• Jay ambe by Prashanti Chanting
    Sep 27 2024

    Jay ambe (deutsch)

    jay ambe jagad-ambe

    mātā bhavānī jay ambe

    durgati-nāśinī durge jaya jaya

    kāla-vināśinī kālī jaya jaya

    umā ramā brahmāṇī jaya jaya

    rādhā ruk(a)miṇī sītā jaya jaya

    Jay Ambe ist ein Devi-Kirtan, der das Herz öffnet. Dieses Mantra ruft die Göttliche Mutter in den verschiedenen Aspekten an. Amba ist die Mutter des Universums, sie ist voller Liebe und Freude für uns. Die Göttliche Mutter hilft dir, alle Negativitäten zu überwinden. Sie gibt Trost und Schutz, sie beschützt dich mit großer Kraft. Sie ist die Kraft hinter der ganzen Schöpfung und hilft dir, über die Schöpfung hinauszuwachsen. Sie führt zur Erfahrung des Höchsten.

    Es lebe die Mutter, die Mutter der Welt! Es lebe Mutter Bhavānī, die Mutter! Es lebe, lebe Durgā, die Unglück beseitigt! Es lebe, lebe Kālī, die den Tod beseitigt! Es sollen leben, leben Umā, Ramā und Brahmāṇī! Es sollen leben, leben Rādhā, Rukmiṇī und Sītā!

    Jay ambe (english)

    jay ambe jagad-ambe

    mātā bhavānī jay ambe

    durgati-nāśinī durge jaya jaya

    kāla-vināśinī kālī jaya jaya

    umā ramā brahmāṇī jaya jaya

    rādhā ruk(a)miṇī sītā jaya jaya

    Jay Ambe is a devi kirtan that opens the heart. This mantra invokes the Divine Mother in her various aspects. Amba is the mother of the universe, she is full of love and joy for us. The Divine Mother helps you to overcome all negativities. She gives comfort and protection, she protects you with great power. She is the power behind all creation and helps you to grow beyond creation. She leads to the experience of the highest.

    Long live the Mother, the Mother of the world! Long live Mother Bhavānī, the Mother! Long live, long live Durgā, who removes misfortune! Long live, long live Kālī, who removes death! Long live, long live Umā, Ramā and Brahmāṇī! Long live, long live Rādhā, Rukmiṇī and Sītā!

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    6 mins
  • gauri gauri gaṅge rājeśvari by Prashanti Chanting
    Sep 27 2024

    gauri gauri gaṅge rājeśvari (deutsch)

    gauri gauri gaṅge rājeśvari

    gauri gauri gaṅge bhuvaneśvari

    gauri gauri gaṅge maheśvari

    gauri gauri gaṅge māteśvari

    gauri gauri gaṅge mahā-kāli

    gauri gauri gaṅge mahā-lakṣmi

    gauri gauri gaṅge pārvati

    gauri gauri gaṅge sarasvati

    Ein wunderbarer Kirtan (Gesang) zum Lobpreis der Göttlichen Mutter, die Devi (strahlend), Gauri (golden), Rajeshwari (königliche Göttin), Bhuvaneshwari (Göttin der Erde) ist. Dieses Lied ist vor allem ein Lobgesang auf Mutter Ganga, den kosmischen Fluss der Gnade.

    Gaurī, Gaurī, Gaṅgā, Herrin der Könige, Herrin der Welt, große Herrin, Herrin, welche die Mutter ist! Gaurī, Gaurī, Gaṅgā, große Kālī, große Lakṣmī, Pārvatī, Sarasvatī!

    gauri gauri gaṅge rājeśvari (english)

    gauri gauri gaṅge rājeśvari

    gauri gauri gaṅge bhuvaneśvari

    gauri gauri gaṅge maheśvari

    gauri gauri gaṅge māteśvari

    gauri gauri gaṅge mahā-kāli

    gauri gauri gaṅge mahā-lakṣmi

    gauri gauri gaṅge pārvati

    gauri gauri gaṅge sarasvati

    A wonderful Kirtan (Chant) in praise of the Divine Mother who is Devi (Radiant), Gauri (Golden), Rajeshwari (Royal Goddess), Bhuvaneshwari (Goddess of the Earth). This Chant is especially in Praise of Mother Ganga, the Cosmic Flow of Grace.

