FluentFiction - Slovak

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Love Deeply: A Proposal Among Jellyfish Dreams
    Nov 22 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Love Deeply: A Proposal Among Jellyfish Dreams Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-11-22-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: V sobotu ráno Jozef stál pred zrkadlom, upravoval si košeľu a premýšľal o nadchádzajúcom dni.En: On Saturday morning, Jozef stood in front of the mirror, adjusting his shirt and contemplating the upcoming day.Sk: Bol to deň, na ktorý čakal celé mesiace.En: It was a day he had been waiting for months.Sk: Katarína bola ešte v posteli, ospalá z cesty do Bratislavy.En: Katarína was still in bed, drowsy from the trip to Bratislava.Sk: Obaja prišli na víkendový výlet, aby si oddýchli a objavili krásy mesta.En: They both came on a weekend getaway to relax and discover the beauty of the city.Sk: Jozef bol prírodovedec telom i dušou.En: Jozef was a naturalist through and through.Sk: Miloval morské tvory a už dávno túžil navštíviť Bratislavské akvárium.En: He loved marine creatures and had long desired to visit the Bratislavské Aquarium.Sk: Katarína, na druhej strane, bola vášnivá cestovateľka s fotoaparátom v ruke, zachytávajúca každý moment.En: Katarína, on the other hand, was a passionate traveler with a camera in hand, capturing every moment.Sk: Mala rada mestá a ich atmosféru, ľudí a moderné umenie.En: She loved cities and their atmosphere, people, and modern art.Sk: Vonku bolo chladné jesenné ráno.En: Outside, it was a chilly autumn morning.Sk: Stromy v meste boli pestrofarebné.En: The city's trees were colorful.Sk: V akváriu bol príjemný teplý vzduch a bublajúca voda vítala návštevníkov.En: Inside the aquarium, the air was pleasantly warm, and the bubbling water welcomed visitors.Sk: Jozef pevne držal ruku Kataríny.En: Jozef held Katarína's hand tightly.Sk: Vedel, že tento deň bude výnimočný.En: He knew this day would be special.Sk: Obaja prechádzali okolo rôznych nádrží, plných pestrofarebných rýb a podmorských korálov.En: They both walked around various tanks filled with colorful fish and underwater corals.Sk: Katarína bola unesená krásou miestnosti a neprestajne fotila.En: Katarína was captivated by the beauty of the room and kept taking photos.Sk: Jozef však hľadal svoju chvíľu.En: However, Jozef was waiting for his moment.Sk: Keď sa dostali k obľúbenému Jozefovmu miestu - veľkej nádrži s medúzami, cítil, že toto je tá pravá chvíľa.En: When they reached Jozef's favorite spot—a large tank with jellyfish—he felt that this was the right moment.Sk: Vedľa neho bola Katarína, očarená hypnotickým pohybom medúz, ktoré plávali vo svetle modrom prostredí.En: Next to him was Katarína, enchanted by the hypnotic movement of the jellyfish swimming in the light blue environment.Sk: Jozefova ruka sa začala potiť, ale vedel, že je čas.En: Jozef's hand began to sweat, but he knew it was time.Sk: Kľakol si na jedno koleno, srdce mu búšilo ako nikdy predtým.En: He knelt on one knee, his heart pounding like never before.Sk: Katarína si najprv nič nevšimla.En: At first, Katarína didn't notice anything.Sk: Pokračovala v fotografovaní.En: She continued photographing.Sk: Až keď sa otočila, uvidela Jozefa, ako sa na ňu pozerá s veľkou láskou a nervozitou.En: Only when she turned around did she see Jozef looking at her with great love and nervousness.Sk: Podarilo sa mu pošepkať: „Katarína, vezmeš si ma?En: He managed to whisper, "Katarína, will you marry me?"Sk: “Okolo nich sa zhromaždili ľudia, sledujúc túto krásnu scénu.En: People gathered around them, witnessing the beautiful scene.Sk: Katarína bola prekvapená, ale okamžite vedela