• Amidst Chaos and Leaves: Mateja's Battle to Heal Ljubljana
    Nov 7 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Amidst Chaos and Leaves: Mateja's Battle to Heal Ljubljana Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-07-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Mateja je stala pred vhodom v poljsko bolnišnico v Ljubljani.En: Mateja stood in front of the entrance to the field hospital in Ljubljana.Sl: Listje je padalo z dreves, vetrič je nosil zlato-rumene liste po tleh.En: Leaves were falling from the trees, and a breeze was carrying golden-yellow leaves across the ground.Sl: Bolnišnica je bila le začasna postavitev, velika telovadnica, polna postelj in kaosa.En: The hospital was only a temporary setup, a large gymnasium filled with beds and chaos.Sl: To jesen so hudo prizadeta območja v Sloveniji zaradi poplav.En: This fall, areas badly hit by floods in Slovenia were in dire need.Sl: Mateja je že teden dni spala le po nekaj ur na noč.En: Mateja had slept only a few hours each night for a week.Sl: Kljub temu je bila odločena pomagati vsakemu, ki je prišel po pomoč.En: Despite this, she was determined to help anyone who came seeking aid.Sl: "Bojan, kje potrebujemo več zalog?En: "Bojan, where do we need more supplies?"Sl: " je poklicala mladega zdravniškega pomočnika.En: she called to the young medical assistant.Sl: Bolnišnica ni imela dovolj materiala.En: The hospital didn't have enough materials.Sl: Mateja je vedela, da mora biti inovativna.En: Mateja knew she needed to be innovative.Sl: Potreben je bil vsak par rok.En: Every pair of hands was needed.Sl: "Potrebujemo več gaz in oblog, hitro!En: "We need more gauze and bandages, quickly!"Sl: " je Bojan odgovoril, medtem ko se je ukvarjal s pacienti.En: Bojan replied while attending to patients.Sl: Naravna nesreča je prinesla val ljudi v bolnišnico.En: The natural disaster had brought a wave of people to the hospital.Sl: Njihovi obrazi so bili utrujeni, polni skrbi.En: Their faces were tired, full of worry.Sl: Mateja je videla, da so potrebovali njeno pomoč.En: Mateja saw that they needed her help.Sl: Pogoltnila je utrujenost in se predala delu.En: She swallowed her fatigue and dedicated herself to her work.Sl: Ljudje so bili prestrašeni, a Mateja jih je pomirila z nasmehom in vestnim delom.En: People were scared, but Mateja reassured them with a smile and her diligent work.Sl: Sredi živahne telovadnice je zazvonil telefon.En: Amid the bustling gymnasium, the phone rang.Sl: "Zoran, potreben si na vhodu," je zaklicala Mateja.En: "Zoran, you're needed at the entrance," Mateja called out.Sl: Zoran, izkušen zdravnik, je bil večno na poti od enega konca bolnišnice do drugega.En: Zoran, an experienced doctor, was constantly moving from one end of the hospital to the other.Sl: Njegova usta so bila resna, a njegove oči so oddajale toplino.En: His mouth was serious, but his eyes radiated warmth.Sl: Skupaj sta delala brez predaha.En: Together, they worked tirelessly.Sl: Vsak trenutek je bil dragocen, vsaka odločitev ključna.En: Every moment was precious, every decision crucial.Sl: Nenadoma je prišel klic.En: Suddenly, a call came.Sl: "Mateja, tu je kritični primer!En: "Mateja, there's a critical case!"Sl: " srce ji je poskočilo.En: her heart jumped.Sl: Pacient je bil starejši moški, njegova diha plitka, koža bleda.En: The patient was an elderly man, his breathing shallow, his skin pale.Sl: Mateja je vedela, da mora hitro odločiti.En: Mateja knew she had to decide quickly.Sl: Njena ekipa se je zbrala okoli nje.En: Her team gathered around her.Sl: Zdelo se je, da čas teče počasneje, a v resnici je šlo vse zelo hitro.En: Time seemed to slow down, but in reality, everything was moving very fast.Sl: Odločila se je, da bodo uporabili preostale zaloge za stabilizacijo moškega.En: She decided they would use the remaining supplies to stabilize the man.Sl: Starejši gospod je s težavo dihati, a z Matejino oskrbo je njegovo stanje kmalu bilo stabilizirano.En: The elderly gentleman struggled to breathe, but with Mateja's care, his condition soon stabilized.Sl: "Dobro delo," je pohvalil Zoran, ko je opazoval Matejo.En: "Good job," Zoran praised as he watched Mateja.Sl: Vedela je, da so te besede pomenile več kot katerikoli počitek.En: She knew those words meant more than any rest.Sl: Po dolgem dnevu je sedla na klop, zadvoljna z rezultatom.En: After a long day, she sat on a bench, satisfied with the outcome.Sl: Kljub vsemu je našla trenutek notranjega miru.En: Despite everything, she found a moment of inner peace.Sl: Ko se je sonce spustilo za oblake, je Mateja pogledala proti vratom.En: As the sun set behind the clouds, Mateja looked toward the doors.Sl: Venku so listi še vedno padali.En: Outside, the leaves were still falling.Sl: Utrujena, a zadovoljna, je poglobila spoštovanje do ekipnega dela.En: Tired but satisfied, she deepened her appreciation for teamwork.Sl: Razumela je, koliko lahko dosežejo skupaj.En: She understood how much they could achieve together.Sl: ...
