• What is Recovery? September is Recovery Month
    Sep 30 2024

    September is Recovery Month!

    Let’s let recovery last all year


    SAMHSA: National Recovery Month. More information at https://www.samhsa.gov/recovery-month

    SAMHSA: Suicide Prevention and Crisis Management:


    Call or text 988

    Email 988 lifeline.org to chat




    Please call your local crisis clinic or emergency room if you are in crisis! If you need help, email me at calmingthec@gmail.com and I can find you some resources

    Film Links:

    SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) Video


    Life on Third and Pike - @BrandonBuckingham


    Mental Health Crisis Video – Detroit 4


    Suicide Prevention Video - Psych Hub


    Take care out there!

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    29 mins
  • When Life Feels Awful - Interview with Tom Cronin
    Sep 23 2024

    What to do when Life Feels Awful |Interview with Tom Cronin

    People come into my therapy office all the time saying they are anxious, depressed, overwhelmed, and don’t have the life that they hoped they would have.

    Today, I talk with Tom Cronin, who is a speaker, writer, film producer, and motivational speaker. He has developed a meditation method that helped him rise out of the chaos of misery, anxiety, depression, addiction and agoraphobia. In this episode, we highlight parts of his film called “The Portal,” and Tom comments on how his meditation techniques can help people when their lives feel awful.

    Tom encourages people to “Change their inside worlds and watch their outside worlds change.” He encourages stillness and inner calm to help you manage the chaos in your life.

    “Changing the world, one mind at a time.” ~ Tom Cronin


    I was a broker in finance for 26 years and most of my life I had no idea what I was meant to do, what I was here for, or what my calling was. I was stressed, anxious, depressed, suffering from panic attacks and severe insomnia. It became so bad that I questioned whether I wanted to go on with life.

    Now it is very clear to me. I have a very deep understanding of who I am and what I’m here to do. My work now is to help other people like you find their passion and purpose like I did. In just a few years I left finance and became a meditation teacher, transformation coach, speaker, author of 6 books, producer of the film The Portal, founder of the app The Portal, and retreat host.

    I’m here to support you in realizing the immense potential that is within you right now...

    Website: www.tomcronin.com

    Social Media Links:

    Instagram: @tomcronin

    #mentalhealth #improvemylife #depression

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    44 mins
  • What is Chaos? 5 Ways to Calm Overwhelm
    Jun 30 2024

    The word “Chaos” and “Chaotic” are words that seem to be floating around more and more as time goes on. But I was talking chaos back in 2019, before the Pandemic was even though of.

    Listen to what I said about chaos (this is me back in 2019)

    So what is Chaos?

    • Complete disorder

    • Unpredictable behavior

    • Random or intense situations

    • Small changes that happen in bundles or are sensitive in nature

    • Disorganized

    • (And my favorite) A confused mass or mixture.

    These can be in any of your major life domains, including


    Mental / Emotional





    Family / Relationship



    Career / Occupational



    Examples: Big events, like any war, the Stock Market Crash, riots, weather systems that cause power outages or death such as hurricane Katrina), 9-11-2001, Watergate, January 6th, Columbine or any mass shooting, the Pandemic.

    But smaller, more personal events can cause you mental / emotional chaos: like a cancer diagnosis, changes in health care, moving, getting pulled over by a cop, getting robbed, paying more taxes, having kids, being a parent, graduating high school, a wedding, computer hard drive crashes, being ghosted.

    For all these situations of chaos there is a simple formula that you can use to calm yourself and have more order to your experience. And for this, I will use my yard as an example.

    So how did I calm the chaos?

    1. I noticed the situation and my thoughts and feelings about the situation. (Aware)

    2. I focused on what needed to be done to restore order (Assess)

    3. I committed my time, energy and patience to restoring order (Agree)

    4. I spent my time and energy to restore order, being as patient as possible (Act)

    5. I celebrated each successful restoration of order….not perfect…but orderly (Appreciate)

    Bottom Line: If you are aware that you are in chaos, you can assess what needs to be done to restore order, agree to commit the time to take action to restore order, and appreciate each successful restoration of order.

    You can do what I did in my garden in any area of your life!

    #mentalhealth #psychology #gardening

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    24 mins
  • Bad Therapy? Let's Discuss!
    May 16 2024

    Does Counseling Cause Chaos? |Let’s Discuss “Bad Therapy”

    Psychotherapists are out in the world to help people, right? But what if there are Licensed Psychotherapists out in the world who are making people’s mental health problems worse?

