• Mastering the Role of Chief Innovation Officer (CINO)
    Sep 10 2024

    The role of a Chief Innovation Officer (CINO) has become increasingly critical in today's fast-paced business landscape. As a relatively new member of the C-suite, the CINO serves as the driving force behind transformation and progress. However, this position is often fraught with challenges, with many CINOs having a brief tenure of fewer than two years. To succeed, one must navigate opportunities and obstacles with eyes wide open, understanding the key responsibilities of this innovative leadership role.

    Understanding the Chief Innovation Officer (CINO) Role

    The CINO's position may be relatively new, but its importance quickly becomes recognized at the executive level. Unlike traditional C-level roles like the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or Chief Financial Officer (CFO), the Chief Innovation Officer creates a culture of innovation and ensures that the organization stays ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing market. However, CINOs often face unique challenges that contribute to their high turnover. Among these are unrealistic expectations, limited resources, and organizational resistance to change. This makes it critical for organizations and leaders to clearly understand the role of a CINO to enable it to succeed.

    Role Comparison: CINO vs. Other C-Level Executives

    One of the key insights into the CINO role is that the early Chief Information Officers (CIOs) experienced similar challenges, particularly in terms of short tenure and unclear objectives. Over time, the CIO role has evolved, with average tenures now aligning closely with those of the CEO and CFO, often around five years. There are valuable lessons CINOs can learn from the evolution of the CIO role, including how to manage expectations and build stronger alignment with other business leaders.

    Reasons for High Turnover

    A major factor behind the high turnover of CINOs is the disconnect between their role and organizational expectations. Organizations bring in many CINOs with the hope of immediate transformation, but innovation takes time and requires sustained commitment from the entire team. Expecting a CINO to drive change without clear, stable objectives or adequate resources sets the stage for failure. Additionally, an organizational culture that resists change can significantly hamper the CINO's efforts.

    Strategies for Success as a Chief Innovation Officer

    To thrive as a Chief Innovation Officer, it's essential to establish clear, aligned goals that resonate with the company's strategic vision. CINOs must work closely with other C-level executives and internal influencers to fully integrate their innovation efforts into the broader organizational strategy. Developing a detailed roadmap can provide the necessary guidance to steer innovation efforts, ensuring the CINO stays on track.

    A successful CINO also understands the importance of fostering a culture of innovation. This means creating an environment that values creativity, encourages risk-taking, and supports experimentation. The CINO must act as a cultural architect, helping to shape a company-wide mindset that embraces innovation.

    Effective Communication and Adaptability

    One of the most important skills for a Chief Innovation Officer is communicating their vision clearly and persuasively. CINOs must build stakeholder buy-in through strong relationships and effective communication to advance the innovation agenda.

    Additionally, adaptability and resilience are essential traits for a CINO. As the business environment evolves, the CINO must be able to pivot strategies while focusing on long-term objectives. Regular reflection on personal goals and organizational needs helps build resilience, contributing to long-term success.

    Conclusion: Building a Legacy of Innovation

    Ultimately, success as a Chief Innovation Officer hinges on dedication, strategic foresight, and fostering collaboration across the organization. CINOs must balance their leadership with a team-oriented mindset, prioritizing humility and collective progress. With the right approach, a CINO can transform a brief tenure into a lasting legacy of innovation.

    By understanding the challenges and opportunities of the Chief Innovation Officer role, organizations can empower these leaders to drive meaningful change and build a culture that embraces continuous innovation.

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    19 mins
  • Innovation Lab vs Innovation Studio - What is the Difference?
    Sep 3 2024

    With innovation fast-evolving, the terms innovation lab and innovation studio are often thrown around interchangeably, especially in Silicon Valley. However, despite their seemingly similar purposes, these two entities serve distinct roles in the journey from idea to implementation. Understanding their nuances can help organizations choose the right approach for their goals.

    What is an Innovation Studio?

    Ideas take shape in an innovation studio and become tangible products or services. Studios focus on transforming concepts into reality with clear deliverables. They typically adopt a design-centric approach, making them creative allies in product development.

