• Play more, work smarter (059)
    Sep 30 2024

    Play is an essential way in which to get some of your best work done. Go out for a walk, throw a frisbee, go to a theatre show instead of doing the dishes one night, you will thank yourself. You will feel that energy.

    The idea of playing at something new is even more interesting, the idea that we are challenging ourselves and learning is crucial. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, talks about the flow state and that is when we are truly engaged in a process and one of the ways to find yourself in that state of flow is to engage in play. To have fun.

    If you are listening to this episode right now I am certain there is a vast number of you who are already experiencing some form of burn out and you don't even know it. You need to turn to someone, ask them about your level of burnout and how you can introduce a bit of play into your life.

    Go find your sense of excitement and challenge again, in any manner that may look like to you.

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    39 mins
  • How to identify a DOUBT DOOR and how to kick it down with Vince from cartoontherapy (058)
    Sep 16 2024

    Doubt can be a huge block for many creatives. Vince introduces us to the idea of a doubt door, how to identify when the door is present and what to do about kicking it open. Vince has been quickly building a great balance between play and work and is finding that MANY people are finding his approach to be a HUGE breath of fresh air. Vince is an animator and social worker creating a world of fun and learning in such a unique and open and honest manner.

    One of the main ways to combat a doubt door getting in your way is to truly think about and live an authentic life. Truly knowing yourself, what excites you, what bothers you, all of that stuff and much more can lead to your ability to try more things. The more things you try and the less doubt you have you will absolutely enjoy the journey you are on.

    Do yourself a favour and get over and watch Vince and the wild and the serious and the fun that is over on http://twitch.tv/cartoontherapy

    As always thanks for the listen and/or the watch. If you would like to connect on any of the cool shit you are doing or anything else please reach out over at: http://domorecoolshit.com

    Music created and performed by: Doug Wallace.

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    1 hr and 16 mins
  • 3 reasons why expectations suck and what you can do about it (057)
    Sep 2 2024

    Expectations absolutely CAN suck, mainly because they can keep you in that stage or dreaming and idolizing the future for a very long time. Over time if we stay in that state long enough we can become dissatisfied with the now and the reality. We can become unhappy. Hell we can even become depressed. So how do we stop this? Well, we need to truly understand that expectations can suck. There are 3 main reasons that they suck:

    1. Everything will ALWAYS take longer than you think.
    2. They are NOT reality.
    3. They can let you down.

    So how do we combat this? How do we stay happy and grateful and moving forward while still trying to get grow and achieve things in our life?

    By living in the now. By making sure that you truly understand who YOU are and what YOU want out of life. This will be an ebb and flow, it will almost never be a straight path. But understanding that there is a journey, that it is a long and changing journey, and that in reality there is no true END to our search and our accomplishments will help with this. By living in reality, by pausing, by looking around and seeing how far you have already come and wha t you have and who YOU are right now in this very moment is really friggin' cool. By allowing yourself to sit in that for a moment, you will be happier and you will be motivated, your flame will grow stronger. By giving your spark a bit of oxygen you will be propelled forward each and every day to take the next step. All of these things will help you in your creative pursuits.

    If you listened to the whole episode I hope you really do try the exercise of changing your expectations into reality. To really figure out what steps TODAY you need to take. If you are struggling with that, let me know. Drop me a note over on: https://domorecoolshit.com/ I love talking about that stuff and helping people move the needled just a wee bit every day. You got this!

    Rachel from episode 56: https://www.twitch.tv/babe_rosss
    Vince upcoming in episode 58: https://www.twitch.tv/cartoontherapy

    Ps. I'm sorry, but I never found that clip of the older make marker being interviewed in his studio when he was talking about "what the hell else would I be doing everyday if I wasn't making marks." If you ever find it or any other great clips please never hesitate to drop me a line or send me a link. I love capturing all of them.

    Thanks for listening. Go do some more cool shit!

    All music is created and performed by: Doug Wallace.

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    33 mins
  • The journey between expectation and reality with Rachel Schneider (056)
    Aug 19 2024

    Rachel Schneider is an incredibly talented artist who has built up a wonderful community, brings hilarity, passion, and wonderful teaching to life through her practice. I found Rachel a few years ago on twitch.tv/babe_rosss and it is always incredible experience being in there.

    I was so excited to have this conversation and to bring this conversation to you. We covered so many topics in this episode. We spent a great deal of time talking about the feeling of the first sale, the importance of persistence, the value of just ONE person believing in you, all the way to a much bigger and deeper conversation about expectations vs reality. Rachel has been on a continual path of learning about putting her work on a pedestal and about creating and releasing the work. Rachel shares so many of the lessons she has learned along the way as well as the lessons she is still working on right now.

    This was an honour to have this conversation and I'm so excited you will get to be inspired by Rachel. Please make sure and go check out one of her streams and you absolutely have to go and check out all of her art and merch - you will be blown away at her talent.

    If you make it to the end - let me know how you did with the exercise that Rachel and I talk about.

    As always check out https://www.domorecoolshit.com/ and let me know what you are working on.

    All music created by: Doug Wallace.

    Thanks as always for listening and for all of the amazing feedback you all are giving along this journey. Happy creating!