    Well, that’s what author and journalist Abigail Shrier postulates in her book “Bad Therapy – Why kids aren’t growing up.” This book accuses therapists of harming people and children by

    • The rise in accessibility of treatment isn’t producing positive outcomes

    • Not informing parents what is going on with their kids in therapy

    • Not telling kids the risks of therapy, and that it can do harm

    • Talking about feelings which can lead to increased rumination, anxiety and depression

    • Recommending therapy to those who don’t need it

    • Keeping people in therapy to keep an income stream for themselves

    • Avoiding helping the truly mentally ill

    • Selling a generation on the idea that everyone is sick

    • Telling people everyone has trauma, when it’s really just “bad memories”

    • Strong-arming their suggestions and judgments onto children

    Full Interview Links:

    Joe Rogan’s Podcast Interview with Abigail Shrier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z72hgYk-5iI

    UnHeard’s Podcast Interview with Abigail Shrier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJMhyG50N-Y&t=1459s

    Links and Resources

    My Counseling Website: www.lokahicounseling.com

    My Professional Disclosure Form

    Contact Abigail at https://www.abigailshrier.com/

    WACs and RCWs for Mental Health Counseling


    To File a Complaint


    Links and Resources

    American Counseling Association Code of Ethical Conduct for Counselors: https://www.counseling.org/resources/...

    To see my Professional Disclosure Form, please visit My Counseling Website at www.lokahicounseling.com

    #badtherapy #joerogan #Unherd #abigailshrier #mentalhealth #counseling #psychology #psychotherapy #anxiety #depression #gender #kids #lorigottlieb #talkwtihsometone

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • Get Better Sleep! With Helen Sernett
    Apr 23 2024

    Insomnia Causes Chaos! |Interview with Helen Sernett

    Today, for the final episode of Season 5, Helen Sernett talks about the remedies she has used to conquer insomnia, improve her energy, and calm her physical and emotional chaos. Helen is a self-proclaimed Sleep Evangelist, and has helped many people calm their insomnia by using “Sleep Lists.” Helen’s interview is timely because Tracy will also be talking about putting Calming the Chaos Podcast down for a nap, and about the future plans for the podcast.

    Key Points and Timestamps:

    5:00 How Helen got interested in the benefits of getting good sleep

    “I had to deserve a good sleep”

    Helen left a career in non-profit fundraising to do “Sleep Evangelizing”

    7:19: It is important to get good sleep! Here’s why

    9:24: What happens if you don’t sleep enough – “You are being a much more risky person if you don’t get enough sleep.” Tracy’s stories about driving while too tired. It’s a safety issue!

    Our sleep gives us a better balance of chemicals to be more positive and to get over obstacles.”

    13:30 - The critical voice can be turned on with less sleep. If you want to turn off the critical voice, more sleep and quality sleep can help!

    14:24: Helen’s method for conquering insomnia: What she’s tried and what works and how Sleep Lists help

    17:00: You can create a podcast with your original ideas!

    Helen uses Hrz to record her voice in a soothing manner and 60 beats per minute voice pattern

    21:00 Learning something new is confidence-building. Website Tour

    22:40 Sleep Resources

    25:00 Phones and sleep – Your phone can be helpful to you helping you improve and support your goals for sleep

    32:00 Helen wants to be there for people to help them be joyful. She also comments on using drugs for sleep

    35:00 “If you can….get good sleep and find your way to a deep and restorative sleep without the aid of pharmaceuticals

    37:00 Parting thoughts from Helen – “It will help you optimize your true self!” “Sleep is LIFE!”

    Links and Resources

    Helen’s Podcast with Sleep Lists, Patreon and information about how to contact Helen: www.sleeplists.com

    Social Media Links:

    LinkedIn: In@helehsernett

    #insomnia #Prozacandmentalhealth #sleepdisorders

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    42 mins
  • The Chaos of Sensory Input
    Mar 30 2024

    Sensory Input and Chaos - Interview with Dr. Rebecca Jackson

    Today, our guest is Dr. Rebecca Jackson, a Board Certified Cognitive Specialist and Author of the book “Back on Track,” which is a practical guide to help people of all ages thrive in this age of sensory overload. Dr. Jackson will give us examples of sensory input, help us understand sensory overload, and suggest some ways we can calm the chaos of sensory overload.

    Key points and Timestamps:

    What are the things we DO have an influence on in this chaotic world, and be the best version of ourselves?

    2:48 Tracy displays Rebecca’s book “Back on Track”

    3:16: “The more I learn, the more I feel like I know nothing” ~ Rebecca

    4:16: Rebecca’s description of herself, who she is and what she is doing in neuropsychology. “I want to understand why things are here in the first place.”

