• Intentional, Genuine, Human Connection & Prospect-Focused Sales with Alex Fisher, Ep #4
    May 6 2021

    Are you ready to put the “relationship” back into customer relationship management systems? My guest on this episode of the Anthony Iannarino show will talk to us about doing just that. Her name is Alex Fisher — and she’s the Co-Founder and President of Sherpa CRM. It’s a CRM like you’ve never seen before. This won’t be a technical discussion about CRM systems, but more of a conversation about some of the ideas and concepts behind her CRM software that will be helpful for you to understand. I’m excited to share this conversation with you because Alex is very passionate about genuine human connection and she deeply understands what it takes to have prospect-focused sales. Listen to this episode to learn what it means to put the “relationship” back into customer relationship management systems!


    You will want to hear this episode if you are interested in...
    • What the nature and meaning behind the name of Sherpa CRM is [1:48]
    • The path that brought Alex to the point of doing what she does now [5:24]
    • How Alex enables salespeople to help their prospective clients make tough decisions [10:58]
    • The mistakes that lead salespeople to be wrestlers instead of dancers [22:11]
    • Gaining consensus when salespeople are walking several people through an emotional decision-making process [29:27]
    • What a trust breakthrough is [39:00]
    • Where to find more information about Sherpa CRM [40:10]


    Resources & People Mentioned
    • Think Again by Adam Grant
    Connect with Alex Fisher
    • https://sherpacrm.com/
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    • Subscribe on YouTube
    Connect With Anthony Iannarino
    • https://thesalesblog.com 
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    42 mins
  • The Positive Power of Hype, with Michael F. Schein, Ep #3
    Apr 29 2021
    I tend to be a bit skeptical of books like the one my friend, Michael F. Schein has written. Here’s the entire title: “The Hype Handbook: 12 Indispensable Success Secrets From the World’s Greatest Propagandists, Self-Promoters, Cult Leaders, Mischief Makers, and Boundary Breakers.” A title like that automatically puts me off because it sounds like lots of heat but not much light. But Michael is my friend and I knew better than to take his writing lightly, so I got the book. I have to say, the book is the best book of its kind. It’s deep, thoughtful, powerful, and highly practical. I am excited to present Michael to you and to make this conversation available to you.  You will want to hear this episode if you are interested in... Why Michael’s book is such a great read and powerful tool [0:22]How did Hype come to be a negative word… and what is a better way to think? [3:42]Michael began to feel he was an outsider when… [11:18]The roll Oxytocin plays in they issue of hype [26:42]How the packaging needs to run through everything [31:45]Why people love a Trixter and how they add to positive hype [40:05]Creating magic by maximizing your unique abilities [50:59]The void that Tim Ferriss filled [57:43] “Hype” — is it only a negative word? Most people use the word “hype” to infer that what is being “hyped” is not worth the energy and emotion being invested in it. But Michael feels that if hype is being used to bring attention to something that brings about benefit or positive change, then it’s worth doing. This conversation chronicles Michael’s experience in rock-n-roll, being an outsider, and where hype came into the picture for him. He’s done the work to write one of the best books of its kind out there, so be sure you take the time to not only listen to this episode, but also to get your hands on this book. He cites so many sources, tells so many stories you’re familiar with in ways you’ve never heard before, and uses those stories to illustrate his points masterfully. The packaging of your idea is an all-in issue Michael shares the story of how when he was in a rock band, he really didn’t care about things like clothing. He wore casual clothes (not “rocker” type clothes) when he was off-stage instead of carrying the rock-n-roll image with him 24/7. He eventually realized that he was living in a way that was counterproductive to his larger goal of rock-n-roll success. When he finally took the step of burning all his regular clothes and donning the rock image all the time, things started to change. This is only one example of the kinds of things you’ll learn from reading The Hype Handbook. Michael points out the time-tested principles that have been utilized by all kinds of people to drive success, build brands, and leave legacies that outlive the people involved.  People love a Trixter... like the Rolling Stones  Back when the Beatles hit the scene, everyone was trying to copy what they were doing. The interesting thing is that their pre-fame persona was rough, not clean-cut and polished like we knew them to be when they first appeared on the Ed Sullivan show. What brought about the change? A promoter who knew what would resonate with audiences worldwide and crafted their image to be appealing. A kid who worked for that promoter came across the Rolling Stones and liked what he heard. And ironically, the band members were the upper middle class kids the Beatles were trying to be. What did he do? He turned them in the opposite direction, making them the wild guys, trixters, anti-Beatles, if you will. And fans ate it up. Michael points out that people love this kind of thing and highlights why — not only from history but also from science. Resources & People Mentioned My Sales Accelerator: www.B2BSalesTraining.com  BOOK: InfluencePoison - Rock bandDavid BowieMichael’s article about why Gary V. is wrongAlice Cooper - Shock Rock artistShep Gordon - promoterBOOK: The Lucifer PrincipleThe Walking DeadComplexity TheoryElijah Muhammad and Malcom XBOOK: The Messenger (book about the Nation of Islam)BOOK: The Autobiography of Malcolm XThe Rolling StonesThe BeatlesAndrew Loog OldhamDan Sullivan - business coachThomas Edison - inventorBOOK: The 4-Hour Work Week Connect with Michael F. Schein www.MichaelFSchein.com The Hype HandbookMichael’s company: Microframe MediaMichael on LinkedIn Connect With Anthony Iannarino https://thesalesblog.com Follow on TwitterFollow on LinkedinFollow on Facebook Subscribe to The Anthony Iannarino Show onApple Podcasts OR Spotify
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    1 hr and 8 mins
  • How Time Impacts Your Sales
    Apr 22 2021