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    17 mins
  • Through the Frozen Silence: A Tundra Tale of Trust and Triumph
    Nov 6 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Through the Frozen Silence: A Tundra Tale of Trust and Triumph Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-06-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Matej je trdno stiskal roke v žepih.En: Matej firmly clenched his hands in his pockets.Sl: Hladno jesensko jutro je prineslo ostre vetrove, ki so brisali po neskončni beli tundri.En: The cold autumn morning brought sharp winds that swept across the endless white tundra.Sl: Vsak njegov vdih je bil izziv.En: Every breath he took was a challenge.Sl: Ana je hodila poleg njega, resna in zamišljena.En: Ana walked beside him, serious and pensive.Sl: Njihovo potovanje po Arktični tundri ni bilo le raziskava, bilo je tudi iskanje.En: Their journey across the Arctic tundra was not just an exploration, it was also a quest.Sl: Za Mateja je bilo pomembno, da uspe.En: For Matej, it was important to succeed.Sl: Pretekle napake so bile kot sence, ki so ga spremljale.En: Past mistakes were like shadows that followed him.Sl: Ana je to vedela.En: Ana knew this.Sl: Ni bila prepričana, če lahko sledi njegovemu vodstvu, a ga je podpirala.En: She wasn't sure if she could follow his lead, but she supported him.Sl: Gregor, njihov vodnik, je bil vedno korak pred njima.En: Gregor, their guide, was always a step ahead of them.Sl: Njegova močna postava je dajala vtis neuničljivosti, a tokrat je bil videti drugačen.En: His strong frame gave an impression of invincibility, but this time he appeared different.Sl: Nenadoma se je Gregor zatresel in omahnil na tla.En: Suddenly, Gregor shuddered and collapsed to the ground.Sl: Mateja in Ano je zajela panika.En: Panic consumed Matej and Ana.Sl: Hipotermija.En: Hypothermia.Sl: Bili so več ur oddaljeni od najbližje medicinske postaje.En: They were hours away from the nearest medical station.Sl: Gregorjev ponavadi trden obraz je postal bled in brezizrazen.En: Gregor's usually strong face turned pale and expressionless.Sl: Čas se je neusmiljeno odmikal.En: Time was relentlessly slipping away.Sl: "Matej," je rekla Ana, njene oči so bile polne skrbi.En: "Matej," Ana said, her eyes full of concern.Sl: "Moramo pohiteti.En: "We need to hurry.Sl: Potrebujemo načrt.En: We need a plan."Sl: "Matej je vedel, da so možnosti omejene.En: Matej knew their options were limited.Sl: Predlagal je, da počakajo na pomoč, a Ana ni bila prepričana.En: He suggested they wait for help, but Ana was uncertain.Sl: Hlad je bil preveč intenziven.En: The cold was too intense.Sl: Odločiti se je moral.En: He had to make a decision.Sl: Zadnje napetosti so se strnile v njegovem srcu.En: Recent tensions condensed in his heart.Sl: Nato se je spomnil Gregorjevega nasveta o bližnjici skozi tundro.En: Then he remembered Gregor's advice about a shortcut through the tundra.Sl: Bila je nevarna, vendar je ponudila možnost hitrejšega prihoda do medicinske postaje.En: It was dangerous, but it offered the possibility of reaching the medical station faster.Sl: "Sprejeli bomo bližnjico," je rekel Matej odločno, čeprav ga je strah tiščal.En: "We'll take the shortcut," Matej said decisively, though fear gripped him.Sl: Ana se je strinjala in pomagala.En: Ana agreed and helped.Sl: Skupaj sta dvignila Gregorja in se podala na pot.En: Together, they lifted Gregor and set off.Sl: Vetrovna tišina je bila zastrašujoča, a Matej je bil odločen.En: The windy silence was daunting, but Matej was determined.Sl: Vodil je ekipni korak, sledil je nasvetom in pozornosti svoje ekipe.En: He led the team’s pace, following the advice and attention of his team.Sl: Ko so se približali medicinski postaji, je Matej čutil, kako se led na njegovem srcu topi.En: As they approached the medical station, Matej felt the ice on his heart melting.Sl: Prebujala se je nova samozavest, občutil je pomen zaupanja in sodelovanja.En: A new confidence awakened, and he sensed the importance of trust and cooperation.Sl: Ko so prispeli, so medicinski delavci hitro poskrbeli za Gregorja.En: When they arrived, the medical staff quickly took care of Gregor.Sl: Njegove trepetajoče ustnice so se sprostile in vračal se je rdeč v obraz.En: His trembling lips relaxed, and color returned to his face.Sl: Matej je stisnil Ano k sebi in ji hvaležno pokimal.En: Matej pulled Ana close and nodded gratefully to her.Sl: Kljub težki poti so uspeli.En: Despite the arduous journey, they succeeded.Sl: Naučil se je, da ni sam in da se lahko zanese na svojo ekipo.En: He learned that he is not alone and can rely on his team.Sl: Skupaj so prebrodili nevarnost, in Matej je bil pripravljen na prihodnje izzive.En: Together, they overcame the danger, and Matej was ready for future challenges.Sl: Odlomil je košček svojega dvoma in ga pustil za sabo – v neskončni belini arktične tundre.En: He broke off a piece of his doubt and left it behind—in the endless whiteness of the Arctic tundra. Vocabulary Words:clenched: stiskalpockets: ...
