• Using Public Speaking to Grow Your Business and Community
    Mar 10 2025

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    When you think of public speaking what comes to mind?

    Maybe you think of motivational speakers who are killing it with massive audiences.

    My guest, Jenn Espinosa-Goswami, says those motivational speakers are just a tiny sliver of what is possible in public speaking.

    In fact, Jenn told me anyone who is interested can absolutely succeed as a public speaker. The trick is getting clear on your message, your audience and your comfort zone when it comes to venues and methods.

    Listen now to hear our conversation and Jenn's considerable wisdom when it comes to public speaking for your business.

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    29 mins
  • Endorse Your Biggest Weakness (Yes! It really will make your marketing more effective)
    Feb 25 2025

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    99% of the advice we hear is to endorse our strengths. That our strengths are business assets.


    I'm going to be a contrarian and suggest what you consider your greatest liability may in fact be your best marketing asset.

    I promise I'll make it all clear in today's podcast :-)

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    9 mins
  • How to Find Your "Voice"
    Feb 17 2025

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    It's easy to get caught up in wanting to write in a certain "way." The way you think writers are "supposed" to write.

    Seriously, the world does not need more bland, over processed writing. AI is already doing an excellent job pumping lots of boring but useful information into the world. The world, in particular, your ideal clients, customers, and followers want your clear, caring, authentic human expression.

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    7 mins
  • How to Package Your Mojo
    Feb 13 2025

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    Our "mojo" is what makes us distinct from the many other folks who offer similar products and services. AND it can be challenging to find words that capture the essence of our mojo.

    Which is why I'm a big fan of creating mojo products that capture not only what we do but the unique way in which we do our work! Here are my thoughts and some tips for packaging your mojo is ways that work for your business.

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    7 mins
  • You are Not a Commodity - Don't Market Yourself as if You are!!
    Feb 3 2025

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    Most of the promotions we are exposed to are for consumer products and services. The biggest challenge in consumer marketing is how to make something that is not special seem special.

    If you are a heart-centered business owner this is not your problem You ARE special! Your marketing needs to communicate what make you distinctive to your ideal clients. You want to clearly tell them: I am the person you are looking for.

    You are not a can of peas. You are not a bottle of shampoo! Don't market yourself as if you were!

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    8 mins
  • 30+ "I Appreciate You" Notes
    Jan 27 2025

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    How often does another person say to you "I appreciate you"? Probably not very often.

    It's not because people don't appreciate you. It's because in our relentlessly results-oriented culture, we rarely take a moment to pause and remember the people who are making a profound, positive difference in our lives.

    After my dad died I decided I needed to tell as many people as possible that I appreciated them. I sent 30+ notes and this experience changed me in obvious and not so obvious ways.

    Saying I Appreciate You to the people who make a difference is incredibly important and powerful for both the person receiving the appreciation and the person sharing appreciations. I encourage you to begin this practice yourself.

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    6 mins
  • Who You "Be" is More Important than What you Do for Your Business
    Jan 13 2025

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    There are so many resources available telling us exactly what we need to do to have a successful business. And yet, there remains a very large gap between what most of us aspire to and where we actually are.

    In my experience, I first need to tend to my own stuff, to do my root work. Until I do, I can work my butt off and still may be doing the wrong things or if I'm doing the right things I'm not fully behind my actions.

    Regardless, I remain stuck and frustrated.

    Here's my story about what forced me to start prioritizing healing my stuff.

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    8 mins
  • Rejected by the "Cool Kids" = Authenticity
    Jan 6 2025

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    As human beings we long to belong and be approved of by our peers.

    However, if you are someone who is mission-focused and wants to make a positive difference you are going to be criticized by some people. It simply comes with the territory.

    In 2025 I encourage you to take be your authentic self even though it may not feel comfortable. This is how you will attract your right fit people and find the communities where you experience REAL belonging.

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    7 mins