FluentFiction - Croatian

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Croatian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Croatian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Croatian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Dubrovnik, Plitvice Lakes National Park, or Split? Maybe you want to speak Croatian with your grandparents from Zagreb?

    Our podcast provides in-depth cultural and linguistic insights, preparing you for full immersion in the regions where Croatian is predominantly spoken, including Croatia, Bosnia, and Herzegovina. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Croatian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Poboljšajte svoje razumijevanje slušanja s našim hrvatskim pričama danas!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • The Seaside Chase: Ante's Adventure with a Seagull
    Nov 7 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: The Seaside Chase: Ante's Adventure with a Seagull Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2024-11-07-23-34-02-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Ante je sjedio na pijesku Glavne plaže.En: Ante was sitting on the sand of the Main Beach.Hr: Jesensko sunce grijalo je tek toliko da more ima zlatni sjaj.En: The autumn sun was warming just enough to give the sea a golden glow.Hr: Ljudi su se kupali ili igrali na plaži, uživajući u posljednjim toplim danima prije zime.En: People were swimming or playing on the beach, enjoying the last warm days before winter.Hr: Ivana je stajala pored njega, smijala se i pričala priče o svojim avanturama.En: Ivana stood next to him, laughing and telling stories about her adventures.Hr: Ante je pokušavao ostati cool, iako mu je srce kucalo jače od uzbuđenja da provodi dan s njom.En: Ante was trying to stay cool, even though his heart was beating faster with excitement to spend the day with her.Hr: Odjednom, galeb je sletio blizu njih.En: Suddenly, a seagull landed near them.Hr: Pogledom je uočio Anteov šešir pored njegovih stopala.En: It spotted Ante's hat next to his feet.Hr: Bez mnogo razmišljanja, galeb je zgrabio šešir svojim kljunom i odletio.En: Without much thought, the seagull grabbed the hat with its beak and flew away.Hr: "Vidi ovo!En: "Look at this!"Hr: " povikala je Ivana, smijući se.En: Ivana shouted, laughing.Hr: "Tvoj šešir je postao plijen!En: "Your hat has become prey!"Hr: "Ante se nasmijao, brinući, ali i zadovoljan što je Ivani smiješno.En: Ante laughed, worried but also pleased that Ivana found it amusing.Hr: "Moram ga vratiti, ali ne mogu pustiti da moj šešir pobjegne s modnim galebom!En: "I have to get it back, but I can't let my hat escape with a fashionable seagull!"Hr: " našalio se i ustao.En: he joked and stood up.Hr: Galeb je letio nisko iznad plaže, izazivajući Antu da ga lovi.En: The seagull flew low over the beach, challenging Ante to chase it.Hr: Ivana ga je pratila, potičući ga sa smiješnim komentarima.En: Ivana followed him, encouraging him with funny comments.Hr: "Trči brže, Ante!En: "Run faster, Ante!Hr: Galeb će ga odvesti u Pariz!En: The seagull will take it to Paris!"Hr: "Ante je trčao među ručnicima i suncobranima, smijajući se uz put.En: Ante ran among the towels and sun umbrellas, laughing along the way.Hr: Plaža je bila užurbana, no nitko nije mogao odoljeti ovoj neočekivanoj zabavi.En: The beach was bustling, but no one could resist this unexpected entertainment.Hr: Par djece je počelo navijati za Antu, a jedan mladi par mu je čak dao savjete kako da skrene putanju galeba.En: A couple of kids started cheering for Ante, and a young couple even gave him tips on how to change the seagull's path.Hr: Konačno, Ante i galeb stigli su do kraja plaže, gdje su visoke stijene omeđivale pijesak.En: Finally, Ante and the seagull reached the end of the beach, where tall rocks bordered the sand.Hr: Tamo, galeb je malo posustao, očito iznenađen pubikom koja je sada gledala u smjeru njihovog bijega.En: There, the seagull hesitated a little, obviously surprised