• Grandparents: Ur Not Done When They’re 18
    Sep 30 2024

    What is the role of a grandparent? While the world says it’s time to retire and relax, Scripture paints a much different picture. Grandparents have an opportunity to help disciple their grandchildren in God’s ways and leave a lasting heritage for their families that will bless generations to come.

    In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Josh Mulvihill, counsel listeners to reject the world’s wrong messages to grandparents, which is to maintain disengaged independence from their grandchildren on the one hand, and to indulgently spoil them, on the other. Passages such as Deuteronomy 4:9 and Psalm 78:1-7 call grandparents to teach their grandchildren God’s laws and His mighty works in history. Their story is not the point; it is the pointer to make much of God—proclaiming that the same great God who sustained them will guide their grandchildren’s steps, if they set their hope in Him (Ps. 78:7).

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    26 mins
  • Knock, Knock – CPS is at Your Door. Know Your Rights Before They Enter!
    Sep 23 2024

    Before they reach 18, 37% of the children in America will receive a visit from Child Protective Services. While some visits are warranted, 83% of the cases CPS investigates are unfounded. Sadly, doctors and nurses, driven by “mandatory reporting” laws, along with unwise neighbors, regularly tip CPS off to concerns that open up innocent families to needless scrutiny that can result in children being wrongly taken from their parents.

    In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm discuss these challenges with Bradley Pierce of Heritage Defense. Heritage Defense is a membership-based, Christian legal advocacy group that guides parents on how to prudently respond to CPS and defends them against unlawful intrusion. While strongly opposing the criminal abuse of children, their goal is to champion the cause of those persecuted by the state for obeying God’s commands in raising their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

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    24 mins
  • The Woke War Zone-Women in Harms Way
    Sep 16 2024

    It’s the world turned upside down! The July 13th assassination attempt of Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania showcased an image Americans had never seen before—a female Secret Service agent coming to the defense of a man. While woman warriors populate the Marvel universe, they don’t play this role in God’s world whenever Christian culture prevails. Sadly, we’ve lost our bearings, and women have been the losers!

    In the podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Michael Foster, explain the scriptural mandate—men lay down their lives to protect women and children, even as Christ gave His life for the church. The theme is echoed throughout God’s Word: Men, not women, joined Abraham to rescue Lot and his family from foreign invaders. Men marched around Jericho in Joshua’s time, and men fought with Gideon. And the list goes on. The creation order matters—women should be protected as nurturers, while men go out to war.

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    21 mins
  • Keep the Gospel Central
    Sep 9 2024

    The gospel of Jesus Christ is not an aside to our faith. It “is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes” (Rom. 1:16). Without its wonder-working power, there is no hope for family, church, or cultural reformation. We must therefore keep the Gospel at the center, for from it flows salvation and hope for the nations.

    In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm discuss the Gospel as the centerpiece of Scripture—from God’s promise to crush the seed of the serpent in Genesis 3:15 to its ultimate fulfilment in Jesus Christ. Their charge: Don’t let anything unseat the gospel as the center of things, yet also beware of a gospel that doesn’t transform, for “faith without works is dead” (James 2:26).

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    25 mins
  • Let Them Be Tested - The Call for Young Deacons, Part 3
    Sep 2 2024

    Faithful church deacons provide a ministry of mercy that the state can never match—reaching those in need not just with physical and financial aid, but with spiritual help to the heart and soul. Their care for the sick, the disabled, along with widows and orphans, is Christianity in action. But what makes a young man qualified to fill this role? What attributes should he exemplify before assuming this key church office?

    In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Chad Roach, discuss how a deacon must fear God, rather than be a man-pleaser, and have a proven track record of persevering through trials and overcoming sin. It’s also vital that he not be greedy for money, since he’ll be handling the funds of the church. In addition, a deacon must have a wife who can come alongside and minister with him with sisterly care and discretion.

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    26 mins
  • The Perils of a Large Family
    Aug 26 2024

    While the world trumpets an anti-child bias, God proclaims large families to be a blessing, “Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward” (Ps. 127:3). Yet a large family is a big responsibility. It requires a lot of discipline and resources. If you’re going to have a productive womb, you need to have a well-managed household.

    In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Michael Foster, discuss the perils of a large family and how to overcome them. Their counsel: maintain clear boundaries between boys and girls as it relates to modesty. Also enforce proper boundaries between parents and children—even as you teach your older kids to help care for their younger siblings, they shouldn’t become a second dad or mom. Encourage your wife through the physical and mental strain that she bears as a mother. And, as a husband and dad, be forward-thinking about your time management, as well as future needs to scale up your cars, appliances, and home space.

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    24 mins
  • God's Rules or Man's Whims? The Battle for True Worship
    Aug 19 2024

    How does God desire to be worshipped? The right answer doesn’t come from the latest whiz-bang idea from today’s creative coolness technicians, but from God’s Word itself. Sadly, many in the church believe that anything that’s not forbidden in Scripture is fair game to use in the worship of God—from entertaining skits to musical light shows. But such notions reject the Bible’s teaching on how God wants us to worship Him.

    In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Tom Ascol, defend the regulative principle of worship which affirms that the only “acceptable way of worshiping the true God” (LBC 22:1) is that which He has commanded in Scripture (Deut. 12:32), and “that He may not be worshiped according to the imagination and devices of man” (LBC 22:1). While incidentals—such as whether we use chairs or pews, and what time we meet—are left to our discretion, the essentials of worship—such as the preaching of the Word, prayer, and the remembrance of the Lord’s Supper—must be followed as He’s prescribed.

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    25 mins
  • New! God-Centered, Biblical Curriculum for Christian Families
    Aug 12 2024

    The Proverbs declare that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge (Prov. 9:10; 1:7). Yet, for more than 50 years, America’s public schools have abandoned this truth, resulting in the death of Christian faith among the majority of our youth. But the problem doesn’t stop there. Even some creators of Christian curriculum have too freely elevated “classic” pagan literature to young students, failing to heed this sober warning: “Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ” (Col. 2:8).

    Kevin Swanson of Generations explains why it is so critical in this present age that we have a thoroughly Christian curriculum that makes God’s Word front and center in every subject. In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm interview Kevin about his vision to teach students how to use the eyeglasses of Scripture to view history, science, literature, math, and every other academic discipline. The goal is to raise up a new generation who fears God, glorifies God, and walks with God all their days.


    Generations Homeschool Curriculum



    Keep the Faith

    God Made Me

    Taking the World for Jesus

    Taking Africa for Jesus

    My First History

    My First Letters and Sounds

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    23 mins