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    16 mins
  • Unraveling Mysteries: The Light Draws A Legacy Revealed
    Nov 5 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Unraveling Mysteries: The Light Draws A Legacy Revealed Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-05-23-34-04-sl Story Transcript:Sl: V rožnatem mraku jesenskega večera na obronku hriba, je Matevž zrl v staro, zapuščeno skladišče.En: In the pink dusk of an autumn evening on the edge of a hill, Matevž gazed at the old, abandoned warehouse.Sl: S kraja, kjer se je vzpenjal na griču, je videl, kako je skozi razbita okna utripala čudna luč.En: From the spot where he climbed the hill, he could see a strange light flickering through the broken windows.Sl: Matevž je razmišljal o svojem dedku, ki je nekoč delal v tem skladišču.En: Matevž thought about his grandfather, who once worked in this warehouse.Sl: Spomnil se je zgodb, ki mu jih je dedek pripovedoval o delovnih dneh in dogodivščinah v tem masivnem, rjasto rjavem poslopju.En: He remembered the stories his grandfather used to tell him about the working days and adventures in this massive, rust-brown building.Sl: Želel je vedeti, zakaj se luč pojavlja vsak večer.En: He wanted to know why the light appeared every evening.Sl: Kaj če je to povezano z dedkovo preteklostjo?En: What if it was connected to his grandfather's past?Sl: Njegova prijatelja, Nina in Anže, nista bila prepričana.En: His friends, Nina and Anže, were not convinced.Sl: "To je preveč nevarno," je rekel Anže in zbral moč v glasu.En: "It's too dangerous," said Anže, gathering strength in his voice.Sl: "Kaj če se skladišče zruši?"En: "What if the warehouse collapses?"Sl: Nina je pokimala v znak strinjanja.En: Nina nodded in agreement.Sl: "Ali pa je tam nekdo drug. Nekdo, ki nima dobrih namenov," je dodala z zaskrbljenim pogledom.En: "Or what if someone else is there? Someone who doesn't have good intentions," she added with a worried look.Sl: Matevž pa je čutil, da mora raziskati.En: But Matevž felt he had to investigate.Sl: Našel je tolažbo v misli, da 1. novembra, na dan vseh svetih, morda odkrije, kaj ga tako vabi.En: He found comfort in the thought that on November 1st, All Saints' Day, he might discover what was calling him.Sl: Vseeno jim je zagotovil, da bo previden.En: Nevertheless, he assured them he would be careful.Sl: Na dan vseh svetih so se oblaki zgostili nad mestom in tema je legla že zgodaj.En: On All Saints' Day, clouds gathered over the town, and darkness fell early.Sl: Matevž je natočill svetilko, pogumno zakorakal proti skladišču.En: Matevž filled his flashlight and boldly marched toward the warehouse.Sl: Kljub strahu, je srce tikalo polno vznemirjenja.En: Despite his fear, his heart ticked full of excitement.Sl: Stopil je v notranjost.En: He stepped inside.Sl: Skladišče je bilo tiho, le odmev njegovih stopinj je spremljal njegovo pot med starimi, zaprašenimi stroji in lesenimi zaboji.En: The warehouse was silent, only the echo of his footsteps accompanied his path among the old, dusty machines and wooden crates.Sl: Našel je stopnišča, ki ga je vodilo do majhne sobe, o kateri ni vedel.En: He found stairs that led him to a small room he didn't know about.Sl: Luč je utripala skozi ozko špranjo pod vrati.En: The light flickered through a narrow crack under the door.Sl: Z dominom na srcu, je pritisnil kljuko in odprl vrata.En: With a pounding heart, he pressed the handle and opened the door.Sl: Na mizi je stala luč stare elektronike, osvetljujoč pisma in fotografije.En: On the table stood a light from old electronics, illuminating letters and photographs.Sl: Spuščeni prah je trosil zgodbe.En: The settling dust scattered stories.Sl: Vzel je enega izmed listov in prepoznal dedkov rokopis.En: He picked up one of the sheets and recognized his grandfather's handwriting.Sl: Pisal je o delu in skrivnostih, ki jih je skrival s to staro napravo.En: It spoke of work and secrets he had hidden with this old device.Sl: Bil je člen v dolgi verigi družinskih skrivnosti, ki jih Matevž ni poznal.En: It was a link in a long chain of family secrets that Matevž did not know.Sl: Zbrane fotografije so kazale trenutke njegovega dedka, ki jih ni videl nikoli prej.En: The gathered photographs showed moments of his grandfather that he had never seen before.Sl: Matevž je stopil bližje k skrivnostim, ki so skupaj z lučjo razblinile njegove dvome.En: Matevž stepped closer to the secrets, which, along with the light, dispelled his doubts.Sl: Znova zunaj, Matevž je dihal globoko.En: Outside again, Matevž breathed deeply.Sl: Počutil se je bližje dedku in lastni družini.En: He felt closer to his grandfather and his own family.Sl: Njegova radovednost ni bila več le otroška igra.En: His curiosity was no longer just child's play.Sl: Zdaj je vedel, kako se soočiti z resnico - s premišljenostjo namesto z nepremišljeno drznostjo.En: Now he knew how to face the truth—with thoughtfulness rather than reckless daring.Sl: Ko se je vračal k prijateljem, so stali na...
