• Overcoming The Hidden Battle Understanding Addiction with Christopher Doyle and Joe Polish - Genius Network Episode #211
    Aug 31 2024

    Joe Polish interviews Christopher Doyle about effective strategies for long-term sobriety, especially in high-stress careers. They discuss the power of 12-step programs and the vital role of family support. This episode offers practical insights for anyone dealing with addiction.

    Here’s a glance at what you’ll discover from Chris in this episode:

    • Discover why 94.7% of people with substance use disorders don’t perceive the need for help and the critical role external factors play in achieving sobriety.
    • From Firefighting to Life-Saving: Learn how Christopher Doyle’s journey from being a New York City firefighter to a seasoned interventionist is transforming the lives of individuals and families battling addiction.
    • The Delusion of Control: Dive into the mind of an addict and understand the powerful delusion that they can manage their substance use, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, and what to do about it
    • Breaking the Cycle: The profound impact of growing up in a recovery household and how it shaped Christopher's unique approach to helping families navigate addiction.
    • Beyond the Surface: Why addiction isn’t just about substance use but a symptom of deeper issues. (Hear Christopher's insights on addressing the root causes of addiction for lasting recovery.)
    • Empathy Over Stigma: How separating your loved one from their addiction and approaching them with empathy can be the game-changer in their recovery journey.
    • Get actionable advice on how to identify the right moment to intervene, present recovery opportunities, and use positive leverage to help your loved one take the first step toward sobriety.

    If you’d like to join world-renowned Entrepreneurs at the next Genius Network Event or want to learn more about Genius Network, go to www.GeniusNetwork.com.

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    1 hr and 43 mins
  • One Year No Beer: Reshaping Your Relationship with Alcohol (A Conversation with Ruari Fairbairns and Joe Polish) - Genius Network Episode #210
    Aug 23 2024

    In this episode, Joe Polish interviews Ruari Fairbairns, Founder of One Year No Beer, who shares insights on the pervasive impact of alcohol, the alcohol industry's influence, and the link between alcohol, trauma, and mental health.

    Here’s a glance at what you’ll discover from Ruari in this episode:

    • Discover Ruari Fairbairns' revolutionary approach to breaking the booze habit that's turned skeptics into believers across 137 countries (PLUS: The story of the global movement "One Year No Beer" that's saving lives one sip at a time.)
    • The link between trauma, stress, and drinking habits. (Ruari explains how addressing these deeper issues can lead to more effective recovery.)
    • Technology Meets Temperance: An innovative technology that monitors your central nervous system to help you understand and manage your stress and drinking triggers.
    • What if stopping wasn’t about quitting, but changing? Ruari flips the script on sobriety with strategies that replace harmful habits with powerful new ones. (Dive into the method that makes the journey from addiction to recovery both successful and sustainable.)
    • Beyond Sobriety: Ruari challenges the traditional narratives of addiction recovery, advocating for a new approach that addresses the root causes of alcohol dependence.
    • Exposing the myths peddled by billion-dollar booze businesses (and why 2 simple words have led more people to drinking problems than almost anything else...)
    • What could giving up alcohol do for your brain and body? Ruari unpacks the startling health benefits of sobriety—improved mental clarity, enhanced physical health, and overall vitality. Discover why less alcohol means more life!
    • Learn how Ruari’s research with Stirling University is uncovering the shocking impact of peer pressure on drinking habits, especially among professional women in London.
    • Ruari shares how you can rethink your relationship with alcohol, offering practical tips for a healthier, happier, and more productive life.
    • Ruari shares his ambitious plans to take "One Year No Beer" beyond a challenge to a comprehensive educational and research initiative, set to redefine health and happiness.

    If you’d like to join world-renowned Entrepreneurs at the next Genius Network Event or want to learn more about Genius Network, go to www.GeniusNetwork.com.

