Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Braving the Storm: Friendship and Courage on Split's Shores Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2024-11-16-23-34-02-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Mateo je stajao na rivi, gledajući u more.En: Mateo stood on the pier, looking at the sea.Hr: Split je bio živahan i pun ljudi.En: Split was lively and full of people.Hr: Jesen je stigla, a more je bilo hladno.En: Autumn had arrived, and the sea was cold.Hr: Mateo je volio more.En: Mateo loved the sea.Hr: Otac mu je bio poznat mornar.En: His father was a renowned sailor.Hr: Mateo je želio biti kao on - najbolji.En: Mateo wanted to be like him - the best.Hr: Splitski jedriličarski festival bio je važan za njega.En: The Split sailing festival was important to him.Hr: Ivana je bila Mateoova prijateljica iz djetinjstva.En: Ivana was Mateo's childhood friend.Hr: Voljela je proučavati vrijeme.En: She loved studying the weather.Hr: Bila je budući meteorolog.En: She was a future meteorologist.Hr: Uvijek je pazila na vremenske promjene.En: She always kept an eye on weather changes.Hr: Tog jutra, Ivana je primijetila nešto zabrinjavajuće.En: That morning, Ivana noticed something worrying.Hr: Nebo je postajalo tamno, a vjetar je pojačavao.En: The sky was getting dark, and the wind was picking up.Hr: Dolazila je oluja.En: A storm was coming.Hr: "Mateo!En: "Mateo!"Hr: " viknula je Ivana dok je trčala prema njemu.En: shouted Ivana as she ran towards him.Hr: "Oluja stiže!En: "A storm is coming!Hr: Morate se povući.En: You need to pull back."Hr: "Mateo ju je pažljivo slušao.En: Mateo listened to her carefully.Hr: Njegovo srce je bilo podijeljeno.En: His heart was divided.Hr: Želio je odati počast ocu.En: He wanted to honor his father.Hr: Njegov san je bio sudjelovati u festivalu.En: His dream was to participate in the festival.Hr: No, također je vjerovao u Ivinino znanje.En: But he also trusted Ivana's knowledge.Hr: "Lako je vama govoriti," rekao je Mateo, ali Ivana je inzistirala.En: "Easy for you to say," said Mateo, but Ivana insisted.Hr: "Ovo nije šala, Mateo.En: "This is not a joke, Mateo.Hr: Vrijeme se pogoršava.En: The weather is getting worse.Hr: Želim da budeš siguran.En: I want you to be safe."Hr: "Mateo je izgubio fokus na festival.En: Mateo lost focus on the festival.Hr: Valovi su postajali veći.En: The waves were getting bigger.Hr: Oblaci su se skupljali brzo.En: The clouds were gathering quickly.Hr: Dok su natjecatelji pripremali svoje jedrilice, Mateo je pogledao Ivanu.En: While competitors prepared their sailboats, Mateo looked at Ivana.Hr: Znala je više o vremenu nego itko drugi.En: She knew more about the weather than anyone.Hr: Oluja je počela.En: The storm began.Hr: Nebo je tutnjalo, oblaci su plesali.En: The sky thundered, clouds danced.Hr: Mateo se borio s valovima.En: Mateo struggled with the waves.Hr: Situacija je bila ozbiljnija nego što je očekivao.En: The situation was more serious than he expected.Hr: Ivana nije mirovala.En: Ivana was not idle.Hr: Pronašla je mjesto na brodu za spasavanje.En: She found a spot on the rescue boat.Hr: Posada je plovila prema Matteu.En: The crew sailed towards Mateo.Hr: Ivana je vikala iz sveg glasa, "Mateo!En: Ivana shouted at the top of her lungs, "Mateo!Hr: Okreni natrag!En: Turn back!"Hr: "Mateo je pogledao oko sebe.En: Mateo looked around.Hr: Ostali natjecatelji također su se borili.En: The other competitors were also struggling.Hr: Oluja nije bila šala.En: The storm was no joke.Hr: Shvatio je što mu je otac uvijek govorio - moru treba poštovanje.En: He realized what his father always told him - the sea demands respect.Hr: Napokon, Mateo je okrenuo jedrilicu prema obali.En: Finally, Mateo turned the sailboat towards the shore.Hr: Ivana je pomogla.En: Ivana helped.Hr: Navigirali su kroz oluju zajedno.En: They navigated through the storm together.Hr: Mateo je znao da donosi ispravnu odluku.En: Mateo knew he was making the right decision.Hr: Njegovo srce sada je bilo mirno.En: His heart was now at peace.Hr: Stigli su na obalu mokri, ali sigurni.En: They reached the shore wet, but safe.Hr: Mateo je zagrlio Ivanu.En: Mateo hugged Ivana.Hr: "Hvala ti," rekao je.En: "Thank you," he said.Hr: "Tata bi bio ponosan.En: "Dad would be proud."Hr: "Ivana se nasmiješila.En: Ivana smiled.Hr: "Ponosni smo jer si siguran, Mateo.En: "We're proud because you're safe, Mateo."Hr: "Mateo je naučio da je snaga i hrabrost u mudrim izborima.En: Mateo learned that strength and courage lie in wise choices.Hr: Čuvanje života je vrednije od bilo kojeg natjecanja.En: Preserving life is worth more than any competition.Hr: Ivana je dokazala svoju sposobnost u kritičnom trenutku, pomogla je onima koje voli.En: Ivana proved her capability in a critical moment, helping those she loves.Hr: I to je bila pobjeda za oboje.En: And that was a victory for both.Hr: More je još uvijek bilo veličanstveno, ali sada ga je gledao s novom ...