• 89 – Lunar Solar Eclipse September October 2024
    Sep 30 2024
    In this episode, Phi explores the powerful astrological energy surrounding the lunar and solar eclipses of September and October 2024. These energetic events bring profound opportunities for release, transformation, and new beginnings.The lunar eclipse encourages us to reflect on what is no longer serving us, offering a potent time for letting go of emotional baggage, outdated beliefs, and patterns. Meanwhile, the solar eclipse signals fresh possibilities, inviting us to set new intentions and embrace the unknown with courage. Tune in as Phi breaks down how these eclipses influence both the collective and personal level, and how you can harness this energy to realign with your purpose and create space for growth. Resources from today's episode Work with Phi Learn more about 1:1 Coaching with Phi here. Apply for 1:1 Coaching with Phi here. Book a Human Design Reading with Phi here. Phi's book; The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life. Wtf is going on energetically right now? Hello my loves, Since I was last on here I ran my first retreat Recharge and Renew in Bali and oh my gosh it really was one of the best weeks of my life. I can’t wait to do it again next year there are already 3 confirmed retreats that haven’t officially been launched yet but I hoping it will next month in October my birthday month woohoo. I felt really called to speak to you today about the energies at present collectively cause boy it’s a lot and if you’re not feeling it, I am genuinely so happy for you, if you’re like me and many clients and people I’ve spoken to online on Instagram huge rapid changes are on the horizon. We are in a gateway, a bridge, an eclipse sandwich in between two eclipses. What’s really interesting about this current one is from the lunar eclipse in pisces, the next is a solar eclipse coincides with a new moon on the 2nd of October in Libra. What do the eclipses mean? Eclipses are not just astronomical events; they’re cosmic catalysts that can shift our lives significantly. Each eclipse occurs in pairs. The one that recently happened in September, a lunar eclipse illuminated our inner worlds, revealing what needs to be let go of, while the upcoming October solar eclipse represents new beginnings and fresh starts. Together, they form a dynamic interplay that encourages us to embrace transformation and change. September 2024 Lunar Eclipse The recent lunar eclipse in September invited us to look inward. What fears or limiting beliefs have been holding us back? What relationships no longer serve us? This eclipse shines a light on the shadows, urging us to acknowledge and release what we’ve outgrown. It’s a moment to honor our past experiences, but also to recognise the need for change. Eclipses and Destiny Now with all of this said , it’s important to also take note of the background to all of this. The shift in destiny nodes too energetically. Currently, the focus has shifted from the Aries/Libra chapter for the last year and half to now starting to introduce Pisces and Virgo energy inviting us to explore new themes in our lives. Essentially the recent lunar eclipse was a peak of a new chapter coming in over 2025 - 2027 in the energies of Pisces and Virgo so we’re not quite there yet given Aries and Libra with the upcoming solar eclipse in Libra. Pisces Eclipse Energy 2024 Pisces emphasises spirituality, feeling, compassion, and creativity, encouraging us to embrace vulnerability and connect with a higher purpose. In contrast, Virgo is about practicality, letting go of over-analysis, and perfectionism. Libra Eclipse Energy 2024 Libra’s large influence continues still particularly in regards to our relationships. Libra encouraging us to evaluate existing partnerships and focus on balance and harmony where possible and healthy. This influence complements Pisces by highlighting the importance of empathy and emotional intelligence in our connections with others...