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    43 mins
  • Fighting the Opioid Epidemic: A Candid Conversation with Cammie Wolf Rice and Joe Polish - Genius Network Episode #209
    Aug 16 2024

    Joe Polish sits down with Cammie, a passionate advocate fighting against the opioid epidemic and the fentanyl crisis. Cammie shares her deeply personal story of loss, resilience, and her mission to prevent others from experiencing similar tragedies.

    Here’s a glance at what you’ll discover from Cammie in this episode:

    • Discover how Cammie Wolf Rice transformed her profound personal loss into a nationwide crusade against the opioid epidemic—learn about her unique approach in "The Christopher Wolf Crusade."
    • Cammie challenges common misconceptions about addiction and recovery. Learn how her initiatives are enlightening communities and reshaping perspectives on drug dependency.
    • Learn about the innovative approaches to addiction and pain management that Cammie has pioneered, including the use of Life Care Specialists in hospitals to reduce opioid dependency.
    • A Mother’s Mission: Hear Cammie recount the heartbreaking story of losing her son to opioids and how it fueled her mission to save others from the same fate.
    • How Cammie took on the pharmaceutical industry and the challenges she faces in shifting the paradigm from medication to education and awareness.
    • The Power of Purpose: Feel Cammie’s raw emotion and unstoppable drive as she discusses turning personal grief into a public fight for prevention and the power of purpose in navigating life’s toughest challenges.
    • Cammie offers heartfelt advice to parents navigating the complexities of addiction in the family…
    • Personal Stories, Universal Lessons: Every parent’s nightmare turned into a rallying cry for change.
    • Cammie shares personal stories that highlight the human cost of addiction and the strength found in recovery.

    If you’d like to join world-renowned Entrepreneurs at the next Genius Network Event or want to learn more about Genius Network, go to www.GeniusNetwork.com.

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    35 mins
  • Dopamine Nation: Balancing Pleasure and Pain in the Modern World with Dr. Anna Lembke and Joe Polish - Genius Network Episode #208
    Jul 19 2024

    In this episode Joe Polish and Dr. Anna Lembke explore the neuroscience of addiction and the role of dopamine in shaping our behavior. They discuss how modern life affects our pleasure-pain balance and explore effective strategies like dopamine fasting for recovery. Gain unique insights from Dr. Lembke’s personal journey and its impact on her understanding of mental health.

    Here’s a glance at what you’ll discover from Dr. Anna Lembke in this episode:

    • Unlock Neuroscience Secrets: Delve into the neuroscience of addiction and discover how the brain's reward circuit and dopamine play pivotal roles in our behavior and choices.
    • The Dopamine-Movement Connection: Learn how dopamine, essential for movement, reward, and pleasure, is impacted by our modern sedentary lifestyle, leading to various addictions.
    • Pleasure-Pain Balance Explained: Understand the brain's teeter-totter mechanism of processing pleasure and pain and its profound implications for addiction and mental health.
    • Neuroscience of Reward and Craving: Discover how repeated exposure to addictive substances alters our brain's dopamine levels, leading to the craving cycle and addiction.
    • Neuroplasticity and Recovery: Explore the concept of neuroplasticity and how abstaining from addictive behaviors can help restore the brain's balance and overcome addiction.
    • Understanding the 'Dopamine Fast': Learn about the dopamine fast approach for treating addiction and how it can lead to improved mental health and overall well-being.
    • Addiction's Broad Spectrum: Gain insights into the wide range of addictions affecting modern society, from traditional substances to digital media and interpersonal relationships.
    • The Impact of Modern Overabundance: Explore how today's world of overabundance and instant gratification may be contributing to a widespread mental health crisis.
    • Suicide Trends and Mental Health: The alarming trends in suicide rates, especially in wealthier nations, and their potential link to a dopamine deficit state.
    • Digital Media Addiction and Its Consequences: Dive into the alarming statistics of digital media consumption and its addictive nature, highlighting the need for moderation and self-control.
    • Practical Strategies for Addiction Recovery: Discover various strategies to combat addiction, from self-binding techniques to leveraging supportive communities and appropriate medication.
    • Hormesis in Addiction Recovery: Learn about the role of hormesis - exposure to mild stressors - in building resilience and aiding addiction recovery.
    • Community and Governance Roles in Addiction: Understand the importance of community and governance in creating supportive environments for addiction prevention and recovery.
    • Defining Addiction in Today's World: Discover what addiction truly means in our modern society, as Anna Lembke explains the continued compulsive use of substances or behaviors despite harm to oneself or others.
    • Entrepreneurs and the Addiction Threshold: Learn how to recognize when a healthy drive and ambition in entrepreneurship is tipping into addictive behavior, and the key signs to watch for.
    • Communicating Complex Science to a Broad Audience: Understand how Anna Lembke's approach to explaining the complexities of addiction science has evolved, aiming to make it accessible and relatable to a wider audience.
    • Personal Impact of Research on Dopamine Nation: Delve into how the research and writing of 'Dopamine Nation' have influenced Anna Lembke's personal life and habits, offering insights into the profound effects of understanding dopamine's role in our lives.