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    16 mins
  • Finding Solitude: A Weekend at Blejsko Jezero
    Nov 4 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Solitude: A Weekend at Blejsko Jezero Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-04-23-34-03-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Jutro nad Blejskim jezerom je bilo hladno in mirno.En: The morning over Blejsko jezero was cold and calm.Sl: Listi na drevesih ob jezeru so bili rdeči, oranžni in rumeni.En: The leaves on the trees by the lake were red, orange, and yellow.Sl: Miha je stal ob obali in opazoval meglico, ki se je dvigala iz vode.En: Miha stood by the shore, watching the mist rising from the water.Sl: Njegovi prijatelji, Nina in Matej, so bili navdušeni nad načrti za vikend.En: His friends, Nina and Matej, were excited about the weekend plans.Sl: Jaz sem rad tukaj, je pomislil Miha, vendar si želi tudi nekaj trenutkov tišine.En: I like it here, Miha thought, but he also longed for a few moments of silence.Sl: »Gremo veslat,« je rekla Nina, polna energije.En: "Let's go rowing," said Nina, full of energy.Sl: Miha se je nasmehnil in rekel: »Ja, seveda.«En: Miha smiled and said, "Yeah, sure."Sl: V resnici pa je želel ostati ob jezeru, le on in njegove misli.En: In reality, though, he wanted to stay by the lake, just him and his thoughts.Sl: Vroč čaj in knjiga bi mu bila ljubša kot glasna vožnja s čolnom.En: Hot tea and a book were more appealing to him than a loud boat ride.Sl: Kmalu zatem so že veslali na jezeru.En: Soon after, they were already rowing on the lake.Sl: Miha je slišal smeh in veselje svojih prijateljev.En: Miha heard the laughter and joy of his friends.Sl: A njegovo srce je hrepenelo po miru.En: But his heart yearned for peace.Sl: Razmišljal je o ljudeh, ki jih ima rad in koliko jim daje.En: He thought about the people he loves and how much he gives to them.Sl: Redko pa si vzame čas zase.En: Rarely did he take time for himself.Sl: Naslednji dan so odšli na pohod na bližnji hrib.En: The next day, they went hiking on a nearby hill.Sl: Pot je bila posuta s kostanji in suhimi listi.En: The path was scattered with chestnuts and dry leaves.Sl: Nina je vodila skupino, Matej je sledil tesno za njo, Miha pa nekoliko zadaj.En: Nina led the group, Matej closely followed her, while Miha stayed a little behind.Sl: Tu na vzponu med drevesi je našel kratek trenutek, ko je veter pihal in prijetno suh list padel nanj.En: Here on the ascent among the trees, he found a brief moment when the wind blew and a pleasant dry leaf fell on him.Sl: Ko so prispeli na čudovito razgledišče nad jezerom, je Miha pogledal čez rob in občudoval prizor.En: When they reached the beautiful vantage point over the lake, Miha looked over the edge and admired the view.Sl: Tam, kjer se je zdelo, se je narava dotaknila neba.En: There, where it seemed nature touched the sky.Sl: Njegov dih se je umiril.En: His breath calmed.Sl: V tem trenutku se je odločil.En: In that moment, he made a decision.Sl: »Veš, prijatelji,« je rekel postajajoč pogumen, »ali je v redu, če za nekaj časa ostanem tukaj?«En: "You know, friends," he said, gathering courage, "is it okay if I stay here for a while?"Sl: Nina ga je presenetljivo razumela: »Seveda! Uživaj v miru. Pridruži se nama, ko boš pripravljen.«En: Nina, surprisingly, understood: "Of course! Enjoy the peace. Join us when you're ready."Sl: Miha je hvaležno prikimal in ostal.En: Miha nodded gratefully and stayed.Sl: Globoko je vdihnil svež zrak, opazoval ptice, ki so letele mimo, in končno začutil tišino, ki jo je potreboval.En: He took a deep breath of fresh air, watched the birds flying by, and finally felt the silence he needed.Sl: Tišina ni bila samota; bila je balzam za njegovo dušo.En: Silence was not loneliness; it was a balm for his soul.Sl: Ko se je vrnil k prijateljem, je bil bolj sproščen in vesel.En: When he returned to his friends, he was more relaxed and joyful.Sl: Ugotovil je, da je izražanje svojih potreb pomembno.En: He realized that expressing his needs is important.Sl: Nina in Matej sta bila zadovoljna, ko sta videla, da je srečen, brez prisilnega nasmeha.En: Nina and Matej were pleased to see him happy, without a forced smile.Sl: Ta vikend ob Blejskem jezeru je Miha naučil nekaj dragocenega.En: This weekend at Blejsko jezero taught Miha something valuable.Sl: Da je prijateljstvo lepše, če jo obogatiš z iskrenostjo in razumevanjem.En: That friendship is more beautiful when enriched with honesty and understanding.Sl: In da je včasih treba se najprej izgubiti v miru, da bi našli pot nazaj k ljudem, ki jih imaš rad.En: And that sometimes, you need to first lose yourself in peace to find your way back to the people you love. Vocabulary Words:mist: meglicashore: obalayearned: hrepeneloenriched: obogatišscattered: posutavantage point: razglediščebalm: balzamsolitude: samotacalm: mirenadmired: občudovalgratefully: hvaležnohiking: pohodchestnuts: kostanjicourage: pogumenascend: vzponpleased: zadovoljnaforced smile: prisilni nasmehpeace: ...
