• Finding a Mentor
    Sep 24 2024

    “Find a mentor that will be honest with you. That's how you're going to learn the most."

    Notable Moments

    00:32 Expert advice differs distinctly from organic mentorship.

    01:10 Choosing the right mentor

    04:43 Knowing what to ask a mentor

    08:30 Ways to build and utilize a mentor relationship

    12:43.How to approach a potential mentor

    If you're looking for a mentor or some solid advice, take the leap and ask. When I joined Marriott and later Disney, I didn't have mentors handed to me on a silver platter. I reached out, asked questions. Sought advice.

    Do you know what I heard back?

    Not now. Too busy. Maybe later. Not interested. Work harder.

    It feels frustrating getting halfhearted or no responses. It didn't stop me though. You can read my blog for more about what I did next.


    The Cockerell Academy

    About Lee Cockerell

    Mainstreet Leader

    Travel Guidance

    Magical Vacation Planners are my preferred travel advisors. Reach out to have them help plan your next vacation. You can reach them at 407-442-2694.

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    17 mins
  • Should a Leader Know Everything Their Team Does
    Sep 17 2024

    "Create trust in the organization. Let people know that you don't know everything, you don't plan to know everything, and you're there to help them get what they need from the organization when they need it."

    Notable Moments

    00:57 A leader's role is to support, understand, and guide

    03:56 Create a culture of trust for open communication and support

    09:34 Avoid anxiety by trusting the competent people you hire

    11:41 Understand your business by istening to employees and customers

    Should a Leader Know Everything Their Team Does

    As a leader, it’s okay not to know everything your team does. When I was promoted to oversee operations at Walt Disney World, I didn't fully understand the intricate details of every department. Imagine being responsible for managing a place as large as a city with over 50,000 cast members. There were times I felt totally out of control. But you know what I learned?

    You don’t have to know everything.

    Read more about this episode here in my blog.


    The Cockerell Academy

    About Lee Cockerell

    Mainstreet Leader

    Travel Guidance

    Magical Vacation Planners are my preferred travel advisors. Reach out to have them help plan your next vacation. You can reach them at 407-442-2694.

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    14 mins
  • Be an Expert
    Sep 10 2024

    "Magic's when you do such a good job, nobody can figure out how you do it."

    Notable Moments

    01:27 Experience and education provide solutions to problems.

    05:46 Becoming the Go-To Expert in Your Field

    07:04 The Importance of Keeping Up With Advancements

    12:03 Consistent Quality and Communication

    13:41 The Power of Excellence

    15:12 Importance of Industry Expertise

    If you’re aiming to be an expert in your field, keep feeding your brain and stay persistent. 25 years ago, I was terrified to speak even if it were for just 2 minutes. Fast forward, and I’ve given presentations ranging from 90 minutes to 4 hours without any notes. How did I get there? By focusing on things I’m passionate about and continually learning.

    Read more in the blog found here.


    The Cockerell Academy

    About Lee Cockerell

    Mainstreet Leader

    Travel Guidance

    Magical Vacation Planners are my preferred travel advisors. Reach out to have them help plan your next vacation. You can reach them at 407-442-2694.

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    22 mins
  • Should Everyone Be Trained as a Leader
    Sep 3 2024

    "Don't depend on your company to prepare you for the future. Invest in yourself; read, learn, and grow daily. Your future self will thank you."

    Notable Moments

    01:56 Identifying Future Leaders in Organizations

    03:14 The Value of Developing Employees

    07:21 Taking Ownership of Your Time and Learning

    09:44 Improving Employee Commitment Through Development


    The Cockerell Academy

    About Lee Cockerell

    Mainstreet Leader

    Magical Vacation Planners 407-442-2694

    Spreading leadership training across all levels can be beneficial for organizations. Long-time listener, Eric, recently asked if leadership training should be exclusive to those already in leadership positions. This is always an interesting question because my experience has show that it's essential for everyone to grow and excel, both personally and professionally.

    Notable takeaways

    • Leadership Training Enhances Commitment: Training employees, even those not in designated leadership roles, fosters a sense of appreciation and commitment. When workers feel invested in, they're more likely to exhibit improved productivity and loyalty.

    • Self-Learning is Crucial: Don't rely solely on your company for personal development. Take ownership of your growth by seeking knowledge through books, podcasts, courses, and seminars. Proactively engaging in self-learning prepares you better for future opportunities and challenges.

    • Small Steps Lead to Big Gains: Integrate learning into your daily routine. Whether it's reading a book during breaks, listening to a podcast episode, or engaging in online courses, these small, consistent efforts accumulate over time, significantly boosting your knowledge and skills.

