
  • The Pinnacle Take...Takes on "A Network of Friendlies!"
    Mar 27 2024
    How do we play at a higher level? Get Bigger Fees…become a Player! Every recruiter playing power games with paranoid middle managers wants to know…and yet we make a plan, gear ourselves up to talk to “big shots” and change our life, and two job orders get called in. And expenses are high right now…and maybe next year would be better to make this kind of change. Mike Silverstein wasn’t having any of that. He came into the biz and was fearless about cold calling. He went to a Healthcare Trade Show because his firm’s niche was dead, and, well, healthcare can’t go away…right?! And he not only crushed it, but he made the transition into higher level fees and the world of C suite/VC and PE searches. He built his firm by emulating the operating structures of his clients. And he has never stopped making rain because he has never stopped making BD calls. He’s doing it as you read this. But they’re not cold calls, Mike calls them his “network of friendlies”. In the affable, inspiring and deeply human style that had Staffing Industry Analysts calling him… “One of the most influential Millennials in Staffing”, Mike shares his approach and story with Danny.
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    1 hr
  • Getting Real about "Branding/Content/Influencing". With an Expert
    Jan 30 2024
    You know the drill…you get interested in becoming a LinkedIn Super User and Posting Phenom after getting your butt kicked on the phone. No return calls, no headway on your desk. And more of the same coming tomorrow! Pinnacle’s Branding Guru, Pree Sarkar, felt your pain. But unlike most of us, he made changes. Trial and error…blog postings? Surveys? Posts about your company outing or your harrowing trip to the dentist? How about a Podcast, everyone loves a podcast? Maybe you have a book in you? (Twain said, “everyone has a novel in them, and that’s where it should stay”. But Pree wrote the Amazon best seller Switch, became a LinkedIn “Top 1% recruiter”, did live workshops, and hosts a podcast with clients and industry thought leaders in his niche. And Guess what, he tells Danny all of this creates more billings, with less energy and effort. Pree is giving and honest as Danny drills down. How is your day structured? How many posts a week? Where do you get the ideas? What are the metrics for success. Do you still have a phone based daily plan? (duh, yes) You’ll come away from this episode a Pree fan, that’s a given, but you’ll also have a blueprint of how to replicate his success.
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    1 hr
  • The OG Takes on Money: Spoiler...More Beats Less...by a LOT!
    Dec 18 2023
    Diana Gazzolo is not just one of two remaining founding members of Pinnacle...not just someone who has billed millions and plans on billing millions more...she's built real wealth! She could walk away but doesn't because she loves it...that's wealth! And in this episode, she takes on a topic you won't hear about at a conference producer panel. Why are so many top recruiters bad with money? Why don't they build their wealth like they do their desks? Is it fear? Hubris? Diana in her unique and authentic style, offers her insights based on a life of humble origins and four decades surrounded by recruiters...prepare to be inspired by her amazing origin story...only in America, only in recruiting!
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    1 hr
  • Exploring! The 360° Desk, Tech Stack of the Future, and Explorers
    Oct 24 2023
    Katherine Jerald came into Pinnacle two years ago and shook it up…a new, bright voice that came from a family, franchise pedigree…she knows how the biz “has always been done”, respects it’s fundamentals, isn’t afraid to try new ways of doing it, and takes on the world with a bold, invigorating energy. She’s been an obsessive explorer since she was 10, and has the reenactment outfits to prove it!!
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    1 hr
  • Fitness & Physicality: The Secret Weapon of Top Producers
    Aug 25 2023
    Are you a great recruiter because you’re serious about fitness? Or are you serious about fitness because you’re a great recruiter? We learn the answer from Pinnacle’s Fitness Icons, Rick Rush and Veronica Ramirez…who while billing millions climb mountains and do tough mudders and compete in Iron Man competitions. Listen to how their commitment to their bodies honed their sense of urgency, how their discipline fuels their ability to fill searches others give up on…and most of all, see how they have mastered what all successful people have, the will to win, the inability to give up, and the satisfaction of knowing you will do what others are afraid of…
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    1 hr
  • The Pinnacle Take...Takes on Pinnacle's Alpha
    Jul 12 2023
    How an Alpha built his Retained Search Only Practice: Chris learned early on from his Dad and from the sports he played…Be strong, confident, compete honestly…and do it again…Chris has been dubbed Pinnacle’s “Alpha”…in this episode we explore his authentic Alpha-Ness and how it helped him launch his incredibly successful search firm, and his decision, a decade in…to Go Big Or Go Home…and stopped taking any work that wasn’t retained.
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    1 hr
  • The Pinnacle Take...Takes on The Recruiter Ego.
    Jun 7 2023
    The Pinnacle Take takes on...The Recruiter Ego...without a strong sense of self, without singularity of purpose, you can't become a superstar...but how much is too much? When does your Ego start to cost you? Where is the line? And why is that Ego so, so fragile...Kim walks us through her journey.
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    1 hr
  • The Pinnacle Take takes on...Turning Points!
    May 10 2023
    The Pinnacle Take takes on…turning points! On your desk, in good markets and bad, choosing your specialty, and in your life. When did things “turn” and you chose to become Elite? And what about the things you can’t control? When fate intervenes, and you’re faced with your own mortality? Million Dollar Superstar Larry Botelle takes on all of this and more in a master class on transparency, vulnerability, and gratitude.
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    1 hr