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    16 mins
  • 88: Live Human Design Reading with Robyn Wilton (Bleed On It) 6/3 Emotional Projector
    Aug 19 2024
    A live condensed human design reading with Robyn Wilton from Bleed On It. She is a rare 6/3 Projector with an emotional authority. We discuss her Saturn Return, business journey and her karmic soul purpose. Resources from today's episode Work with Robyn Bleed On It Instagram Bleed On It Website Bleed On It Cycle Stories Note Robyn is open to mentoring women with regards to their menstruation and cyclical living. Please contact her for more information! Work with Phi Learn more about 1:1 Coaching with Phi here. Apply for 1:1 Coaching with Phi here. Book a Human Design Reading with Phi here. Phi's book; The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life. Robyn Wilton - Bleed On It - Human Design While this is a condensed full human design reading and experience, Phi dives into Robyn's Human Design as a 6/3 Emotional Projector. We dive into her Saturn Return in terms of human design too. This transformative phase, typically occurring in the late 20s or early 30s, brings challenges, growth, and an invitation to realign with one's true purpose. We unpack how Robyn's Saturn return is reflected in her Human Design chart, discussing the energetic themes and personal lessons that arise during this pivotal time including her business journey with Bleed On It. Furthermore we discuss how Robyn has a few rare elements to her chart whether it be her 6/3 personality as well as karmic lifetime. Tune in for an intimate exploration of the power and insight Human Design can bring to life transitions.
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    56 mins
  • 87: Embracing Cycles – A Journey into Menstrual Wisdom with Robyn Wilton from Bleed On It
    Aug 12 2024
    In this episode, we sit down with Robyn Wilton, the founder of Bleed On It, to explore the profound wisdom of menstrual cycles and cyclical living. Robyn shares her personal journey, the inspiration behind her work, and offers practical advice for embracing the natural rhythms of the menstrual cycle. We delve into societal conditioning, workplace challenges, and the importance of rest, while also addressing common misconceptions about menstrual health. Tune in to gain valuable insights on how to navigate the emotional and physical aspects of cyclical living. Resources from today's episode Work with Robyn Bleed On It Instagram Bleed On It Website Bleed On It Cycle Stories Note Robyn is open to mentoring women with regards to their menstruation and cyclical living. Please contact her for more information! Work with Phi Learn more about 1:1 Coaching with Phi here. Apply for 1:1 Coaching with Phi here. Book a Human Design Reading with Phi here. Phi's book; The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life. Robyn Wilton - Bleed On It In this enlightening episode, we welcome Robyn Wilton, the passionate founder of Bleed On It, to explore the intricacies of menstrual health and the art of cyclical living. Robyn begins by sharing her personal journey and the motivation behind creating Bleed On It, offering a heartfelt glimpse into her mission to empower others through education and support around menstrual cycles. Bleed On It Bleed On It is a platform founded by Robyn dedicated to empowering individuals by providing education and support on menstrual health and cyclical living. Through resources, workshops, and community engagement, it aims to help people understand and embrace their menstrual cycles, fostering a more harmonious relationship with their bodies. She provides a comprehensive overview of the menstrual cycle, breaking down its phases and emphasising the importance of understanding these natural rhythms for overall well-being. Robyn delves into the concept of cyclical living, explaining how it aligns with the menstrual cycle and why it's a vital practice for anyone seeking to live in harmony with their body’s natural flow. For those new to cyclical living, she offers practical tips to ease into the practice, acknowledging that it can seem overwhelming at first but highlighting how it can transform one's relationship with their body. The conversation takes a look at societal conditioning and workplace culture, discussing how these factors can often lead to the perception that menstruation is a burden. Robyn offers insightful advice on how to navigate these challenges, including how to communicate menstrual-related needs in the workplace effectively. Rest, a key component of cyclical living, is another focus of the discussion. Robyn shares her personal strategies for rest, underscoring its importance and offering listeners actionable ways to incorporate genuine rest into their lives. She also addresses common misconceptions about menstrual cycles and cyclical living, debunking myths and providing clarity on what it truly means to live in tune with one’s cycle. Robyn reflects on her upbringing in an open household where conversations about bodies and sex were normalized. The episode also explores her experiences such as Supper Club. To wrap up, Robyn leaves you with key takeaways about menstrual cycles and cyclical living, ensuring that you can walk away with a deeper understanding and actionable insights to apply in their own lives. To learn more about Robyn Wilton and her work, visit Bleed On It.
