• 114. Become the Most Resilient Entrepreneur You Know
    Sep 26 2024

    How does resilience support you in your biz?

    It keeps you choosing yourself, backing yourself, and showing up through all seasons.

    And it always starts within.

    In this episode, I'll take you through both mindset and practical ways you can become the most resilient entrepreneur you know.

    Resilience is both a mindset AND a practice... and that's what we'll be diving deep into.

    Here's the new page I mentioned:

    Everything under $111: https://cassiemendozajones.com/under-111

    ... and more links to work together, below:

    Here's More:

    - Come work with me.

    - Download the free Momentum Workbook to move through slow client periods, and call amazing clients in.

    - Here’s my full website for more (my books, freebies, programs, blog posts etc.).

    - And here’s where you’ll find me on Instagram @cassiemendozajones

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    32 mins
  • 113. How I Haven't Burnt Out in My Biz in 11 Years
    Sep 12 2024

    In this episode, I’m sharing a bit about my personal journey of how I’ve gone 11 years in business without hitting burnout. (After hitting it big!)

    I’ll dive into the burnout I experienced in 2013, the physical symptoms like heart palpitations that shook me, and how I turned that around with herbs, self-care, better boundaries, energy work, and more.

    I learned how to balance hard work with rest, and design systems that honour my energy and creativity.

    And that’s exactly what my new 4-wk program is all about—helping you do the same. I’ll walk you through principles and practices to keep you growing and thriving in your business, without sacrificing your wellbeing.

    If you’re ready to stay aligned with calling in and working with your clients, while staying connected to your creative flow, join me in Fully Booked & Fully Creative.

    You can jump in through my membership or sign up as a standalone immersion—either way, I’d love to support you in making space for both clients and creative work, with space for success AND rest.

    Join us here: https://cassiemendozajones.com/fully-booked

    Podcast episodes mentioned:

    • Ep 6: Hard Work vs. Working Harder
    • Ep 7: Beliefs to Stop You Hustling
    • Ep 38: Stepping out of Hustle Mind Mode

    Here's More:

    - Come work with me.

    - Download the free Momentum Workbook to move through slow client periods, and call amazing clients in.

    - Here’s my full website for more (my books, freebies, programs, blog posts etc.).

    - And here’s where you’ll find me on Instagram @cassiemendozajones

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    23 mins
  • 112. A Chat with Dina Savitz on How to Naturally Boost Your Energy With Herbs, Sunshine, Flower Essences & More
    Sep 5 2024

    I recently had the best chat with Dina Savitz, an energy-obsessed naturopath, personal trainer, wellness coach and mama of three.

    With a passion for holistic health and fitness, Dina offers a combination of personalised fitness programs, nutrition coaching and individualised supplements (backed by science), to help her clients make sustainable lifestyle changes.

    As a mum herself, Dina is passionate about the importance of mothers taking time out for themselves and prioritising their own health.

    She also understands the changes a woman's body goes through during pregnancy, birth and beyond and the importance of appropriate exercise, lifestyle & nutritional modifications. Dina would love to inspire and support your path to a healthier, balanced life.

    On this episode, we chatted about Dina's favourite and most-reached-for herbs for herself and her clients, natural ways to balance and boost your energy, simple exercises to add into your life, how she balances business and motherhood, and so much more.

    Let us know what lands for you, after you've tuned in. We'd love to hear from you!

    You can get in touch with Dina via her website www.dinasavitz.com, tune in to her podcast Energized and follow her on Instagram instagram.com/dinasavitz

    Here's More:

    - Come work with me.

    - Download the free Momentum Workbook to move through slow client periods, and call amazing clients in.

    - Here’s my full website for more (my books, freebies, programs, blog posts etc.).

    - And here’s where you’ll find me on Instagram @cassiemendozajones

    Show more Show less
    49 mins
  • Invitation: [MASTERMIND] Business Growth From Your Enoughness - We Begin 5 Sept
    Sep 3 2024

    You want deep support from someone who gets you; you want to trust that what you want is possible for you (even if you haven’t created it in this exact form before).

    You want to move into your next biz level, with all the moving parts working for each other, instead of feeling like you’re swimming upstream.

    You want belief and mindset coaching AND strategy support AND energy balancing AND tech stack suggestions.

    You want simple, sustainable and spacious business growth, backed by simple, sustainable and spacious support.

    Join me inside the Aligned & Unstoppable Mastermind here, and let’s do this work together: https://cassiemendozajones.com/mastermind/

    I would so love to do this work with you.

    DM me on Insta if you have any questions. Xo

    Here's More:

    - Come work with me.

    - Download the free Momentum Workbook to move through slow client periods, and call amazing clients in.

    - Here’s my full website for more (my books, freebies, programs, blog posts etc.).