odpoveď.En: Katarína was surprised but immediately knew the answer.Sk: S úsmevom cez slzy povedala: „Áno!En: With a smile through tears, she said, "Yes!"Sk: “Vypukli ovácie od okolitých návštevníkov, povzbudení tohto nečakaného momentu.En: Cheers erupted from the surrounding visitors, encouraged by the unexpected moment.Sk: Katarína a Jozef sa objali pred žiariacim akváriom plným medúz, ktoré naďalej tancovali v žiari svetiel.En: Katarína and Jozef embraced in front of the glowing aquarium full of jellyfish, which continued to dance in the light.Sk: Boli spolu, pripravení začať novú kapitolu svojho života, s láskou a dôverou.En: They were together, ready to start a new chapter of their life, with love and trust.Sk: V tom momente Jozef pochopil, že urobil správne rozhodnutie a našiel v sebe novú odvahu pre budúcnosť.En: In that moment, Jozef understood that he had made the right decision and found within himself a new courage for the future. Vocabulary Words:adjusting: upravovalcontemplating: premýšľaldrowsy: ospalánaturalist: prírodovedecmarine: morskécreatures: tvorypassionate: vášniváchilly: chladnécaptivated: unesenáenchanted: očarenáhypnotic: hypnotickýenvironment: prostredísweat: ...
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    15 mins
  • Roasting Bonds: Coffee Adventures in Bratislava
    Nov 21 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Roasting Bonds: Coffee Adventures in Bratislava Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-11-21-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Vo voňavej kaviarni v srdci Bratislavy, kde jesenné lístie jemne padajú na zemi, vstúpili Jozef, Mária a Lucia.En: In the fragrant café in the heart of Bratislava, where autumn leaves gently fall to the ground, Jozef, Mária, and Lucia entered.Sk: Jozef, veľký milovník kávy, sa už dlho tešil na túto návštevu pražiarne.En: Jozef, a great coffee lover, had long looked forward to this visit to the roastery.Sk: Mária, jeho sestra, by radšej objavovala mesto, no rozhodla sa sprevádzať ho, aby strávila čas so svojím bratom.En: Mária, his sister, would rather explore the city but decided to accompany him to spend time with her brother.Sk: Lucia bola ich sprievodkyňou, ktorá ich privítala s veľkým úsmevom a horlivým záujmom o kávu.En: Lucia was their guide, who welcomed them with a big smile and a keen interest in coffee.Sk: „Vítajte v našej pražiarni!En: "Welcome to our roastery!"Sk: “ vyhlásila Lucia, ktorej nadšenie bolo nákazlivé.En: declared Lucia, whose enthusiasm was contagious.Sk: „Tu sa stáva obyčajné kávové zrnko úžasným ranným nápojom.En: "Here, an ordinary coffee bean becomes a wonderful morning beverage."Sk: “ Jozef sa na tú chvíľu tešil.En: Jozef had been looking forward to this moment.Sk: Stál blízko Lucie, aby nezmeškal žiadnu z jej detailných vysvetlení.En: He stood close to Lucia so as not to miss any of her detailed explanations.Sk: Mária však pohľadom blúdila po okolitých uličkách viditelných cez okná.En: However, Mária let her gaze wander to the surrounding streets visible through the windows.Sk: Pri prehliadke Lucia vzala skupinu ku veľkým strojinom na praženie.En: During the tour, Lucia took the group to the large roasting machines.Sk: „Tento stroj je srdcom celej operácie,“ poznamenala so zapálením.En: "This machine is the heart of the whole operation," she noted with fervor.Sk: Jozef sa naklonil bližšie, jeho oči žiarili z vedomostí.En: Jozef leaned in closer, his eyes glowing with knowledge.Sk: Mária sa pokúsila zašepkať: „Nebolo by krajšie, keby sme šli na pitie horúcej čokolády?En: Mária tried to whisper, "Wouldn't it be nicer if we went for some hot chocolate?"Sk: “ Jozef napätie potlačil a sústredil sa ďalej.En: Jozef