20 mins
  • Ep. #13 Business Relationships: When to stay and when to go
    Sep 8 2022

    Josh Irons (River Avenue Digital) leads his colleagues in a discussion about the heart of every entrepreneur’s business: relationships. How do you form new relationships and what expectations do you have for them? When and how you can walk away from a business relationship? How do you protect your time and energy while also finding opportunities for support and professional growth?

    00:35 Josh introduces the episode

    02:50 Alisa talks about making connections and looking for value in a new relationship, not just generating your next lead.

    04:30 Sometimes a relationship runs its course and is no longer beneficial for one or both parties. Jason talks about trusting your gut and moving on.

    06:35 Ayesha admits that she will sometimes drift away from folks in her network. The group talks about “ghosting” techniques and when it’s ok to use them.

    10:15 What is the best way to approach a new business relationship or group membership? How do you invest for the “long haul”?

    13:10 Boss Moves of the Week!

    Resources & Links:

    Smart Boss Media

    Hamilton Law Firm

    First Steps Financial

    Meyer Business Law

    River Avenue Digital

    For more information, e-mail us at info@smartboss.media


    Relationships are all we have at the end of the day, so we have to make sure that we're creating lasting, strong relationships.

    Josh Irons, River Avenue Digital

    You really have to be protective of the amount of time you're spending on some venture, you have to be smart about, are the people in the room, the types of relationships you want to develop it?

    Ayesha Hamilton, Hamilton Law

    Since the pandemic, I am not as open as I was. I used to spend a lot of time with a lot of people, and I've really cut back on that because I realize that time is precious.

    Alisa McCabe, First Steps Financial

    …business or not, this is worth spending [time]…. because I'm just going to get a pep talk from being around other people who really want to grow their business and are prepared to put in the time to do it, and I get a lift out of that.

    Jason Meyer, Meyer Business Law

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    18 mins
  • Ep. 12 Best of Times & Worst of Times
    Mar 23 2022

    Today, Jason Myer leads a discussion around the "best and worst" of the past couple of years, especially remote working and the current and future trends in business. Ayesha, Alisa, Josh, and Jason talk about the changes that have happened since COVID first started and what the future looks like for entrepreneurs.

    Is the Great Resignation real? Are people starting new businesses? What about current leases for brick and mortar businesses?

    In this episode, they answer those questions and more. If you have any questions, comments, or if you want to contact anyone on the podcast, reach out to info@smartboss.media.

    Talking Points:

    00:31 - Introduction

    01:18 - The reverberating effect of COVID

    04:05 - Current business trends in marketing

    04:39 - Trends in law and leasing

    07:00 - What do you do differently so you don’t fail during the next pandemic?

    10:50 - The biggest source of over-optimism

    14:41 - River Avenue Digital

    15:05 - Boss Moves of the Week

    16:33 - Conclusion


    • Email: info@smartboss.media
    • Smart Boss
    • Hamilton Law Firm
    • First Steps Financial
    • Meyer Business Law
    • River Avenue Digital
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    18 mins
  • Ep. 11 How do you re-center yourself?
    Mar 16 2022

    Today’s episode is all about re-centering yourself. Josh leads a conversation today as Alisa, Ayesha, and Jason talk about how they are able to get back in the right mindset when work is just a little too chaotic for them.

    When you’re working fourteen hours a day, it can be hard to unwind. From mental health awareness to small indulgences, the crew here at Bosses 4 Bosses share great tips on the most important things you can do to get yourself back to “normal.”

    If you have any questions, comments, or if you want to contact anyone on the podcast, reach out to info@smartboss.media.


    00:39 - Introduction

    01:17 - Learning techniques and asking for help

    03:57 - Walking away and unplugging

    06:57 - What is normal?

    08:05 - Getting active and a small indulgence

    10:58 - First Steps Financial

    12:14 - Boss Moves of the Week

    14:14 - Conclusion


    • Email: info@smartboss.media
    • Smart Boss
    • Hamilton Law Firm
    • First Steps Financial
    • Meyer Business Law
    • River Avenue Digital
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    16 mins
  • Ep. 10 Numbers to Look At
    Mar 9 2022

    What are your employee turnover numbers? What is your revenue every week? Every quarter? What numbers do you provide to your clients?

    Every company generates data, but not every company uses that data to help scale their business. Today, Alisa leads a discussion about different numbers you should look at when you’re building, running, and scaling a business. Ayesha, Jason, and Josh talk about what kind of data they pay attention to each quarter, as well as what sorts of numbers they share, turnover rates, and other important numbers.

    Talking Points:

    00:29 - Introduction

    01:25 - Safety in Numbers: The importance of using your data and numbers

    03:34 - What numbers to look at to see where you are flying and what direction you’re going

    07:40 - Different numbers to watch

    13:28 - Providing numbers to clients

    18:52 - Hamilton Law

    19:34 - Boss Moves of the Week

    22:31 - Conclusion


    • Email: info@smartboss.media
    • Smart Boss
    • Hamilton Law Firm
    • First Steps Financial
    • Meyer Business Law
    • River Avenue Digital
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    24 mins