    - And here’s where you’ll find me on Instagram @cassiemendozajones

    Show more Show less
    7 mins
  • 111. Compounding Your Magic
    Aug 29 2024

    Whenever I see marketing advice that says something like 'focus on the revenue producing tasks in your business' I want to shout from the rooftops:

    Everything you do in your business is revenue producing when it comes from your enoughness, and when you trust the compounding effect.

    I believe this with my whole heart.

    And you know what? It takes a whole lot of stress off your heart, and the heart of your business, when you believe it too.

    And it’s truly true.

    Every time you show up in your business, the effect, energy, and impact of that effort, compounds.

    Tune into this episode for a deeper insight on how to compound *your* magic in your biz.

    And then come and do this work with me, in my mastermind: www.cassiemendozajones.com/mastermind

    Here's More:

    - Come work with me.

    - Download the free Momentum Workbook to move through slow client periods, and call amazing clients in.

    - Here’s my full website for more (my books, freebies, programs, blog posts etc.).

    - And here’s where you’ll find me on Instagram @cassiemendozajones

    Show more Show less
    9 mins
  • 110. How to Stick With Your Offer, While Honouring its Evolution (And More Lessons Through Generating Over $152k From My Mastermind)
    Aug 28 2024

    Sometimes creating a new offer is exactly what you and your business need.

    And sometimes sticking with an offer, and refining, evolving and iterating it, is exactly what you and you business need.

    In this episode, I take you behind the scenes of my process of evolving my beautiful mastermind space over the last couple of years, and in doing so - in expanding and evolving it - it has been able to generate and attract over $152k in my business, while becoming a whole body of work on its own.

    I'm here to do this work with you, to expand and evolve your business, ideas, and the impact and income you generate from your gifts.

    Learn more + join me in the mastermind here.

    Here's More:

    - Come work with me.

    - Download the free Momentum Workbook to move through slow client periods, and call amazing clients in.

    - Here’s my full website for more (my books, freebies, programs, blog posts etc.).

    - And here’s where you’ll find me on Instagram @cassiemendozajones

    Show more Show less
    43 mins
  • 109. One Belief That Can Change Your Business
    Aug 22 2024

    This one belief can shift things in your business, and in a genuine way.

    It'll help you stay the course, show up with more confidence and certainty, and keep taking clear and calm action, to create beautiful results (and amazing clients!) in your business.

    Join me in my mastermind because this is the work we do. 🙌🏻

    Full of processes and practices to bring you back to your power center for a deeper business growth experience, alongside impactful trainings, masterclasses and a supportive monthly call cycle (including a monthly private call with me), you’ll understand why so many of clients have stayed on for 1-2 years in this space.

    It looks like business coaching, and it feels like energetic alignment, deeper enoughness, and momentum that feels like magic.

    Through the processes and practices within, this mastermind has supported my clients to:

    👉🏻 Become fully booked (with a waitlist)

    👉🏻 Sign new clients into programs before they’ve launched

    👉🏻 Sell out full-day workshops

    👉🏻 Simplify powerful offerings and sell them without overthinking or overworking

    👉🏻 Get hired for multiple, well-paying speaking gigs

    👉🏻 Have their biggest months ever

    👉🏻 Start podcasts and write books

    👉🏻 Prep their businesses for maternity leave with spaciousness and trust

    👉🏻 Increase their pricing (and sign new clients right away)

    👉🏻 Stop working nights and weekends... and so much more...

    ... all created from a base of energetic enoughness, and then recreated through the same.

    Learn more + book your spot here.

    ✨ 3 tiers of support to choose from, all with private calls with me.

    ✨ 6 months of bespoke support (even within a group, with time for individual coaching on every call) to unpack and rebuild your beliefs + biz with enoughness, for growth that stems from ease and allows you to stay the course.

    ✨ We begin 5 Sept with an extended, supercharged business retreat across our first month together.

    ✨ Space is limited.

    Here's More:

    - Come work with me.

    - Download the free Momentum Workbook to move through slow client periods, and call amazing clients in.

    - Here’s my full website for more (my books, freebies, programs, blog posts etc.).

    - And here’s where you’ll find me on Instagram @cassiemendozajones

    Show more Show less
    19 mins
  • 108. Enoughness in Action
    Aug 21 2024

    What does enoughness in your business look like when it's being expressed through your actions?

    It looks like showing up (I have a story about this!), and trusting yourself to switch off too.

    It looks like creating inner ease instead of looking for 'outer easy', and trusting yourself along the way.

    Tune into this episode because you're ready to tune into a deeper enoughness in your business.

    And if you'd love to do this work with me, of expanding your business through your enoughness, join me inside my mastermind.

    Learn more + book your spot here.

    Here's More:

    - Come work with me.

    - Download the free Momentum Workbook to move through slow client periods, and call amazing clients in.

    - Here’s my full website for more (my books, freebies, programs, blog posts etc.).

    - And here’s where you’ll find me on Instagram @cassiemendozajones

    Show more Show less
    33 mins