
  • EP029 | 7 Types of Rest That Unlock Your Happiness Secret, with Alison O’Leary
    Feb 27 2025
    In this episode:

    I delve into the subject of REST. It’s a really interesting topic to talk about because I’m not just talking about sleep here. Oh no!

    In fact, there are seven different types of rest that we all need to feel fully alive and completely ourselves.

    I want to get into this subject because so many people I work with, and know personally, are struggling with fatigue.

    Whether it’s a general malaise, a persistent level of tiredness that just won’t leave, or full-on burnout, it can make it really hard to figure out what happiness looks like, and what you want from a work and lifestyle point of view, if you’re just feeling exhausted.

    So, in this episode, I’m going to get into the ins and outs of rest, covering the seven different types first introduced by Dr Saundra Dalton-Smith. I’m hoping this will help you to think about what you might potentially need more of, and the kind of actions you can take to top it up.

    Because then, once you are fully tapped into all the different types of rest, you’ll be in the very best position to identify what makes you happy, so that you can go after it.

    You ready? Great, come and join me!

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    Alison is a highly experienced, certified life and career coach and is an active ideal life advocate.

    She’s the founder and designer of the Work Wonderland™ process, her proprietary model that helps people make career and life choices that truly align with their values, strengths, passions, skills and life goals.

    Alison hails from a high-paced, London-based corporate background, working for more than 20 years in the field of PR and Communications, until she made her own radical transition to her ideal life, living and working from a remote mountainside in Wales.

    Today she focusses her life coaching on supporting professionally successful people in making career changes that facilitate transformational life change.

    When Alison is not working, you can find her outdoors - walking beaches at the crack of dawn; experimenting with the universe and consciousness; trying her hand at paragliding; and delighting in the magic of the superhero’s quest. She is also Marvel movie obsessed.


    All episodes are video recorded and can be watched in the website show notes, or on YouTube.

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    19 mins
  • EP028 | The Three P's for Self-Employment Success, with Derek Britton
    Jan 30 2025
    In this episode:

    I speak to my wonderful former client and all-round excellent human being, Derek Britton.

    Derek and I originally worked together years ago when he was a marketeer at a B2B software firm that I was doing PR for, and then last year he became a coaching client after becoming a casualty of the ongoing tech industry layoffs.

    With three decades of in-house experience across the marketing and sales enablement mix, Derek’s initial assumption was that he should seek a similar corporate role, but something was nagging at him about that idea. So, he hired me to help him think through what he really wanted.

    It is now 12 months later, and Derek has just completed his first year running his own B2B tech marketing consultancy.

    In this episode I invite Derek to share with you how he made the choice to work for himself; and how he recognised and overcame the fear associated with this journey into the unknown.

    If you listen, you’ll also hear us walk through the top three strengths that he believes have been instrumental in helping him to get his new business off the ground with real success. Some great, real-life insights in this one – come join us!

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    Derek Britton is an experienced leader in B2B technology marketing, and runs his own marketing consultancy.

    His career spans three decades, having directed product marketing, corporate brand, marketing communications, customer marketing, product management, and sales enablement.

    A computer science graduate with a solid technology background, prolific content creation and a proven leadership ability, he is uniquely capable in helping technology go-to-market teams – as clients and colleagues - to deliver successful business outcomes. In his spare time, Derek is an aspiring author.


    Alison is a highly experienced, certified life and career coach and is an active ideal life advocate.

    She’s the founder and designer of the Work Wonderland™ process, her proprietary model that helps people make career and life choices that truly align with their values, strengths, passions, skills and life goals.

    Alison hails from a high-paced, London-based corporate background, working for more than 20 years in the field of PR and Communications, until she made her own radical transition to her ideal life, living and working from a remote mountainside in Wales.

    Today she focusses her life coaching on supporting professionally successful people in making career changes that facilitate transformational life change.

    When Alison is not working, you can find her outdoors - walking beaches at the crack of dawn; experimenting with the universe and consciousness; trying her hand at paragliding; and delighting in the magic of the superhero’s quest. She is also Marvel movie obsessed.