    Rebecca started out as a chiropractor. As a young mom, she was interested in human development. She also has a passion for learning.

    As Rebecca learned more, parents would ask Rebecca, “Is this on track for my child?”

    Rebecca asked the question, “What can we do today so that we don’t have to worry about whether our children are on track?”

    7:40: “We’re sensing things all the time”

    7:55: What Rebecca does at BrainBalance - Chief Programs Officer (Builds and Develops new Programs for creating change in kids)

    10:10 Rebecca’s Book: Back on Track. “It’s all about hope and action plan.” Rebecca helps determine why things are the way they are, and what people can do to change it.

    “I feel like the pandemic took fire and poured fuel upon it.”

    “What are we prepared to do about the problems?”

    13:00 – The research about the infants born during the pandemic – different brains??! “Structural changes in the brain.” Tracy wonders about the children, pre-teens and teens during the pandemic and the changes in brain structure…even in adults!

    Could ALL of our brains have changed during the pandemic?

    What happened? “A change in our sensory experiences” happened during the pandemic

    We all experienced a limited sensory experience during the pandemic – “It’s the same, every day.”

    We cut off our rich and varied sensory experiences every day.

    It can disrupt attention, increase anxiety, disrupt our ability to regulate our moods

    17:36: “When we’re tired and hungry, our brain is more negative and has a harder time processing information.” We become vulnerable to emotion.

    20:20 Rebecca differentiates between

    • A sensory Overload

    • A Sensory Disregulation / Processing Disorder

    “We rely on our senses to give us accurate information”


    ARFID (Avoidant Restrictive Feeding Disorder)

    The lights in Target

    Am I overly sensitive

    “My sensory experience is not your sensory experience”

    26:33: “When there is a trauma experience, it puts the brain into a higher sense of sensory alert.”

    27:00 (Tracy) “The Bulls and the Butterflies” spectrum

    Sensory-Seekers and Sensory-Avoiders – Both a sign of maturity

    29:11: Should we use Tik-Tok to self-diagnose as neuro-divergent?

    DON’T go to Tik-Tok for Diagnostics

    DO Talk about Mental Health Concerns

    Sensory overload threshold doesn’t equal a Sensory Processing Disorder

    If you are wondering if you struggle with a Sensory Processing Disorder, go to the specialists for a Diagnosis

    31:45: Major Life Domains Palm Tree – if your condition is affecting your Life Domains, you might

    32:24: The Domains of Brain Health are Sensory, Motor, Cognitive, Social/Emotional and Behavioral

    Everything in the brain is so interconnected, so if something affects one area, it affects all of them

    34:20: How to approach being overly tired or sluggish: The Reticular Activating System has a direct impact on how we take in sensory information opens...

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    49 mins
  • Calming the Chaotic Brain with Dominika Staniewicz
    Mar 25 2024

    Calming the Chaotic Brain - Interview with Dominika Staniewicz

    Today, our guest is Dominika Staniewicz, one of the few Elite Neuroencoding specialists in the world. She is also Licensed as a Brain Coach by Dr. Amen, a renowned Neuropsychiatrist. Dominika helps people overcome a variety of mental and emotional issues using techniques like Brain Coaching, Neuroencoding and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). In this episode, we learn about how Dominika treats issues like trauma, stress, pain, depression, anxiety, ADHD, Anger and aggression using a mixture of science, neuroscience and psychology.

    Key points and Timestamps:

    2:26: What is Neuroencoding? “Using the body, mind, neuropathways and neuroplasticity to create lasting change in the brain, behavioral and emotional change.”

    5:14: Dominika tells how she made the shift from practicing Sociology, Education and Coaching to practicing as an Elite Neuroencoding Specialist and Brain Coach. “Life was Life-ing for me and I made a change.” Life Coaches helped her reduce her own issues significantly, and improve the quality of her life.

    Anger Management – The Amygdala and Hypothalamus

    9:23: “There is so much we now know about the Brain” Dominika’s tips on “optimizing the brain”

    Oxygenation and Gut Health

    Stress in Your Environment

    Vitamin D and the Sun and other supplements

    11:52: “Your brain is happy to change…if you direct it.”

    12:09: Ways to trick your brain – remember more and study less by throwing your brain off balance, studying, and going into deep rest or sleep afterward. (Stanford study)

    16:43: Can you see inside the brain? “Absolutely” – A Spect Scan

    18:55: Working with a client with ADHD - it can become a superpower with the right assistance, supplements and brain care!

    21:44: What can we do about the loss of hope?

    22:00: Case Study – A client of Dominika’s who was frustrated and unhappy about her work and her life. “The brain likes categorizing.”