    If you’d like to join world-renowned Entrepreneurs at the next Genius Network Event or want to learn more about Genius Network, go to www.GeniusNetwork.com.

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    1 hr and 15 mins
  • Glimmer: A Journey from Darkness to Light with Hollywood's Leading Stuntwoman Kimberly Shannon Murphy and Joe Polish - Genius Network Episode #207
    Jul 12 2024

    Join Joe Polish and Hollywood's top stuntwoman, Kimberly Shannon Murphy, as she shares her journey from surviving childhood trauma to becoming a beacon of hope. Discover the secrets of resilience, authentic connections, and the healing power of her book "Glimmer."

    Here’s a glance at what you’ll discover from Kimberly Shannon Murphy in this episode:

    • Overcoming the Impossible: Discover how Kimberly Shannon Murphy transformed her harrowing childhood trauma into a thriving career as Hollywood's top stuntwoman.
    • Kimberly reveals her raw, unfiltered journey from being sexually abused by her grandfather to becoming a beacon of hope and resilience.
    • The shocking truth about the abuse Kimberly endured and how she used her experiences to fuel her incredible strength and determination.
    • Glimmer of Hope: Learn how Kimberly’s newly released book "Glimmer" provides a powerful narrative of survival, hope, and healing that resonates deeply with trauma survivors.
    • The Stuntwoman's Secrets: Get an inside look at Kimberly’s adrenaline-filled career, working with Hollywood legends, and how stunts became a temporary escape from her past.
    • Healing Through Connection: Joe and Kimberly delve into the profound impact of finding authentic connections and how it helps in healing deep-rooted trauma.
    • Kimberly’s transformative experiences with psychedelic therapy and how it played a pivotal role in her healing journey.
    • Resilience Redefined: Understand Kimberly’s perspective on resilience, as she navigates the complexities of trauma, therapy, and self-discovery.
    • Kimberly talks about breaking the cycle of trauma for her daughter and the profound lessons she’s learned in motherhood.
    • From Victim to Victor: Why Kimberly’s story is not just about survival; it's about thriving against all odds and finding purpose in the pain.

    If you’d like to join world-renowned Entrepreneurs at the next Genius Network Event or want to learn more about Genius Network, go to www.GeniusNetwork.com.

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • Beyond Boundaries: Tech, Spirituality, and Humanity with Joe Polish Featuring Dmitry Buterin - Genius Network Episode #206
    Jul 5 2024

    In this episode, Joe Polish is joined by Dmitry Buterin, a powerhouse in tech Entrepreneurship and father to Ethereum's visionary creator, Vitalik Buterin.

    Dmitry shares his incredible journey through business, parenthood, and his profound insights on life, discipline, and spirituality. Exploring themes of addiction, mental health, personal growth, and the transformative impact of technology.

