• 002 - Psychopaths: Who ARE They
    May 2 2017

    In Episode 002, Dianne delves into the very terms used to define a psychopath and some of the attributes they may exhibit. She shares a story of a psychopath’s co-mingled diagnosis and discusses how a psychopath used the guise of kindness in The Fake Rockefeller. Who do psychopaths choose as victims? Why do some psychopaths pretend to be kind and caring? Tune in as Dianne discusses the complicated nature of defining a psychopath, why they try to blend into the crowd, and how being kind and caring can make you a token victim.
    Time Stamped Show Notes:
    00:10 – Introduction to Psychopath in Your Life
    00:19 – This podcast is dedicated to be exclusively a discussion about psychopaths
    00:31 – Psychopaths, sociopaths, and antisocial personality disorders – what’s the best way to identify them?
    00:56 – Dianne will define all these terms on her website and how these terms have evolved over the years
    01:33 – Even Psychopaths, themselves, disagree with the terms they’ve been called
    02:44 – Dianne shares an example of a “co-mingled diagnosis”
    04:07 – Psychopaths look like, walk like, and talk like normal people
    04:30 – There are many psychopaths who are aware of their condition
    05:07 – There are socialized and non-socialized psychopaths
    05:47 – Less socialized ones end up in the prison system
    06:13 – Dianne started this podcast to provide information
    06:27 – One interviewee said something Dianne will never forgot
    06:55 – “The world is becoming more like us than you”
    07:13 – Certain industries attract more psychopaths than others
    07:30 – Victims are kind and caring people
    08:01 – The end game for a psychopath is to gain control; so if you’re kind, you tend to be an easier victim
    08:20 – “Living life by painting the red flags white”—kind people tend to ignore the red flags
    08:38 – Dianne has heard from victims all these years, but she never had an idea about how much detail goes into the planning
    09:09 – Psychopaths may have animal abuse in their background, but can also use this stereotype to their advantage by befriending and taking care of an animal
    09:52 – At the end of the day, “Psychopaths don’t love anybody, but themselves”
    10:04 – See the story of The Fake Rockefeller
    10:40 – Part of how the psychopath blended in was by pretending to be a kind person who wanted to adopt a handicapped dog
    11:39 – Psychopaths know the triggers and attributes that kind and caring people exhibit as it becomes a part of their persona
    12:14 – We RESPECT your privacy – send an email to dianne@dianneemerson.com for comments and questions
    12:34 – Check out Psychopath In Your Life and send an anonymous email
    13:23 – Dianne closes the podcast
    3 Key Points:

    1. Psychopaths behave very normally—you have to keep a close eye to actually identify them properly.
    2. The world is becoming filled with more psychopaths than normal people.
    3. Victims tend to be those who are kind and caring as they are the ones that are the most likely to give up control to a psychopath.

    Resources Mentioned:
    The Fake Rockefeller – A true crime story about a guy who faked his identity to blend with people

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    14 mins
  • 001 – Psychopaths: Let’s Chat
    May 2 2017

    In the first episode, Dianne Emerson introduces the podcast, Psychopath in Your Life. The aim of this podcast is to help people understand who psychopaths are and how to identify them amongst the crowd of people that you rub shoulders with on a daily basis. Tune is as Dianne gives listeners insight into how her journey into this research began, why general information and checklists regarding psychopaths can be confusing and misleading, and what it means to be a “successful” psychopath.

