• Skating Into Connection: A Lake Bled Winter Tale

  • Nov 19 2024
  • Length: 17 mins
  • Podcast

Skating Into Connection: A Lake Bled Winter Tale

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Skating Into Connection: A Lake Bled Winter Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-19-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Lake Bled leži miren in mističen, ko se začetek zime prepleta z zadnjimi vzdihi jeseni.En: Lake Bled lies calm and mystical as the beginning of winter intertwines with the last breaths of autumn.Sl: Okolica je tiha, pokrita s tančico snega, ko se turisti in domačini zberejo, da izkusijo čarobnost drsanja na zamrznjeni površini.En: The surroundings are quiet, covered with a veil of snow, as tourists and locals gather to experience the magic of skating on the frozen surface.Sl: Mateja se počuti drugačna v tem idiličnem kraju.En: Mateja feels different in this idyllic place.Sl: Preselila se je v majhno vasico blizu jezera in od takrat išče povezave, prijateljstva, ki bi ji pregnala osamljenost.En: She moved to a small village near the lake and has since been searching for connections, friendships to chase away her loneliness.Sl: Njena prijateljica Tina, polna energije in odločnosti, jo je pripeljala na led.En: Her friend Tina, full of energy and determination, brought her to the ice.Sl: "Skupaj bova drsali," je Tina opogumljala Matejo.En: "We'll skate together," Tina encouraged Mateja.Sl: "Lepo bo, ti boš uživala!"En: "It'll be nice, you'll enjoy it!"Sl: Z drsalkami na nogah Mateja okleva, občutek ledu pod čevlji ji je neznan.En: With skates on her feet, Mateja hesitates, the feeling of ice under her shoes unfamiliar.Sl: Vsak korak je negotov.En: Every step is uncertain.Sl: "Samo dihaj," si Mateja reče.En: "Just breathe," Mateja tells herself.Sl: Tina, vedno polna nasvetov, ji pokaže osnove drsanja in kmalu se obe smejeta.En: Tina, always full of advice, shows her the basics of skating, and soon they are both laughing.Sl: Na jezeru je še veliko ljudi.En: There are many people on the lake.Sl: Otroci se smejijo, odrasli pazljivo drsijo po gladini.En: Children are laughing, adults carefully gliding on the surface.Sl: Med njimi je tudi Jaka, ki išče navdih za nove začetke.En: Among them is Jaka, who seeks inspiration for new beginnings.Sl: Rad ima naravo, gre mu za svežino novega.En: He loves nature and is all about the freshness of the new.Sl: Ko se Mateja premika po ledu, se nenadoma neprevidno zamaje.En: As Mateja moves on the ice, she suddenly wobbles carelessly.Sl: Seveda Tina ni daleč za njo, vendar Mateja zgreši ravnotežje in s treskom pade.En: Of course, Tina isn't far behind her, but Mateja loses her balance and crashes down.Sl: Nekaj trenutkov zatem jo prime močna roka.En: Moments later, a strong hand grabs her.Sl: "Oprosti, da sem te prestrašil," reče Jaka z nasmehom.En: "Sorry I scared you," says Jaka with a smile.Sl: "Ti si v redu?"En: "Are you okay?"Sl: Mateja se sramežljivo nasmehne, "Da, hvala, sem."En: Mateja shyly smiles, "Yes, thank you, I am."Sl: Njuni pogledi se srečajo, v trenutku oba začutita nekaj posebnega.En: Their eyes meet, and in an instant, they both feel something special.Sl: Jaka jo dvigne in prijateljsko predlaga, "Greš na čaj, da se ogreješ?"En: Jaka lifts her up and friendly suggests, "How about some tea to warm up?"Sl: Začno hoditi skupaj po ledu, pogovor teče gladko kot zamrznjena površina jezera.En: They start walking together on the ice, the conversation flowing as smoothly as the frozen surface of the lake.Sl: Mateja se počuti živa, kot da se led v njenem srcu topi.En: Mateja feels alive as if the ice in her heart is melting.Sl: Pripoveduje o svoji ljubezni do umetnosti, Jaka pa govori o svojih zimskih pustolovščinah kot smučarski učitelj.En: She talks about her love for art, and Jaka shares his winter adventures as a ski instructor.Sl: Ko se sonce spušča nad jezero, Mateja čuti, da se je spremenila.En: As the sun sets over the lake, Mateja feels changed.Sl: "Je kaj, kar si želiš poskusiti? Nekaj novega?" vpraša Jaka, medtem ko skupaj gledata čarobno pokrajino.En: "Is there anything you'd like to try? Something new?" asks Jaka, as they gaze together at the magical landscape.Sl: Mateja se zazre v zimo, ki prihaja.En: Mateja looks into the approaching winter.Sl: "Mislim, da bi rada bolj spoznavala to novo okolje."En: "I think I'd like to get to know this new environment better."Sl: Njegov nasmeh ji da pogum, spremljanje novosti in novih ljudi.En: His smile gives her courage, the prospect of new things and people.Sl: Dogovorita se, da se bosta znova srečala, odkrivala še neznane kotičke Bleda.En: They agree to meet again to discover yet unknown corners of Bled.Sl: Ko se vrne domov, Mateja ve, da ni več sama.En: When she returns home, Mateja knows she's no longer alone.Sl: Našla je več kot le prijatelja.En: She's found more than just a friend.Sl: Našla je vez do skupnosti, ki jo začne vedno bolj privlačiti.En: She's found a connection to a community that increasingly draws her in.Sl: Njen strah pred ...
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