    Don’t wait for your company to invest in you—take charge of your own development. Dive into books, online courses, and podcasts like ours. Remember, self-improvement is your responsibility, and your future is in your hands.

    Take a listen to episode 517, Should Everyone Be Trained as a Leader. Whether you're a seasoned leader, an aspiring one, or somewhere in between, this episode promises to offer great insights.

    Learn More by Reading "Creating Magic"

    "Creating Magic" continues to be a vital resource for aspiring leaders and managers. It's even used as a textbook in colleges across the country! If you haven't yet, grab your copy at CockerellStore.com and start your journey to creating your own magic.

    Featured Course: The Frontline Rules

    "The Frontline Rules," is a course in the Cockerell Academy designed to elevate frontline staff performance. If you're looking for something else, there are many courses designed for anyone looking to enhance their leadership skills.

    Upcoming Articles in The Main Street Leader

    Keep an eye out for the upcoming volume of The Main Street Leader, where I share more about lessons from throughout my career journey. The newsletter offers tips on how to train for the leadership role you are in or the want.

    Vacation Planning

    Ready to take a trip? Make sure you reach out to Magical Vacation Planners. They are always training their team so they are ready to lead you through the ins and outs of your vacation. You can reach them at 407-442-2694.

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    13 mins
  • Body Language and Hospitality
    Aug 27 2024

    "There is a clear difference between those who have their act together those who are just half there, not communicating well and not paying attention."

    Key Moments

    05:32 Presenting yourself professionally leads to opportunities.

    08:32 Body language impacts the perception of professionalism.

    10:22 Understand professional etiquette in job interviews.

    14:41 Frontline Rules is a course that supports personal and organizational improvement.


    The Cockerell Academy

    About Lee Cockerell

    Mainstreet Leader

    Magical Vacation Planners 407-442-2694

    Body Language and Hospitality

    First impressions are made within seconds. That is why professionalism, appearance, and a good attitude are crucial in hospitality. They can quickly make or break a customer’s impression of your organization. That is why sometimes it is more important to "hire for the smile and train the skill."

    Understanding how non-verbal cues impact hospitality can make a significant difference in how you connect with others and create magical experiences. During this episode I highlight ways to ensure you and your team are presenting yourselves in the best possible light every day. This attitude doesn't just help in your career but builds trust and leaves positive lasting impressions of your organization.

    Notable Takeaways:

    1. First Impressions Matter: Learn why first impressions are formed within the first 20 seconds and how to ensure you always make a positive impact.
    2. Professionalism Counts: Discover the importance of maintaining a professional appearance and the impact it has on your odds of getting hired or promoted.
    3. The Power of Body Language: Understand how non-verbal cues like eye contact, posture, and a welcoming demeanor can set you apart.
    4. Training for Excellence: Get insights into why it’s crucial to train for skills but hire individuals who naturally exude warmth and positivity.

    Whether you're aiming for a promotion or running a small business, confidence and professionalism will set you apart.

    At Disney, it was my job as a leader to show how important it is to present ourselves in the best possible light—every day. This attitude doesn't just help in your career but builds trust and leaves positive lasting impressions on those you serve.

    Go out and create some magic in you organization by recognizing the impact of your team's body language.

    Learn More by Reading "Creating Magic"

    "Creating Magic" continues to be a vital resource for aspiring leaders and managers. It's even used as a textbook in colleges across the country! If you haven't yet, grab your copy at CockerellStore.com and start your journey to creating your own magic.

    Featured Course: The Frontline Rules

    "The Frontline Rules," is a course designed to elevate frontline staff performance. With 50 short, actionable lessons, it's perfect for both individual development and organizational training. It’s time to put on a better show than anyone else around you!

    Upcoming Articles in The Main Street Leader

    Keep an eye out for the upcoming volume of The Main Street Leader, where I share more about lessons from throughout my career journey. The newsletter offers tips on how to excel in any role, including by simply striving to be better than everyone else.

    Vacation Planning

    Make sure you reach out to Magical Vacation Planners. Let them plan your next vacation. You can reach them at 407-442-2694.

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    16 mins
  • Everything Matters If You Want to Be World Class
    Aug 20 2024

    "We all have expectations, and when you raise your expectations, everything gets better."

    Key Moments

    01:27 Active, visible management drives operational excellence.

    04:30 Clearly communicate expectations and lead by example.

    07:17 Value of hospitality and leadership.

    10:29 The Importance of High Standards in Team Morale:

    13:57 Spread magic by creating meaningful experiences for others.