    Time Stamped Show Notes:
    00:10 – Introduction to Psychopath in Your Life
    00:19 – This podcast is exclusively dedicated to talk about psychopaths
    00:42 – In the 1980’s, Ann Rule was one of the more famous crime writers
    00:49 – Her first book was about Ted Bundy, The Stranger Beside Me
    01:07 – Jack Olsen also came out with a book called Son
    01:19 – The character in this book came from a prominent family
    01:52 – This podcast will be about identifying psychopaths
    02:04 – Not all the information about psychopaths—the checklists— translate into behavior
    02:28 – More information has become available because of the internet
    02:40 – To store the information, Dianne set up a free forum
    02:52 – She started sorting information and people started sharing their stories
    03:16 – Along the way, the discussion forum grew and grew
    03:50 – Dianne became fascinated by how many people got involved with a psychopath
    04:20 – Who are the psychopaths? They are people who are likely to commit crimes (general prison population)
    04:28 – 25% of the prison population are tested and classified as psychopaths
    04:35 – 1-3% of the general population are classified as psychopaths
    05:04 – How do you know if a person is a psychopath?
    05:08 – They fall under the personality disorder cluster
    05:14 – “It’s in the genes”
    06:03 – Checklists are a good source of information, but they can also cause confusion
    06:12 – Smart psychopaths vs. those who end up in prison
    06:49 – Psychopaths with criminal minds are easier to identify
    06:58 – “The more educated they are, the more they are able to cover their behavior”
    07:06 – “The one thing that they don’t have that we have is a conscience”
    07:52 – Without a conscience, psychopaths are able to make decisions normal people cannot
    08:06 – A practiced psychopath can trick people into believing that they have conscience
    09:19 – A psychopath can be a person who’s successful
    09:37 – A “successful psychopath” studies and learns different behaviors
    10:12 – Normal people tend to overlook things
    10:45 – A few years ago, Dianne was contacted by psychopaths who wanted to tell their stories
    11:03 – She started a book about the plight of victims of psychopaths
    11:13 – Dianne thought there had to be some more information to share to the public regarding how psychopaths operate
    11:51 – She decided to interview psychopaths under controlled circumstances
    12:46 – One question she asked was, “what was their motivation?”
    12:51 – All 3 of them said they wanted to learn
    13:00 – They wanted to learn how they can hide their behavior better
    13:24 – Dianne’s book is called Psychopaths in Our Lives: My Interviews
    14:09 – Stranger danger is overrated
    14:31 – Next episode will be about the personalities of psychopaths, clues to look for, and how you can know if you’re a person they’re looking to victimize
    14:44 – Dianne looks forward to your questions and comments to continue the conversation!
    15:07 – Dianne has spoken with a lot of victims and understands your need for privacy and confidentiality and will deal with your comments/emails with the utmost respect
    15:34 – Check out Psychopath In Your Life and send your questions and comments (anonymous, if you’d prefer) that Dianne will be more than willing to address on the air
    15:57 – Dianne closes the podcast
    3 Key Points:
    One size does NOT fit all—the checklists of information regarding psychopaths does not always translate into behavior.
    Practiced and successful psychopaths trick people into believing they are “normal.”
    It is the psychopaths in our lives who are the ones that can hurt us the most.

    Resources Mentioned:
    Ann Rule – a crime writer in the 1980’s
    The Stranger Beside Me – Ann Rule’s book with Ted Bundy
    Son – Jack Olsen’s book on an affluent psychopath
    Psychopaths in Our Lives: My Interviews – Dianne Emerson’s book

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    16 mins
  • 004 - Characteristics of a Psychopath
    May 9 2017

    Psychopath in Your Life

    -Podcast Show Notes-

    In Episode 004, Dianne continues to share from her personal interviews with psychopaths the attributes they look for in their future victims. Dianne also explains how the definition of how a psychopath is diagnosed. Tune in to find out why psychopaths are who they are.

    You can contact Dianne on her website or by email

    Resources Mentioned:

    Psychopaths In Our Lives: My Interviews http://www.amazon.com/dp/1517307880

    Also available on iBook’s


    • Show Notes provided by Mallard Creatives
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    16 mins
  • 003 - Interviewing Psychopaths- They Said WHAT
    May 9 2017

    In Episode 003, Dianne shares from her personal interviews with psychopaths the attributes they look for in their future victims. Dianne also explains just how manipulative psychopaths can be and how they use the strategy of gaslighting to maintain control over their victims. Tune in to find out why psychopaths play the victim and just how far they’ll push to stay in control.