    All episodes are video recorded and can be watched in the website show notes, or on YouTube.

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    33 mins
  • EP027 | The Provocative Philosophy of 'Dying with Zero', with Alison O’Leary
    Jan 16 2025
    In this episode:

    I want to share a provocative philosophy with you.

    I’ve been really inspired by a book I listened to called ‘Die with Zero’, by Bill Perkins.

    On the surface, it’s all about aiming to die with zero pounds (or dollars) in the bank. Now I appreciate this sounds quite drastic, and possibly a bit mad, but the deep premise behind Perkins’ philosophy is about aiming to consciously get the utmost out of the life that we have.

    He challenges us to really think about our death – something most of us do a great job of avoiding - and work backwards, considering how to get the most out of our money and our life, rather than putting things off for some far-flung time in the future, or our retirement.

    It blends eye-opening insights about time, money, and happiness from a psychological science and behavioural finance perspective, and it makes a timely, convincing, and contrarian case for living large.

    Intrigued? Honestly, this stuff is fascinating. Join me in this episode as I get into it with you!

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    Alison is a highly experienced, certified life and career coach and is an active ideal life advocate.

    She’s the founder and designer of the Work Wonderland™ process, her proprietary model that helps people make career and life choices that truly align with their values, strengths, passions, skills and life goals.

    Alison hails from a high-paced, London-based corporate background, working for more than 20 years in the field of PR and Communications, until she made her own radical transition to her ideal life, living and working from a remote mountainside in Wales.

    Today she focusses her life coaching on supporting professionally successful people in making career changes that facilitate transformational life change.

    When Alison is not working, you can find her outdoors - walking beaches at the crack of dawn; experimenting with the universe and consciousness; trying her hand at paragliding; and delighting in the magic of the superhero’s quest. She is also Marvel movie obsessed.


    All episodes are video recorded and can be watched in the website show notes, or on YouTube.

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    12 mins
  • EP026 | Using Your Subconscious Mind to Generate Feel-Good Ideas, Alison O'Leary
    Dec 19 2024
    In this episode:

    I’m delving into the power of the subconscious mind, and how and why it can help you pinpoint the career or lifestyle changes that you truly want.

    The subconscious mind has a big role to play in helping any of us identify what will really make us happy, but it’s often ignored or dismissed, or just not recognised as important.

    In this episode, I talk you through:

    · The difference between your conscious and subconscious mind, explaining some left-brain/right-brain science

    · Why your subconscious is way better at helping you come up with right-fit, feel-good career and lifestyle ideas

    · Three exercises that will help you access and use your own subconscious to tap into answers on what you really need and want, which I personally use and that consistently work for me

    Ready to come join me? Great, let’s get into it!

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    Alison is a highly experienced, certified life and career coach and is an active ideal life advocate.

    She’s the founder and designer of the Work Wonderland™ process, her proprietary model that helps people make career and life choices that truly align with their values, strengths, passions, skills and life goals.

    Alison hails from a high-paced, London-based corporate background, working for more than 20 years in the field of PR and Communications, until she made her own radical transition to her ideal life, living and working from a remote mountainside in Wales.

    Today she focusses her life coaching on supporting professionally successful people in making career changes that facilitate transformational life change.

    When Alison is not working, you can find her outdoors - walking beaches at the crack of dawn; experimenting with the universe and consciousness; trying her hand at paragliding; and delighting in the magic of the superhero’s quest. She is also Marvel movie obsessed.


    All episodes are video recorded and can be watched in the website show notes, or on YouTube.

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    15 mins
  • EP025 | Choosing Fun From Now On. Early Retirement and adventure, with Cara Leach
    Dec 5 2024
    In this episode:

    I introduce you to a brilliant friend and client, Cara Leach, who has bucked the trend and chosen to semi-retire early at 49.

    Cara has always been a career woman, setting an example to her two daughters who she raised for many years as a single mum.

    She’s a sales and marketing whiz, and has worked in sectors as varied as tech, pharmaceuticals and sport. She was most recently brand ambassador and commercial manager for Marine Football Club.