by the audience now watching their escape.Hr: "Sad ili nikad!En: "Now or never!"Hr: " doviknula je Ivana.En: shouted Ivana.Hr: Ante je iskoristio priliku, mlatio rukama ispred sebe, šapatima hrabrosti dotrčao bliže i ispružio ruku.En: Ante took the opportunity, flailing his arms in front of him, whispered courage to himself, ran closer, and reached out.Hr: Uz malo sreće i puno brzine, uhvatio je šešir, a galeb je, bez kaputa, poletio prema nebu.En: With a bit of luck and a lot of speed, he caught the hat, and the seagull, hatless, flew off into the sky.Hr: Ivana je pritrčala, smijući se glasno.En: Ivana ran up, laughing loudly.Hr: "Bravo, Ante!En: "Bravo, Ante!Hr: Spasitelj šešira!En: Hat savior!"Hr: " Zadihani, smijali su se zajedno, dok su se morske valovi lagano povlačili na obalu.En: Out of breath, they laughed together as the sea waves gently pulled back to the shore.Hr: Dok su hodali natrag prema svojim stvarima, preplavljeni smijehom, promijenila se atmosfera.En: As they walked back to their things, overwhelmed with laughter, the atmosphere changed.Hr: Ante se osjećao sigurnije.En: Ante felt more confident.Hr: Shvatio je da je Ivani stalo do njegove zabavne strane, a nije se morao pretvarati da bude netko tko nije.En: He realized that Ivana cared about his fun side, and he didn't have to pretend to be someone he wasn't.Hr: Plaža je i dalje bila živa, morski povjetarac njihao je suncobrane, a Anteov šešir sjajno je stajao na glavi.En: The beach was still lively, the sea breeze swayed the umbrellas, and Ante's hat sat proudly on his head.Hr: Jesen je donio rijetke ali vrijedne trenutke.En: Autumn had brought rare but precious moments.Hr: A u zraku, ljubav i smijeh proširili su se daleko, baš kao galebovi na nebu.En: And in the air, love and laughter spread far ...
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    16 mins
  • Finding Friendship: Ivana's Transformative Team-Building Journey
    Nov 6 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Finding Friendship: Ivana's Transformative Team-Building Journey Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2024-11-06-23-34-02-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Ivana je sjedila u autobusu, tiho promatrajući krajolik.En: Ivana sat on the bus, quietly observing the landscape.Hr: Svuda oko nje, gorjela je jesen u Plitvičkim jezerima.En: All around her, autumn was ablaze in Plitvička Jezera.Hr: Lišće je bilo u svim nijansama crvene, žute i smeđe.En: The leaves were in all shades of red, yellow, and brown.Hr: Iako prekrasno, Ivana je bila nervozna.En: Although beautiful, Ivana was nervous.Hr: Ovo je bio njezin prvi team-building s kolegama iz tvrtke za tehnologiju, a ona se uvijek činila distanciranom na poslu.En: This was her first team-building event with her colleagues from the tech company, and she always seemed distant at work.Hr: Boris, vođa tima, bio je sve što Ivana nije – društven, energičan i uvijek spreman na šalu.En: Boris, the team leader, was everything Ivana was not—sociable, energetic, and always ready with a joke.Hr: Organizirao je ovaj izlet kako bi svi bolje upoznali jedni druge.En: He organized this trip so everyone could get to know each other better.Hr: "Svi ćemo uživati," rekao je s osmijehom.En: "We will all enjoy this," he said with a smile.Hr: Pokraj Ivane sjedila je Nikolina, njezina dobra prijateljica i kolegica.En: Next to Ivana sat Nikolina, her good friend and colleague.Hr: "Pokušaj se opustiti," šapnula je Nikolina.En: "Try to relax," Nikolina whispered.Hr: "Bit će zabavno.En: "It will be fun."Hr: "Kada su stigli u Nacionalni park, Boris je vodio grupu prema stazi.En: When they arrived at the National Park, Boris led the group towards the trail.Hr: Ivana je odlučila pridružiti se planinarenju unatoč svojim sumnjama.En: Ivana decided to join the hike despite her doubts.Hr: Polako su hodali stazama uz slapove, uživajući u svježem zraku i umirujućem šumu vode.En: They walked slowly along the paths by the waterfalls, enjoying the fresh air and the soothing