FluentFiction - Estonian

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Estonian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Estonian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Estonian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Tallinn, Tartu, or Pärnu? Maybe you want to speak Estonian with your grandparents from Narva?

    Our podcast provides a rich blend of cultural and linguistic insights to thoroughly engage you in the authentic Estonian experience, primarily found within the picturesque borders of Estonia. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Estonian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Paranda oma kuulmisarusaamist meie Eesti lugudega täna!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Healing with Humor: Art Ignites Spirits in Lahemaa Hospital
    Nov 7 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Healing with Humor: Art Ignites Spirits in Lahemaa Hospital Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/et/episode/2024-11-07-23-34-02-et Story Transcript:Et: Lahemaa rahvuspargi ääres sügisesed lehed värviavad maastikku kulla ja punase toonidega.En: Alongside the Lahemaa National Park, autumn leaves painted the landscape in shades of gold and red.Et: Väljahaiglas ei olnud kõik ainult terviseteemad.En: In the outpatient hospital, not everything revolved around health issues.Et: Priit, noor kunstnik, kellel oli pahkluumurd, tahtis meeleolu tõsta.En: Priit, a young artist with a fractured ankle, wanted to lift spirits.Et: Tal oli idee: korraldada kunstivõistlus.En: He had an idea: to organize an art competition.Et: Maarika, südamlik õde, aitas alati igasuguste projektidega.En: Maarika, a kind-hearted nurse, always helped with various projects.Et: Ta armastas kunsti, eriti ebatavalist.En: She loved art, especially the unconventional kind.Et: Kuid seekord oli asi veidi keerulisem, sest haiglas oli keegi Janno, kes väitis end olevat arst.En: But this time, it was a bit more complicated because, at the hospital, there was someone named Janno, who claimed to be a doctor.Et: Tegelikult oli Janno lihtsalt patsient.En: In reality, Janno was just a patient.Et: Ta soovis läbi viia sotsiaalse katse—tuli välja, et see oli tema enda kunstitükk.En: He wanted to conduct a social experiment—it turned out it was his own piece of art.Et: Kui Priit oma idee välja käis, arvasid paljud patsiendid, et meditsiinilised piirangud ei luba neil osaleda.En: When Priit proposed his idea, many patients thought that medical restrictions wouldn't allow them to participate.Et: Nad uskusid Jannot, kui ta ütles, et kunst võib olla ohtlik nende tervisele.En: They believed Janno when he said that art could be dangerous to their health.Et: Priit oli pettunud.En: Priit was disappointed.Et: Ta teadis, et kunst võib aidata ja ta soovis seda kõigile näidata.En: He knew that art could be helpful and wanted to show this to everyone.Et: Ühel hilisel sügispäeval otsustas Priit teha performance'i.En: On a late autumn day, Priit decided to do a performance.Et: Ta kogus uhkelt kõik oma maalitarbed ja hakkas näitama, kuidas kunst saab olla tervendav.En: He proudly gathered all his art supplies and began to demonstrate how art could be healing.Et: Maarika ja teised patsiendid vaatasid, kui Priit energiliselt maalis ja jagas oma kirge.En: Maarika and other patients watched as Priit painted energetically and shared his passion.Et: Kõik sujus hästi, kuni Priit kogemata lõi pikali meditsiinikabineti nurgas olnud varustuse.En: Everything was going well until Priit accidentally knocked over equipment in the corner of the medical cabinet.Et: Paugu peale jooksid Maarika ja tõeline arst kohale.En: Maarika and the real doctor rushed over at the sound of the crash.Et: Nad ei saanud aru, mis toimub.En: They didn't understand what was happening.Et: Janno üritas selgitada, kuid kõik lõppes naerus.En: Janno tried to explain, but it all ended in laughter.Et: Janno tunnistas, et ta ei ole arst, vaid osaleb