In a compelling new installment of Do This, Not That, Jay Schwedelson introduces the "My Path" series by featuring Geoff Schiller, Chief Revenue Officer at Vox Media. They explore Geoff’s illustrious career in media sales, his leadership philosophies, and his work-life integration.
Key Discussion Points:
(00:40) Launch of the "My Path" series by Jay Schwedelson
(02:23) Geoff Schiller details his current role and initiatives at Vox Media
(03:12) Geoff's entry into advertising and the media industry
(07:18) Early career experiences and lessons from E! Online
(12:30) Geoff’s criteria for hiring and fostering talent
(14:02) Importance of personal branding in career progression
(15:59) Balancing a high-profile career with family commitments
(18:15) Personal anecdotes including Geoff's celebrity bucket list and affinity for Rocky movies
(20:06) An overview of Vox Media’s diverse content and influential podcasts
Guest Bio:
Geoff Schiller, as the CRO of Vox Media, directs the advertising strategy for a dynamic array of brands such as New York Magazine, The Verge, and Eater. With a profound background spanning two decades in media sales, Geoff has been instrumental in propelling Vox Media's growth and presence across digital platforms, shaping the company into a powerhouse of digital storytelling.
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