    The Cockerell Academy

    About Lee Cockerell

    Mainstreet Leader

    Magical Vacation Planners 407-442-2694

    Paying attention to the smallest details can transform any organization into a world-class operation. During my days at Walt Disney World and Marriott Hotels people quickly learned that I am a detail oriented leader. That is because everything matters if you want to be world class. On a recent trip, Jody Maberry noticed 8 light bulbs out in a high-end hotel and trash in the urinals at another venue. The devil’s in the details, folks, and that is why they matter.

    The presence of a leader on the ground can make a monumental difference. When I ran a hotel, I did daily walkthroughs, starting at 6:30 AM. It's a routine that ensures no detail, however small, gets overlooked. It’s these small fixes that build a world-class reputation. The real magic happens when you involve your team. As I made my rounds, employees started pointing out issues before I even saw them. Lead by example, and your team will follow.

    If you set the expectation for excellence, trust me, everyone steps up their game. Employees appreciate a well-kept environment and customers feel the difference. It's a win-win! It doesn't happen if you just walk your establishment once. Repetition makes familiarity, and you'll start noticing details you missed before. As I always say, “Everything matters if you want to be world-class!”

    Make sure to listen to this full episode to hear more about how these principles can bring about tangible improvements and customer satisfaction in any setting.

    Want to turn your vacation into a magical experience? Call Magical Vacation Planner. They get every detail right. In every type of business, every little thing matters. You can reach them at 407-442-2694.

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    14 mins
  • Organizational Change Management
    Aug 13 2024

    "When you tell the truth, you get better results from your customers and, from your employees and your teams."

    Key Moments

    01:06 Prompt communication about organizational restructuring and challenges.

    04:38 Perform well to reduce layoff risk, communicate openly.

    10:06 Utilize team knowledge for better communication, productivity.

    11:32 What's available on the Cockerell Store and Cockerell Academy


    The Cockerell Academy

    About Lee Cockerell

    Mainstreet Leader

    Magical Vacation Planners 407-442-2694

    Organizational change is a constant in today's fast-evolving business environment. If your company is grappling with how to adapt or is simply looking for strategies to improve, this episode is for you.

    Three key takeaways from our discussion:

    • Communication is Key: Clear and honest communication can mitigate anxiety and rumors. Keep your team informed and be transparent about changes. As I always say, "Tell the truth, tell it quick."
    • Involve Your Team: Your employees are a treasure trove of untapped knowledge. Engage them in the change process and solicit their ideas on how to reduce costs and improve efficiencies.
    • Sensitivity in Implementation: Organizational changes can be emotionally taxing. Approach these transitions with sensitivity and respect for those affected, ensuring that you maintain morale and trust.

    If you’re interested in learning more about managing change and other leadership insights, tune into this episode. And don’t forget, the Cockrell store is now live with resources to help you in your leadership journey!

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    12 mins
  • Responding to Bad Customer Reviews
    Aug 6 2024

    "You always give customer the benefit of the doubt. Always give your employees the benefit of the doubt. If you're not sure, give them the benefit of the doubt until you can prove it."

    Key Moments

    05:51 Responding to customer complaints at Disney.

    06:37 Acknowledge, accept, and move forward when mistakes occur.

    10:11 Ask why before admonishing, seek deeper understanding.

    13:39 Innovative platform pulls reviews to help guide better decisions.

    16:32 Upcoming events can be found at CockerellStore.com.


    Cockerell Store

    The Cockerell Academy

    About Lee Cockerell

    Mainstreet Leader

    Magical Vacation Planners 407-442-2694

    One of the most challenging aspects of customer service is responding to bad reviews on social media. There are ways leaders can handle negative feedback while maintaining professionalism and empathy. The way you respond matters because your customers and employees are watching. During our conversation, Jody and I highlight three things to note when responding to bad customer reviews.

    The first is to acknowledge and apologize. It's crucial to address the customer's concerns politely, even if the scenario is disputed by your employees. Offer a sincere apology for their negative experience and let them know that their feedback is taken seriously. For many people, they simply want to be heard by someone.

    The next thing you need to do is make sure you respond professionally. Avoid escalating the situation by getting defensive. Provide a balanced response that shows your commitment to customer satisfaction while maintaining your company's integrity. A simple acknowledgment can prevent further conflict and show your dedication to resolving issues.

    And finally, learn and improve. This is important in all aspects of life. When it comes to bad reviews, use that customer feedback as an opportunity to review and improve your policies and practices. Sometimes complaints reveal underlying systemic issues that, when addressed, can enhance overall customer experience.

    Make sure to listen to the full episode for more insights and some personal anecdotes from my time as an executive leader in hospitality, including Disney and Marriott. And if you're considering a Disney cruise or any magical vacation, don't forget to reach out to our friends at Magical Vacation Planner at 407-442-2694. They are the best about learning and improving so your travel experience is full of great memories.

    Show more Show less
    17 mins