• Be Simply Fit Today
    Jun 22 2023

    My name is Jim Burns and at 68 years old I am a NASM Certified Personal Trainer. My goal as a CPT is to help those who are a bit older (my age) and want to grow a bit younger through exercise. I enjoy working with groups and individuals alike and I provide three very important components that I believe are the back bone for those who are our age.

    Be Simply Fit

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    6 mins
  • The Change Process
    May 31 2023

    Change is not easy it’s difficult especially when we have spent a lifetime climbing the ladder of success only to discover after years of struggling that the ladder may have been leaning against the wrong wall. Understanding change can help us to realize the process and keep us from making decisions that are based on impulse and emotions. There are steps in the change process that we must consider if we are going to transform ourselves and become the best that we can be personally and professionally. Listen in and discover how the change process is a critical piece in becoming simply fit.

    Change Document

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    24 mins
  • Consistency
    May 23 2023

    Why Do Things Consistently?

    Well why not? Things that are done consistently help us realize our full potential; whatever that potential is. Whether it is physical, mental, emotional, or even spiritual when things are done over and over again we become better individuals in all of the four areas just mentioned. Let’s be clear consistency is doing things for the good and are referred to in that sense. Habits can be good or bad and can be done consistently as well but when we think of a habit it’s usually a bad one that we have done consistently that we are trying to break. Listen In as Jim Goes over some ways to get simply fit.

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    4 mins
  • Be Simply Fit (Trailer)
    1 min
  • NEAT
    May 20 2023

    So if a friend or your spouse asks you to go into Target with them, but you want to stay in the car, don’t. Get out and walk around the store or maybe the parking lot. Why? You will be practicing something called NEAT; Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. You are not exercising but you are moving, and movement burns calories. You can practice NEAT by gardening, cleaning your house, washing your car, or cutting your grass. I am sure that you can come up with many other ways as well. So take that walk around Target, just leave your money and credit cards at home. You will be working toward being simply fit.

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    24 mins
  • I Trained For Quadruple By-Pass Surgery
    May 4 2023

    Listen to this episode and you will understand why is so important and why we all have to be simply fit.

    I trained for a quadruple by-pass, and it worked. My squats (getting out of the chair), 5 mile walks (leg strength and muscle memory). Not to mention I was able to get out of bed on my own and walk around the cardiac ward on my own, and I was sent home 5 days after surgery. Once home I walked almost 1 mile my first time out and was up to 1.5 miles in 2 weeks. Before I left the hospital my surgeon came in and informed me that the intense exercise that I did protected my heart and allowed it to create a collateral blood supply. He also informed me that my heart was in great shape and that the arteries and veins that were used for the grafting were also and these are his words, pristine. He informed me that the exercise that I did strengthened my heart and with the new vessels should give me another 20-25 years. Exercise is truly a new medicine.

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    28 mins