• What is a TRUE apology?
    Jun 20 2022

    There is no one size fits all for most situations...... but really getting the ENERGY of "Sorry" is very empowering - and creative! Coming from a place of vulnerability in our hearts when we say sorry, is actually putting us in a place of "the birthplace of creativity and change" (to quote Dr Brene Brown!)

    To connect with Grace please visit


    To attend Grace’s Trauma Transformer weekly zooms please go to


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    To read our terms and conditions and disclaimers includes all interviews and podcasts by Grace - Vicki Scott and Choosing Greater.


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    34 mins
  • Is it our need, or are we being needy?
    Jun 20 2022
    • What does it mean to be needy? Anxiety and constant worrying can leave us feeling needy and insecure.
    • What are some of the signs of being needy?
    • Are we confident that we can find the words to express our own needs? And then to make sure we have boundaries around them.
    • How can we stop being insecure and build self-esteem?

    To connect with Grace please visit


    To attend Grace’s Trauma Transformer weekly zooms please go to


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    To read our terms and conditions and disclaimers includes all interviews and podcasts by Grace - Vicki Scott and Choosing Greater.


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    39 mins
  • My Life - My Project
    Jun 20 2022
    1. We cannot do it in isolation - we have a basic need of interdependence, and that involves Respect and Trust.
    2. There are many "smaller projects" within our Project Life - but each of them have things in common:
      • being clear on what our vision is, what it will look and feel like when we have achieved it, and understanding WHY IT IS IMPORTANT TO US???
      • take time to plan and prepare - being clear on what our goals, actions and milestones are going to be, who can empower or assist us, what might be some of the things that might stop me, and how can I overcome them?
      • taking action - checking in, am I taking the daily actions I need to stay on track and achieve my goal, am I achieving my milestones, what challenges and breakthroughs am I having, do I need to look at any of my "beliefs" to see if they are still serving me? Why is achieving my vision important to me?
      • take time to celebrate ourself for achieving our goals and vision; and others who empowered us to achieve them; what worked well and what didn't work as well as I would have liked; what am I going to do with the results I produced, and what do I want now?

    To connect with Grace please visit


    To attend Grace’s Trauma Transformer weekly zooms please go to


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    To read our terms and conditions and disclaimers includes all interviews and podcasts by Grace - Vicki Scott and Choosing Greater.


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    51 mins
  • What do YOU know?
    Jun 20 2022
    • How many times have you thought "I knew that didn't feel right when I did/said it!"
    • What if we are all here for our own unique journeys, and they are not meant to look and sound and feel like someone else's?
    • Does it feel "light" for you to pursue SUCCESS as we are currently encouraged to see it...... the pursuit of money, position, status, power, possessions, holidays, cars, caravans, boats....????
    • "You are not your mother, your father, your history, or your cultural influences. You are uniquely and originally You. Be bold and daring and fearless and unconventional. Be willing to use your voice in service to our Soul. Go on. Rock that damn boat. The wave you create might just change the world!"

    To connect with Grace please visit


    To attend Grace’s Trauma Transformer weekly zooms please go to


    For other podcasts with Grace please visit


    To read our terms and conditions and disclaimers includes all interviews and podcasts by Grace - Vicki Scott and Choosing Greater.


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    32 mins
  • Possibilities of 2022
    Jun 20 2022
    • our different "personality" parts have a knack of showing up when we are under pressure, they all want to get into the driver's seat of our lives. Christmas can be a time for all of them to show up together :(
    • it is our thoughts, feelings and emotions that can indicate to us we are operating from a "personality" part.
    • what if we aren't our "personality" parts, but a beautiful BEING that only knows peace and harmony and possibilities?
    • and what about that "inner critic" that also shows up - it is different from a "personality" part.
    • how stifling is judgment???? and how can "making a routine" actually cause us to feel like a failure...... WHAT ELSE IS POSSIBLE?

    To connect with Grace please visit


    To attend Grace’s Trauma Transformer weekly zooms please go to


    For other podcasts with Grace please visit


    To read our terms and conditions and disclaimers includes all interviews and podcasts by Grace - Vicki Scott and Choosing Greater.


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    34 mins
  • Abundance
    Jun 20 2022
    • The opposite of abundance is scarcity....... how do you feel when you come from the energy of "scarcity", and how would you be thinking mentally when you come from the energy of "abundance".
    • Beliefs can influence whether we look at life through the eyes of Abundance vs Scarcity.
    • Some ways to create an abundance mindset: recognise the power of your thoughts; practice gratitude, surround yourself with people who have an abundance mentality.......

    "No Bad Parts" by Richard C. Schwartz, PhD.

    To connect with Grace please visit


    To attend Grace’s Trauma Transformer weekly zooms please go to


    For other podcasts with Grace please visit


    To read our terms and conditions and disclaimers includes all interviews and podcasts by Grace - Vicki Scott and Choosing Greater.


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    31 mins
  • I Gotta Tell Ya: You Got This Kid
    Jun 20 2022

    Availability of Beck's book:

    Peter Levine

    To connect with Grace please visit


    To attend Grace’s Trauma Transformer weekly zooms please go to


    For other podcasts with Grace please visit


    To read our terms and conditions and disclaimers includes all interviews and podcasts by Grace - Vicki Scott and Choosing Greater.


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    43 mins
  • Is Social Conditioning Running Our Lives?
    Jun 20 2022
    • There are many advantages of social learning - we all use it naturally every day, consciously and unconsciously. But sometimes it can be used in ways that is not in the best interests of us or others.
    • "Social condition" has been defined as characteristics of both social and physical environments at the individual, household, and community levels that are potentially modifiable - so that includes homes, schools, workplaces, and neighborhoods that could be shaped by policies (at least in theory, but as we know, without political will it isn't going to happen).
    • Media and marketing industry is probably responsible for one of the most common (and pervasive) examples of social learning situations are television commercials...... and probably now social media.
    • But this is how Hitler and Goebbels, who was appointed Hitler's Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, were so effective in exploiting the German people's discontent after World War I..... Goebbels had complete jurisdiction over the content of German newspapers, magazines, books, music, films etc - his mission was to censor all opposition to Hitler and present the Nazi Party in the most positive light.... at the same time stirring up hatred for Jewish people. We all know how that ended!
    • Is it time to think about how we form our own opinions these days? Are we influenced by media and marketing? Are we making others wrong because we think they are responsible for us not feeling so good?
    • Time to trust our own Awareness.....

    To connect with Grace please visit


    To attend Grace’s Trauma Transformer weekly zooms please go to


    For other podcasts with Grace please visit


    To read our terms and conditions and disclaimers includes all interviews and podcasts by Grace - Vicki Scott and Choosing Greater.


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    40 mins