    Time Stamped Show Notes:
    00:10 – Introduction to Psychopath in Your Life
    00:19 – Last episode the kind of personalities psychopaths seek out
    00:41 – One guy that Dianne interviewed look at how people’s eyes diverged, how confident they seemed, and even the look of the shoulders when it came to choosing their future victims
    01:13 – Investigation Discovery Channel has stories about psychopaths
    01:34 – Dateline Show also shares psychopaths’ stories
    01:58 – Not all psychopaths are murderers
    02:10 – Dealing with a psychopath is all about control
    02:34 – Dateline Shows are usually about murder
    03:24 – When you watch, read or listen to these stories—“Pay attention to when they describe the victim”
    03:47 – The victim is the kind and caring person
    04:04 – The victim’s kindness is usually what makes them a target
    04:58 – Psychopaths victimize themselves in their own minds
    05:13 – They flip and turn things around to make you believe they are the victim
    05:51 – Dianne cites an example of how they play the victim
    06:32 – Dianne was given a complete checklist of how psychopaths convince people they are the victim
    07:08 – “The goal is to get you [the victim] to start to feel like you’re the crazy one and test your sense of normality”
    07:21 – A description of the Gaslight Concept
    07:51 – Dianne refers to the movie, Gas Light—where the term originated
    07:57 – To gaslight is to alter the victim’s reality to fit into with what the psychopath wants it to be
    08:59 – A psychopath manipulates to make themselves look like the victim
    09:41 – Psychopaths test how far they can push their victims
    11:06 – Some psychopaths are actually proud to be one
    12:20 – Dianne looks forward for questions and comments
    12:41 – Get in touch with Dianne on her website or by email
    13:45 – Dianne closes the podcast

    3 Key Points:
    Psychopaths may have very specific qualities in mind when looking for potential targets.
    Dealing with a psychopath is all about control.
    Beware of “gaslighting”—psychopaths like playing the victim when, in fact, they victimize you!

    Resources Mentioned:
    Investigation Discovery Channel & Dateline Show– TV shows where stories and documentaries are about crimes that lead to psychopaths
    Gaslighting – the tactic psychopaths use to alter your reality

    Visit: psychopathinyourlife.com

    Dianne’s book Psychopaths In Our Lives: My Interviews
    By Dianne Emerson

    Is available on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/dp/1517307880

    – Podcast Production and Editing Service by Red Walk Boy Production

    – Show Notes provided by Mallard Creatives

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    14 mins
    May 9 2017

    In Episode 003, Dianne shares from her personal interviews with psychopaths the attributes they look for in their future victims. Dianne also explains just how manipulative psychopaths can be and how they use the strategy of gaslighting to maintain control over their victims. Tune in to find out why psychopaths play the victim and just how far they’ll push to stay in control.
    Time Stamped Show Notes:
    00:10 – Introduction to Psychopath in Your Life
    00:19 – Last episode the kind of personalities psychopaths seek out
    00:41 – One guy that Dianne interviewed look at how people’s eyes diverged, how confident they seemed, and even the look of the shoulders when it came to choosing their future victims
    01:13 – Investigation Discovery Channel has stories about psychopaths
    01:34 – Dateline Show also shares psychopaths’ stories
    01:58 – Not all psychopaths are murderers
    02:10 – Dealing with a psychopath is all about control
    02:34 – Dateline Shows are usually about murder
    03:24 – When you watch, read or listen to these stories—“Pay attention to when they describe the victim”
    03:47 – The victim is the kind and caring person
    04:04 – The victim’s kindness is usually what makes them a target
    04:58 – Psychopaths victimize themselves in their own minds
    05:13 – They flip and turn things around to make you believe they are the victim
    05:51 – Dianne cites an example of how they play the victim
    06:32 – Dianne was given a complete checklist of how psychopaths convince people they are the victim
    07:08 – “The goal is to get you [the victim] to start to feel like you’re the crazy one and test your sense of normality”
    07:21 – A description of the Gaslight Concept
    07:51 – Dianne refers to the movie, Gas Light—where the term originated
    07:57 – To gaslight is to alter the victim’s reality to fit into with what the psychopath wants it to be
    08:59 – A psychopath manipulates to make themselves look like the victim
    09:41 – Psychopaths test how far they can push their victims
    11:06 – Some psychopaths are actually proud to be one
    12:20 – Dianne looks forward for questions and comments
    12:41 – Get in touch with Dianne on her website or by email
    13:45 – Dianne closes the podcast
    3 Key Points:
    Psychopaths may have very specific qualities in mind when looking for potential targets.
    Dealing with a psychopath is all about control.
    Beware of “gaslighting”—psychopaths like playing the victim when, in fact, they victimize you!