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    41 mins
  • 86: Lion’s Gate August 2024
    Aug 5 2024
    Take a journey through the mystical Lions Gate Portal, a time of heightened spiritual energy and cosmic alignment. Phi talks about how this celestial event can amplify your personal growth and manifestation abilities. Discover transformative journaling prompts and empowering affirmations designed to help you harness the portal's energy, clear blockages, and open yourself to new possibilities. Tune in to learn how to make the most of this auspicious period and align with your higher purpose. Resources from today's episode Work with Phi Learn more about 1:1 Coaching with Phi here. Apply for 1:1 Coaching with Phi here. Book a Human Design Reading with Phi here. Phi's book; The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life. Lion's Gate Information August 2024 Beautiful Soul, as this episode is released I am currently running a retreat in Bali which centres all around the Lion’s Gate episode and so I wanted to share some of the magic with you in an episode about the Lion’s Gate which is 8/8. In the ancient tapestry of human history, the stars have always guided us, providing insights in to the secrets of the universe and providing light on our paths. The Sirius star system holds a place of profound significance, particularly in the context of the Lion’s Gate Portal. For the ancient Egyptians, Sirius was not merely a distant star but a cosmic beacon of rebirth and transformation. Known as “Sopdet” in their language, Sirius heralded the start of the annual flooding of the Nile, a life-giving event that transformed the arid land into a fertile oasis. This celestial event was more than an astronomical occurrence; it was a sacred promise of renewal and abundance, deeply intertwined with the cycles of life and the spiritual rhythms of the cosmos. As the Lion’s Gate Portal opens, it does so with the energy of Sirius at its core. This cosmic gateway, which peaks every year around August 8th, is a powerful alignment of our Sun with Sirius and the Earth’s position in the sky. It symbolises a period of extraordinary potential, a time when the energies of Sirius blend with the dynamic force of the Leo constellation, creating a potent moment for manifestation and transformation. Sirius, the brightest star in our night sky, has long been associated with the divine, the mysterious, and the transformative. Its light, arriving from over 8 light-years away, illuminates not just our physical world but also our inner landscapes, offering a glimpse into the deeper realms of our consciousness. When aligned with the Lion’s Gate, this star amplifies the energies of courage, creativity, and leadership, urging us to embrace our highest potential. The numerology of the date 8/8 also plays a role in the abundance and prosperous energy that comes with the Lion’s Gate. The number 8 symbolises infinity, balance, and material success, reinforcing themes of wealth and achievement. Many believe that the Lion’s Gate acts as a cosmic portal, elevating our vibrational frequency and making it easier to attract and receive abundance. Let this be a time to reconnect with the ancient wisdom of the stars, to honor the cosmic cycles that guide us, and to embrace the radiant energy that flows through the Lion’s Gate. As you stand before this energetic gateway, know that the universe is aligning in your favour and the time has come to step boldly into the fullness of your potential. How to tap into Lion's Gate August 2024 Imagine a celestial gateway opening wide, its frame adorned with the shimmering light of a thousand stars. This is the Lion's Gate Portal, where the universe aligns in a cosmic symphony to amplify your dreams and desires. As the sun’s golden rays meld with the radiant energy of Sirius, the Lion’s Gate ushers in a wave of potent, transformative power. It’s a time when the fierce, regal energy of the lion merges with the vast expansiveness of the cosmos,
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    9 mins
  • 85: Leo New Moon August 2024
    Aug 1 2024
    In this episode we explore the transformative energy of the Leo New Moon of August 2024, delving into how this potent lunar phase can inspire creativity and self-expression. Phi shares insightful journal prompts and empowering affirmations to help you tap into your inner lion, set bold intentions, and align with your true passions. Resources from today's episode Work with PhiLearn more about 1:1 Coaching with Phi here.Apply for 1:1 Coaching with Phi here.Book a Human Design Reading with Phi here.Phi's book; The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life. Life and Business Update August 2024 Hello Beautiful Soul, Welcome to August 2024 and we are officially in Leo season with the upcoming new moon on the 4th. Before I dive into it a quick life and business update, July has been the biggest month to date in business this year and August is officially booked out too. New 1:1 coaching spots will open up in September with one already snapped up as well as human design readings. September is going to be a big month in my world watch this space… and I am so excited I’m literally recording this the day before I fly to Bali to hold my first retreat with 8 incredible women. Again spots will open up for the Bali 2025 retreat