kunstiprojektis.En: Janno admitted that he was not a doctor but was participating in an art project.Et: Maarika pööritas silmi, kuid naeratas.En: Maarika rolled her eyes but smiled.Et: Kõik vaikses haiglas said korraga aru, et nad on kaasa haaratud lõbusas eksituses.En: Everyone in the quiet hospital suddenly realized they had been drawn into a fun deception.Et: Seda mõistes oli huvi kunstikonkursi vastu ärganud.En: Realizing this, interest in the art competition was awakened.Et: Patsiendid olid nüüd entusiastlikud, valmis Priidi kunstikonkurssiga liituma.En: The patients were now enthusiastic, ready to join Priit's art contest.Et: Vahel on naljadel suurem jõud, kui Priit arvas.En: Sometimes jokes have more power than Priit thought.Et: Janno taipas, et tema oma loominguline katse tõi tõelise muutuse.En: Janno realized that his own creative experiment brought about a real change.Et: Nii leidsid kõik, et kunst ja huumor saavad koos olla tõeliselt tervendavad.En: Thus, everyone found that art and humor together can truly be healing.Et: Metsa ääres, Lahemaa rahvuspargi kuldsete lehtede keskel, lõi see tarkus uue sõpruse ja inspiratsiooni alguse.En: By the forest, amidst the golden leaves of Lahemaa National Park, this wisdom marked the beginning of new friendships and inspiration. Vocabulary Words:outpatient: väljahaiglafractured: pahkluumurdspirits: meeleolucompetition: võistluskind-hearted: südamlikunconventional: ebatavalinecomplicated: keerulisemconduct: läbi viiaexperiment: katserestrictions: piirangudparticipate: osaledaperformance: performancedemonstrate: näitamaenergetically: energiliseltequipment: varustuscabinet: kabinetcrash: paukdeception: eksitusenthusiastic: entusiastlikudrealized: taipamacreative: loomingulinefriendships: ...
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    14 mins
  • Grilling Marshmallows on Ice: An Arctic Tundra Tale of Friendship
    Nov 6 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Grilling Marshmallows on Ice: An Arctic Tundra Tale of Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/et/episode/2024-11-06-23-34-01-et Story Transcript:Et: Loo algab keset valget avarust, kus tuul puhub lõputult ja temperatuur on karm.En: The story begins in the middle of a white expanse, where the wind blows endlessly and the temperature is harsh.Et: Käes on talv, ja see on päris Arktika tundra.En: It's winter, and this is the real Arctic tundra.Et: Mihkel, kellel oli alati meeles üks erakordne seiklus, seisis seal lumisel väljal, sügavalt sisse hingates jäist õhku.En: Mihkel, who always had an extraordinary adventure in mind, stood there on the snowy field, taking a deep breath of the icy air.Et: Tema kõrval seisis Kaisa, käed risti rinnal, kulm kergelt kortsus murest.En: Beside him stood Kaisa, arms crossed, her brow slightly furrowed with concern.Et: "Mihkel, see on hullumeelsus," ütles Kaisa.En: "Mihkel, this is madness," said Kaisa.Et: "Kuidas see grill siin töötab?"En: "How does this grill work here?"Et: Mihkel vaid naeratas laialt.En: Mihkel just smiled broadly.Et: "See on ju seiklus, Kaisa!En: "It's an adventure, Kaisa!Et: Kujuta ette, kui lahe see oleks.En: Imagine how cool it would be.Et: Suvine grill keset talve!"En: A summer grill in the middle of winter!"Et: Kaisa vaatas ringi.En: Kaisa looked around.Et: Ümbruskond oli kaetud lumega nii kaugele, kui silm ulatus.En: The surroundings were covered with snow as far as the eye could see.Et: Ainuke heli oli tuule ulgumine.En: The only sound was the howling of the wind.Et: Kaisa raputas pead.En: Kaisa shook her head.Et: "Meil on vaja praktilisust, mitte unistusi."En: "We need practicality, not dreams."Et: Mihkel asus aga tegevusse.En: However, Mihkel set to work.Et: Tal oli kaasas väike kaasaskantav grill.En: He had brought along a small portable grill.Et: Esimesed katsed tuld süüdata ebaõnnestusid.En: The first attempts to light a fire failed.Et: Tundra külm ja tuul ei olnud tema sõbrad.En: The cold and the wind of the tundra were not his