    Resources Mentioned:
    Investigation Discovery Channel & Dateline Show– TV shows where stories and documentaries are about crimes that lead to psychopaths
    Gaslighting – the tactic psychopaths use to alter your reality


    – Show Notes provided by Mallard Creatives

    – Podcast Production and Editing Service rendered by Red Walk Boy Prod.

    • Look for Ron (Podcast Producer/Editor)
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    14 mins
  • 005 - What Is A Psychopath
    19 mins
  • 006 - Married to TWO Psychopaths
    May 20 2017
    Psychopath in Your Life

    -Podcast Show Notes-

    Episode 006


    In Episode 006, Dianne shares a mail she received from a woman who has married 2 psychopaths. Listen as the writer shares and describes her life with husband #2 and opens up about her son. Dianne offers her sincerest advice and encouragement—reminding the writer and each of us that there IS hope and a way OUT of this life.

    Time Stamped Show Notes:

    • 00:06 – Introduction to Psychopath in Your Life

    • 00:13 – Dianne is the author of the book, Psychopaths in Our Lives

    • 00:26 – Dianne reads a letter she received last week

      • 01:16 – The person who sent the letter married 2 psychopathic men

      • 01:22 – Dianne has a relative who married 2 alcoholics

      • 02:04 – “I have an older son who suffers from several disorders”

      • 02:30 – People refer to psychopaths as men

      • 02:41 – Dianne recommends reading Bitter Harvest

      • 03:41 – “I cried buckets. It is so isolating”

      • 04:14 – Dianne would like to answer you in this way:

        • 05:00 – The answer won’t be in a pill – no antidepressants

        • 05:16 – Realize you’ve gone through hell, but there IS a way out

        • 06:30 – Think about trying to manage the feelings of being right

        • 06:53 – Be careful about who you communicate with

        • 07:27 – Never go to couples’ counseling

        • 08:37 – Safety is very important

        • 09:11 – Find an abuse center that is private or located in another town

        • 09:54 – Your son may have gotten his disorder from his father’s genes

        • 10:41 – Deal with one issue at a time

        • 11:02 – Refrain from telling him you know

    • 11:45 – Get in touch with Dianne on her website or by email

    • 12:42 – Subscribe to the show on iTunes, Google Play, Facebook, Youtube, and on the website

    3 Key Points:

    1. Victims of psychopaths go through hell, BUT remember, there IS a way out.

    2. Be careful with whom you communicate your plans and issues.

    3. Your safety is the MOST important thing you need to consider.

    Resources Mentioned:

    • Psychopaths in Our Lives – Dianne’s book
    • Bitter Harvest – Book about a psychopath woman
    • Biblio – Where Dianne gets her books