    Read by: Aidan Iannarino 

    Most sales teams miss their goals because they are creating too few opportunities to fill their pipeline.

    The world has constant disruptive change and you can expect your clients to have a tougher time committing to change. Sales conversations are now more nonlinear and require a greater sense of consensus from stakeholders.

    Time with no positive action kills deals. In sales, doing something tomorrow isn’t the same as doing something today.

    #Sales #Time Management #Sales Efficiency  #Sales Leadership

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    6 mins
  • Video is King! with Jeffrey Gitomer, Ep #2
    Dec 10 2020
    Jeffrey Gitomer describes himself as a salesman, a dad, and a college dropout. But he is so much more — the author of 15 books, which have all reached #1 on Amazon, a successful speaker, and a talented coach and leader in teaching sales and marketing strategies. Jeffrey said his objective in life is to help others, establish long-term relationships, and to have fun every day. He is with me on this episode to talk about his latest book, Go Live! Turn Virtual Connections into Paying Customers. ***************PLAYER CODE GOES HERE UNDER 1ST PARAGRAPHS************ You will want to hear this episode if you are interested in... Jeffrey’s definition of value attraction and why you need it. [10:50]Jeffrey’s main takeaways from doing FB Live for over 250 days in a row. [18:34]What it takes to create a bond with your audience. [26:41]Tips for getting comfortable with using video. [27:40]The wonders of Zoom. [29:34]The value of consistency in sales. [32:30] Resources & People Mentioned Go Live! Turn Virtual Connections into Paying Customers by Jeffrey GitomerHippo VideoAnyvooThink & Grow Rich by Napoleon HillAtlas Shrugged by Ayn RandOutliers by Malcolm Gladwell Connect with Jeffrey Gitomer Gitomer.comFollow on TwitterFollow on LinkedInFollow on FacebookFollow on InstagramFollow on YouTubeJeffrey’s Sell or Die Podcast Connect With Anthony Iannarino https://thesalesblog.comFollow on TwitterFollow on LinkedinFollow on Facebook Subscribe to The Anthony Iannarino Show onApple Podcasts OR Spotify
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    45 mins
  • There’s No Such Thing as Writer’s Block with Seth Godin, Ep # 1 
    Nov 12 2020

    There’s No Such Thing as Writer’s Block with Seth Godin, Ep # 1 

    My first guest on the all-new Anthony Iannarino show truly needs no introduction! Seth Godin has written many bestselling books — among them are Linchpin, Tribes, The Purple Cow, and The Dip. He recently released his latest, The Practice: Shipping Creative Work. Just released on November 3, it has already become the #1 New Release in several categories as well as #1 Bestseller on Amazon in Popular Psychology, Creativity, and Genius! Listen today to hear Seth and I talk all about it!

    ***************PLAYER CODE GOES HERE UNDER 1ST PARAGRAPHS************

    You will want to hear this episode if you are interested in...
    • How Seth distinguishes between career and work. [3:05]
    • Why Seth believes there is no such thing as writer’s block. [5:46]
    • What makes you an artist and how to find your voice. [11:52]
    • What people can do to start trusting themselves in their work. [16:18] 
    • Why generosity cannot be transactional. [23:45]
    • What Seth sees as the job of the future. [35:22]
    Resources & People Mentioned
    • The Practice: Shipping Creative Work by Seth Godin
    • The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
    • Free: The Future of a Radical Price by Chris Anderson
    Connect with Seth Godin
    • Seth’s Website
    • Seth’s Amazon Author Page 
    • Follow Seth on Medium
    • Follow Seth on Twitter
    • Follow Seth on Instagram
    • Follow Seth on Facebook
    • Seth can be found on LinkedIn at Akimbo Workshops and altMBA
    Connect With Anthony Iannarino
    • https://thesalesblog.com
    • Follow on Twitter
    • Follow on Linkedin
    • Follow on Facebook

    Subscribe to The Anthony Iannarino Show on
    Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts
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    39 mins