• The Name Change with Lisa LaJoie
    Oct 4 2019

    I am incredibly excited to announce some great news with you! Drumroll please…. 

    I have changed the name of my show From Misfit to Mystic to Unstoppable Consciousness! 

    In this episode I share why Unstoppable Consciousness is more aligned with who I am and the level of my work today and about the upgrades and shifts I have been making in my life, my relationships and my business.

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    1 hr and 21 mins
  • Interview with Laurence Lefebvre
    Aug 12 2019

    Laurence is a powerhouse inspiration to all. At the age of 28 she has already left her fancy corporate job, started her own company and created a life she loves. 

    She tells the story of how she endured alot of physical and emotional pain due to an injury that left her bed ridden for several months and how she did not let it take her spirit down. Her willingness to seek help, not allow herself to be a victim and the courage she had to step into what she wanted to do rather than what others wanted is truly amazing. 

    I am incredibly proud of who she has become and how she got there and so blown away by the wisdom she has at such a young age.


    Connect with Laurence: https://www.instagram.com/thehuppie/

    Where they sell their fancy prints: https://blankspace.ink/

    Where they showcase and inspire your home decor:


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    1 hr and 34 mins
  • Embracing Miracle Moments with Lisa LaJoie
    Aug 6 2019

    August 2nd was a big miracle day for me. In 1987 on that exact day something miraculous happened; a Spiritual Awakening of sorts that you do not want to miss listening to.

    Today, I feel deeply blessed as this is the day my true life started and without it, I would not be where I am today. I am humbly aware that without this one day, no other days would have been as they are.

    I thank the Universe for giving me the strength to grab hold this miracle moment in my life and for creating and paving the way for me to face my darkest self and past so that I can fully own who I am today and continue to do so.

    Listen in and learn that you always have a chance, you have choices and you have opportunities. You can make changes and understand how you got to the place you are in if you are in pain and you can make new choices about where you want to go.

    You can, today, stop seeking what is wrong with you and start seeking what is going on with you.

    There is empowerment in taking control of your life. My story is proof of this.

    I would be so grateful if you shared this audio with anyone you believe would benefit from hearing it and please, don’t forget to share your comments with me.

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    50 mins
  • Tammy Italiano - Conscious Daycares
    Jul 22 2019

    Early childhood educator, Tammy Italiano shares her philosophy on childhood education. She discusses what she would do to affect change in the daycare system to create a better environment for children to learn, grow and allow space to let them fly. 

    One of the things I love about Tammy is her compassion for children; it is incredibly palpable when you hear her speak about them and her work. She understands that they are little authentic beings that have an innate power and an incredible system that is trying to go somewhere. They need to move and be free to choose what interests them to help their development. 

    I call Tammy the Wild Fairy and you will soon find out why. Listen in to her tips on creating the right environment for a child’s development and how her parenting philosophy is exactly what is missing for children today.

    Recommended by Tammy:

    Dear Parent: Caring for Infants with respect By Magda Gerber

    The Conscious Parent by Shefali Tsabary, PhD

    For anyone who works with young children: Infants, Toddlers and Caregivers by Janet Gonzalez-Mena


    Connect with Tammy:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lespetitsbio/

    Email: garderielespetitsbio@gmail.com

    Phone: 579-638-6846

    Show more Show less
    2 hrs and 16 mins
  • Interview with Melanie Richards
    Oct 10 2018

    Melanie is one of my adopted Soul daughters and is a very sacred and special human being who I have known for quite some time. I have been honoured to be a special guest for her Yoga teacher training and together we create enlightened retreats around the globe, as far as Morocco.

    I have invited her to this week’s show to share how she said yes to being one of the first traditional yoga studios in Montreal, how she has risen into her best self and the vulnerability and victories on her journey to the successes she lives today. She is a true giver and a dedicated yoga instructor at a high level of mastery. I can’t wait to get rah and real with her on this week’s episode. 


    Connect with Melanie: https://happytreeyoga.com/

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    1 hr and 50 mins
  • Challenging the Gossip Paradigm with Lisa LaJoie
    Jun 30 2019

    Gossip, ridicule and judgement are Soul crushers. They leave an imprint on us and stop us from being who we are meant to be in the world, sharing our light and from having beautiful Soul experiences.

    There are countless other ways to heal our discomfort and our insecurities that are not harmful to others. Taking a moment to look at yourself, reflect on the learning or teaching in the situation and showing up to it with love and compassion will raise your vibration.

    How many times have you judged someone and then realized that you were completely wrong and they turned out to be someone really positive in your life. Listen in as I rip through in a vulnerable conversation, share first time soul-awakening personal moments and challenge the gossip gamers.

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    1 hr and 33 mins
  • Conversation with Wanda Malfara
    Jul 31 2021

    An older episode replay with the truly inspiring and brave share from an incredible human being Wanda Malfara who we lost this year due to cancer. Listen in to her unstoppable attitude about life and death, her powerful faith and her efforts to fight for her life. We are truly saddened that she made her way back home to the other side and this is to honour her voyage and celebrate her life. It will leave you blown away inspired and full-hearted.


    On this episode of UC, my guest is a dear person to many people in Montreal and a most amazing portrait photographer, Wanda Malfara. Wanda is an extraordinary painter and photographer for all occasions and is able to work in any area of visual creativity. You can see her showcased work on her website, she is truly an inspiration and a creative genius.

    As my personal photographer, I am grateful for her gracious attitude and for always being in the positivity of possibility. She is a deeply generous and kind human being and a wonderful person to be around.

    See Wanda’s Artistry: www.wandamalfara.com

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    1 hr and 38 mins
  • Your Soul Chose You with Lisa LaJoie
    Dec 5 2018

    We took a little hiatus because our network, BBS Radio, was completely destroyed by the California fires just a few week’s ago. We have been keeping those involved in our prayers and have been completely saddened by the destruction they have had to deal with.

    I am very happy to tell you that the BBS Twins, Donald & Douglas Newsom are getting back on their feet and re-building day-by-day. You can read their story here.

    I am pumped to tell you that From Misfit to Mystic is back!

    In this episode of From Misfit to Mystic, I change things up a little drop some en-lightening nuggets and get right down to the nitty gritty of what it is to live your Soul purpose, the reason I created this radio show AND I introduce you to Unstoppable Consciousness.

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    1 hr and 14 mins