sound of the water.Hr: Ipak, Ivana je često posustajala, upijajući ljepotu prirode.En: However, Ivana often lagged behind, soaking in the beauty of nature.Hr: Kada je shvatila da je ostala sama, Ivana je zastala.En: When she realized she was alone, Ivana paused.Hr: Malo ju je uhvatila panika, ali znala je da mora ostati pribrana.En: She felt a bit panicked but knew she had to stay calm.Hr: Sjetila se mape koju je Boris spomenuo i pratila znakove natrag prema glavnoj stazi.En: She recalled the map that Boris mentioned and followed the signs back to the main trail.Hr: Usput je pronašla zanimljive biljne vrste koje je fotografirala za kasniju analizu.En: Along the way, she found interesting plant species to photograph for later analysis.Hr: Njeno znanje o tehnologiji i prirodi pomoglo joj je da ostane sabrana.En: Her knowledge of technology and nature helped her stay composed.Hr: U međuvremenu, tim je shvatio da nedostaje.En: Meanwhile, the team realized she was missing.Hr: Boris je vodio potragu, dok je Nikolina bila zabrinuta.En: Boris led the search, while Nikolina was worried.Hr: Konačno, našli su Ivanu koja je smireno gledala prema horizontu.En: Finally, they found Ivana, who was calmly gazing at the horizon.Hr: "Evo vas!En: "There you are!Hr: Svi smo se zabrinuli," rekao je Boris s izrazom olakšanja.En: We were all worried," Boris said with a look of relief.Hr: Ivana se nasmiješila, osjetivši povezanost s kolegama koju nikada ranije nije osjetila.En: Ivana smiled, feeling a connection with her colleagues that she had never felt before.Hr: Dok su se vraćali prema autobusu, Ivana je osjećala ponos zbog svoje hrabrosti i samopouzdanja.En: As they headed back to the bus, Ivana felt proud of her courage and confidence.Hr: Kroz smijeh i razgovor, osjećala se kao dio tima.En: Through laughter and conversation, she felt like part of the team.Hr: "Hvala što ste me našli," rekla je, gledajući sve oko sebe.En: "Thank you for finding me," she said, looking around at everyone.Hr: S planinama u pozadini i timom uz sebe, znala je da je ovaj izlet promijenio sve.En: With the mountains in the background and the team by her side, she knew this trip changed everything.Hr: Dobili su novog prijatelja, a ona novi početak.En: They had gained a new friend, and she had a new beginning.Hr: Dok su sjedili kraj jezera, Boris je ispričao šalu koja je nasmijala cijelu grupu, a Ivana se nasmijala glasno.En: As they sat by the lake, Boris told a joke that made the whole group laugh, and Ivana laughed out loud.Hr: Sada je znala da može biti svoja i da će uvijek imati podršku kolega poput Nikoline.En: Now she knew she could be herself and that she would always have the support of colleagues like Nikolina.Hr: Jesen u Plitvicama možda prolazi, ali njezino samopouzdanje postajalo je sve jače.En: Autumn in Plitvice might be passing, but her ...
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    15 mins
  • Secrets of Dubrovnik: A Quest to Save the City's Heritage
    Nov 5 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Secrets of Dubrovnik: A Quest to Save the City's Heritage Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2024-11-05-23-34-04-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Dubrovnik, grad sa dušom prošlosti, bio je miran u jesenjim bojama.En: Dubrovnik, a city with the soul of the past, was serene in the autumn colors.Hr: Stare gradske zidine čuvale su tajne i prošlost kakvu su malo koje oči vidjele.En: The old city walls held secrets and a history that few eyes had seen.Hr: Zrakom se širila aroma morske soli i svježeg lišća.En: The air carried an aroma of sea salt and fresh foliage.Hr: Ana je žurila kroz uske ulice.En: Ana rushed through the narrow streets.Hr: Njezino srce je tuklo.En: Her heart was pounding.Hr: Artefakt iz muzeja je ukraden.En: An artifact from the museum had been stolen.Hr: Obećala je svom preminulom mentoru da će čuvati nasljeđe grada.En: She had promised her late mentor that she would protect the city's heritage.Hr: Morala je vratiti