friends.Et: Iga kord kustus leek kiiremini, kui see süttis.En: Each time, the flame extinguished faster than it ignited.Et: Kaisa jälgis teda lõdvalt huvitatult.En: Kaisa watched him loosely interested.Et: "Sa näed ju, et see ei tööta," ütles ta.En: "You see it's not working," she said.Et: Kuid Mihkel ei andnud alla.En: But Mihkel did not give up.Et: "Pean lihtsalt leidma viisi, kuidas tuult blokeerida," mõtiskles ta valjusti, kuni silmas lumetõket.En: "I just need to find a way to block the wind," he mused aloud until he spotted a snow drift.Et: See inspireeris teda ja silmad lõid särama.En: It inspired him, and his eyes sparkled.Et: Ta hakkas improviseerima lumetõkke varjus.En: He began improvising in the shelter of the snow drift.Et: Mihkel kaevas lumme väikese süvendi, moodustas sinna oma kätega väikese tuulevarju.En: Mihkel dug a small depression in the snow, formed a little windbreak with his hands.Et: Mõne aja pärast süttis grilliplaat lõpuks mitte küll suure leegiga, aga piisavalt, et väike leek püsima jääks.En: After some time, the grill plate finally ignited, not with a large flame, but enough for a small flame to stay alive.Et: Kaisa läks lähemale ja vaatas, kuidas Mihkel eduga hakkas grillima väikeseid vahukomme.En: Kaisa came closer and watched as Mihkel started successfully grilling small marshmallows.Et: Kaisa naeratas tahtmatult.En: Kaisa smiled involuntarily.Et: See oli absurdne, kuid omamoodi maagiline.En: It was absurd, but in its own way, magical.Et: "Noh, ilmselt tõestasid sa midagi," naeris Kaisa lõpuks.En: "Well, I guess you proved something," Kaisa laughed finally.Et: "Või vähemalt saime sellest midagi eriskummalist."En: "Or at least we got something unusual out of it."Et: Lõppude lõpuks naersid Kaisa ja Mihkel, ühel pool vahukommid käes ja teisel pool soojust leides sõpruse soojusest.En: In the end, Kaisa and Mihkel laughed, with marshmallows in hand on one side, and finding warmth on the other through the heat of friendship.Et: Kaisa mõistis, et vahel tasub unustada argipäeva kaine mõistlikkus ja anda ruumi veidrustele.En: Kaisa realized that sometimes it's worth letting go of everyday sober rationality and making room for quirks.Et: Mihkel aga õppis hindama ettevaatlikkust ja pragmaatilisust.En: Mihkel, on the other hand, learned to appreciate caution and pragmatism.Et: Nad istusid seal keset külma tundrat, soojuse ja südamega, teades, et kõige tähtsam on aeg, mille veedad koos.En: They sat there in the middle of the cold tundra, with warmth and heart, knowing that the most important thing is the time spent together.Et: Vaatamata kõigele tundub tundra vähem karm ja nende seiklus midagi, mida nad mäletavad veel kaua.En: Despite everything, the tundra felt less harsh, and their adventure something they would remember for a long time. Vocabulary ...
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    15 mins
  • Haunted Legacies: A Journey Through Echoes of the Past
    Nov 5 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Haunted Legacies: A Journey Through Echoes of the Past Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/et/episode/2024-11-05-23-34-04-et Story Transcript:Et: Kalevi hingas sügavalt sisse ja astus kulunud metalluksest sisse, mis krigises vaikselt sügise karmi tuule käes.En: Kalev took a deep breath and stepped through the worn metal door, which creaked quietly under the harsh autumn wind.Et: Mahajäetud laohoone, lai ja kõle, seisis kivikõvade põrandate ja tolmunud kastidega täidetud hiiglaslikuna.En: The abandoned warehouse, vast and bleak, stood gigantic, filled with rock-hard floors and dusty boxes.Et: Murenenud laetahvlite vahelt vilksatasid hallika taeva pilgud, ning puulehed keerlesid põrandal, tuul tõmbas need aknaklaaside vahelt sisse.En: Glimpses of the grayish sky peered through the crumbling ceiling panels, and leaves spun on the floor, drawn in by the wind through the gaps in the window panes.Et: Kalev käis edasi, taskulamp käes, tähelepanelikult valgusvihku