    Psychopaths in Our Lives – Dianne’s book

    • Amazon
    • iBooks


    • Podcast Production and Editing Service rendered by Daniel Roth

    • Show Notes provided by Mallard Creatives

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    14 mins
  • 007 - Psychopaths as Children
    May 30 2017
    Psychopath in Your Life -Podcast Show Notes- Episode 007 Summary: In Episode 007, Dianne further discusses the characteristics of children displaying psychopathic tendencies; this includes certain traits and behaviors that are specific to children. Listen to find out why psychopathic symptoms go unnoticed in a household, the status for psychopathic care facilities today, and the reason why reporting can be complicated. Time Stamped Show Notes: 00:12 – Introduction to Psychopath in Your Life 00:18 – Dianne is the author of the book, Psychopaths in Our Lives 01:05 – “We’re finally getting information coming out” 01:25 – The Atlantic Magazine has a great article, “When Your Child is a Psychopath” 02:12 – Dianne reads, “callous and unemotional traits—shorthand for a cluster of characteristics and behaviors, including a lack of empathy, remorse, or guilt, shallow emotions, aggression and even cruelty, and a seeming indifference to punishment.” 02:48 – Callous and unemotional children have no trouble hurting others to get what they want 02:58 – In 2013, The American Psychiatric Association and the DSM say that the condition can go unnoticed 04:12 – Dr. Hare developed the youth checklist for psychopathy behaviors 04:34 – What’s being done now is trial and error 04:46 – The flaw or lack is in developing places where kids can receive support/training for their behavior 05:46 – Once kids age out of a facility, there’s no follow-up 06:26 – Few families get to the point where they find care facilities 06:58 – In China, there are tons of facilities for gaming addictions 07:20 – Research and self-reporting are key issues 07:58 – Dianne shares about the Ted Bundy case 09:12 – The big trip up for Ted Bundy was pornography 09:45 – Ted had a girlfriend who stayed with him 10:23 – He was engaged a couple of times 10:37 – He had a pattern 10:58 – Reporting becomes complicated because you rely on the family to report it 11:57 – Psychopaths are not always men 12:57 – Men who are abused by women are off the radar 13:23 – For more information go to www.psychopath-research.com, in the “Family” section 13:54 – Register to be able to post 14:22 – A person on the site posts about his child who is under care in a facility 15:18 – Dianne cannot diagnose any person without meeting them 15:40 – Don’t mislabel people as psychopaths 16:37 – Dianne would like to share tools to do the research yourself 17:04 – Subscribe to the show on iTunes, Google Play, Facebook, Youtube, and on the website 17:16 – Get in touch with Dianne on her website 3 Key Points: Psychopathic symptoms can go unnoticed – especially because you rely on family members to report such behaviors. There are few care facilities for children who have the behavior—this needs to be rectified. Don’t be mistaken, psychopaths are both men and women. Resources Mentioned: Psychopaths in Our Lives: My Interviews When Your Child is a Psychopath – Article from The Atlantic Magazine that Dianne mentionedDr. Hare – Doctor that developed the psychopathy checklist for youthTed Bundy – An infamous psychopath who went on a killing spree in the 1970’s Psychopaths in Our Lives – Dianne’s book Amazon iBooks Credits Podcast Production and Editing Service rendered by Daniel Roth Show Notes provided by Mallard Creatives Rad, conduct disorder, sociopathic behavior, conduct disorder in children, psycho test, the psychopath test, sociopath, psychopath test, oppositional defiant disorder treatment, psychopath, signs of a psychopath, psychopathy, aspd, conduct disorder treatment, signs of a sociopath, sociopath symptoms, sociopath traits, dealing with a sociopath, sociopath quiz, psychopath quiz, am I a psychopath, am I a sociopath, sociopath test, psychopathic traits, psychopathy symptoms, sociopathy, sociopath signs, sociopathic tendencies, traits of a psychopath, psychopathy checklist, symptoms of a psychopath, narcissist, personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, psychopathic tendencies, psychopath signs, psychopathic personality, narcissistic personality disorder, narcissistic personality, narcissists, narcissist test, RAD adoption
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    17 mins