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    15 mins
  • A Gift from the Heart: Discovering Natural Sunshine in Ljubljana
    Nov 3 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: A Gift from the Heart: Discovering Natural Sunshine in Ljubljana Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-03-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: V meglenem jutru, ko so se jesenski listi spustili na tla kot barvni preprog, je Ljubljana Botanični vrt dišal po svežem zraku in dežju.En: In the foggy morning, when the autumn leaves fell to the ground like a colorful carpet, the Ljubljana Botanical Garden smelled of fresh air and rain.Sl: Mateja je stopila v vrt, v srcu nosila misel na darilo za prijatelja.En: Mateja entered the garden, carrying thoughts of a gift for a friend in her heart.Sl: Anže je hodil ob njej, rok v žepih, opazujoč lilije in hrastove liste pod nogami.En: Anže walked beside her, hands in his pockets, observing the lilies and oak leaves underfoot.Sl: »Mateja, zakaj ne bi kar odšla v trgovino v centru? Hitro bi končala,« je rekel Anže med hojo.En: "Mateja, why don't we just go to the store in the center? We would be done quickly," Anže said as they walked.Sl: Mateja se je nasmehnila, potrpežljiva kot vedno. »Prijateljica ljubi rastline. Hočem ji podariti nekaj posebnega. Nekaj... iz srce.«En: Mateja smiled, patient as always. "My friend loves plants. I want to give her something special. Something... from the heart."Sl: Objela je pogled med živahnimi barvami.En: She embraced the view among the vibrant colors.Sl: Rdeče, rumene in oranžne so bile razpete pred njo kot slikarsko platno.En: Reds, yellows, and oranges were spread out before her like a painter's canvas.Sl: Zrak je imel vonj po mokri zemlji in cvetlicah pripravljajočimi na zimo.En: The air smelled of wet earth and flowers preparing for winter.Sl: »Poglej, kako čudovito! Veliko izbiro imajo tukaj,« je rekla in zavila po potki proti trgovinici ob robu vrta.En: "Look, how beautiful! They have a great selection here," she said and turned down the path toward the small shop at the edge of the garden.Sl: Anže je zavzdihnil, a sledil.En: Anže sighed but followed.Sl: Notranjost trgovine je bila prijetna in topla, police so bile napolnjene z različnimi sadikami, lonci in vrtni okraski.En: The interior of the store was cozy and warm, shelves filled with various seedlings, pots, and garden decorations.Sl: Mateja je raziskovala vsak kotiček s strastjo raziskovalca.En: Mateja explored every corner with the passion of an explorer.Sl: Končno se je njen pogled ustavil.En: Finally, her gaze settled.Sl: Med različnimi rastlinami je zagledala nekaj edinstvenega – žarečo rumeno cvetlico z elegantnimi cvetovi.En: Among the different plants, she spotted something unique—a glowing yellow flower with elegant blooms.Sl: V očeh se ji je zasvetila iskrica.En: A sparkle appeared in her eyes.Sl: »Kaj je to?« je vprašala prodajalca.En: "What is this?" she asked the shopkeeper.Sl: »To je redka slovenska planinska roža, imenovana 'naravni sonček'.En: "This is a rare Slovenian alpine flower called 'natural sunshine'.Sl: Je težko najti,« je pojasnil.En: It's hard to find," he explained.Sl: Mateja je pogledala Anžeta z iskrico v očeh.En: Mateja looked at Anže with a sparkle in her eyes.Sl: »To je popolno.En: "This is perfect.Sl: Takšno darilo bo popolnoma pokazalo, koliko mi pomeni prijateljica.«En: Such a gift will truly show how much my friend means to me."Sl: Anže je privzdignil obrvi, a na obrazu se mu je pojavila rahla zanimanje.En: Anže raised an eyebrow, but a hint of interest appeared on his face.Sl: »Res misliš, da je to bolje kot katerakoli druga trgovina?«En: "Do you really think this is better than any other store?"Sl: Mateja je sama sebi prikimala. »Vem, da je.«En: Mateja nodded to herself. "I know it is."Sl: Nekaj minut kasneje, z rastlino skrbno zavito v papir, sta zapustila trgovino.En: A few minutes later, with the plant carefully wrapped in paper, they left the store.Sl: Matejin korak je bil lahek in srečen, Anže pa je počasi sprejemal idejo.En: Mateja's step was light and happy, while Anže was slowly warming up to the idea.Sl: »Veš, Mateja, včasih hitre odločitve ne ponujajo najboljših rezultatov.En: "You know, Mateja, sometimes quick decisions don't offer the best results.Sl: Zdaj vidim, zakaj ti to toliko pomeni,« je rekel, rahlo omahujoč.En: Now I see why this means so much to you," he said, slightly hesitating.Sl: Mateja mu je stisnila roko.En: Mateja squeezed his hand.Sl: »Včasih je vredno vzeti si čas, Anže.En: "Sometimes it's worth taking the time, Anže.Sl: Tako najdemo stvari, ki nas zares osrečujejo.«En: That's how we find things that truly make us happy."Sl: Skozi vrt sta odkorakala s svojo novo pridobitvijo.En: They walked through the garden with their new acquisition.Sl: Jesenski zrak ju je objemal, v sencah in svetlobi dneva, pripravljena deliti srečo z nekom dragim.En: The autumn air embraced them, in the shadows and light of the day, ready to share happiness with someone ...
