• Do this to release your overachiever expectations if you run a business as a SAHM (plus how to reset your task list as a business owning mom!)
    Sep 19 2024

    What do you think would be on your task list if you could start from the ground up? Like, what do you feel like doing today? (That’s productive and furthering your purpose and all that.)

    What if you released all timelines around the must do’s currently on your to-do list? How would you move through them then?

    These are the kind of questions I want you to ask yourself as you begin to reshape your life. As you begin to walk unbusy.

    Because if you never ask yourself if there could be another way, you’ll never find one – and that’s the true tragedy.

    Today’s topics:

    • Hard hitting questions to prioritize your planner
    • Sneaky ways to get around your over achieving tendencies (especially for your to do list)
    • A guide to releasing your own expectations so you can start getting realistic about what fits in your day

    Couldn’t you just live life at the speed that works for you, and not worry what anyone else thinks?

    ‘Cause change doesn’t tend to come from frazzled gurus. (Amazing, right?)

    You’ve got this!


    Routines for introverted work-at-home moms: https://yourunbusylife.com/

    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/release-your-overachiever/

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is ever going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through today's to-do's?

    The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me.

    During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine.

    Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep!

    Grab your free Time Audit by October 4th: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit-pod/

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    8 mins
  • Behind the scenes of a travel-ready business with 2 young kids (interview with Fiona Sim)
    Sep 18 2024

    Flexibility is ultra important when you’re running a business and homeschooling at the same time.

    So what do you do if you're on the front end of starting both?

    Today we have a bonus episode for you all about balancing business, young kids, and homeschooling all together.

    We’re bringing on a guest, Fiona Sim, to talk about her experience finding the right fit for her family in these three areas.

    You’ve got this!


    De-stress daily life as a work-at-home mom: https://yourunbusylife.com/

    Free download from Fiona: 10 Secrets to Growing a Business: https://site.fionasim.withtbsc.com/10-secrets-to-growing-your-business

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is ever going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through today's to-do's?

    The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me.

    During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine.

    Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep!

    Grab your free Time Audit by October 4th: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit-pod/

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    15 mins
  • The top productivity mindset you need to succeed in mompreneur life (hint: it has to do with change), plus the inside scoop on why this matters for online business owners!
    Sep 17 2024

    You know what you need most to summit the top of this productivity mountain? Or to hit your coveted 6-figures goal?


    Because you're no longer allowed to play victim.

    You have to - get to - take radical ownership of your life choices.

    Today’s topics:

    • The wide array of choices you could be making with your life situation - but aren’t
    • All the hidden decisions you’re actually making about the parts of your schedule you dislike
    • How to reframe frugal financial choices to motivational goal-getting actions

    You're choosing to do something with your time, with your money, not just follow the flow.

    And that's what goal-seeking, goal-hitting entrepreneurship is all about. Harnessing that flow to your own devices.

    Because then? You're unstoppable.

    You’ve got this!


    Routines for introverted work-at-home moms: https://yourunbusylife.com/

    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/this-is-the-top-productivity-mindset/

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is ever going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through today's to-do's?

    The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me.

    During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine.

    Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep!

    Grab your free Time Audit by October 4th: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit-pod/

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    5 mins
  • Do I always have to think of my business and my kids together if I’m working from home? Motivation Monday
    Sep 16 2024

    This is motivation Monday, and today we’re talking about whether you always have to think of your business and your kids together if you’re working from home.

    Because here’s the thing: compartmentalizing isn’t a bad thing in your business (or #momlife), and I’m going to tell you why.

    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/think-of-business-and-kids-together

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is ever going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through today's to-do's?

    The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me.

    During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine.

    Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep!

    Grab your free Time Audit by October 4th: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit-pod/

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    5 mins
  • Cut Your Stress to Grow Your Productivity with Charlotte Haggie of The Managing Mum
    Sep 13 2024

    Today we have a bonus episode for you all about cutting stress to grow productivity.

    We’re bringing on a guest, Charlotte Haggie, to talk about the importance of resilience vs. time management. Charlotte is a wellbeing coach who helps working moms build their resilience so that they can manage the stressors of life and have the capacity to do the things they need to (and want to) with ease and peace.

    Why? Because "emotion is energy in motion." (Quote unknown.)

    We discuss:

    • What are your top 2 tips for moms who are stressed? (To help them get out of that fight or flight spiral, and be able to think clearly.)
    • What's inside your daily resilience practice?
    • How has being a personal trainer and health coach impacted your wellness advice to working moms?

    Charlotte's download: 5 Simple Habits to Build Your Resilience as a Working Mum: https://buildyourresilience.grwebsite.com/

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is ever going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through today's to-do's?

    The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me.

    During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine.

    Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep!

    Grab your free Time Audit by October 4th: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit-pod/

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    19 mins
  • Client Case Study: I’m avoiding my kids because working on my business feels easier – what’s the fix for me? Productivity advice for the work at home mom!
    Sep 12 2024

    This is a Client Case Study, and today we’re talking about what to do if you’re avoiding your family because work feels easier – because yes, there is a fix.

    Here’s what happened to one of my clients recently, and I’m betting you’ve felt the same way.

    This woman realized that she preferred to spend time at work, on her business, rather than spend time around the house with her family – and then she figured out why.

    Home felt bad; work felt good.

    It was as simple as that.

    So if you’re in this situation, I want you to remember something.

    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/work-feels-easier

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is ever going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through today's to-do's?

    The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me.

    During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine.

    Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep!

    Grab your free Time Audit by October 4th: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit-pod/

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    4 mins
  • This is the key mindset shift you need to make to switch from overwhelm to an easy daily schedule as a mom with an online business (yes, even in a busy season for your family!)
    Sep 10 2024

    If you’re deep in busy season right now, and you feel the need to change something about your way-too-stuffed calendar, here’s the cheat sheet on how to survive (and thrive!) in busy season.

    Today’s topics:

    • What’s realistic (housework wise) for you right now
    • What’s truly causing the stress in this season
    • How to implement “no guilt motherhood” during this phase of life

    You do what you have to to fill your bucket, replenish YOUR energy stores, and keep going the next day.

    That’s way more important than checking off every single bullet point under “how to be the perfect mom.” Okay?

    You’ve got this!


    Routines for introverted work-at-home moms: https://yourunbusylife.com/

    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/switch-from-overwhelm-to-ease/

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is ever going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through today's to-do's?

    The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me.

    During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine.

    Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep!

    Grab your free Time Audit by October 4th: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit-pod/

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    5 mins
  • Are your kids paying the price for your lack of productivity skills? Here’s how to get back on track for their sake! Motivation Monday
    Sep 9 2024

    This is motivation Monday, and today we’re talking about whether your kids paying the price for your lack of productivity skills – and if so, how to get back on track for their sake.

    It may sound like a funny concept – your kids getting the short end of the stick when it’s *your* habits that are at fault.

    You might think, “I’m shorting myself here! I’m the one who doesn’t get enough sleep or down time or time to manage the family – they’re getting the best of everything!”

    But are they, really?

    Are they truly getting the mom who has tons of time to play with them? Sit with them? Read to them?

    Where is a lack of productivity actually hurting your kids’ experience of life with you as their mom?

    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/are-your-kids-paying-the-price

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is ever going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through today's to-do's?

    The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me.

    During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine.

    Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep!

    Grab your free Time Audit by October 4th: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit-pod/

    Show more Show less
    5 mins