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    6 mins
  • ambe jagadambe by Prashanti Chanting
    Sep 27 2024

    ambe jagadambe (deutsch)

    ambe jagadambe

    jagadambe jay jay mā

    Ambe Jagadambe Jagadambe Jaya Jaya Ma - das sind die Worte dieses Kirtans zur Verehrung der Göttlichen Mutter. Amba bedeutet Mutter, Jagad ist die Welt. Ambe Jagadambe ruft die Göttliche Mutter an, die Mutter des Universums. Ambe Jagadambe ist ein Kirtan, der alle zum Mitsingen anregt, sich von Freude, Hingabe, Segen und Energie erfüllen zu lassen.

    Mutter, Mutter der Welt, Mutter der Welt, es lebe, lebe die Mutter!

    ambe jagadambe (english)

    ambe jagadambe

    jagadambe jay jay mā

    Ambe Jagadambe Jagadambe Jaya Jaya Ma - these are the words of this kirtan for the worship of the Divine Mother. Amba means Mother, Jagad is the world. Ambe Jagadambe invokes the Divine Mother, the Mother of the Universe. Ambe Jagadambe is an kirtan that encourages everyone to sing along, to be filled with joy, devotion, blessings and energy.

    Mother, mother of the universe, mother of the universe, long live, long live the mother!

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    5 mins
  • ambā ambā jay jagad-ambā by Prashanti Chanting
    Sep 27 2024

    ambā ambā jay jagad-ambā (deutsch)

    jay bhuvaneśvarī jay jay mūkāmbā

    mātā mātā jay jagan-mātā

    jay parameśvarī jay viśva-mātā

    śakti śakti śakti jay śiva śakti

    jay kāmeśvarī jay mahā-śakti

    devī devī devī jay mahā-devī

    jay cāmuṇḍeśvarī jay gaurī-devī

    Jagadamba ist die Mutter des Universums. Sie ist die göttliche Mutter, sie kümmert sich um alle, sie kümmert sich um alle ihre Kinder. Du kannst dich an die göttliche Mutter wenden. Gerade wenn es dir nicht so gut geht, kannst du sagen: „Oh göttliche Mutter, bitte hilf mir“. Die Mütterliche Liebe ist bedingungslose Liebe. Mutterliebe ist vergebende Liebe. Die Mutter hat dich hervorgebracht, die Mutter ist immer bei dir. Und so ist die ganze Welt Amba, die Mutter. Du bist umgeben von der göttlichen Mutter.

    Die Mutter, Mutter, es lebe die Mutter der Welt, es lebe die Herrin der Welt(en), es lebe,

    lebe die Mutter, die den Dämon Mūka besiegte! Die Mutter, Mutter, es lebe die Mutter der Welt, es lebe die höchste Göttin, es lebe die Mutter des Universums!

    Die göttliche Energie, es lebe die Energie Śivas, es lebe die Herrin der Wünsche/des

    Verlangens, es lebe die große Energie! Die Göttin, Göttin, Göttin, es lebe die große Göttin, es lebe die Herrin Cāmuṇḍā, es lebe die Göttin Gaurī.

    ambā ambā jay jagad-ambā

    jay bhuvaneśvarī jay jay mūkāmbā

    mātā mātā jay jagan-mātā

    jay parameśvarī jay viśva-mātā

    śakti śakti śakti jay śiva śakti

    jay kāmeśvarī jay mahā-śakti

    devī devī devī jay mahā-devī

    jay cāmuṇḍeśvarī jay gaurī-devī

    Jagadamba is the mother of the universe. She is the divine mother, she takes care of everyone, she takes care of all her children. You can turn to the divine mother. Especially when you are not doing so well, you can say: ‘Oh divine mother, please help me’. Motherly love is unconditional love. Motherly love is forgiving love. The mother created you, the mother is always with you. And so the whole world is Amba, the Mother. You are surrounded by the divine mother.