    Here’s a glance at what you’ll discover from Dmitry Buterin in this episode:

    • Insights from Dmitry on life, discipline, spirituality, and the human struggle
    • Dmitry's journey through Entrepreneurship and fatherhood, offering a unique perspective on living authentically in the present moment
    • Balance between discipline and surrender in life, and how acceptance can transform our understanding of life's challenges
    • The concept of the "authentic self" and how it shapes Dmitry's approach to personal and professional life
    • Gain insights into addiction, coping mechanisms beyond drugs, and the disciplined approach Dmitry takes to maintain balance
    • Explore Dmitry's views on sacrifice, productivity, and the impact of discipline and sensitivity on life choices
    • Discover perspectives on forgiveness, acceptance, and the ongoing process of personal growth
    • Dmitry's exploration of AI and its parallels with human behavior, offering new insights into technological and societal evolution
    • The importance of empathy, human connection, and embracing change in navigating life's emotional challenges and societal issues

    If you’d like to join world-renowned Entrepreneurs at the next Genius Network Event or want to learn more about Genius Network, go to www.GeniusNetwork.com.

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    1 hr and 23 mins
  • Brave Hearts: The Power of Vulnerability, Resilience and Courage from the first U.S. Woman to Fly in Combat with Martha McSally - Genius Network Episode #205
    Feb 23 2024

    Martha McSally shares her journey of healing and growth and how to release negative baggage to embrace a future filled with possibility. Listen now and start living life on your own terms.

    Here’s a glance at what you’ll discover from Martha in this episode:

    • Courage Under Fire: Discover how Martha McSally's experiences as a Squadron Commander in Afghanistan teach valuable lessons in handling high-pressure situations and making critical decisions.
    • Breaking Barriers: Insights into overcoming monumental challenges, like Martha’s journey to allow women to fly in combat, applicable to breaking your own industry barriers.
    • The Resilience of a Fighter Pilot: Learn how the principles of resilience and focus, honed in the cockpit, can be applied to bounce back from personal and professional challenges.
    • Overcoming Personal Trauma: Gain insights into Martha's journey of overcoming personal trauma and how these experiences shaped her strength and determination.
    • The Power of Self-Definition: Explore how Martha emphasizes the importance of defining oneself beyond external roles and titles, focusing on the essence of who you truly are.
    • Harnessing Your Inner Strength: Learn from Martha's approach to identifying and harnessing inner strengths to overcome life's challenges and achieve success.
    • Embracing Vulnerability for Growth: Understand the importance of acknowledging and embracing vulnerability as a path to personal growth and authentic living.
    • Transforming Fear into Action: Discover Martha's strategies for confronting and transforming fear into a driving force for action and change.
    • The Journey of Forgiveness and Healing: Martha shares her insights on the power of forgiveness and the healing process, and how they play a crucial role in moving forward.
    • Creating a Life of Purpose and Integrity: Be inspired by Martha's commitment to living a life aligned with her core values and purpose, encouraging others to do the same.
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    39 mins
  • Unveiling Your Alter Ego: A Powerful Tool for Personal Transformation with Todd Herman and Joe Polish - Genius Network Episode #204
    Jan 30 2024

    Todd unravels the power of alter egos. He also shares the unconventional marketing strategies that propelled him into the sports industry, and the secrets behind mastering the mental game for peak performance.

    Here’s a glance at what you’ll discover from Todd in this episode:

    • Unveiling Alter Egos for Success: Explore the power of alter egos for personal growth and success
    • From Hockey Pucks to High Performance: Learn how Todd Herman's unconventional marketing revolutionized the sports industry
    • Mastering the Mental Game: Gain insights into Todd's coaching mastery in the mental game for top athletes and leaders
    • Environmental Influence for Peak Performance: Understand how environmental factors impact achieving peak performance.
    • Marketing Magic: Todd's Lumpy Mail Success: Discover Todd Herman's creative marketing strategy and its unexpected positive response
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    1 hr and 40 mins