suppressed the tension and continued to focus.Sk: Počas prestávky Jozef vyhľadal Luciu s otázkami.En: During the break, Jozef sought out Lucia with questions.Sk: „Lucia, mohli by ste mi povedať o najlepších kaviarňach v Bratislave?En: "Lucia, could you tell me about the best cafes in Bratislava?Sk: Chcel by som získať obdiv známok, keď sa vrátim domov,“ pýtal sa.En: I'd like to gain some admiration when I return home," he asked.Sk: Lucia veselo odpovedala a poskytla mu zoznam miest, ktoré musí navštíviť.En: Lucia cheerfully responded, providing him with a list of places he must visit.Sk: Keď sa opäť zišli pri stroji, začal pražiarine pracovať.En: When they gathered again by the machine, the roastery started operating.Sk: Mária, zaujatá pohybom a vôňou, sa nečakane pýtala: „Ako vlastne ten proces funguje, Jozef?En: Mária, captivated by the movement and aroma, unexpectedly asked, "How does the process actually work, Jozef?"Sk: “ Bol ohromený, ale využil príležitosť.En: He was surprised but seized the opportunity.Sk: „Pozri, zrná skáču vďaka teplu a menia svoju farbu i chuť,“ trpezlivo vysvetlil.En: "Look, the beans bounce thanks to the heat and change their color and flavor," he patiently explained.Sk: Mária sa usmiala a poprvýkrát bola skutočne zaujatá.En: Mária smiled and, for the first time, was truly interested.Sk: Na konci prehliadky si obaja sadli s čerstvým pohárom kávy pred sebou.En: At the end of the tour, both of them sat with a fresh cup of coffee in front of them.Sk: Mária sa zapozerala na šálku.En: Mária stared at the cup.Sk: „Vieš, Jozef, toto je naozaj zaujímavé.En: "You know, Jozef, this is really interesting.Sk: Možno by sme mohli ešte niečo preskúmať,“ pripustila.En: Maybe we could explore a bit more," she admitted.Sk: Jozef cítil radosť a spokojnosť.En: Jozef felt joy and satisfaction.Sk: „Som rád, že ti to dalo niečo nové.En: "I'm glad it gave you something new.Sk: Spoznáme spolu Bratislavu a jej kávovú scénu,“ navrhol.En: Let's explore Bratislava and its coffee scene together," he suggested.Sk: Mária prikývla a obaja odišli s úsmevom, kráčajúc po jesennými listami pokrytej ulici, pripravení na nové dobrodružstvá.En: Mária nodded, and both left with a smile, walking along the street covered with autumn leaves, ready for new adventures. Vocabulary Words:fragrant: voňavejautumn: jesennéroastery: pražiarneenthusiasm: ...
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    15 mins
  • Mountain Retreat: Transforming Team Rivalry into Unity
    Nov 20 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Mountain Retreat: Transforming Team Rivalry into Unity Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-11-20-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Milan, Zuzana a Jaro sa vydali na duchovný únik do Vysokých Tatier.En: Milan, Zuzana, and Jaro set off on a spiritual retreat to the Vysoké Tatry mountains.Sk: Skorá jeseň sa chýlila ku koncu a chladný vietor už prinášal vôňu zimy.En: Early autumn was nearing its end, and the chilly wind already carried the scent of winter.Sk: Hory sa vznášali nad nimi, snehové vrcholy žiarili na slnečnom svetle.En: The mountains loomed over them, with snow-capped peaks shining in the sunlight.Sk: Boli na mieste, odkiaľ svet pracovných povinností zostával ďaleko za nimi.En: They were in a place where the world of work responsibilities remained far behind them.Sk: Ich úlohou v tomto úniku bolo nájsť nové spôsoby spolupráce počas tímového workshopu.En: Their task during this escape was to find new ways of collaborating during a team workshop.Sk: Milan, ako tímový líder, cítil na sebe obrovský tlak.En: Milan, as the team leader, felt a tremendous pressure on himself.Sk: Termíny sa blížili a každý