
    Mar 9 2025
    As much as I am all about vulnerability here, there are a few things I keep close to the chest. Well, today, I'm sharing one those because I feel it has value. To read the FULL BLOG POST with resources and images, check out "Haiku: A Message From My Inner Child" at https://mdillondesigns.com/2025/03/09/haiku-a-message-from-my-inner-child/
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    23 mins
  • THINK THINK THINK: Think for Yourself - MAR 3 2025
    Mar 3 2025
    “Think. Think. Think. We have so many strong opinions about things that we’ve never even researched. We walk around hating people, and their beliefs, based on other people’s opinions.” — Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist You ever thought about a phrase you hear all the time and realized it makes no sense? Well, something like that is what got me thinking today. Today’s episode is all about thinking for yourself. Too many of our core beliefs are based purely on other people’s opinions. At some point, we have to ask ourselves why we believe what we believe, and if it’s true for us. Can we prove it? Does it stand up to questioning? Does research support it, or is it just what we’ve always heard, thought, and believed? It’s okay to let something go when you realize it’s not based in fact. It’s okay to believe differently than your parents did. It’s okay to realize that you have been automatically following certain beliefs and they don’t actually line up with your values or priorities. It’s TOTALLY okay to choose differently once you begin to think for yourself. And it’s okay to apologize if necessary. Check out today’s podcast. It’s a good one. Blessings! Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist
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    30 mins
  • Who Are You Being in the Current Moment?
    Feb 26 2025
    We don’t always realize how we tend to shift from one persona to another based on what we believe about ourselves in any given moment. For example, if we believe we are timid people pleasers, we will approach interpersonal conflicts differently than if we view ourselves as strong, independent thinkers who prioritize our needs. Check out the FULL BLOG POST for this podcast episode at: https://mdillondesigns.com/2025/02/26/who-are-you-being-in-the-current-moment/ Enjoy the podcast! Blessings! Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist
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    15 mins
  • When Things Feel Hopeless
    Jan 18 2025
    What do you do when life feels outside your control and fear and hopelessness are trying to set in? I talk about this on today's podcast. Check it out and if it supports you, please share it. Blessings, Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist
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    16 mins
    Jan 17 2025
    If you've never heard me sing, here's your chance. 😅 I'm singing on today's podcast. https://mdillondesigns.com/2025/01/17/fire-less-fire-a-song/ I am a songwriter. Songs come to me in my sleep. This morning this song came to me. I believe it can be powerful for the collective (meaning, all of us) to come together and sing it while picturing the fires going out, visualizing rain, and the collective celebration of the last ember going out. If you end up singing along and record a video, please tag me. I'd love to see/hear it. I think this could be so cool. Check out the FULL BLOG POST for today's podcast. mdillondesigns.com/2025/01/17/fire-less-fire-a-song/ Blessings! Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist
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    4 mins
  • My Way Is RIGHT - Share & Let's Live! Podcast
    Jan 8 2025
    I have spent most of my life feeling wrong. It's been over the last 3 days or so that my higher self has challenged me to really think about that. What's so wrong about me? Why am I so convinced that I am doing it wrong and everyone else is doing it right? Based on what I believe, is that accurate? Early this morning I received a challenge to write an argument for why I am actually right and deserve to be blessed. And I did. It was very eye-opening for me. And it led to this.... to today's podcast. I hope you'll check it and are blessed by it. Thank you for being here. Blessings! Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist
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    21 mins
  • Shifting 'If Then' Beliefs
    Jan 7 2025
    “We get to choose the meanings we place on moments. We can train ourselves to observe the facts without jumping to conclusions.” — Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist Check out today's podcast for some empowering storytelling. Blessings! Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist
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    21 mins
  • We Ain't Goin' Out Like That - DEC-31-2024-MARLENE-DILLON
    Dec 31 2024
    This year has been.... whoa. It's been one "are you kidding me?" after another. For many of us the end of this year has felt like a "death march." I know it surely has for me. I spent most of November in a fog and December in a daze. I looked up and Christmas was here and I just wasn't in the spirit. Today, I began to shift my focus and perspective. I realize we're still here, so that means it's not over. We still have purpose. There's still work and living for us to do. So let's pivot. Let's shift our focus off of the angst, off the dread, off the "oh dear gawd what's gonna happen now?" and choose to move forward with curiosity. Maybe this is the pain the births our best version. Let's get the best out of ourselves in this new year. Check out my new podcast episode, "We Ain't Goin' Out Like That." Blessings! Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist
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    24 mins