    Key characteristics of an innovation studio include:

    • Focused Product Development: Studios concentrate on developing and launching new products or services, integrating seamlessly into existing business processes.
    • Design-Centric Approach: They use a design-driven methodology to solve problems, ensuring that the end product is functional and aesthetically pleasing.
    • Small to Medium Teams: Innovation studios often operate with small to medium-sized teams, allowing agility and swift iterations.
    What is an Innovation Lab?

    In contrast, an innovation lab constantly pushes the boundaries of what’s possible, serving as a playground for exploration. Labs dive into uncharted territories, experimenting with ideas that could redefine industries.

    Key characteristics of an innovation lab include:

    • Experimental Freedom: Labs function independently from immediate business objectives, offering a safe space for radical experimentation and breakthroughs.
    • Long-Term Focus: Unlike studios, labs are not tied to specific products or services but aim for long-term exploration, often looking three to eight years into the future.
    • Significant Resources: Innovation labs typically require substantial investment in people, money, and ecosystem support, given the scope of their exploratory activities.
    Innovation Studio vs. Innovation Lab: Which One Do You Need?

    Deciding between an innovation studio and an innovation lab depends on your organization’s goals and resources.

    • An innovation studio is your best bet if you want to develop and launch a product with clear deliverables. It’s about taking ideas from concept to market with precision.
    • On the other hand, if your goal is to explore new technologies or business models without the pressure of immediate returns, an innovation lab provides the space and resources to experiment freely.
    Real-World Examples

    To put things into perspective, consider some real-world examples:

    • Innovation Labs: Amazon Lab126, HP Labs, and IBM Research are renowned for their deep exploratory work, often leading to groundbreaking innovations that shape entire industries.
    • Innovation Studios: IDEO, Frog Design, and Red Design are leaders in the innovation studio space, known for transforming creative ideas into market-ready products.

    Both innovation labs and innovation studios play crucial roles in the innovation ecosystem, but they cater to different needs. Whether you need a structured approach to bring a product to market or a space to explore revolutionary ideas, understanding the difference between an innovation lab and an innovation studio will ensure you choose the right path for your organization’s innovation journey.

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    10 mins
  • How to Build Your Innovation Studio
    Aug 20 2024

    Creating an innovation studio is essential for fostering creativity, developing ideas, and transforming concepts into reality. Whether you're an inventor, a designer, or a creative professional, having a dedicated space for your work is crucial. In this episode, we'll walk you through building your innovation studio, inspired by my experience setting up a multifunctional space that caters to various aspects of innovation.

    The Importance of a Dedicated Space

    Your innovation studio doesn't need to be a grand space; it can be as simple as a corner in your bedroom or a small office. What's important is having a dedicated area to focus solely on your creative endeavors. When I first started, my studio was a small desk in the master bedroom. Over time, it evolved into a 1200-square-foot space designed to meet my needs.

    A dedicated innovation studio allows you to create an environment conducive to your workflow. Whether recording a podcast, designing a prototype, or brainstorming ideas, your studio should be where creativity flows freely.

    Designing Your Innovation Studio

    When designing your innovation studio, consider the different activities you'll conduct in the space. My studio, for example, is divided into several zones, each with a specific purpose:

    • Audio and Video Production Zone: We optimized this area for recording podcasts and YouTube videos. It features sound suppression materials, custom-built tuning panels, and suspended lighting to ensure the best audio and visual quality.
    • Prototyping Zone: Equipped with 3D printers, laser cutters, and other tools, this zone is where I bring ideas to life. Whether I'm building rough prototypes for startups or developing my concepts, I designed this space to facilitate hands-on innovation.
    • Zoom Collaboration Zone: As virtual meetings have become a staple of modern work, having a dedicated area for Zoom calls is essential. This part of the studio has a TV, a comfortable seating arrangement, and a setup that ensures seamless communication.
    Key Considerations for Your Innovation Studio

    When building your innovation studio, there are several key factors to keep in mind:

    • Space Utilization: Make the most of the space you have. If you're working with a smaller area, consider multifunctional furniture and storage solutions that maximize efficiency.
    • Sound Management: Whether you're recording audio or want a quiet space to focus, managing sound is crucial. Incorporate materials that suppress and tune the acoustics to create an optimal environment.
    • Lighting: Proper lighting is essential, especially for video production. Consider installing a lighting grid to eliminate the need for floor-standing lights, which can clutter the space.
    • Flexibility: Your innovation studio should be adaptable. As your projects evolve, so too should your workspace. Incorporate elements allowing easy reconfiguration, such as rolling tool chests or movable desks.
    The Journey of Building My Innovation Studio

    My innovation studio has undergone several transformations since its inception. What started as a simple setup has grown into a comprehensive space where I can ideate, prototype, and collaborate with others. The ongoing process of refining the studio has taught me the importance of flexibility and the value of a well-designed workspace.

    As I continue building and optimizing my innovation studio, I encourage you to think about your space. What do you need to bring your ideas to life? How can you create an environment that supports your creative process? Whether starting with a corner of a room or designing a full-fledged studio, the key is to make it your own.

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    14 mins
  • How Prioritize Time Off to Boost Creativity and Innovation
    Jul 30 2024
    How to Prioritize Time Off to Boost Your Creativity and Innovation In today's fast-paced world, taking breaks is often underestimated. However, prioritizing time off is crucial to boost creativity and innovation. This simple yet effective strategy can significantly enhance productivity and lead to groundbreaking ideas. The Importance of Disconnecting During a two-week vacation with my family, I experienced firsthand the benefits of being completely disconnected from work. The trip, which included a cruise to Alaska, provided a much-needed digital detox. By avoiding broadband and only checking essential emails sporadically, I could enjoy the scenery and the company of my loved ones without the constant distraction of work. This break from the digital world was refreshing and crucial for my mental well-being and creativity. Implementing a True Disconnect Policy At CableLabs, where I serve as CEO, we have a strict paid time off (PTO) policy. When employees go on vacation, they genuinely disconnect from work. This means appointing a proxy to handle responsibilities and make decisions in their absence. Trust is essential in this process, as the proxy must be well-prepared to take on these duties. This policy ensures that employees can fully disconnect and recharge, leading to more creativity and innovation when they return. Key Points: Appoint a proxy to handle responsibilities during PTO Ensure the proxy is well-prepared and trusted Enforce strict rules to prevent employees from checking emails or joining calls during their break. Digital Detox: A Path to Enhanced Creativity Taking a digital detox is not just about avoiding work emails; it's about breaking free from the constant barrage of digital information. During my vacation, I couldn't access my usual sources of information and news, which allowed my mind to rest and recharge. This break from the digital world provided a fresh perspective and renewed energy vital for creativity and innovation. Tips for a Successful Digital Detox Choose Locations with Limited Connectivity: If self-discipline is challenging, select vacation spots with little internet access. This forces a complete disconnect. Use Apps to Limit Digital Access: Applications like Freedom can help by blocking access to the internet for a set period, ensuring you stay disconnected. Plan Vacations Strategically: Align your vacations with times when work responsibilities are minimal, allowing for a more relaxed and stress-free break. Key Points: Pick remote locations for vacations Use apps like Freedom to block digital access Plan vacations during less busy work periods Prioritize Time Off for Long-Term Benefits It's important to prioritize time off for immediate relaxation and long-term productivity and creativity. Regular breaks can prevent burnout and ensure a steady flow of innovative ideas. Our company encourages unlimited vacation time, allowing employees to take extended breaks without worrying about approval. This flexibility helps them balance work and personal life, reducing stress and enhancing overall performance. Unlimited Vacation: A Bold Approach Flexibility and Balance: Employees can take extended vacations, ensuring they return to work refreshed and full of new ideas. Coordination and Planning: Proper planning ensures that projects and programs continue smoothly, even during extended breaks. Trust and Responsibility: Empowering employees with the freedom to take time off builds trust and encourages a healthier work-life balance. Key Takeaways: Unlimited vacation offers flexibility and reduces stress Proper planning ensures continuity of work Building a culture of trust and responsibility is essential Conclusion To boost your creativity and innovation, it's essential to prioritize time off. Disconnecting from work and the digital world allows your mind to rest and recharge, enhancing productivity and groundbreaking ideas. By implementing policies that encourage true disconnection and offering flexible vacation options, you can create a work environment that values balance and fosters innovation. So, take that break, enjoy your time off, and return with renewed energy to change the world. Remember, prioritizing time off is not just a luxury—it's a necessity for sustained creativity and innovation.
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    12 mins
  • How Travel Impacted Our Family and My Career
    Jul 16 2024

    How Travel Impacted Our Family and My Career

    Travel has always played a pivotal role in shaping my career and family life. During a recent podcast episode, I shared how travel influenced us unexpectedly. Here's a deeper dive into how embracing travel transformed our experiences and led to numerous opportunities.