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    1 hr and 50 mins
  • 5 tips to not suck at pricing your work (055)
    Aug 5 2024

    I am very passionate about pricing your work correctly because that is what will sustain you in the long run. If you're not making enough money as a creative then you will have to find another form of income to live from and then the world loses another great person putting cool shit in the world. We can't have that, I won't stand for it. So thank you for believing in yourself and listening all the way through on this episode.

    The tips in this episode are things that absolutely have to be worked on and practiced over time but everyone can get them and you CAN and WILL make money with your craft. Other people have done it, why not you?

    In this episode I talk more about trusting your gut, working backwards, history and experience, how expensive some stuff can be, and most of all HOW and WHY to test pricing.

    I wish you all the best of luck and if you listened all the way through on this one, I look forward to being hit someday soon.

    If you ever want to talk further drop me a note on the website: https://domorecoolshit.com/

    This is the account I was talking about where the welders have to guess what they are worth: https://www.tiktok.com/@westernweldingacademy

    Music provided by: Doug Wallace

    Show more Show less
    58 mins
  • How to prepare yourself for selling your cool shit with Gareth Davies (054)
    Jul 22 2024

    First, the coolest shit Gareth has ever done is NOT build a website but it was fun to see where those early lessons took him. How about building a great supportive business, giving hundreds of thousands of dollars to charities, supporting a number of causes and so much more.

    If you've ever wondered how to make money as a creative this is the episode for you. Gareth Davies has built a truly unique business, MakerHouse, that has supported hundreds of makers and creatives. We talk about the very smart journey Gareth took to building a brick and mortar business. Starting with a pop up shop allowed him and his team to grow into the flourishing business that MakerHouse is now.

    I think many of you listening who are making and creating will be so interested to hear Gareth talk about how to get into stores and how to make money with your products. We go over production time, pricing, packaging and everything in between. Gareth has such great insights into how to get started.

    We also spent a lot of time talking about traditional paths, small learning steps, failures, how to prepare for failures, how to deal with risk taking, successes, confidence all of which should help motivate you to take your next steps.

    So much truly great advice from Gareth. I hope you really enjoy this episode and getting everything out of it that you need.

    Visit MakerHouse and see the hundreds of products from the hundreds of other creatives and makers that Gareth gets to work with: https://makerhouse.com/

    Of course I would love to hear more about what you are doing so drop me a line over at https://www.domorecoolshit.com/

    And if you enjoyed this episode please do give it a like, rate the podcast, share it with a friend. I appreciate all of you folks out there doing cool shit.

    Music by: Doug Wallace

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    1 hr and 17 mins
  • You suck at goal setting, listen to this. (053)
    Jul 7 2024

    If you want to achieve things in life, even the small things you have to have a plan, a goal, some kind of road map to help you determine how to get there. And holy,, are we ever bad at drawing these road maps. We give ourselves all kinds of detours and make excuses about why our horse and buggy won't get us to where we want to go. "I want to be healthier" "I want to be a full time creative" "I want to read more" these are all examples of great dreams but really shitty goals. Goals need specifics. So the next time you sit down to think about what YOU really want out of life you better include some of the micro-goals. These micro-goals are what make up much of the path forward, the pursuit, which is what will really bring you the most pleasure when making, working on, and achieving your goals.

    Now is your time to think about what YOU really want, to make it specific, and to go after your big lofty goals. Why now? Because, why not now? You deserve it.

    I hope you feel inspired. I hope you feel energized. I hope you make all your tiny micro-goals that will get you to your big goal and that you keep upping the game every time.

    Music by: Doug Wallace

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    53 mins
  • Pay attention to what keeps calling you with Leah Gibson (052)
    Jun 24 2024

    Remember when your mind was free to wander and to dream and had almost no grown up limitations or influences. What a magical time that was. What a TRUE time that was. We lose some of that innocence along the way and we forget about some of our earlier, crazier dreams...that's a shame. Well I know one young woman who kept true to her childhood dreams. Sure she meandered, but who hasn't. Leah Gibson found her way back to one of her earliest childhood loves, flowers. In this episode I sit down with Leah for an amazing conversation where we talk about her journey, about taking time, lots of time to truly understand what in life it is she wants and how she is living that life much much sooner than she thought she would.

    Leah took a leap without any prior knowledge (a trend that seems to be coming again, more and more in the future) as to what it was she was doing or how she would be doing it. It wasn't a big leap but it was in fact a leap nonetheless. Now today Leah is serving clients from all over the world in many different ways. Leah is helping making people's days better with flowers, fashion, and so much more.

    We spent a fair bit of time talking about diversifying income, about taking small steps that won't bankrupt you, about how the uncertainty and the asynchronous habits of nature are such a wonderful metaphor for life. Leah encourages us to surrender to the creative process went it strikes and to enjoy a good accidental path every now and again.

    Leah Gibson
    Website: https://www.homebodyfloral.ca/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/homebody_/

    If you enjoyed any part of this or if you took some value from it please don't hesitate to drop me a note and tell me all about it.

    Website: https://www.domorecoolshit.com/

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    1 hr and 20 mins