    However, the reason we are talking in this episode is because she’s just embarked on a massive, and pretty brave change.

    At just 49 years old, Cara has made the decision to semi-retire. She and her partner Phil are renting out their house in Merseyside for 12 months, and embarking on a huge travel adventure, which they are going to document, warts and all.

    In this episode you’ll hear how us talk about Cara’s bold decision to semi-retire; what the triggers were for that decision; the travel plans that she and Phil have and what she wants to get out of it; and how she wants to inspire people with her honest and humorous account of their experience.

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    Cara Leach is a recent empty nester, mum of two university students, and partner to Phil (who's loving retirement!)

    After 27 years in Sales & Marketing across sports, software and pharma, she has semi-retired, but still brings 110% energy to life. She’s lived in France, Germany and the Netherlands, and is always hunting for new adventures and people to meet.

    Ridiculously driven, results-oriented and fun-loving, Cara is all about making a difference while finding personal growth and fulfilment along the way!


    Alison is a highly experienced, certified life and career coach and is an active ideal life advocate.

    She’s the founder and designer of the Work Wonderland™ process, her proprietary model that helps people make career and life choices that truly align with their values, strengths, passions, skills and life goals.

    Alison hails from a high-paced, London-based corporate background, working for more than 20 years in the field of PR and Communications, until she made her own radical transition to her ideal life, living and working from a remote mountainside in Wales.

    Today she focusses her life coaching on supporting professionally successful people in making career changes that facilitate transformational life change.

    When Alison is not working, you can find her outdoors - walking beaches at the crack of dawn; experimenting with the universe and consciousness; trying her hand at paragliding; and delighting in the magic of the superhero’s quest. She is also Marvel movie obsessed.


    All episodes are video recorded and can be watched in the website show notes, or on YouTube.

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    23 mins
  • EP024| What it looks like to work with a Career Coach. Alison O’Leary talks to Shelley Rostlund
    Nov 21 2024
    In this episode:

    With the help of my fabulous friend and podcast producer, Shelley Rostlund, we’re delving into the subject of career and life change.

    Yes, it’s a big subject, but we are honing in on how you can identify the kind of changes that will make you truly happy – be they role, career path or lifestyle related.

    Having coached hundreds of people through career and life change, I can say for sure that as soon as you know what the right changes are for YOU, you’re in a better position to take action and do something about it.

    In my experience, what typically holds people back is the not knowing. It’s that lack of clarity on what the right thing is, that leaves people feeling stuck and in a frustrating state of limbo, and fearful of making the wrong choices that might make things worse.

    If you’re wondering what it looks like to work with someone on helping you navigate this big question of right-fit change, then this episode is for you.

    Together, Shelley and I walk through my framework, which specifically supports people to come to a clear answer on what is right for them.

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    Shelley Röstlund is the producer for the Dream Chasers Show. She is a systems-led personal brand strategist working with knowledge experts…those who teach, educate, consult, advise or mentor others. Her specialism is in uncovering her clients’ marketable genius – their unique gifts which they were born to bring into the world.

    South African born and British-grown, Shelley has worked with 150+ brands across 30+ industries through her consultancy and agency work. She leads Harbour 32, a family-centred marketing agency which focusses on personal brand strategy and podcast show positioning and production.


    Alison is a highly experienced, certified life and career coach and is an active ideal life advocate.

    She’s the founder and designer of the Work Wonderland™ process, her proprietary model that helps people make career and life choices that truly align with their values, strengths, passions, skills and life goals.

    Alison hails from a high-paced, London-based corporate background, working for more than 20 years in the field of PR and Communications, until she made her own radical transition to her ideal life, living and working from a remote mountainside in Wales.

    Today she focusses her life coaching on supporting professionally successful people in making career changes that facilitate transformational life change.

    When Alison is not working, you can find her outdoors - walking beaches at the crack of dawn; experimenting with the universe and consciousness; trying her hand at paragliding; and delighting in the magic of the superhero’s quest. She is also Marvel movie obsessed.


    All episodes are video recorded and can be watched in the website show notes, or on YouTube.