    Travel and Family: Creating Lifelong Memories

    Our journey with travel began with a desire to combine work with family time. My wife and I decided to homeschool our children starting in 1987, which allowed us the flexibility to take them on my business trips. This decision wasn't just about education but about enriching our kids' lives with experiences beyond textbooks.

    • New York: During a six-month consulting gig, my children explored the city and learned about its rich history and diverse culture.
    • London: We spent significant time in the UK, teaching our kids to navigate the London Underground and appreciate British heritage.
    • Paris and Milan: These cities offered unique cultural experiences, from Paris's art to Milan's fashion.

    This approach gave our children a worldly perspective, preparing them to navigate and appreciate diverse environments. It wasn't just about the destinations; it was about the journey and the invaluable life lessons learned along the way.

    The Role of Travel in My Career

    Travel has significantly impacted my career trajectory. Early on, I realized the importance of prioritizing experiences over immediate financial gains. This shift in mindset came from a profound piece of advice: focus on the value and experience you bring to your roles, and financial rewards will follow.

    Key Career Insights from Travel
    1. Adaptability: Traveling for work, whether for consulting or speaking engagements, taught me to adapt quickly to new environments and cultures. This adaptability proved invaluable in various professional settings, from high-stakes negotiations to collaborative projects with international teams.
    2. Networking: Attending global conferences and events expanded my professional network, connecting me with experts and innovators worldwide. These relationships often led to unexpected opportunities and collaborations.
    3. Work-Life Balance: I maintained a healthy work-life balance by incorporating travel into our family life. This approach ensured that I remained productive without sacrificing precious family moments.
    Travel and Content Creation

    In this episode, I shared insights on creating content, personal growth, and balancing positive and negative feedback. Our mobile studio, the Prevost bus, has been a game-changer. It allows us to travel and produce content simultaneously, ensuring we never miss an episode. The bus has impacted my career and our family priorities, enabling us to explore and learn together.

    Prioritize Your Values in Career Choices

    As has been the topic of recent episodes, listeners must prioritize their values and make career choices that align with them. The choice my wife and I made in homeschooling our kids back in 1987 allowed the family to travel extensively and gain valuable experiences. While my early career was as a consultant, my family benefited by traveling with me to major cities like New York, London, Paris, and Milan, providing our kids with a global perspective and their role.

    Travel: A Lifelong Learning Experience

    Travel is more than just a career tool; it's a lifelong learning experience. It's about gaining insights, building resilience, and understanding the world from different viewpoints. Travel has been a way to stay connected, learn continuously, and grow personally and professionally for my family and me.

    Conclusion: Balancing Career and Family Goals

    If we boil down my advice, it is vital to prioritize career and family goals, take breaks to recharge, and return from time away ready to change the world. Embrace travel, prioritize your values, and watch how it transforms your life and career.

    Feel free to reach out if you have questions or topics you'd like me to address in future episodes. Here's to more adventures and continued growth, both on the road and in our careers.

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    12 mins
  • Worst Career Advice I've Ever Received
    Jul 9 2024

    The worst career advice I have ever received led me down a path that failed to result in success. Early in my career, I was advised to chase jobs based on salary and stability, with voices telling me to work for big, secure companies. However, I quickly learned there were better moves than prioritizing finances over family, personal growth, and gaining new experiences.

    Chasing Salary and Stability

    Many well-meaning people advised me to focus on jobs with the highest salary and the most stable environment. They believed that financial security would bring long-term happiness and career satisfaction. However, this approach stifled my growth and limited my opportunities to learn new skills.

