Feb 6 2021

     Welcome to the home base for my podcast “The Silence of the Mind.” Here I’ll give you a brief synopsis of what today’s show is about and how you can find me on social media. First, let’s get the social media out of the way. To have a look at all my books, the best place to go is here: https://tinyurl.com/y3m2x3x6. All of my paperback books are available also in Kindle, so if you prefer to read in that format, all my work is now downloadable from Amazon in the Kindle format. If you need to contact me, or have a pressing question, you can reach me at: LaurenceJosephGalian@gmail.com 

    Today’s episode is the inaugural episode of “The Silence of the Mind,” Episode # 1, and so I’ll just touch on one tool out of many that I’ll be suggesting to you as you journey with me. Today, we will talk about breathing as well as what Wilhelm Reich called Muscular or Character Armoring. Reich discovered the basic pulsation in the universe and that healthy organisms and organs have natural expansion and contraction. That life energy pulsates. When we are armored, our pulsation is interrupted and the movement restricted; the energy flow throughout our body is impeded. We may experience this as a lack of sensation, aliveness, a stiffness or tension. Some people manifest this as an intense dislike of being touched. Armor can develop into a painful sensation if places in our body have chronic gripping, chronic tenseness, or are under-charged. So, our physicality speaks as well as our voice. Our armoring reduces our creative capacity, our natural expression of our unique Self. 

    We will also briefly touch on the fact that you don’t disappear when you die. As a matter of fact, death is something you’ve done thousands of times. For you are immortal. Some people explore the fact of their immortality through mediums, séances, Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) as I did, and Spiritualism and Spiritualist groups. In 2012, I spent a month in a Coma in a Mexican Hospital after being prescribed the wrong medication. I was hospitalized with Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome, a condition that few people ever survive, and when they do it’s in a lifelong vegetative state. I am blessed that I recovered with no visible defect or mental or physical problem. However, what I experienced during that coma was spine-chilling, and I still remember about 80% of everything I saw and did during the coma. Don’t believe that all NDE experiences are full of light and love, and seeing Jesus or your relatives. I did see some people I knew, but by far the greater part of my time in the coma was fighting a shamanic war with an evil shaman who wanted me out of town. Was he death? Possibly. Was he another shaman, possibly.  At times, it was extremely painful. 

    During the year I was hospitalized, I was living with a woman who was the biographer of the “Timothy Leary” of Mexico, Salvador Roquet, and he introduced her to many native shamans here in Mexico, and gave her immense doses of LSD, peyote, and hallucinogenic mushrooms. Finally, just before I came out of my coma, I sent the evil shaman packing, but it was the most difficult battle of my life. Maybe I will tell the story here on “The Silence of the Mind.” I know I spoke about it in the podcast “The Melt,” Episode 14 - Laurence Galian| Laurence's Brush with Death and Gnosticism 101.” I think I may also have spoken of this Near Death Experience (NDE) on Whitley Strieber’s and Miguel Conner's podcasts. 

    Over the weeks ahead, I will in every episode, offer you the opportunity to experience self-actualization, but through ways and means that are not always traditional. I am somewhat of a renegade, a heretic, an autodidact, and someone who uses what works and throws out the rest. I am offering to deliver the journey of a lifetime to you, beginning now! 

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    16 mins
    Feb 8 2021


    Welcome to the home base for my podcast “The Silence of the Mind.” Here I present you with a brief synopsis of what today’s show is about and how you can find me on social media.
    First, let’s get the social media out of the way. To have a look at all my books, the best place to go is here! https://tinyurl.com/y3m2x3x6. All of my paperback books are available also in Kindle, so if you prefer to read in that format, all my work is now downloadable from Amazon in the Kindle format. To see all the episodes of my vlog “The Place Inside” and “The New Place Inside” visit! https://www.youtube.com/user/Gargeniture. That’s also the place to find the most extensive collection of playlists on YouTube about topics such as the paranormal, emotional and physical health, UFOs, Gurdjieff, enlightenment, esoteric & occult, sound healing, breath retention, mediumship, Krishna, and so many other exciting subjects it would be impossible to list here. Finally, if you need to contact me with a pressing question, or for professional reasons, you can reach me at: LaurenceJosephGalian@gmail.com 

    If you need a guest (or emergency guest) for your podcast, don't hesitate to ask. I love being interviewed and talking with other like-minded souls!