likely in October for August 2025 so if you’re interested in retreats, 1:1 coaching or human design please feel free to message me on Instagram or email me to get on waitlists.Okay let’s go Leo New Moon! This is the most potent and magical time for manifestations as it tees up nicely with the Lion’s Gate portal of 8/8. The background to all this as we have been witnessing collectively is funky, big mysterious changes are ahead for all but we can’t say for sure what look at what’s unfolding in the US elections and the perception of the Paris Olympic Games Opening Ceremony. I’m being told to focus on the inner light and not being drawn to the funk that is there. To channel big LEO energy. Leo New Moon Energy and Vibe August 2024 Imagine a stage bathed in golden light, where the spotlight finds its true home on a single, radiant figure. The main character. This is the essence of Leo—You are both the star and the stage, your heart the music.Leo is the heroine of her own grand narrative, embodying a fierce bravery that defies the ordinary. She strides onto the scene with a boldness that electrifies the air, her every movement a testament to the courage it takes to follow one's heart. Her path is illuminated by an inner light that refuses to be dimmed, a beacon guiding her through shadows and challenges alike.In the grand theatre of life, Leo doesn’t just seek the spotlight—she commands it. She leads with a charisma that captivates and inspires, drawing others to her side with the magnetic pull of her authentic self. Her leadership isn’t about dominance, but about setting the stage for others to discover their own brilliance, too.Leo’s energy is a celebration of self-expression in its purest form. Imagine a canvas where every stroke is a vivid declaration of who you are, a palette bursting with colors that have been waiting for this moment to be expressed. In the Leo light, there is no room for self-doubt; only the exuberant joy of being unapologetically you. It’s an invitation to sing your own song, dance your own dance, and paint your own masterpiece.At the heart of Leo’s essence lies a deep connection to the inner child—the part of you that dreams without limits and loves without fear. Leo beckons you to reconnect with that pure, playful spirit, to embrace the wonder and curiosity that once defined your world. It’s about rediscovering the magic that lives in the simplest moments and allowing it to fuel your creative endeavours and personal growth.To be touched by Leo's energy is to feel the pulse of possibility, the call to rise above mediocrity and embrace the fullness of one’s own potential. It’s a call to harness the raw,
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    9 mins
  • 84: Capricorn Full Moon
    Jul 19 2024
    Insight into the energy and vibe of the Capricorn Full Moon taking place July 21st 2024. This episode also provides journaling prompts and questions for the Capricorn Full Moon with the themes being that of family, career, letting go, endings and beginnings as well as balance. Resources from today's episode Work with Phi Learn more about 1:1 Coaching with Phi here. Apply for 1:1 Coaching with Phi here. Book a Human Design Reading with Phi here. Phi's book; The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life. June and July 2024 Capricorn Full Moon This full moon is the second in that of Capricorn with the first one taking place 4 weeks prior on the 21st of June. Think of the previous full moon laying down foundational pieces of insights and information with this full moon to conclude it. You might find you’re having a do over, second review, a second chance as to whatever was taking place around the 21st of June. Was there something weighing you down? Something that didn’t fully finish? Something you needed to take responsibility for? A boundary to put in place? Cancer and Leo Cusp = Family It’s on the cusp of Cancer transitioning into Leo season. When these two come together it’s the thematic energy of family. Cancer is the mother of all the signs ruled by the moon, the feminine. The opposing partner sign of Cancer is Capricorn seen as the father of all signs, ruled by Saturn, which we know is all about structure, discipline and hard work. Saturn Retrograde Capricorn Full Moon Saturn is of course retrograde right now and has been since the end of June and will be until mid November this year. Paired with the full moon it’s a beautiful time to revisit, review and reassess any areas where Saturn is within your astrology and human design chart as well as general Saturninan themes such as discipline, structure, boundaries, personal responsibility and long term goals. The goal of Saturn is to establish strong foundations so keep that in mind too. Degree of Fate endings karma To also note energetically the degree in which the full moon in Capricorn is taking place is in the 29th which is the last degree of any sign known as the “degree of fate” so it marks a time where what has been brought up often signifies an ending, a breaking point, a breakthrough. The full moon in Capricorn has reached her peak, full self. It’s that moment after running a tiring marathon that it’s been a journey but at last here it is in sight the end: you can almost taste it and touch it. In fact this particular full moon in Capricorn has the nickname of the “buck moon” as during this