    One significant turning point came when I took a 30% pay cut to work at a company that promised invaluable learning experiences. This decision felt risky and counterintuitive, especially considering the prevailing wisdom to prioritize financial stability. However, it turned out to be one of the best decisions of my career. The new role accelerated my professional growth, and I gained skills that opened doors to more excellent opportunities.

    The Value of Experience Over Money

    Focusing on the value I could bring to an organization and the experiences I could gain proved far more rewarding than chasing higher paychecks. By emphasizing personal and professional development, I found that financial rewards naturally followed. My career flourished because I prioritized growth and learning over immediate financial gain.

    This approach led me to adopt the principle of never negotiating my starting salary or asking for raises. Instead, I concentrated on how I could create high value and impact within the organizations I joined. This mindset shifted my focus from short-term financial gains to long-term career development and satisfaction.

    Prioritizing What Truly Matters

    If I don't prioritize financial gains, what do I prioritize? I follow five criteria: faith, family, friends, fitness, and finances. This framework has guided me for decades, helping me maintain a balanced and fulfilling life. When I keep my priorities correctly, finances tend to take care of themselves.

    Key Takeaways:
    • Chasing salary and stability can lead to missed personal and professional growth opportunities.
    • Focusing on experience and the value you can bring to an organization often leads to greater long-term rewards.
    • Prioritizing key life aspects like faith, family, friends, fitness, and finances creates a balanced approach to career and life.
    • Avoiding salary negotiations and focusing on creating high impact can shift the focus to more meaningful career development.

    In summary, the worst career advice I received taught me the importance of prioritizing growth and experiences over immediate financial gains. I have achieved greater career satisfaction and long-term success by focusing on what truly matters.

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    16 mins
  • Best Career Advice Ever Received
    Jul 2 2024

    During a recent lunch with interns, I shared the best career advice I ever received. Bob Davis, my mentor who hired me for my first job as a software programmer, imparted wisdom that has guided my career trajectory. Bob saw my potential and advised me to build more than technical skills. He moved me through various departments: IT, marketing, finance, and sales. Each rotation lasted six months, giving me insights into how different parts of the organization worked and how to communicate with non-technical people.

    Embrace the T-Shaped Career

    This experience broadened my skills and led to a T-shaped career. It would be best to have depth in one area and a broad understanding across fields and industries. This approach has helped me in various roles, from advanced microprocessors to artificial intelligence and mobile technology. The best career advice involves gaining expertise in one area while seeking broad experiences. This method proved invaluable in my career success at Hewlett Packard and CableLabs, where I interact with diverse professionals worldwide.

    Avoid Frequent Job Hopping

    The second best career advice I received was to avoid frequent job hopping. A long-term commitment to one company can provide valuable networks and growth opportunities. If offered a chance to gain new experiences, and you feel it would build out your "T," say yes, even if you do not know how to do the job initially. Staying with one company long enough to gain in-depth experience and build strong relationships can offer a solid foundation for career growth.

    Best Career Advice for Success
    1. Gain Deep Expertise and Broad Experience: Focus on becoming an expert in one area while acquiring knowledge in various job functions and industries. This dual approach prepares you to communicate and solve problems effectively at all levels.
    2. Engage in Different Job Functions: By rotating through different departments, you can understand the inner workings of an organization and improve your ability to work with diverse teams.
    3. Stay Creative and Dedicated: Continuously look for ways to innovate and improve your field. Dedication to your craft and a willingness to learn will set you apart in any industry.
    4. Commit to Long-Term Goals: Avoid the temptation to switch jobs frequently. Instead, focus on building a career that allows for growth and development within one or a few organizations.
    Building Your T-Shaped Career

    To build a T-shaped career, follow these steps:

    • Seek Rotational Opportunities: Look for roles that offer the chance to work in various departments. This will help you gain a broad understanding of different functions within the company.
    • Pursue Cross-Disciplinary Projects: Engage in projects that require collaboration across different fields. This will enhance your ability to work with diverse teams and solve complex problems.
    • Invest in Continuous Learning: Take courses, attend workshops, and seek mentorship to deepen your expertise in your chosen field while expanding your knowledge base.
    • Network Within and Outside Your Industry: Building connections with professionals in various fields can provide insights and opportunities you might not encounter within your immediate circle.

