• What's the deal with gluten-REMOVED beer? Is it celiac safe?
    Jan 12 2022

    "Life and beer are very similar. Chill for best results."
    In this episode, we're talking beer. More specifically, the difference between gluten-free beer (good) and gluten-removed beer (bad.) Listen in as Gluten Dude talks a bit about his own beer journey, both before and after celiac disease, and explains the BS behind gluten-removed beer. So belly on up to the bar, grab a cold one and enjoy.

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    14 mins
  • How do deal with the holiday meals
    Dec 23 2021

    Good news: It's the holidays!
    Bad news: You've got celiac disease.

    Good news: You're invited to Aunt Enid's for dinner!
    Bad news: Aunt Enid doesn't really get the whole celiac thing.

    What's a celiac to do?

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    8 mins
  • My family doesn't take my celiac disease seriously
    Dec 15 2021

    This is a tough one. A young woman writes to me, explaining that she is stuck at home for financial reasons, but her family doesn't take her celiac disease seriously and has pretty much written her out of the picture. There is a lot to unpack here. And as always, I do my best and explain what it is truly like to live with celiac disease (hint...it sux), hoping the family will "get it". 

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    11 mins
  • I'm bitter and hate the person I've become
    Dec 8 2021

    It's beyond frustrating when you're doing the right thing, eating the right gluten-free foods, and you still can't heal. This fellow celiac is two months in, is hating life and considering throwing it all away and eating gluten. She needs to heal physically and psychologically. Listen in as I throw in my two cents.

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    7 mins
  • Gluten Dude is Feeling Grateful
    Nov 24 2021

    A little change-up here as I give thanks to the people in my life. Yeah...it's corny. But yeah...it's important. I also touch on my trip cross-country with my Dudette and my complete lack of preparation. Happy Thanksgiving folks!!

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    14 mins
  • How do I wean my 15 year old off of gluten-free junk food?
    Nov 10 2021

    Boy did I eat like crap when I was young. My mom changed things up (to my horror) and I cleaned up my diet. Yet when I was diagnosed with celiac disease, for some reason I just had to have gluten-free cookies, cakes, brownies, pizza, etc. I paid the price.  Now a mom with a 15 year old who is newly diagnosed with celiac disease is asking how to wean her off the junk food that she has been so used to.  Here's her email:

    "My 15 year old daughter was just diagnosed and is pissed as all hell and rightfully so. I read your book in two days and loved your voice...I am passing it on to her to read but may cut out the chapters on beer and semen lol. My question is I know you advise to steer clear of gluten free products and I agree but how can I help my pissed off teen who is not a lover of veggies and has allergies to most fruit? My one side of my pantry is currently a gluten free junk heaven!"

    Beer and semen? Yikes. I address that, plus the mom's dilemma. 

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    9 mins
  • How do I explain my celiac disease at work?
    Nov 3 2021

    I was diagnosed with celiac disease after I already began working from myself and working from home. So those days where celiac just got the best of me, I was able to shut it down. But what about if you work at an office? How do you explain to them that there are going to be times where celiac just kicks your butt and you won't be at your full capacity? That's the dilemma in today's Dear Gluten Dude.  Here's the email:

    "Hi Gluten Dude. I've been gluten free for seven years now, ever since I got the call from the doc letting me know that I have celiac disease. Initially I did not handle the news well; in fact I ate a piece of Pizza Hut pizza about an hour after the phone call. Nowadays, I know the drill. I know that just a little bit of gluten can put me down for days. I also know that even though I've been gluten free for seven years, I still have a disease and it still impacts my body. 

    There are days when I just have no energy, there are days when I'm curled up on the couch, unable to move because I was the victim of accidental cross contamination somewhere. I'm vigilant, but as you know, there is only so much a person can do.  

    So, my question is this, how to you deal with an office/work environment? How do you explain that yes, following a GF diet pretty much keeps you healthy, but it isn't foolproof and sometimes you just need to take a break. How do you explain that you are perfectly capable of doing your job, but that you can't work 60+ hours a week. Thanks, Gluten Dude. Thank you for being an advocate for our community! "

    My first thought? You better be getting paid for 60+ hours a week. My advice? Tune in.

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    5 mins
  • Why do I still feel like crap if I'm eating 100% gluten-free?
    Oct 29 2021

    The biggest lie in the world of celiac disease is that you'll feel better immediately once you begin your gluten-free diet. It sure as hell didn't happen to me and my guess is you also did not have those results. And it did not happen to this 19 year old woman, whose parents are frustrated. Here's the email:

    "Hi Gluten Dude. My daughter is nineteen and was diagnosed with Celiac Disease five months ago. She was having severe stomach pain and after landing in the hospital, a biopsy came back as celiac. She has gone completely gluten free and the severe stomach pains are gone but she just feels crappy almost every time she eats. They told us it may take up to a year for her to feel completely better because her celiac was on the severe side. I am looking for confirmation this is normal and that there is still hope she will feel better. She is down right now with all the things she can’t eat. It is devastating to she your child feel so left out I just wish she would turn that corner. Any advice would be terrific! Thank you! "

    My advice? Stop eating gluten-free food. Tune in and it'll make sense.

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    10 mins