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    16 mins
  • From Screens to Skeletons: Reigniting Curiosity in Ljubljana
    Nov 2 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: From Screens to Skeletons: Reigniting Curiosity in Ljubljana Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-02-22-34-03-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Ljubljana je sijala v barvah jeseni, ko je Mateja s svojima otrokoma, Gregorjem in Anjo, hodila po sveže posutih listih Tivolija proti Prirodoslovnemu muzeju.En: Ljubljana shined in the colors of autumn as Mateja, with her two children, Gregor and Anja, walked through the freshly scattered leaves of Tivoli towards the Natural History Museum.Sl: Poletni dnevi so se umaknili hladnim sapam in dan je bil popoln za raziskovanje notranjosti muzeja.En: The summer days had given way to the chilly breezes, and the day was perfect for exploring the museum's interior.Sl: Mateja je želela, da bi med obiskom njena družina našla nekaj novega, stran od vsakodnevnih tehnologij in skrbi.En: Mateja wanted her family to find something new during the visit, away from everyday technology and worries.Sl: Ko so vstopili v muzej, so jih pozdravili visoki stropi in ogromna okostja dinozavrov, ki so jih opazovali iz višine.En: As they entered the museum, they were greeted by high ceilings and enormous dinosaur skeletons observing them from above.Sl: "Wow," je zavzdihnila Anja, ko je razmišljala o umetniških oblikah fosilov.En: "Wow," sighed Anja as she contemplated the artistic shapes of the fossils.Sl: Gregor pa se je hitro zatekel k svojemu telefonu in vsemu okoli sebe posvetil le malo pozornosti.En: Gregor, however, quickly retreated to his phone, paying little attention to his surroundings.Sl: Mateja je bila zaskrbljena.En: Mateja was concerned.Sl: "Gregor, poglej, kako fascinantno je," je poskusila z navdušenim glasom.En: "Gregor, look how fascinating it is," she tried to say with an enthusiastic voice.Sl: Gregor je le pokimal, bolj zatopljen v zaslon.En: Gregor just nodded, more engrossed in the screen.Sl: Anja je medtem klepetala o mineralih in kamnih, ki so se svetili in pritegnili njeno oko.En: Meanwhile, Anja chatted about the minerals and rocks that shimmered and caught her eye.Sl: Mateja je premišljevala, kako naj Gregorju pokaže zanimivosti muzeja.En: Mateja pondered how to show Gregor the museum's interesting exhibits.Sl: Pravkar so prestopili v nov razstavni prostor.En: They just stepped into a new exhibition room.Sl: Tu je zagledala velikansko repliko dinozavrove glave, ki je pritegnila njeno pozornost.En: There, she spotted a gigantic replica of a dinosaur's head that caught her attention.Sl: "Gregor, poglej to!En: "Gregor, look at that!Sl: To je glava tiranozavra," je vzkliknila, ko je kazala na eksponat.En: That's a T. rex head," she exclaimed, pointing at the exhibit.Sl: Na njeno presenečenje je Gregor umaknil oči z zaslona in pogledal.En: To her surprise, Gregor lifted his eyes from the screen and looked.Sl: Dinozaver je bil tako velik in impresiven, da je pritegnil njegovo pozornost.En: The dinosaur was so large and impressive that it caught his attention.Sl: Začel je hoditi okoli njega, preučeval je vsak del ogromne kosti in postavljal vprašanja, na katera je Mateja z veseljem odgovarjala.En: He began to walk around it, examining every part of the massive bone and asking questions, to which Mateja gladly responded.Sl: Anja se je pridružila in kmalu so vsi trije skupaj raziskovali dinozavrski razstavni prostor, pozabili na vse drugo.En: Anja joined in, and soon all three of them were exploring the dinosaur exhibition space together, forgetting about everything else.Sl: Gregor je zdaj postavljal vprašanja o življenju pred milijoni let.En: Gregor was now asking questions about life millions of years ago.Sl: "Kako so te živali živele?En: "How did these animals live?Sl: Kaj so jedle?En: What did they eat?"Sl: " je spraševal, kar je povzročilo smeh pri Mateji in Anji.En: he asked, which made Mateja and Anja laugh.Sl: Ko so zapuščali muzej, je Gregor še vedno razpravljal o različnih vrstah dinozavrov, ki jih je spoznal.En: As they left the museum, Gregor was still discussing the various types of dinosaurs he had learned about.Sl: Anja in Mateja sta se nasmehnili.En: Anja and Mateja smiled.Sl: Mateji je uspelo: njen sin se je oddaljil od telefona in odkril novo strast.En: Mateja had succeeded: her son had distanced himself from the phone and discovered a new passion.Sl: Mateja je spoznala, da lahko njuni otroci uživajo v učenju, če jih le spodbuja na pravi način.En: Mateja realized that her children could enjoy learning if encouraged in the right way.Sl: Družina je odšla iz muzeja povezana in navdušena, pripravljena na nove jesenske dogodivščine.En: The family left the museum connected and excited, ready for new autumn adventures. Vocabulary Words:scattered: posutihinterior: notranjostiworries: skrbigreeted: pozdraviliceilings: stropienormous: ogromnaskeletons: okostjacontemplated: razmišljalafossils: fosilovretreated: zatekelengrossed: zatopljenshimmered: ...