ukradenu stvar.En: She had to recover the stolen item.Hr: Tog dana, pred Dan Svih Svetih, grad je pripremao slavlje.En: That day, on the eve of All Saints' Day, the city was preparing for a celebration.Hr: Tržnice su bile pune svijeća i cvijeća.En: Markets were filled with candles and flowers.Hr: Zujanje ljudi stvaralo je tihu melodiju.En: The buzzing of people created a quiet melody.Hr: Ana je znala da treba pomoć.En: Ana knew she needed help.Hr: Luka, lokalni vodič, čovjek sa sumnjivom prošlošću, bio je jedina nada.En: Luka, a local guide with a dubious past, was her only hope.Hr: Luka je poznavao Dubrovnik kao svoj džep.En: Luka knew Dubrovnik like the back of his hand.Hr: Ulazila je u kafić gdje će ga pronaći.En: She entered the café where she would find him.Hr: Okorjela, ali odlučna, sjela je nasuprot njega.En: Hardened, yet determined, she sat across from him.Hr: "Hvala što si došao," rekla je Ana glasno.En: "Thank you for coming," Ana said loudly.Hr: Luka je klimnuo glavom, razmjenjujući ozbiljan pogled.En: Luka nodded, exchanging a serious glance.Hr: "Znam mjesto gdje možemo početi," rekao je tiho.En: "I know a place where we can start," he said quietly.Hr: Ana je osjetila mješavinu sigurnosti i sumnje.En: Ana felt a mix of security and doubt.Hr: Zajedno su pratili naznake kroz stare uličice.En: Together they traced clues through the ancient alleys.Hr: Miris svježe pečenog kruha i kave bio je postojan oko njih.En: The smell of freshly baked bread and coffee lingered around them.Hr: Svaka nova ulica skrivala je novi trag.En: Each new street concealed a new lead.Hr: Vukli su se kroz prolaz blizu Gradske vijećnice, gdje su olovne ploče činile pod.En: They made their way through a passage near the City Hall, where the lead plates formed the ground.Hr: "Ovdje," pokazao je Luka.En: "Here," Luka pointed.Hr: Ruka mu je bila čvrsta, a pogled usmjeren.En: His hand was steady, and his gaze focused.Hr: Konačno, stigli su do starih zidina.En: Finally, they reached the old walls.Hr: Zvuk crkvenih zvona odjekivao je kroz otvoreno more.En: The sound of church bells echoed across the open sea.Hr: Našli su se licem u lice s lopovom.En: They found themselves face to face with the thief.Hr: Njegovi su koraci bili tihi, ali Ana i Luka su ga pratili brzo i precizno.En: His steps were silent, but Ana and Luka trailed him swiftly and precisely.Hr: "Nema kamo pobjeći," rekla je Ana smireno dok je prilazila.En: "There's nowhere to run," Ana said calmly as she approached.Hr: Lopov se, suočen s istinom i gradskim zidinama, predao bez borbe.En: The thief, confronted by the truth and the city's walls, surrendered without a fight.Hr: Ana i Luka vratili su artefakt u muzej na vrijeme.En: Ana and Luka returned the artifact to the museum in time.Hr: Dok su zvona slavila Dan Svih Svetih, osjećali su tiho zadovoljstvo.En: As the bells celebrated All Saints' Day, they felt a quiet satisfaction.Hr: Ana je naučila vjerovati, a Luka je u sebi pronašao novi smisao.En: Ana learned to trust, and Luka found a new purpose within himself.Hr: Ispunili su obećanje, ne samo jedan drugome, nego i Dubrovniku.En: They fulfilled their promise, not only to each other but also to Dubrovnik.Hr: Gradske su zidine još jednom čuvale svoje tajne, a grad se vraćao svojoj svakodnevici, uzvraćajući mir smirenom povjetarcu.En: The city walls once again guarded their secrets, and the city resumed its routine, returning peace to the gentle breeze. Vocabulary Words:serene: miranautumn: jesennarrow: uskeartifact: artefaktstolen: ukradenheritage: nasljeđeeve: predvečerjecelebration: slavljebuzzing: zujanjedubious: sumnjivhardened: okorjeladetermined: odlučnaglance: pogledquietly: tihodoubt: sumnjatraced: pratiliconcealed: skrivalapassage: prolazlead: olovnisteady: čvrstagaze: pogledechoed: odjekivaoprecisely: preciznosurrendered: predaocalmly: smirenoartifact: artefaktsatisfaction: zadovoljstvopromise: ...
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    15 mins

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