time of the year because buck, deers, have fully developed their antlers, and it is time to shed them to start again and grow new ones. Again given Saturn Retrograde it may be the time for unfinished business or karma to resolve itself for you to address, grow and evolve. New beginnings Capricorn Full Moon 2024 This leads to well 0 degrees which is the starting point of any sign and in terms of the cosmos, the planet Pluto is in that for the sign of Aquarius which means collectively we can expect the unexpected of new beginnings. Earth Grounding Capricorn Energy Without getting into the nitty gritty of everything going on in the cosmos, alongside the influences of Chiron the wounded healer in Aries, Neptune in Pisces, Mars and Uranus in Taurus it’s a dense pressure cooker with regards to internal tension and emotions arising from beneath the surface and shadows. Capricorn is an earth sign so really focus on practices such as grounding and earthing a well as spending time in nature to relax, reset and release. It's feeling to me energetically like one of those moons that feels like a lot in the moment but afterwards and the end you feel so much better for it, lightened and lifted. Capricorn is the sea goat after all so instinctively and intuitively you know how to navigate the sometimes choppy,
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    8 mins
  • 83: Navigating Identity Shifts: Embracing Change
    Jul 15 2024
    Are you feeling like you are changing? You might be going through an identity shift. This episode is all about what is an identity shift, why an identity shift may occur, the emotions that can come up when going through an identity shift as well as practical tips and mindset perspectives on how to navigate and embrace an identity shift happening. Resources from today's episode Work with Phi Learn more about 1:1 Coaching with Phi here. Apply for 1:1 Coaching with Phi here. Book a Human Design Reading with Phi here. Phi's book; The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life. Human Design, Identity Shift and The Great Unlearning Hello beautiful souls, and welcome to today’s episode inspired by the 8 beautiful women I am taking on retreat to Bali in less than 3 weeks! A beautiful golden thread that weaves amongst us all is that we are all navigating and relating identity shifts whether its in regards to different stages of life or a coming of ages for example. It’s so interesting for me to speak about it especially given my human design personally I have a completely open and undefined g centre and with that comes a common misconception especially for reflectors that it means you have no identity which isn’t true. I definitely have one and if you were to ask people who is Phi I think you’d find they would say human design expert, life coach, positivity queen, beach living, the colour orange, sunflowers and so fourth. Thus we have this concept of self appointed identity and your true identity. There’s so many layers to this and I delve into this in greater depth in Chapter 7 Self Identity of my book The Great Unlearning available as a physical book, e book and audiobook too by the way! I write that learning is that You are (insert name). You are (insert number) years old. You are a (insert job here). Who are you? Who are you really? Are you you because of you or because the world made you this way? Do you know your place in this world? How do you answer those awkward ice breakers in a group environment? Fun fact about yourself? (Cue the anxiety racking your brain for one.) Two truths and a lie? What makes you, you? You are normal, right? Human Design as a tool to navigate an identity shift We have labels and ways we attempt to understand ourselves ultimately as a divine soul having a human experience. Our identity is one of those ways we make sense of the world and the best tool, modality and framework for that in my opinion is human design because it’s so incredibly powerful. It’s a map and guide to who you are through the lens of your energy, personality, where energy flows between different parts of who you are, life themes and amongst a diverse and rich set of information found in your human design blueprint which I’ll add I do readings as well as online blueprints which you can find on my website and to book in a reading with me. Saturn Return and Identity Shift So how did identity shifts come into the fold of conversation well the other day last week I found myself at the beach on the sand after I swim where I used to live for four years and it dawned on me that I hadn’t been back since I moved out off the back of the breakup 2 years ago with my ex partner of 3 years. I had this moment where I was like wow I am so different to the girl who used to come to this beach everyday whether it was 5am before work and side hustle life coaching or 11am on a Monday to soak in my new found freedom running my own business. That in itself I had so many identities tied to this one moment time and strangely but not really because nothing is a coincidence is it, that hey I happened to also end up at this beach around the time we parted ways for good when my ex partner moved back to England. A few of the identity interplays I had back then: I was going through my Saturn Return at around the age of 27. Before my Saturn Return begun I had just moved to my own two...