    Today’s episode is the second episode of “The Silence of the Mind.” Today we are going to release your super-power. We are going to release you super-power as a Zen Archer releases his or her arrow. I know you have desires. You want many things. Some of your desires are so private or intimate that you might even feel a little nervous to think about them. You would never think in a million years that these desires could ever come true. There’s literally no limit to what you can achieve if you quiet your mind, and allow your imagination to connect with your unconscious. I talk about finding love, and how to break through those blockages that prevent you from finding the love of your life. What’s more, we delve into manifestation and visualization techniques, and how “reality” expresses itself in your life and how this unfolding of your world is intimately connected with thought and no-thought (“mushin no shin,” a Zen expression meaning the mind without mind). As you listen, I will reveal many techniques to generate the most amazing events to arise in your life. They will be so incredible that you will probably say that they were just a synchronicity. Stay tuned and find out how to make these things happen.

    Over the weeks ahead, I will in every episode, offer you the opportunity to experience self-actualization, but through ways and means that are not always traditional. I am somewhat of a renegade, a heretic, an autodidact, and someone who uses what works and throws out the rest. So, sometimes ancient techniques are the best, but we don’t robotically follow old techniques just because that’s the way things have been done for hundreds or thousands of years. We use them if they work. If not, there is no sense in spending endless years of your life doing spiritual practices, and other kinds of work if they aren’t working for you.

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    32 mins
  • 3 | MUSHIN
    Feb 11 2021

    The term Mushin is shortened from the term mushin no shin, a Zen expression meaning the mind without mind and is also referred to as the state of no-mindness. That is, a mind not fixed or occupied by thought or emotion and thus open to everything. It is translated by D.T. Suzuki as "being free from mind-attachment".

    Recently, I was deeply studying the Red Book of Jung, as well as practicing all sorts of ways to access the unconscious, so I was using both Jung’s and Freud’s techniques at the same time. I even made a video in which I formally invited my unconscious to express itself however it wanted in my life. Something inside me told me that it was a bit foolish to think, like Jung and Freud, that we could somehow control the unconscious. In other words, that we could do exercises through which we could explore the unconscious. I felt that I just needed to get out of the way of my chattering and analytical conscious mind. This led me to the exploration of Mushin

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    18 mins
    Feb 14 2021

    Jon Kabat Zin said something that I really like. “It is remarkable how liberating it feels to be able to see that your thoughts are just thoughts and that they are not ‘you’ or ‘reality.’” We explore through a Sufi story and an authentic Mushin tale the true nature of "being free from mind-attachment."  Be prepared to plunge into profound wisdom teachings that will take you as deep as you are ready and willing to go.

     Chan Buddhism is a major Chinese Buddhist sect attributed to Bodhidharma that emphasizes attaining Buddhahood, the supreme Buddhist religious goal, through enlightenment of one's own mind, which subsequently spread to Japan and named as Zen. 

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    20 mins
    Feb 19 2021

     Are you ready to seek meaning in your life? Or are you going to continue to just scratch the same old itches every week? Is it okay by you to just forget about the big questions, like “Am I just here to wait around to die?” – to drown the profound questions with alcohol, casual sex, a two-week vacation every year, maybe pornography, binge-watching Amazon Prime, Netflix, or some other streaming service? Because when you’re ready to seek meaning, you will find meaning. But you see you might have a very common problem. Most people really can’t experience pleasure fully. For example, I would say most people think that having an orgasm is very pleasurable. But what if I told you that the majority of people only experience about 30% of the sexual pleasure that they are capable of experiencing? Do you want to know what it’s all about? Do you want to experience it all? 

    Brainstorm, film, starring Christopher Walken (Actor), Natalie Wood (Actor), Douglas Trumbull (Director). 

    Excalibur, film, Nigel Terry (Actor), Helen Mirren (Actor), John Boorman (Director).  

    Lucy, film, Scarlett Johansson (Actor), Morgan Freeman (Actor), Choi Min-sik (Actor), Luc Besson (Director). 

    Kardec, Conspiração Filmes, Leonardo Medeiros (Actor), Sandra Corveloni (Actor), Christian Baltauss (Actor), Wagner de Assis (Director). 

    Mother!, film, Jennifer Lawrence (Actor), Javier Bardem (Actor), Ed Harris (Actor).  

    Freud, Season 1, Robert Finster (Actor), Ella Rumpf (Actor), Georg Friedrich, Netflix Original Thriller Series. 

    Surviving Death, Season One, a docu-series on Netflix, based on (Author) Leslie Kean's book, "Surviving Death," an investigation into the possibility of life after death. 

    Stranger in a Strange Land book, Robert A. Heinlein (Author). 

    The Masters of Wisdom, J. G. Bennett (Author). 

    Fight Club, book, Chuck Palahniuk (Author). 

    Sacred Drift: Essays on the Margins of Islam, Peter Lamborn Wilson (Author).  

    1666 Redemption Through Sin: Global Conspiracy in History, Religion, Politics and Finance, Robert Sepehr (Author). 

    Sex Scandal: The Drive to Abolish Male and Female, Ashley McGuire (Author). 