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    15 mins
  • A Muse in Tivoli Park: Art and Nature's Gentle Bond
    Nov 1 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: A Muse in Tivoli Park: Art and Nature's Gentle Bond Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-01-22-34-03-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Matej je sedel na klopci v Tivoli Parku v Ljubljani.En: Matej was sitting on the bench in Tivoli Park in Ljubljana.Sl: Veter se je igral z jesenskim listjem, ki je lebdel preko poti kot pisane sanje.En: The wind was playing with the autumn leaves, which floated across the path like colorful dreams.Sl: On je stiskal skicirko v rokah, a stranice so ostajale prazne.En: He was clutching a sketchbook in his hands, but the pages remained blank.Sl: V glavi so bile le prazne misli in dvomi.En: In his head, there were only empty thoughts and doubts.Sl: Slišal je bližajoče se korake.En: He heard approaching footsteps.Sl: Lea je prišla mimo s košaro, polno vejic in listov.En: Lea came by with a basket full of twigs and leaves.Sl: Njene oči so sijale, medtem ko je opazovala naravo okrog sebe.En: Her eyes shone as she observed the nature around her.Sl: Ni opazila Mateja, ki je sedel poleg nje.En: She didn't notice Matej, who was sitting beside her.Sl: Bila je v svojem svetu, razmišljujoča, izgubljena v svoji naravi.En: She was in her own world, contemplative, lost in her nature.Sl: Matej je opazoval in čutil neznano silo v sebi, ki ga je nagovarjala, naj povleče svinčnik po papirju.En: Matej watched and felt an unknown force within him that urged him to drag the pencil across the paper.Sl: Začel je risati drevesa, padle liste, ujel je svetlobo, ki se je prebijala skozi veje.En: He began drawing the trees, fallen leaves, capturing the light that pierced through the branches.Sl: Pogledal je Lea.En: He looked at Lea.Sl: Zbrala je nekaj vejic, preučevala liste.En: She gathered some twigs, examined the leaves.Sl: Matej je zadrhtel.En: Matej shivered.Sl: Njene poteze so bile nežne, a osredotočene, kot bi brala skrivnosti narave.En: Her movements were gentle yet focused, as if she were reading the secrets of nature.Sl: Odločil se je.En: He made a decision.Sl: Začel je risati na novo stran.En: He began to draw on a new page.Sl: Njegova roka je postala bolj pogumna, risal je njeno silhueto ob drevesu, listje, ki lebdi okrog nje.En: His hand became bolder as he sketched her silhouette by the tree, leaves floating around her.Sl: Vsak udarec svinčnika je nosil strah, a tudi nujo po izražanju.En: Each stroke of the pencil carried fear, but also a necessity for expression.Sl: Nenadoma je Lea opazila Mateja in njegove skice.En: Suddenly, Lea noticed Matej and his sketches.Sl: Ustavila se je, presenečena nad njegovo predanostjo in domiselnostjo.En: She stopped, surprised by his dedication and creativity.Sl: "Kaj delaš?" je vprašala s toplim nasmehom.En: "What are you doing?" she asked with a warm smile.Sl: Matej je pogledal gor, rahlo zardel.En: Matej looked up, slightly blushing.Sl: "Samo... skidam," je zamrmral, ne vedoč, kako bi prav zares pojasnil.En: "Just... sketching," he murmured, not knowing how to truly explain.Sl: Njegove oči so odsevale skromnost in hrepenenje.En: His eyes reflected modesty and longing.Sl: Sedenje poleg Mateja je za Leo postalo zanimivo.En: Sitting next to Matej became interesting for Lea.Sl: Skupaj sta se pogovarjala o umetnosti in naravi.En: They talked together about art and nature.Sl: Matej ji je pokazal svoje skice.En: Matej showed her his sketches.Sl: Lea je bila očarana nad načinom, kako je ujel bistvo naravnega sveta.En: Lea was enchanted by the way he captured the essence of the natural world.Sl: Ko je sonce začelo zahajati, se je zavedel, da sta minili ure.En: When the sun began to set, he realized that hours had passed.Sl: Matej in Lea sta se spogledala, vsak izmed njih obogaten s pristnim pogovorom.En: Matej and Lea exchanged glances, each enriched by the genuine conversation.Sl: Matej je začutil novo samozavest v sebi, misel, da njegove skice niso le poteze na papirju, ampak okno v njegov notranji svet.En: Matej felt a new confidence within himself, the idea that his sketches were not just strokes on paper, but a window into his inner world.Sl: Lea je odšla s parka s svežim pogledom.En: Lea left the park with a fresh perspective.Sl: Matejeva umetnost ji je pokazala, da lahko tudi v najpreprostejših stvareh uzre še nevidene dimenzije.En: Matej's art showed her that even in the simplest things, unseen dimensions could be perceived.Sl: Tivoli Park je bil priča rojstvu neke nežne vezi, kjer sta umetnost in narava našli skupni jezik.En: Tivoli Park was witness to the birth of a gentle bond, where art and nature found a common language.Sl: Matej je tam našel svojo muzo; Lea pa v njem pridobila prijatelja, ki je svet okoli nje znal videti skozi povsem nov prizor.En: Matej found his muse there; Lea gained a friend in him who could see the world around her from a completely new perspective.Sl: Zima bo kmalu prišla, a Matej in Lea sta že načrtovala ...
