• The Blind Side of an Easy Life
    Jun 28 2023

    More often than not, we look at challenging situations as something personal that happened against us. But if we take a pause for moment and small shift in our perspective, we might just see that life actually did us a favor. 

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    Feel free to email me if you have any questions or would prefer a private session at eve@essentialdivinehealingmethod.com
    I wish you a beautiful day! Know that you are loved.
    Namaste ❤️

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    11 mins
  • The Great Crystal of Gaia Healing & Meditation
    Jun 23 2023

    In this healing meditation, you are going to journey to the great pyramid in your mind's eye and behold the Great Crystal of Gaia. You will be shown where you come from, why you are here and what is rightfully yours to give and receive, in all forms and all realms. Life is yours for taking and the giving, not to be identified by your worth, your challenges and your wounds. Know that what you hear is truth and has been told by many spiritual leaders through all time. 

    Support the show

    Feel free to email me if you have any questions or would prefer a private session at eve@essentialdivinehealingmethod.com
    I wish you a beautiful day! Know that you are loved.
    Namaste ❤️

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    22 mins
  • The Money Healing Meditation
    Jun 13 2023

    Hello! I'm sorry it's been quiet around here. I've been teaching classes all over the place the last few weeks! Today's practice talks about money and truly understanding (and healing) our relationship with it. As always, thank you for allowing me to be a part of your day. 


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    Feel free to email me if you have any questions or would prefer a private session at eve@essentialdivinehealingmethod.com
    I wish you a beautiful day! Know that you are loved.
    Namaste ❤️

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    17 mins
  • Into The Rainbow Meditation
    May 18 2023

    Hello! In this meditation, we use the colors of the rainbow to match our frequency to theirs for deep, rejuvenating healing and replenishment. Please be seated comfortably with your feet grounded to the earth either in a chair or seated however you please on the floor. Whichever is most comfortable for you. 🌈

    Support the show

    Feel free to email me if you have any questions or would prefer a private session at eve@essentialdivinehealingmethod.com
    I wish you a beautiful day! Know that you are loved.
    Namaste ❤️

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    25 mins
  • Transforming Obstacles Into Prosperity & Abundance
    May 16 2023

    Hello my friend! Today's practice is a reminder that on those days we are feeling less than the master of our domain, we have the incredible power to create the changes in our lives we need to overcome anything that gets in the way of our ultimate joy and success.  

    Support the show

    Feel free to email me if you have any questions or would prefer a private session at eve@essentialdivinehealingmethod.com
    I wish you a beautiful day! Know that you are loved.
    Namaste ❤️

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    22 mins
  • The Meditation of Your Dreams
    May 12 2023

    Hello! Today I take you into a beautiful meditation to manifest your wants and wishes to lead you into a relaxing weekend. Thank you for honoring me with your time and trust. 

    Support the show

    Feel free to email me if you have any questions or would prefer a private session at eve@essentialdivinehealingmethod.com
    I wish you a beautiful day! Know that you are loved.
    Namaste ❤️

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    22 mins
  • Illness as a Time Capsule
    May 11 2023

    Hello! Today I want share with you something very personal that happened to me that deals with when we or a loved one becomes sick.  Think of illness as this time capsule that is showing you that you need to face a problem or issue you have been hiding from, or running from and just not wanting to deal with. Or perhaps, you AREN'T the one needing to learn this lesson.  Learn what might really be happening behind that "genetic illness" in your family.  

    Support the show

    Feel free to email me if you have any questions or would prefer a private session at eve@essentialdivinehealingmethod.com
    I wish you a beautiful day! Know that you are loved.
    Namaste ❤️

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    16 mins
  • Seeing Your Divine Family Meditation
    May 9 2023

    Hello! Today I lead you into a beautiful meditation to meet your Divine family. Many of us know of our guides and our guardian angels. With this practice, you are going to meet all 12 of your Divine Family members! Your three guides, two angels, four elementals and your current, lowest and Highest self in spirit form.  Truly allow yourself the time to immerse into this meditation to strengthen your third eye as well as your visual connection to these amazing sentient beings. They love you and cannot wait to communicate with you!

    Support the show

    Feel free to email me if you have any questions or would prefer a private session at eve@essentialdivinehealingmethod.com
    I wish you a beautiful day! Know that you are loved.
    Namaste ❤️

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    22 mins