    Sports analogy: People enjoy the journey and the progress they are making toward their goals

    25:52: Depression and the mirror exercise: High five yourself in the mirror and tell yourself “I love you.” Also, celebrate the things that go well during the day. Yoga and walking in green areas also help!

    Learning how to put your attention on the journey and the little things help depression.

    31:18: Chronic Pain suggestions – Ketamine Treatment at a facility in Arizona can help more quickly than Neuroencoding. Also, use medication (vs. self-medication)

    35:22: Dominika’s website tour – www.yourbraincoachd.com See Blog, Online Coaching Group and Book

    39:00: Overwhelm and “shooting for the stratosphere.”

    Parting thoughts: “Your brain…like your liver. can heal itself.” “There’s no reason to choose to be unhappy.”


    Dominika’s Website: https://www.yourbraincoachd.com/

    Chronic Pain Website: Dr. James at Advanced Wellness and Pain - 5111 N. Scottsdale Road, Suite 105 Scottsdale AZ 85250 or https://advancedwellnessandpain.com/

    Dominika’s Book – “The Magic of Dreaming Big, Acting Small and Achieving Success” at Amazon: https://amzn.to/3vukMAd

    #ADHD #Depression #mentalhealth

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    44 mins
  • Helping Introverted People Date - With Jon Pethke
    Feb 26 2024

    Dating Help for Shy and Introverted People - Interview with Jon Pethke

    Today, our guest is Jon Pethke, a United States Air Force Veteran out of Appleton, Wisconsin with a Bachelor Degree in Organizational Leadership who has developed a dating app specifically for shy and introverted people.

    Jon started development of the app in 2022 when he founded Introwoo LLC and partnered with CodeGlo Technologies. Together, they developed CoyAmore, the dating app for shy and introverted people.

    Join us as we talk with Jon about what inspired him to develop CoyAmore, how he developed the app, and how to use it. We will also take a tour of the app and his website to give the audience an idea of how it works. As an introvert himself, Jon will offer some dating advice to those who are shy or introverted and offer tips and tools to use in the dating world.

    Jon is currently working on his Masters in Science Degree in Sustainable Management at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. He currently works as an Internal Auditor for American Family Insurance while also working part time as an instructor for Fox Valley Technical College teaching veterans about small business development.

    Key points and Timestamps:

    2:02: Jon explains why he developed CoyAmore

    “Developing an App wasn’t easy at all” It took a year to develop CoyAmore, and it was released in May of 2023.

    A lot of time and patience went into developing CoyAmore.

    5:46 Jon explains how he developed the questions on CoyAmore specifically for shy and introverted people.

    • Based around the 5 universal love languages and paired with people who best fit your love languages

    • CoyAmore is different, and hopefully will help to create a community that helps shy and introverted people more comfortably engage with one another

    • The hope is to create more features (like a “Blind Date” Option) which is a second layer of matching that takes the fear of asking someone out on a date.

    8:45: Jon Explains how the App works, starting with the login process, and the intention of meeting up in person eventually. Tracy goes over the questions that CoyAmore asks when creating dating preferences.

    Smoking, drinking, political affiliations, height, Astrology, Love Languages, children, pets and movie genres

    For example: “What do you think about Astrology?” or “Cats or Dogs for Pets”

    14:05: More information about Jon and the work he is currently doing while going to Graduate School

    15:12: How did you come up with the name “CoyAmore” (or “ShyLove”)

    17:10 CoyAmore Website Tour and CoyAmore won the 2023 May Award for Best Mobile App!

    21:32: Tips for helping people feel more comfortable developing a dating profile

    • “Get support and talking with someone to help” to be as comfortable as possible reaching out

    “At the end of the day, to meet someone in any capacity you need to take a step out.”

    More people have problems getting a conversation going to figure out if they want to go out on a date

    Check out Jon’s blog at https://coyamore.com/blog/

    • Make a dating profile with support from others

    • Encouage yourself with positive suggestions

    • Like yourself and you can’t go wrong

    • Positive self-talk

    25:38: CoyAmore is in the first year of development so there is a small pool of people on it now. Be patient! And stay on as it continues to grow.


    Download CoyAmore at the following links:

    Apple Devices: https://apps.apple.com/in/app/coyamore-dating-for-introverts/id1661401116

    Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.codeglo.coyamore&pli=1

    Best Mobile App Award of May 2023! https://bestmobileappawards.com/app-submission/coyamore

    Jon’s Website: www.coyamore.com

    Check out Jon’s Blog! He posts every week:...

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    28 mins