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    16 mins
  • Finding Solace: A Journey Through Triglav's Enchanted Woods
    Oct 31 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Solace: A Journey Through Triglav's Enchanted Woods Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-10-31-22-34-03-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Meglice jutra so se počasi dvigale, ko so Mateja, Tomaž in Neža vstopili v gozd Triglavskega narodnega parka.En: The morning mist slowly lifted as Mateja, Tomaž, and Neža entered the forest of the Triglav National Park.Sl: Listje je pokrivalo tla z zlato rdečo odejo, ki je rahlo šumela pod njihovimi koraki.En: The leaves covered the ground with a golden-red blanket that rustled softly under their steps.Sl: Zrak je bil hladen in svež, navdajal jih je z energijo jeseni.En: The air was cool and fresh, filling them with the energy of autumn.Sl: Mateja je hodila naprej.En: Mateja walked ahead.Sl: Njene misli so bile kot raznobarvno listje okoli nje.En: Her thoughts were like the colorful leaves around her.Sl: Srce ji je govorilo, da mora najti nekaj posebnega.En: Her heart told her she needed to find something special.Sl: Izziv, ki ga je sama sebi postavila, je bil del poti k zaprtju poglavja svojega življenja.En: The challenge she set for herself was part of the path to closing a chapter of her life.Sl: Prej je nekoga izgubila, osebo, ki je posedovala enako ljubezen do narave.En: She had lost someone who shared the same love for nature.Sl: Tomaž je krmaril pot z znanjem gozdarja.En: Tomaž navigated the path with the knowledge of a forester.Sl: Njegove oči so bile pazljive.En: His eyes were watchful.Sl: "Ne popoldne pregloboko v gozd," je opozoril skupino.En: "Don't stray too deep into the woods in the afternoon," he warned the group.Sl: "Ko pade noč, postane gozd skrivnosten.En: "When night falls, the forest becomes mysterious."Sl: "Neža je opazovala drevesne krošnje, prepletene z žarkom sonca.En: Neža watched the tree canopies interwoven with sunbeams.Sl: Na poti je zbirala storže in zanimivo oblikovano lubje.En: Along the way, she collected cones and interestingly shaped bark.Sl: Njena domišljija je že plela umetnine, ki bi jih lahko ustvarila za sejmišče.En: Her imagination was already weaving artworks for the fair.Sl: Vendar pa ji je duša trepetala.En: Yet her soul trembled.Sl: Ni bila navajena v naravi, kot je bil Tomaž, ali imela globoko povezavo z njo, kot Mateja.En: She wasn't as accustomed to nature as Tomaž was, nor did she have a deep connection with it like Mateja.Sl: Ko so se iztikali danjem soncu, je Mateja našla stezo, ki je vodila globlje v gozd.En: As they soaked in the day's sun, Mateja found a path leading deeper into the woods.Sl: Njeno srce jo je vleklo naprej.En: Her heart pulled her forward.Sl: "Samo še malo," je zavpila.En: "Just a little more," she shouted.Sl: "Obljubim, da bom pazljiva!En: "I promise I'll be careful!"Sl: "Tomaž je zmajal z glavo, a zaupal ji je.En: Tomaž shook his head, but he trusted her.Sl: Vedel je, da ima narava poseben način, da vodi vsakega, ki se resnično poveže z njo.En: He knew that nature has a special way of guiding anyone who truly connects with it.Sl: Ko se je sonce spuščalo, so sence postajale daljše in zrak hladnejši.En: As the sun set, the shadows grew longer and the air colder.Sl: Mateja je našla skrito jaso.En: Mateja found a hidden clearing.Sl: Njena roka je postopala po mehkem mahu, dokler ni naletela na osupljivo vejo, oblikovano kot srce.En: Her hand moved over the soft moss until it came upon a stunning branch shaped like a heart.Sl: Rastlina je bila prekrita z živahnimi jesenskimi barvami, kot da bi jo narava posebej priredila za njen prihod.En: The plant was covered in vibrant autumn colors, as if nature had specially arranged it for her arrival.Sl: S srcem polnim topline in ganjenosti je Mateja zagrabila pokojno vejo.En: With a heart full of warmth and emotion, Mateja grasped the fallen branch.Sl: Toda v temi, ki je hitro padla, ni več jasno videla poti nazaj.En: But in the darkness that quickly fell, she could no longer see the path back clearly.Sl: Na trenutek se je počutila izgubljeno, obkrožena z neznanim.En: For a moment, she felt lost, surrounded by the unknown.Sl: V tistem trenutku so se v daljavi zasvetile luči.En: At that moment, lights appeared in the distance.Sl: Tomaž in Neža sta prišla s svetilkami, njuni glasovi so jo klicali.En: Tomaž and Neža had come with flashlights, their voices calling out to her.Sl: Mateja je sledila svetlobi in svojemu notranjemu vodilu.En: Mateja followed the light and her inner guide.Sl: Čutila je, da ji ni treba biti sama s svojo žalostjo.En: She realized she didn't have to be alone with her grief.Sl: Ko se jim je pridružila, je njen strah izginil.En: As she joined them, her fear vanished.Sl: Njihovi obrazi so bili polni olajšanja in veselja.En: Their faces were full of relief and joy.Sl: V objemih svojih prijateljev je našla tolažbo.En: In the embrace of her friends, she found solace.Sl: Razumela je, da je vez z ljudmi enako ...
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    17 mins