suunates.En: Kalev moved forward, flashlight in hand, carefully directing the beam of light.Et: Ta oli tulnud siia kindla eesmärgiga leida üks vana raamat – haruldane teos, mis kunagi kuulus tema vanaisale.En: He had come here with a definite purpose: to find an old book—a rare volume that once belonged to his grandfather.Et: See raamat oli tema vanaisa kollektsiooni kroonijuveel, ja nüüd, pärast tema lahkumist, tahtis Kalev selle pärandi säilitada.En: This book was the crown jewel of his grandfather's collection, and now, after his passing, Kalev wanted to preserve this legacy.Et: Kuigi ta teadis, et laos oli palju asju, oli see teadmine hoopis kurjakuulutav: oli räägitud, et laohoone on kummitustega.En: Although he knew there were many things in the warehouse, this knowledge was rather ominous: it was said that the warehouse was haunted.Et: Häälitsused, varjud... Kalev raputas pead, et need mõtted kõrvale heita, kuid siiski oli ta valves, iga väiksemgi heli pani ta peatuma.En: Sounds, shadows... Kalev shook his head to dismiss these thoughts but was still on guard, every little noise making him stop.Et: Kaugel nurga taga kuulis Kalev mütsatust.En: From a distant corner, Kalev heard a thud.Et: Ta süda jättis löögi vahele, ja külma õhuvõtu saatel pöördus ta ringi.En: His heart skipped a beat, and with a gulp of cold air, he turned around.Et: Kuid ta ei näinud midagi.En: But he saw nothing.Et: Ainult laoruum, suur ja peegeldav, täis salaunistusi ja unustatud olnud aegu.En: Just the storage room, large and reflective, full of hidden dreams and times forgotten.Et: Kalev kõndis edasi.En: Kalev walked on.Et: Tema sammud kuminat põrandal katkes ootamatust helist.En: His footsteps echoed on the floor, interrupted by an unexpected sound.Et: Ta oli peaaegu alla andmas, kuid siis ilmnes tema lampi valguses midagi, mis hiilgas nurgas, kastide vahel.En: He was almost about to give up, but then, in the light of his lamp, something gleamed in the corner, between the boxes.Et: "Kalev?En: "Kalev?Et: Kas see oled sina?"En: Is that you?"Et: kostis ootamatult Maarika hääl.En: came Maarika's unexpected voice.Et: Maarika ja tema vend Aadu olid tulnud kõrvalruumi kaudu, kuulnud Kalevi askeldamisest.En: Maarika and her brother Aadu had come through an adjacent room, having heard Kalev's movements.Et: Kalev oli veidike kohmetu, päästetud oma kõledast üksindusest.En: Kalev was a bit flustered, saved from his bleak solitude.Et: "Noh, siin me oleme," ütles Maarika.En: "Well, here we are," said Maarika.Et: "Kas vajad abi?"En: "Do you need help?"Et: Pärast hetke mõtlemist, Kalev otsustas, et vihane uhkus pole vajalik.En: After a moment's thought, Kalev decided that angry pride was not necessary.Et: Aadu ja Maarika olid head sõbrad.En: Aadu and Maarika were good friends.Et: Ta noogutas.En: He nodded.Et: "Jah, ma arvan, et koos leiame selle kergemini."En: "Yes, I think together we can find it more easily."Et: Nad alustasid oma ühist otsingut, tundes end turvalisemalt kui varem.En: They began their joint search, feeling safer than before.Et: Koos töötades avastasid nad lõpuks vana, kulunud raamatu, peidetud tolmulise presendi all.En: Working together, they finally discovered the old, worn book, hidden under a dusty tarp.Et: Raamat, mis oli Kalevi vanaisa lemmik, oli taas kodus.En: The book, which had been his grandfather's favorite, was home once again.Et: Kalevi süda täitus soojusega.En: Kalev's heart filled with warmth.Et: Naeratades vaatas ta Maarikat ja Aadut.En: Smiling, he looked at Maarika and Aadu.Et: Oli hea tunne jagada seda hetke.En: It felt good to share this moment.Et: Nad sammusid vaikides laohoonest välja, tuul saatis lehti nende jalge ees keerlema.En: They walked out of the warehouse in silence, the wind sending leaves swirling at their feet.Et: Kalev mõistis, et ta ei ole üksi – ei kummituste ega mineviku pärandite ees.En: Kalev ...
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    15 mins

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