• i met my younger self for coffee today
    Mar 3 2025

    Hey everyone <3 thank you for clicking on this weeks episode! Today i met my younger self for coffee, what did we talk about? how did it end? We talk about anxiety, body image, nursing and marriage.

    My younger self is proud of who I've become, and I am giving grace and extending love to her.


    Artist: Allison Eide

    Artist: Claire Leslie

    Podcast: Christ in Me with Addie

    Podcast: Evolving by Faith

    Podcast: peace, love, hormones

    MacBook Pro: I got a refurbished one

    Poem: Jennae Cecelia



    instagram podcast: ⁠⁠⁠@loveinfullbloompodcast⁠⁠⁠

    tiktok podcast: ⁠⁠⁠@loveinfullbloompodcast⁠⁠⁠

    instagram nursing page: ⁠⁠⁠@sarkaitlin.rn ⁠⁠⁠

    instagram personal page: ⁠⁠⁠@sarkaitlin⁠⁠



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    19 mins
  • let's encourage & uplift each other | friendship in your 20's with @calculatedliterature
    Feb 24 2025

    Hi lovely people! Thank you for clicking on this week's episode, it is FILLED with wisdom & direction when it comes to navigating friendships in your 20s, thanks be to God 🩵

    Some of the topics you will hear today are:

    - healthy friendships vs unhealthy friendships

    - stepping out of your comfort zone + following the Spirit's guidance

    - forgiveness & boundaries and how they can co-exist

    Thank you Zoe for coming on the show! If you enjoyed, please leave a rating and review to help the show & community grow <3

    Zoe’s socials:

    instagram: @calculatedliterature

    tiktok: @calculatedliterature

    Sarah’s socials

    instagram: @loveinfullbloompodcast

    instagram: @sarkaitlin

    instagram: @sarkaitlin.rn

    tiktok: ⁠⁠⁠⁠@loveinfullbloompodcas

    With love,


    Show more Show less
    46 mins
  • do I need to be in the same career forever? | let's talk about the fear of failure
    Feb 17 2025

    Hey everyone! Thank you for clicking on today's episode. I am so excited that you are here <3.

    Today we are talking about career change as a 20-something year old. We also explore the fear of failure and how we can look at failure differently through the lens of growth.

    If you enjoy I would love if you left a 5-star rating and review. You can leave a rating on either Apple Podcasts or Spotify. You can also leave a comment on Spotify and/or a review on Apple Podcasts.





    It means the world to me that you are taking the time out of you day to listen to this show.

    With love,


    Show more Show less
    23 mins
  • it’s okay that you don’t know everything
    Feb 10 2025

    I hope you all enjoy this episode! We talk about the importance of humbling yourself & that you won’t know everything, but that’s okay 🫶 We talk about nursing as a new grad & how you will learn on the job with the experiences that you have.

    We end the episode by talking about the importance of loving others but ALSO allowing God to love us.

    When we receive Gods love, we become overfilled and will want to love God, ourselves and others the same way. 🩵

    Thanks for listening! We sure to leave a rating, review & comment ✨ xo, Sarah





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    24 mins
  • a chat about nursing & faith | with @maeginscrubs
    Feb 3 2025

    hello loves! welcome to love in full bloom, I am so excited that you clicked on this weeks episode. Today we have @maeginscrubs on the show to talk about her work experience as a nurse and how even with her busy schedule, she still finds time to spend with the Lord every day.

    Where to find Maegan:

    instagram: @maeginscrubs

    tiktok: @maeginscrubs

    Where to find Sarah:

    instagram podcast: ⁠⁠@loveinfullbloompodcast⁠⁠

    tiktok podcast: ⁠⁠@loveinfullbloompodcast⁠⁠

    instagram nursing page: ⁠⁠@sarkaitlin.rn ⁠⁠

    instagram personal page: ⁠⁠@sarkaitlin⁠⁠

    If you enjoyed, please follow the show, like & comment <3



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    14 mins
  • the source of hope I was once longing for
    Jan 27 2025

    Hey listeners!

    Today I am reading part of my testimony and what I said before getting baptized.

    I am free knowing that I can surrender all things to Jesus. He is the source of all lasting peace, joy and hope.

    Praying that next week the guest episode with Maegan (@maeginscrubs) will be out <3

    Even if no one listens to this, I have it here as part of my faith journey.



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    4 mins
  • you need to forgive yourself too
    Jan 20 2025

    This week we are talking about self-forgiveness because I find that it is easy for me to forgive others but its harder for me to forgive myself.

    Ive been ruminating on the past and it has not been good for my mental health. We are talking about letting go of the past and realizing that there is always room to grow.


    manuka honey

    whipped beef tallow balm


    Jesus cares about your mental health | Confetti Cake Project

    spiritual growth is rooted in humility, honesty and confidence in the Lord


    instagram podcast: ⁠⁠@loveinfullbloompodcast⁠⁠

    tiktok podcast: ⁠⁠@loveinfullbloompodcast⁠⁠

    instagram nursing page: ⁠⁠@sarkaitlin.rn ⁠⁠

    instagram personal page: ⁠⁠@sarkaitlin⁠



    Show more Show less
    29 mins
  • Jesus cares about your mental health | Confetti Cake Project
    Jan 13 2025

    Hello loves <3

    Today we have Josie, the founder of Confetti Cake Project on the podcast. Confetti Cake Project is a Christ-centered Non-Profit organization on mission to erase the stigma around mental health. Here to remind you that Jesus cares about your mental health and He has a PURPOSE for your life - www.confetticakeproject.org


    Confetti Cake Project


    Sarah Kaitlin:

    instagram podcast: ⁠@loveinfullbloompodcast⁠

    tiktok podcast: ⁠@loveinfullbloompodcast⁠

    instagram nursing page: ⁠@sarkaitlin.rn ⁠

    instagram personal page: ⁠@sarkaitlin⁠

    If you enjoyed, please follow the show, like & comment <3



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    38 mins