CAB - Costa's Audio Book Anniversary Release Dan Brown 'Angels & Demons' 25th Anniversary 《讀你聽2.2》周年紀念呈獻 丹布朗第二部暢銷懸疑《天使與魔鬼》二十五周年紀念 是爲《達文西密碼》前傳 主角 Robert Langdon教授首度登場 故事圍繞古老組織光明會 與羅馬天主教會之間百年宿怨 本作迄今銷量將近四千萬本 翻譯四十多種語言 小説多次觸及敏感議題 如反物質研究 光明會 雙向圖烙印 科學和宗教的道德衝突 内容混合了事實和虛構 注意涉及陰謀論 容易造成誤導 11-19 00:28 Langdon解釋 satanic指反教會 不是崇拜惡魔 他認為光明會已消失 但Kohler持相反意見 帶他到Vetra辦公室 同時 一名守衛發現攝像頭86 顯示錯誤畫面 在辦公室 蘭登見到宗教文物 知道Vetra是神父兼物理學家 Vittoria抵達 眾人前往秘密實驗室 內有粒子加速器 守衛調查失蹤攝像頭 Vittoria回憶被Vetra領養 教授理解Vetra眼睛被挖為通行驗證 Hassassin沉思他的厭女觀念 Vittoria揭示反物質 證明科學與宗教可共存 她的父親理論將會成真 Main Characters Robert Langdon - A professor of symbology at Harvard University and protagonist, flown to CERN to help investigate the murder of Leonardo Vetra Maximilian Kohler - Director of CERN, invites Langdon to investigate the murder case; he blames the Church for his disability, for his highly religious parents deny him medical care as a child and becomes a scientist as a way to rebel Hassassin - A killer hired by Janus, of Middle Eastern origin and displays sadistic lust for women; he murders Leonardo Vetra Janus - Mysterious character who hires Hassassin to murder Vetra to uncover his secret antimatter project Vittoria Vetra - The adopted daughter of Vetra, like her father, she works with CERN; skilled in biology and physics, she worked with her father in their research of antimatter Others (order by mention) Leonardo Vetra the physicist, the Pilot, Georges Charpak the Nobel Prize inventor, Bob Brownell, Costa's Lexicon Transference n the action of transferring something or the process of being transferred; the redirection to a substitute, usually a therapist, of emotions that were originally felt in childhood 轉移 移情 Plethora n a large or excessive amount of something 過剩 (Pleth thera) Pantheon n a group of particularly respected, famous, or important people 名流 名人 (Pan thien) Niels Bohr - Danish theoretical physicist, made foundational contributions to understanding atomic structure and quantum theory, for which he received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922 Eclectic adj deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources 不拘一格 博採眾長 (e Clec tic) Foray n a sudden attack or incursion into enemy territory, especially to obtain something, a raid 突襲 Ornithologist n a person who studies or is an expert on birds 鳥類學家 Rotor n a hub with a number of radiating aerofoils that is rotated in an approximately horizontal plane to provide the lift for a helicopter or other rotary wing aircraft 旋翼 Hatha yoga - a type of yoga that uses physical postures, breathing, and other practices to improve strength, flexibility, and mindfulness Hadron n a subatomic particle of a type including the baryons and mesons, which can take part in the strong interaction 強子 (Ha dron) Amphetamine n a synthetic, addictive, mood-altering drug, used illegally as a stimulant 安非他命 興奮劑 (am Phet ta min) Unruffled adj not disordered or disarranged; (of a person or their manner) not agitated or disturbed, calm 平靜 泰然自若 Georges Lemaître - Belgian Catholic priest, theoretical physicist, and mathematician who made major contributions to cosmology and astrophysics; first to argue the recession of galaxies is evidence of an expanding universe and to connect the observational Hubble–Lemaître law with the solution to the Einstein field equations in the general theory of relativity for a homogenous and isotropic universe; this led Lemaître to propose the "hypothesis of the primeval atom", now regarded as the first formulation of the Big Bang theory of the origin of the universe Yahweh n a form of the Hebrew name of God used in the Bible, the name came to be regarded by Jewish people ( c. 300 BC) as too sacred to be spoken, and the vowel sounds are uncertain (Yah way) Unicity n the fact of being or consisting of one, or of being united as a whole (u Nis city) 2025 Anniversary Releases: Feb: Perfume, Mar: Angels & Demons, Apr: Don Quixote Volume I & II, The Great Gatsby, Jun: The Picture of Dorian Gray, Nov: The Brothers Karamazov, Dec: Metamorphosis Complete Collections: Perfume, The Great Gatsby, And Then There Were None, Jekyll and Hyde, Maigret, 1984, The Metamorphosis, Dracula, Don Quixote I&II, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Diary of a Young Girl, Lord of the Flies, Liar's Poker, The Adventures of ...