• Neither opened nor closed doors indicates the will of God for your life
    Sep 20 2024

    Daily Study: Believers will often say, "If God wants me to go this way, then He will open a door of opportunity," or, "this door closed because God has something better for me." God can open and close doors of opportunity, but the state of the door (aka opportunity) doesn't indicate the will of God for your life. Watching doors open and close can mislead you and put you in a state of confusion. Listen to today's study to learn more about this concept.

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    12 mins
  • This is Prosperity
    Sep 20 2024

    Growth Lab: Prosperity is a constant state of wealth, not occasionally having some money or mostly being able to meet your needs and desires. It is a condition where all your needs and desires are met, and you have more than enough to give to every good cause. In this message, learn more about prosperity and how the blessing brings you prosperity.

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • A three stage process to go from idea to launch
    Sep 19 2024

    As an entrepreneur, the Lord is constantly speaking to your spirit ideas to either start something new or take what you're currently doing to the next level. However, how do you hear these ideas from God and how do you take them from your from spirit to launching them in the marketplace? Learn a three stage process to go from idea to launch.

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    10 mins
  • God will restore what it costs to get you back on track
    Sep 18 2024

    When we mix God's will with our own, we are headed toward eventual failure. Unfortunately, it is very easy to taint God's will without even realizing it. However, when we do realize it, we need to get back on track, even if we've spent a lot of money going down a tainted path. Don't allow the fact that you spent money going in the wrong direction to cause you stress about changing directions, because God loves you so much that He will restore whatever you spent going down the wrong path.

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    7 mins
  • Leaders Have to Make Unpopular Decisions for the Benefit of Their Followers
    Sep 17 2024

    Attendees discussed the importance of trusting in God's plan and not being influenced by external opinions, emphasizing the need for self-evaluation and reflection on life experiences to understand God's will. The group also highlighted the importance of making difficult decisions for the benefit of those they lead, along with the power of faith and trust in God's plan. Personal testimonies and praise reports were shared, including experiences of living in different countries, starting new jobs, and the success of a new book.

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    56 mins
  • Say no to every great idea outside of our calling
    Sep 17 2024

    As entrepreneurs, it is very tempting to see a need and start something to fill that need. We have no shortage of money-making ideas or desires to start new ministries to fix various societal ills. However, we need to exercise a lot of self-control in this area because great ideas can break our focus and cause us to fail at what God has truly called us to do. It may be hard, but we need to say no to every great idea outside of our calling.

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    9 mins
  • “God Said” is the only credibility you need
    Sep 16 2024

    Our society is obsessed with credibility and credentials. If you are a chef, they want to know what culinary school you went to. If you’re a business coach, they want to know what successful business you have personally made a million dollars from. If you say you are starting a ministry, people want to know what theology school you got your ministry degree from. These questions are basically trying to judge or challenge your credibility. However, the only credibility you need is simply these two words: “God said.”

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    11 mins
  • Another person’s path to success is not your blueprint
    Sep 13 2024

    Daily Study: In our guru culture of coaches and mentors, we are being programmed to follow other people’s paths to success. This is tempting to our intellect and emotions because we believe that if somebody has made six or seven figures doing it a certain way, then we’ll also be successful if we just follow their way. However, this rarely happens.

    If you look at the results of the guru’s students, they rarely reach the same level of success as the guru. And of course the guru says that if you take action, you will make it just like me. Well, people are taking action, and it is still not working.

    The reason it is not working is because another person’s path to success is not your blueprint from God. And by the way, this also applies to trying to follow the success of someone else’s ministry.

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    12 mins