
  • #125 - Take a Stand for What You Believe
    Sep 13 2024

    The majority doesn't follow the Truth. Don't follow the majority, follow the Truth.

    Those who follow the crowd most often get absolutely lost in it.

    Those who tell the truth in today’s world are most often persecuted, sometimes prosecuted...

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    9 mins
  • #124 - Andre Pennington is challenging the conventional and rebuilding generational wealth!
    Sep 6 2024

    We very infrequently have guests—we’re very selective about who we speak with AND that being said, we have never had a guest on twice. But today is an exception.

    Andre Pennington is an Inc. 5000 awarded CEO, recognized as one of the top attorneys in the world, and the principle of a relatively new adventure he’s on called Universal Wealth.

    If you’ve read my latest book, GMS, Understanding and mastering the three human dilemmas I suggest, these three dilemmas are the primary cause of the incredible chaos we’re experiencing in the world right now. Well, Andre being quite a Renaissance man is not only a master in law and business, but also in the field of money.

    Contact Andre here: https://www.universalwealth.com/en/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Andre.L.Pennington

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/andrepenningtonofficial/

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    50 mins
  • #123 - Study Timeless Truths and Apply them daily in your life
    Aug 30 2024

    Truth is not relative, it's absolute... Truth is not beholden to any man, it's timeless and universal... Truth transcends man, but can be learned and embraced... Not believing or liking Truth does not make it not Truth... Truth is most often uncomfortable, yet it will set you free...

    Believe it or not, this is our final episode in this series on Transmuting Your Body into a Powerhouse. It’s been a long journey. Hopefully it’s been as valuable for you as it has for us reviewing these principles...

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    17 mins
  • #122 - Search for Trustworthy Information and Guidance
    Aug 23 2024

    If you’re going to climb Mount Everest, you better have a guide.

    We spoke with a marketing person some months ago who stated, “If someone is going to hire you to coach them, they have to downgrade their status.” This is indicative of the vast amount of ego that most people have in the world today.

    It takes a certain amount of confidence and awareness to realize that you need some help—we all need help at some point in our lives. Again, when you’re moving into unchartered territory it’s wise to have someone there to mentor you that has been there before. To think that you don’t need any outside input is extreme ignorance and arrogance. Even the best of mentors needs mentors and coaches. To think you don’t is an illusion...

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    8 mins
  • #121 - Opt for Organic Produce
    Aug 16 2024

    If you want to have a lot of energy you must eat a lot of meat, fruit and vegetables. Produce is live food, filled with tremendous amounts of energy. We’ve talked about meat previously, today let’s speak about produce.

    Non-organic produce is filled with harmful chemicals: pesticides, which can literally kill you, and definitely kill the nutrients in the produce...

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    7 mins
  • #120-Limit Plastics, Phthalates, (Falates). and Microwaves
    Aug 9 2024

    Plastics and Falates are detrimental, we’re sure you know what plastics are, but if you don’t know what Falates are they basically: Are any of a group of esters of phthalic acid that are widely used in the manufacture of plastics and also as synthetic additives in perfumes and cosmetics. These chemicals have been linked to reproductive and hormonal abnormalities in humans.

    Falates can be found in most products that have contact with plastics during production, packaging, or delivery. Chronic exposure to Falates will adversely influence the endocrine system and functioning of multiple organs, which has negative long-term impacts on the success of pregnancy, child growth and development, and the reproductive systems in both young children and adolescents.

    Some dairy products, fish, seafood, and oils are found to have a high level of Falates.

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    17 mins
  • #119 - Avoid a Sedentary Lifestyle
    Aug 2 2024

    The mass majority have become totally sedentary. Sitting at their computers all day long and then coming home and sitting on the couch in front of the plug-in drug is taking its toll.

    43% of American adults are obese—the highest percentage in history.

    Even more frightening are the numbers of children. According to the current CDC findings: 12.7% among 2- to 5-year-olds, 20.7% among 6- to 11-year-olds, and 22.2% among 12- to 19-year-olds. The unfortunate fact is that there’s a great likelihood that these kids have already carved out their future and will most probably be obese their entire life.

    While a lot of current styles and fads tend to make “plus size” normal—even attractive—it’s not. It’s incredibly unhealthy and leads to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, breathing problems such as asthma and sleep apnea, and joint problems. Not to mention a shortened lifespan…

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    11 mins
  • #118 - Learn to Manage Stress
    Jul 26 2024

    Stress appears to be a major problem in today’s world, yet stress is not really the enemy, the enemy is lack of recovery.

    Dr. Hans Selye conducted extensive research on the concept of stress and found there are two types of stress: there’s distress—what we typically think of when we think of stress; and yet there’s another type of stress called eustress. Eustress is not exhausting, it’s invigorating.

    Eustress is the “creative tension” between where you currently reside, and the gap that exists between the point where you are, and the point of where we choose to go...

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    12 mins