• Meister Eckhart: Let go... even your own will
    Sep 22 2024

    Nothing is everything...

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    6 mins
  • Forget never these 4 basics: 1. We have a soul. 2. It contains an ego 3. ...
    Sep 15 2024

    It is always important that we remind we have a soul, and its contents. But it doesn't only consist of the ego. We must try to reveal our Higher Self.

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    3 mins
  • Why can't we only be consciousness?
    Sep 14 2024

    Some meditators, philosophers and other people figured out that the body is only a "vehicle" the ego uses. Since then and since thousands of years, far developed meditators wish to not have the body anymore. But as well as the body is used by the ego, it can also be used as catalyst to reach the full enlightenment. Learn more in this pocast episode.

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    22 mins
  • There is a big mistake many meditators do...
    Sep 13 2024

    The best life is when meditation works all the time. Besides work and everyday life. But when we have lost the meditation connection, many try to sit for hours and nothing happens. It is important to know that this is a waste of time. Most importantly, we first must regain the meditation energy. After then we can maintain it.

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    13 mins
  • 6 strategies to "protect" energy
    Sep 1 2024

    To protect energy loss on the physical level, you can take easy precautions and just avoid material dangers. But how to deal with mental and spiritual energy loss? – Get 6 hacks to protect yourself against “spiritual” attacks in this episode. Find more about problems during spiritual awakening, also with video: youtube.com/@no-mind

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    10 mins
  • An over-busy and noisy world steals so much energy. Why? What happens on the mental, physical and spiritual levels?
    Aug 28 2024

    There' s that physical law which says: "Energy gets never lost" That is nice. But why then we lose our energy? Why especially meditators or people on the path of spiritual awakening suffer so much when we meet unconscious people, even when we don't interact with them? What is there happening on the spiritual level with the energy?

    The noisy and busy world makes so tired on physical, mental and spiritual levels. Why? An over-busy and noisy world distracts many from the enlightenment “path”. It is important to consider spiritual awakening, bcz. this is the fulfillment of human consciousness. The possibility for enlightenment is what distinguishes us from animals! But unfortunately, the more one develops the more sensitive he gets. And this disbalance can cause several problems like energy losses, meditation blocks, or even the “dark night of the soul”, a depression or better to say melancholy which only occurs on the “way to God”. This episode deals with sudden energy losses, out of nothing, based on personal meetings with people as well as caused by the restless technical progress and other problems which occur with them, e. g. time pressure, social “pressure”, etc.

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    12 mins
  • Can psychology be useless?
    Aug 26 2024

    Why psychology doesn't help during the "shift" Most psychological aspects don't fit to your "shift" in consciousness. There are just very few, e. g. depth psychology. But first let me name 3 examples of psychological items which are useless to focus on: Intelligence, knowledge acquisition and concentration.

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    13 mins
  • Philosophy also may be useless...
    Aug 26 2024

    Why not any philosophy helps during the "shift" of consciousness. Most philisophical aspects don't fit to your way to the enlightenment. There are just very few, e. g. stoicism. But first let me name few examples of philosophical items which are useless to focus on...

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    21 mins