očakával vynikajúce výsledky.En: Deadlines were approaching, and everyone expected excellent results.Sk: Jaro, jeho kolega, bol presne ten typ človeka, ktorý neustále súťaží.En: Jaro, his colleague, was just the type of person who constantly competed.Sk: Bol ambiciózny a chcel postúpiť na vyšší post.En: He was ambitious and wanted to move up to a higher position.Sk: To vytváralo napätie v tíme.En: This created tension within the team.Sk: Zuzana, na druhej strane, hľadala hlbšie pochopenie sveta a svojho miesta v ňom.En: Zuzana, on the other hand, was seeking a deeper understanding of the world and her place in it.Sk: Voľný čas strávila meditačnými prechádzkami po lese.En: She spent her free time on meditative walks through the forest.Sk: Pred ich príchodom na ústup sa nezhodovali.En: Before their arrival at the retreat, they were not in agreement.Sk: Teraz mali pred sebou príležitosť spojiť sa pri dušičkovom sviatku, kedy sa v Slovensku tradične spomína na predkov.En: Now they had the opportunity to connect during the Dušičky holiday, a time in Slovakia traditionally dedicated to remembering ancestors.Sk: Tento čas prinášal možnosť introspekcie a spojenia s duchovnými koreňmi.En: This period brought the possibility of introspection and connecting with spiritual roots.Sk: Milan si uvedomoval, že Jaro sa neustále snaží.En: Milan realized that Jaro was constantly striving.Sk: Všimol si aj Zuzaninho hľadajúceho pohľadu.En: He also noticed Zuzana's searching gaze.Sk: Rozhodol sa, že tento ústup použije na nájdenie vnútorného pokoja.En: He decided to use this retreat to find inner peace.Sk: Počúval rady duchovného vodcu a zapojil sa do duchovných cvičení.En: He listened to the advice of the spiritual guide and participated in spiritual exercises.Sk: Pomaly sa snažil prepustiť svoj stres a otvoriť sa tichej sile prírody.En: Gradually, he tried to let go of his stress and open himself to the quiet strength of nature.Sk: Počas spoločnej meditácie pri krbe, keď plamene tlela a vytvárali hrejivú atmosféru, Milan pocítil v sebe zmenu.En: During a shared meditation by the fireplace, with flames flickering and creating a warm atmosphere, Milan felt a change within himself.Sk: Zrazu zostúpil pocit jasnosti.En: Suddenly, a sense of clarity descended upon him.Sk: Vedel, že kľúčom k úspechu tímu nie je súperiť, ale spolupracovať.En: He knew that the key to the team's success was not to compete but to collaborate.Sk: Musí vložiť dôveru do svojho tímu a počúvať ich potreby.En: He must place trust in his team and listen to their needs.Sk: Keď sa tábor skončil, Milan zvolal tím na stretnutie.En: When the retreat ended, Milan called a team meeting.Sk: Povedal im o svojich zisteniach a zdôraznil, že zmena prístupu môže priniesť úžitok všetkým.En: He told them about his insights and emphasized that a change in approach could benefit everyone.Sk: Zuzana a Jaro ho počúvali s novou pozornosťou.En: Zuzana and Jaro listened to him with newfound attention.Sk: Jaro si uvedomil, že bez tímovej podpory sa jeho ambície ťažko naplnia.En: Jaro realized that his ambitions would be difficult to achieve without team support.Sk: Zuzana náhle videla jasnejšie cestu, ako môže prispieť svojimi ideami.En: Zuzana suddenly saw more clearly how she could contribute with her ideas.Sk: Milan po tejto skúsenosti našiel dôveru vo svoje vedenie.En: After this experience, Milan found confidence in his leadership.Sk: Vrátil sa z Tatier s istotou.En: He returned from the Tatry with certainty.Sk: Tím sa spojil ako nikdy predtým, pripravený čeliť výzvam s novým porozumením a jednotou.En: The team ...
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    16 mins

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