• I am not alone anymore
    Apr 3 2024

    Soumayraa comes from Lebanon, Laxmi from India and Dian from Indonesia, but they met in New York a few weeks before. New York, a city very different from the slum in Jakarta, from the village in Akkar, at the Syrian border, from the poor neighborhood of Sangham Vihar in Delhi.

    3 inspiring girls, 3 cultures, 3 countries. One big project : testifying at the United Nations.


    Sound editing, mixing: Mathilde d’Alançon

    Sound recording : Romain Mailliu

    Podcast musical composition: Bastien Montal et Paul Alberto Gonzalez

    Musical composition introduction: Marguerite de Galbert

    Sound atmosphere: Virgile Loiseau


    We are currently editing a movie in immersion in the daily life of 4 young adults from India, Indonesia, Lebanon, and France to the United Nations in New York.

    More information on our website & follow us on Instagram !

    Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

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    25 mins
  • Escaping forced marriage by cutting hair
    Oct 14 2023

    Reshmi comes from a village near Raipur in India. She fought against her family not to get married, to go to the city and have a decent job. She faced a lot of difficulties but she achieved her dream : to become a teacher.

    Today she wants to inspire young women from villages to fight for a better life.


    Sound recording, editing, mixing: Virgile Loiseau

    Podcast musical composition: Virgile Loiseau

    Musical composition introduction: Marguerite de Galbert

    We are currently shooting a movie in immersion in the daily life of 4 young adults from India, Indonesia, Lebanon, and France to the United Nations in New York.

    More information on our website & follow us on Instagram !

    Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

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    16 mins
  • Money brings happiness
    Aug 23 2023

    Khotima was born in Jakarta. When she was a child, because of her family situation and the poverty she experienced, she couldn’t dream of any opportunities in the future.

    But after a 3 month training at LP4Y (Life Project 4 Youth) she became aware of all the skills she has.

    Discover how this shift has impacted her professional and personal life.

    An intimate reflection on success and money.


    Sound recording, editing, mixing: Virgile Loiseau

    Podcast musical composition: Bottlesmoker

    Musical composition introduction: Marguerite de Galbert


    We are currently shooting a movie in immersion in the daily life of 5 young adults from India, Indonesia, Lebanon, and France to the United Nations in New York.

    More information on our website & follow us on Instagram !

    Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

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    17 mins
  • Volunteering: a way to overcome the world's absurdity?
    Jul 22 2023

    Kefas, an Indonesian philosopher, once came to Cilincing, a slum area, for a farewell party of a LP4Y (Life Project 4 Youth) volunteer. Even though this area was for him “dangerous”, “scary”, he became an English trainer for 2 years, and met inspiring young adults who changed his life.

    From his experience, he linked the concept of rebellion and absurdity in Camus with volunteering.

    “This absurdity and rebellion is not just an abstract concept, it’s real, it’s happening on a very personal level. In that way, rebellion can be seen as a way of life.”

    Sometimes, the decisions we are making without thinking, can be philosophical …


    Sound recording, editing, mixing: Virgile Loiseau

    Podcast musical composition: Gwenvael Bigi

    Musical composition introduction: Marguerite de Galbert


    We are currently shooting a movie in immersion in the daily life of 5 young adults from India, Indonesia, Lebanon, and France to the United Nations in New York.

    More information on our website">website & follow us on Instagram">Instagram !

    Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

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    27 mins
  • Mamadou, un réfugié guinéen engagé pour la justice sociale
    Jun 22 2023

    Comment s’engager pour un pays qui ne veut plus de nous ?

    C’est la question que se pose Mamadou, réfugié de 25 ans. Il a fui la Guinée Conakry après avoir manifesté pour les droits de l’homme. Militant dans le parti de l’opposition, l’IFDG (Union de Force Démocratique de Guinée), il combat l’insécurité, la mal gouvernance, l’injustice sociale, l'ethnocentrisme. Arrêté, sa vie est désormais en danger. Pour survivre, une seule solution : fuir.

    Mamadou arrive à Paris, gare de Lyon, le 22 décembre 2017. Il appelle son unique contact. Pas de réponse. Le voilà seul, avec des désillusions et des nouveaux rêves, pour affronter l’inconnu. Il apprend à s’adapter, trouver des solutions, rebondir.

    6 ans après, il a apprivoisé Paris et ses 16 lignes de métro, a un travail, des amis rencontrés pour la plupart au travers d’associations dans lesquelles il s’engage (maraudes, ateliers de théâtre ..). Il a surtout un grand projet : réaliser une fiction pour raconter son histoire et celle d’autres migrants.


    Prisie de son, montage, mixage : Virgile Loiseau

    Composition musicale du podcast : Arthur Bourdot

    Composition musicale de l'intro : Marguerite de Galbert

    Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

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    23 mins