• EP92: The Million Dollar Marriage or Relationship Distinction
    Mar 11 2024

    If you could have your choice, would you choose a "Million Dollar" Marriage or Relationship or would you choose the 49 cent version? Welcome to episode 92 of the Love Made Easy Podcast where we're talking about the "Million Dollar" Marriage or Relationship distinction.

    In coaching men, women and couples for over 20 years, we've discovered that some marriages and relationships feel like they're worth a million dollars or more and some feel like they're not worth much at all.

    In this episode, we're taking a deep dive into how you (or anyone) can have the million dollar version of a marriage or relationship instead of something else you don't want.

    Give it a listen now.

    Blessings and Love to you, Susie and Otto Collins https://SusieandOtto.com

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    25 mins
  • EP91: The 2 Kinds of Miracles (that lead to more Love)
    Jan 7 2024

    Would You like to have a "Love Miracle" show up In your life? Most people would and in this episode, (EP91) of the Love Made Easy Podcast, we're exploring the 2 kinds of miracles that lead to more love. The first kind of miracle appears to be a stroke of luck , a random event or "divine intervention." The 2nd kind of love miracle is what happens when there is a shift in perception within you and how the world appears to you that creates miracles. We've had a lot of fun creating this episode and we think you're really going to get a lot out of it. Miracles really can happen in your relationships and life. With what you'll discover in this episode, miracles will be much more commonplace for you in your life.

    Give it a listen now.

    Blessings and Love to you, Susie and Otto Collins https://SusieandOtto.com

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    25 mins
  • EP90: Creating Big Fat Love When You’re Not Feeling It
    Aug 14 2023
    Sometimes you just don't feel like "being" love--whether a physical or emotional challenge is standing in your way or it's something else you're dealing with. What do you do when the sparks aren't flying, you're not excited about life or you're just down in the dumps for no apparent reason? What do you do then to keep your connection and grow your love when you're just not feeling it? These things and so much more are what we're talking about in this episode (episode 90) of the Love Made Easy Podcast. Listen now to: "Creating Big Fat Love When You're Not Feeling It." Blessings and Love to you, Susie and Otto Collins https://SusieandOtto.com
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    25 mins
  • EP89: What if He or She Never Changes?
    Jun 5 2023
    Have you ever wondered why people won't change when it's in their best interest to do so? This is such a big question especially when it seems like it's the best thing for them, the right thing to do or something that should make total sense to them. Well, here's a question that's just as good or maybe even better... What if he or she never changes? What do you do then? After all, you try and you try and they just won't budge. This is the topic of this episode (episode 89) of the Love Made Easy podcast-- "What If He or She Never Changes?" If you've ever wondered about this question then we promise that you're going to get a lot out of this episode.

    Blessings and Love to you, Susie and Otto Collins https://SusieandOtto.com
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    24 mins
  • EP88: One Small Word That Clears Up Big Misunderstandings
    May 8 2023

    Everyone feels misunderstood from time to time and we humans sometimes misunderstand other people as well.

    When you misunderstand someone or you feel misunderstood yourself, conflict ensues, drama ignites and any hope for more love and a deeper connection is lost.

    In this episode (episode 88) of the Love Made Easy podcast, we're talking about one small three letter word that clears up big misunderstandings.

    Sound too good to be true? It isn't.

    And in this episode, we not only share this small, simple word with you but also many examples about how this word can clear up and clean up any misunderstandings with the people in your life.

    Listen now to Episode 88 of the Love Made Easy podcast where we share "One Small Word That Clears Up Big Misunderstandings."

    Blessings and Love to you, Susie and Otto Collins https://SusieandOtto.com
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    21 mins
  • EP87: Forgiving Yourself For Everything
    Apr 17 2023
    When most people talk about forgiveness, it's usually about forgiving someone else who wronged them in some way. Welcome to episode 87 of the Love Made Easy podcast where we're talking about the other side of forgiveness--forgiving yourself and how this can be the doorway that opens to your best life ever. In this episode, our conversation is all about the freedom, the inner relaxation and the possibilities for your life (that may not be showing up yet) when you "Forgive Yourself For Everything." We encourage you to listen to this episode now and start finding the freedom to create more of the love and life you want by the simple act of self-forgiveness. Blessings and Love to you, Susie and Otto Collins https://SusieandOtto.com
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    24 mins
  • EP86: Healthy vs Unhealthy Love Habits
    Apr 3 2023
    We all have habits and when it comes to love, some of our "love habits" are healthy and things you want to do more of and some love habits are things you should stop doing right away. Welcome to episode 86 of the Love Made Easy podcast where we're taking a deeper look at healthy VS unhealthy love habits. In this episode, we're asking the question: What should you do more of to increase love and connection and what destroys love that you'll want to stop doing? Listen now to Episode 86 of the Love Made Easy podcast for our take on Healthy VS Unhealthy Love Habits. Blessings and Love to you, Susie and Otto Collins https://SusieandOtto.com
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    24 mins
  • EP85: Hiding in Love and Relationships
    Mar 13 2023
    Hiding is one of the biggest barriers to love and connection in all relationships. In this episode of the Love Made Easy podcast, we're talking about "Hiding" in love and relationships in all its many forms. We're talking about this because we all hide--especially emotionally from ourselves and the people we love and that creates distance and disconnection. Listen now to Episode 85 of the Love Made Easy podcast and hear us explore why we hide, how we hide and how you can open to more love instead. Blessings and Love to you, Susie and Otto Collins https://SusieandOtto.com
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    24 mins