    The mother, mother, long live the mother of the world, long live the mistress of the world(s), long live, long live the mother who defeated the demon Mūka! The mother, mother, long live the mother of the world, long live the supreme goddess, long live the mother of the universe!

    The divine energy..., long live the energy of Śiva, long live the mistress of desires/desires

    Desire, long live the great energy! The goddess, goddess, goddess, long live the great goddess, long live the mistress Cāmuṇḍā, long live the goddess Gaurī.

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    6 mins
  • Baba Ram & Angeli - Radhe Radhe Radhe Shyam
    Sep 27 2024

    He Radhe Radhe Shyam
    Govinda Radhe Jay Shri Radhe
    Govinda Radhe Radhe Shyam
    Gopala Radhe Radhe

    A performance of Baba Ram Das and Anjali Angelika Stein with the kirtan Radhe Radhe Radhe Shyam.

    You can share the audio with others, to spread love and harmony.🌍💞
    This way you actively help to spread yoga around the world. You can also support us with a donation which helps us keep our association alive. 🙏
    Mantra/ kirtan chanting is a wonderful practice to open the heart and to feel divine presence.

    Follow us on our other online channels:

    ⚛️ Facebook: www.facebook.com/YogaVidya/
    ⚛️ Instagram: www.instagram.com/yogavidya_de/

    Om Shanti

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    3 mins
  • Sita Ram by Ramadasa, Radha and friends
    Sep 20 2024

    A wonderful version of Sita Ram, performed by Ramadasa (harmonium and vocal) and Radha (vocal) and accompanied by Ramani (vocal), Franziska (drum), Sonya (vocal), Shivani (vocal) and Maria (violin and vocal).

    You can share the audio with others, to spread love and harmony.🌍💞
    This way you actively help to spread yoga around the world. You can also support us with a donation which helps us keep our association alive. 🙏
    Mantra/ kirtan chanting is a wonderful practice to open the heart and to feel the divine presence.

    Follow us on our other online channels:
    ⚛️ Facebook: www.facebook.com/YogaVidya/
    ⚛️ Instagram: www.instagram.com/yogavidya_de/

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    7 mins
  • Sarada chanted Jay Ma
    Sep 13 2024

    An excerpt of the satsang of 30-12-2023 where Sarada sung Jay Ma.

    Spiritual Translation Jaya Ma:
    O Divine Mother, you great bliss, I adore you. (Read more: mein.yoga-vidya.de/profiles/blogs/jaya-ma-jaya-ma.)

    You can share the audio with others, to spread love and harmony.🌍💞
    This way you actively help to spread yoga around the world. You can also support us with a donation which helps us keep our association alive. 🙏

    Mantra/kirtan chanting is a wonderful practice to open the heart and to feel divine presence.

    Follow us on our other online channels:
    ⚛️ Facebook: www.facebook.com/YogaVidya/
    ⚛️ Instagram: www.instagram.com/yogavidya_de/

    Om Shanti

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    7 mins
  • Shivapriya and Prashanti from Mantra Circle are chanting Adi Divya Jyoti
    Sep 6 2024

    Adi-divya-jyoti maha-kali-ma namah
    Madhu-shumbha-mahisha-mardini maha-shaktaye namah
    Brahma-vishnu-shiva-svarupa tvam na anyatha
    Characharasya palika namo namah sada

    Complete notes & chords.

    performed by
    Shivapriya – harmonium, vocals
    Prashanti – tanpura, vocals

    Adi-divya-jyoti is a short bhajan with big power!
    Mother Kali appears as the eternal light (adi-divya-jyoti). This light is the essence of all forms. It's the moving element, the Shakti, behind every action.
    Connect yourself with this energy and shine out into the world!

    You can share the audio with others, to spread love and harmony.🌍💞
    This way you actively help to spread yoga around the world. You can also support us with a donation which helps us keep our association alive. 🙏
    Mantra/ kirtan chanting is a wonderful practice to open the heart and to feel divine presence.

    Follow us on our other online channels:

    ⚛️ Facebook: facebook.com/YogaVidya
    ⚛️ Instagram: instagram.com/yogavidya_de

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    3 mins