    The best career advice centers around developing depth and breadth in your expertise. Embrace a T-shaped career by seeking diverse experiences and committing to long-term goals. This approach will make you a versatile professional and prepare you to tackle challenges and seize opportunities in any industry.

    If you have questions or need further career advice, please share them at PhilMcKinney.com. Stay dedicated, keep learning, and pursue your career with passion and creativity. Cheers to your future success!

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    12 mins
  • Mapping Out Your Innovation Career Path
    Jun 25 2024
    Mapping Out Your Innovation Career Path Having a well-defined career path is crucial for anyone aspiring to establish a successful career in innovation. The rapidly evolving landscape of innovation jobs demands a strategy to navigate its complexities effectively. An innovation career path serves as a roadmap, providing clarity on the progression and milestones necessary to achieve your professional goals. It helps you identify the critical skills and experiences required at each stage, ensures you stay aligned with industry trends, and facilitates continuous growth and learning. A clear career path empowers you to make informed decisions, seize opportunities promptly, and maintain a focus on your long-term vision. Exploring Different Roles Embarking on a career in innovation offers a multitude of exciting opportunities that cater to diverse interests and skill sets. To build a successful innovation career, it is essential to understand the various roles available and how each can contribute to your professional journey. By exploring these roles, you can identify where your strengths and passions align, allowing you to make informed choices and strategically plan your career path in innovation. Product Manager Product managers in the innovation field oversee the development and lifecycle of new products. They identify market needs, define product vision, and work closely with engineering, marketing, and other departments to ensure successful product launches. Key Skills Required: Strong communication and leadership skills Market research and analytical capabilities Strategic thinking and problem-solving Understanding of product development lifecycle Pros: Opportunity to drive the creation of groundbreaking products High visibility within the company Diverse responsibilities and a dynamic work environment Cons: High-pressure role with significant responsibility Requires balancing multiple stakeholder interests Long development cycles can delay seeing results Research & Development (R&D) R&D focuses on researching new technologies, materials, and methods to create innovative solutions. Their work often involves conducting experiments, analyzing results, and collaborating with other researchers. Key Skills Required: Strong technical and analytical skills Creativity and innovative thinking Proficiency in specific scientific or engineering disciplines Ability to work independently and as part of a team Pros: Hands-on involvement in cutting-edge research Intellectual stimulation and the opportunity to solve complex problems Potential for significant contributions to scientific and technological advancements Cons: Research can be time-consuming and resource-intensive Potential for high levels of uncertainty and project failures Requires continuous learning and staying updated with the latest developments Innovation Consultant Innovation consultants help organizations develop and implement innovation strategies. They diagnose challenges, propose actionable solutions, and assist in driving change within companies. Key Skills Required: Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills Strong interpersonal and communication abilities Deep understanding of innovation processes and methodologies Project management and organizational change expertise Pros: Exposure to a variety of industries and projects Opportunities to work with top executives and decision-makers Rewarding role in driving transformation and business success Cons: The role may require extensive travel and long hours High expectations for delivering impactful results Need to continuously adapt to different organizational cultures and industry nuances Design Thinker Design thinkers apply a human-centered approach to problem-solving that involves understanding user needs, brainstorming creative solutions, prototyping, and testing. Key Skills Required: Empathy and user-centric mindset Proficiency in ideation and brainstorming techniques Rapid prototyping and iterative testing skills Strong communication and storytelling abilities Pros: Opportunity to create meaningful, user-centric innovations Involvement in a dynamic and creative process A collaborative work environment with diverse perspectives Cons: Can be challenging to balance user desires with business goals Requires frequent iteration and refinement of ideas Potential for high levels of ambiguity and uncertainty in the early stages Create a Personalized Career Map Creating a personalized career map is essential for achieving long-term professional success. It provides you with a clear roadmap to navigate your career journey, ensuring you remain focused and motivated. Steps to Craft a Career Map Self-Assessment Conduct a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) to understand your internal and external factors. Identify your core values and what you want from a career. Reflect on past experiences to determine what you enjoyed ...
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    27 mins