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    31 mins
  • The Great Unlearning: 1st Anniversary
    Jun 23 2024
    Join me on this special anniversary episode celebrating the first birthday of The Great Unlearning! I share the journey from inception to impact of my first debut book. This episode weaves in human design as to how I approached writing the book as well as updates from key experiences of my life I shared in the book too! Expect stories, musings and reflections. Resources from today's episode Work with Phi Learn more about 1:1 Coaching with Phi here. Apply for 1:1 Coaching with Phi here. Book a Human Design Reading with Phi here. Phi's book; The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life. The journey of The Great Unlearning Hello beautiful soul, I can’t believe I am saying this and it still feels surreal, Happy 1st birthday to my debut first book - The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and authentic life. It was one year ago today on June 23rd 2023 that she was released and I’m honestly still taking a moment to reflect on the year that’s gone by and this is where this episode is coming in! Celebrations, reflections and musing in honour of TGU’s 1st birthday. I still remember when the book was a seedling of an idea around the time I launched in her vitality which was previously my Instagram handle when I first started a mental health passion project which was that page and it’s now evolved to well me @thephidang and being a life coach. I’ve just had a look on Instagram and I started my page on August 3rd 2019, which then became my own personal brand which was around 200 weeks ago so around the end of August/beginning September 2020! I remember I was so scared going from anonymous, to showing my face and then fully making the account ‘me.’ Shortly after that I began life coaching on demand, as a side hustle to my corporate career and in September 2021 I resigned to go all in and full time as a life coach. At the beginning of 2022 was when I signed my book deal, started writing The Great Unlearning and the publication date June 23 2023. Wow! What a journey it’s been. A lifelong childhood dream fulfilled It still remains and will remain as one of the best moments of my life to have fulfilled a life long dream to not only write a book but publish one, I still get so giddy seeing the book in a bookstore or having someone share their thoughts and experience in reading the book! Which I will cheekily say, it would mean the world to me to have your support, if you have read it to please leave a book review somewhere or talk about it with a friend, it helps me spread the word and get it read by more people on my mission to help everyone unlearn everything that holds you back. Diving into this episode I thought I would take you behind the scenes of what it’s like to get an idea for a book. to write it and have it published too. From having the idea to write a book, looking back in hindsight through the lens of human design: from a young age I’ve always loved literature, my Dad was an English teacher in Vietnam and I remember him reading me books before I would sleep every night. I have this clear memory of starting school, being in kindergarten and our teacher asked us to draw pictures of what we did over the weekend. I remember drawing a soccer ball and house, writing ‘house’ and ‘ball’ underneath. The memory is so vivid because my teacher was shocked asking how did I already know how to write and I proudly said my dad taught me at home! I have really lovely memories of him reading to me but also helping me write and draw shapes. Being seen as a hermit, 2, in human design Fast forward at school English was one of my best subjects alongside business and economics which again make sense because I genuinely loved all three (well maybe definitely english and business over economics which became too math-y for my liking and enjoyment at a University level). Being a hermit (2 profile line) one of the characteristics is natural talents and I recall many people say...
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    24 mins