• The Mystery of Jesus’ Early Death at the Age of 33
    Jul 30 2023

    Why did Jesus die at such a young age of 33? And why was he sentenced to crucifixion, which involved the most excruciating pain? And why did he do away with reverence for God and hinder meditation before God? Let us demonstrate this.

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    7 mins
  • The Mystery of the ‘Donkey’ That Jesus Rode
    May 15 2022

    People think that God will be their God, and God will have compassion on them if they simply call out “God, Lord” with their lips. But on the contrary, it is written clearly in the Bible that God will not have compassion on those who have no understanding. The problem is that no one knew the will of God that was written in the Bible, and people thought that Jesus simply ordered the disciples to bring a donkey at the human level. Simply knowing that Jesus rode on a donkey is only the biblical tongue that has nothing to do with one’s soul—words that do not profit the souls of both the preacher and the listeners. That is why God said, “If all speak in tongues, and ungifted men or unbelievers enter, will they not say that you are mad?”

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    28 mins
  • Come and See the Works of God
    May 15 2022

    The works of God are the fulfilment of the prophecies which are written in the Bible. This is being carried out in reality even as we speak. If you think about it, the whole world is a creation of God. Why did God say to “come” and to see His works? Should Christians actually be "going" to a certain place? If so, then where?

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    29 mins
  • Be subject to the ‘Governing Authorities’ Who Break the ‘Power of the Tongue’
    Apr 25 2022

    God gave authority to the Son, and the Son Jesus was resurrected into a perfect body that will never get sick or die, so he could have become king on earth. But why was he taken up to heaven? When Jesus Christ was resurrected, why did God give him “the key of death and Hades” forevermore?

    Why were Christians who believed in Jesus Christ unable to rule, possess, or subdue the world until now? Why were the disciples who were taught directly by Jesus Christ killed? Why were Christians not enjoying the authority of the children of God? Why did Christians have to be persecuted and even killed by the wicked, and live under the rule of unbelievers or people of other religions?

    If God gave all authority to the Son, why did the Word that the Son of God spoke not come true?

    The Bible is the great book of prophecy in which the Word of God is written. Spiritual thoughts must be discerned with spiritual words perfectly and with clarity without turning aside to the right or the left.

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    28 mins
  • Find the “Spiritual Person” Who Is Filled With the Spirit of God
    Mar 11 2022

    How do you hear the voice of God? All Christians imagine hearing a voice from somewhere in heaven calling their name. Or they imagine hearing the voice when they are praying for something to fill up their desires. Or they imagine hearing it in their dreams when they are sleeping. Is that how you hear the voice of God? Absolutely not! 

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    31 mins
  • Divine Power That Destroys All Arguments: “Unprecedented New Covenant”
    Mar 11 2022

    Whether everyone in the world acknowledges or not, the fact is, the whole world has been going by the Lord God's plan since creation until now, according to God’s schedule. No matter how much humans make up countless theories to deny this fact, human theories are not, nor can it ever become the Truth. You must surpass the human level to go on to the knowledge of Truth to know God. However, this too is only possible when God permits it. So you must accept and never forget that the Bible is a mystery.

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    29 mins
  • Who are the "women" that must keep silent in churches?
    Mar 11 2022

    Throughout the history of humanity, humans have had countless disputes over conflicting interests and ideology. Conflict between nations, conflict between the rich and poor, conflict between social classes, different religions, and gender equality. Even the church was no exception to the issue of gender discrimination Today, let us look into the difference between the woman that people in the church thought of and the woman that God spoke of. You must interpret the Bible with the Bible, and spiritual thoughts with spiritual words, to not distort the Bible at the human level [1Cor. 2:13~14].

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    30 mins
  • Sorcerers in the Church: Horses & riders who deceive the world
    Mar 11 2022

    The enemies of God who deceived all the nations do not know the spiritual things. They see the Bible only literally by what they know by instinct at the human level. They use God’s name and Jesus’ name to imitate what is written. But on the Day of the LORD and the Day of the Son of Man, now in this age, God reveals everything about them. The people who deceive by their sorcery call on Jesus’ name and God’s name with their dirty mouths, but their time to do their work has ended now.

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    28 mins