    NEW Maria Orsic, Nikola Tesla, Their Extraterrestrials Messages, The Occult And UFOs, (Aliens, UFOs & the Occult Book 1), Maximillien de Lafayette (Author). 

    Psychology and the Occult: (From Vols. 1, 8, 18 Collected Works) (Jung Extracts (3)), C. G. Jung (Author), R.F. C. Hull (Translator). 

    The Red Book: A Reader’s Edition (Philemon), C. G. Jung (Author). 

    A Little Book on the Human Shadow, Robert Bly (Author). 

    Ecstasy Through Tantra, book, Dr. John Mumford (Author). 

    The Way of Initiation: or, How to Attain Knowledge of the Higher Worlds, book, Rudolf Steiner (Author), Clifford Bax (Translator). 

    The Hero With a Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell (Author). 

    Alan Watts - 'Mushin' The State Of No Mind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_txLZcEYAdE" 

    Leonard Jacobson https://www.youtube.com/user/leojaco123 

    Start Now! a book of soul and spiritual exercises, Christopher Bamford (Editor, and Introduction), Rudolf Steiner (Author). 

    The Eden Project: In Search of the Magical Other (a Jungian Perspective on Relationship), James Hollis (Author). 

    The Heart of God: Prayers of Rabindranath Tagore. Rabindranath Tagore (Author). 

    The Science of the Mind, Ernest Holmes (Author). 

    The Tibetan Book of the Dead: The Great Book of Natural Liberation Through Understanding in the Between (Bardo Thodol), revealed by Karma Lingpa. 

    Corpus Gnostica, Brent Paris (Author). 

    Alien Parasites: 40 Gnostic Truths to Defeat the Archon Invasion, Laurence Galian (Author). 

    Beyond Duality: The Art of Transcendence, Laurence Galian (Author). 

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    31 mins
    Feb 23 2021

    Who was Takuan Soho? Takuan Soho lived from 1573 until 1645. Takuan Soho was a Zen monk. While he knew several of the most famous samurai warriors, and gave them great advice, he himself did not engage in the martial arts, he only occupied himself in Zen meditation called Zazen) as well as participating in his artistic activities, such as: calligrapher, painter, poet, gardener (bonsai), and tea master. Definitely he was an artist. His writings were prodigious, filling six volumes, and are a source of guidance and inspiration to the Japanese people today as they have been for three and a half centuries. He moved freely throughout the society of his time being advisor and confidant to both shogun and emperor.

    All music @2021 Laurence Galian. 

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    14 mins
    Mar 2 2021

    An exploration of the need for spontaneity in spiritual development and why spontaneity and naturalness are necessary to have spiritual experiences. 

    You can’t copy spontaneity. It’s like trying to copy a Jackson Pollock art work. Mushin, remember, means “an empty mind.” It also means “no heart.” It doesn’t mean being heartless, it means that the heart should be like a mirror. The mirror doesn’t take its time to decide to show you your reflection. Now just being quick like the mirror, is not the answer. The idea behind this is that you must do something. You need to become more like a spontaneous mirror. Behind this all we might say, in very modern terminology, that you cannot be inhibited and uptight and practice Mushin. 

    Laurence Galian offers the most extensive group of free playlists on YouTube on spiritual topics (Buddhism, Zen, Sufism, Christianity), no-thought, emotional health, Mudra, psychology (Jung, Freud, Lacan), unconscious & subconscious, affirmations, anthroposophy, first people, healing, manifestation, Gurdjieff, the archives of Laurence Galian’s “The Place Inside” and “The New Place Inside,” and so much more! 


    To hear Laurence Galian’s original music, experience his music videos on YouTube here: 


    All music © 2021 Laurence Galian. All rights reserved. Please contact Mr. Galian at laurencejosephgalian@gmail.com if you wish to use any of his music compositions. 

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    17 mins
    Mar 10 2021

    Discussed are the sacredness of the body and the need to understand nature for spiritual development, the dangers of being a student of spirituality, my international experiences, and the need for spontaneity. 

    Laurence Galian offers to the public, free of charge, the most far-reaching and all-encompassing group of playlists on YouTube on spiritual topics (Buddhism, Zen, Sufism, Christianity, Gnosticism, Non-Dual, Krishna, Guru Rinpoche), no-thought, emotional health, Mudra, psychology (Jung, Freud, Lacan), unconscious & subconscious, affirmations, anthroposophy, breath retention, first people, manifestation, Gurdjieff, sound healing, esoteric and occult, enlightenment, soulmate, Goddess, psychotronics, the archives of Laurence Galian’s “The Place Inside,” “The New Place Inside,” “Laurence Galian’s Music Videos,” and so much more! 


    To hear Laurence Galian’s original music, go and experience his music videos on YouTube here: 


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    33 mins