CAB - Costa's Audio Book Anniversary Release Dan Brown 'Angels & Demons' 25th Anniversary 《讀你聽2.2》周年紀念呈獻 丹布朗第二部暢銷懸疑《天使與魔鬼》二十五周年紀念 是爲《達文西密碼》前傳 主角 Robert Langdon教授首度登場 故事圍繞古老組織光明會 與羅馬天主教會之間百年宿怨 本作迄今銷量將近四千萬本 翻譯四十多種語言 小説多次觸及敏感議題 如反物質研究 光明會 雙向圖烙印 科學和宗教的道德衝突 内容混合了事實和虛構 注意涉及陰謀論 容易造成誤導 Fact, Prologue, 1-10 00:26 Fact 01:57 Prologue 03:09 1-10 符號學家Langdon教授收到神秘來電 對方自稱Kohler 邀請到命案現場調查 死者是物理學家Vetra 胸前被殘忍烙上光明會雙向圖 蘭登道出光明會和教會幾百年來的宿怨 是為科學與神學的衝突 死者似乎與此事脫不了關係 Main Characters Robert Langdon - A professor of symbology at Harvard University and protagonist, flown to CERN to help investigate the murder of Leonardo Vetra Maximilian Kohler - Director of CERN, invites Langdon to investigate the murder case; he blames the Church for his disability, for his highly religious parents deny him medical care as a child and becomes a scientist as a way to rebel Hassassin - A killer hired by Janus, of Middle Eastern origin and displays sadistic lust for women; he murders Leonardo Vetra Janus - Mysterious character who hires Hassassin to murder Vetra to uncover his secretive particle project Vittoria Vetra - The adopted daughter of Vetra, like her father, she works with CERN; skilled in biology and physics, she worked with her father in their research of antimatter Others (order by mention) Leonardo Vetra the physicist, the Pilot, Georges Charpak the Nobel Prize inventor Costa's Lexicon CERN - The European Organization for Nuclear Research, is an intergovernmental organization that operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world; established in 1954, based in Meyrin, western suburb of Geneva, on the France–Switzerland border; comprises 24 member states; Israel, admitted in 2013, is the only full member geographically out of Europe; CERN is an official United Nations General Assembly observer Ekuaba - a wooden fertility doll that is a symbol of the prime of life and fecundity (ak Kua bah) Benvenuto - latin: welcome Varsity n the principal team representing a high school or college in a sport or other competition; university 大學體育代表隊 (Far city) Tweed n a rough-surfaced woollen cloth, typically of mixed flecked colours, originally produced in Scotland; clothes made of tweed 粗花呢 Paisley n a distinctive intricate pattern of curved feather-shaped figures based on an Indian pine-cone design 旋渦花紋 (Pay slee) Affable adj friendly, good-natured, or easy to talk to 和藹可親 友善 容易交談 (Aff fable) Erudite adj having or showing great knowledge or learning 博學 (Er rui dite) Cycladic adj the period of a Bronze Age civilization that flourished in the Cyclades between c. 3000 and c. 1050 BC (Si Cla dic) ne avevo paura - latin: i was not afraid la chiave - latin: the key Georges Charpak - Polish-born French physicist who received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1992 for his invention of the multiwire proportional chamber Giordano Bruno - an Italian philosopher, poet, alchemist, astrologer, cosmological theorist, and esotericist; known for his cosmological theories, which conceptually extended to include the then-novel Copernican model Fuselage n the main body of an aircraft Dorsal adj on or relating to the upper side or back of an animal, plant, or organ Aft adj situated at, near, or towards the stern of a ship or tail of an aircraft 船尾 (Ah ft) Scramjet n a type of jet engine that uses supersonic airflow to burn fuel and create thrust; the word "scramjet" is a combination of the words "supersonic", "combustion", and "ramjet" HOTOL - for Horizontal Take-Off and Landing, was a 1980s British design for a single-stage-to-orbit (SSTO) spaceplane that was to be powered by an airbreathing jet engine; development was being conducted by a consortium led by Rolls-Royce and British Aerospace Vestige n a trace or remnant of something that is disappearing or no longer exists 殘餘 遺跡 Gangplank n a movable plank, typically with cleats nailed on it, used by passengers to board or disembark from a ship or boat 登板 Quark n any of a number of subatomic particles carrying a fractional electric charge, postulated as building blocks of the hadrons. Quarks have not been directly observed but theoretical predictions based on their existence have been confirmed experimentally 誇克 Meson n a subatomic particle which is intermediate in mass between an electron and a proton and transmits the strong interaction that binds nucleons together in the atomic nucleus 介子 Esoteric adj intended for or likely to be understood by only a small ...