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    27 mins
  • EP023 | Rediscovering the joy of Sundays. From PR to Physiotherapy, with Amy McLean
    Nov 7 2024
    In this episode:

    I invite a former client and friend to come and share her career transition story with you.

    Amy and I first met in our old lives, when she was one of my PR clients. Years later, she became one of my coaching clients, when she was seeking a career change that would make her truly happy.

    Today, after 18 years as a communications and public relations professional in IT, Amy is a registered physiotherapist. As you can imagine – that is quite a big change!

    In this conversation we talk about what she was originally doing, and why she felt stuck, and she shares the three big life events that personally led to her review her career path and seek out a change.

    You’ll also hear how she made the decision to become a physiotherapist and the training that it entailed, and we get into how she feels now that she’s actually in her new career!

    Come join us.

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    Amy McLean is a community physiotherapist, with a particular focus on care of the elderly for a London Borough NHS Trust.

    After nearly 18 years working in corporate communications for the tech industry, Amy chose to pursue a vocation in healthcare, returning to university and graduating with a first-class honours in BSc Physiotherapy from St Mary's University Twickenham in 2023.

    Amy is particularly passionate about care in the community helping people to live and age well. An advocate for population health and health equality, Amy has guest lectured at London universities and at The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy student conference with the hope of inspiring the next generation of physiotherapists.

    Amy's choice of healthcare vocation stems from a lifelong interest in exercise physiology, a deep personal drive to help and care for others, and a desire to apply transferable skills accrued throughout her career in problem solving, relationship building, and communication.

    Amy is a keen runner having completed two London Marathons, and is currently training for The Jurassic Coast Ultra Marathon next year. She lives in South West London with her husband and fur baby (miniature schnauzer) Betsy.


    Alison is a highly experienced, certified life and career coach and is an active ideal life advocate.

    She’s the founder and designer of the Work Wonderland™ process, her proprietary model that helps people make career and life choices that truly align with their values, strengths, passions, skills and life goals.

    Alison hails from a high-paced, London-based corporate background, working for more than 20 years in the field of PR and Communications, until she made her own radical transition to her ideal life, living and working from a remote mountainside in Wales.

    Today she focusses her life coaching on supporting professionally successful people in making career changes that facilitate transformational life change.

    When Alison is not working, you can find her outdoors - walking beaches at the crack of dawn; experimenting with the universe and consciousness; trying her hand at paragliding; and delighting in the magic of the superhero’s quest. She is also Marvel movie obsessed.


    All episodes are video recorded and can be watched in the website show notes, or on YouTube.

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    23 mins
  • EP022 | Our values guide and motivate our attitudes and actions, with Alison O’Leary
    Oct 24 2024
    In this episode:

    I delve into the fascinating subject of VALUES and their importance to a really happy personal and professional life.

    Values are the fundamental drivers that guide and motivate our attitudes and actions.

    We each have unique set of values, and they help us to determine what is important to us; they describe the personal qualities we aim to embody; they direct the sort of person we want to be; and the manner in which we treat ourselves, others and the world around us. So, they are pretty important!

    If you’re interested in understanding more about your own values, either pinpointing what they are, or revisiting any previous work you might have done on them, then this episode is for you, so come join me.

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    Alison is a highly experienced, certified life and career coach and is an active ideal life advocate.

    She’s the founder and designer of the Work Wonderland™ process, her proprietary model that helps people make career and life choices that truly align with their values, strengths, passions, skills and life goals.

    Alison hails from a high-paced, London-based corporate background, working for more than 20 years in the field of PR and Communications, until she made her own radical transition to her ideal life, living and working from a remote mountainside in Wales.

    Today she focusses her life coaching on supporting professionally successful people in making career changes that facilitate transformational life change.

    When Alison is not working, you can find her outdoors - walking beaches at the crack of dawn; experimenting with the universe and consciousness; trying her hand at paragliding; and delighting in the magic of the superhero’s quest. She is also Marvel movie obsessed.


    All episodes are video recorded and can be watched in the website show notes, or on YouTube.

    Show more Show less
    17 mins