• Embracing Resilience and Curiosity: Finding Inspiration and Moving Forward with Purpose
    Dec 6 2023

    This podcast episode is a MUST LISTEN for everyone. It’s super short, yet powerfully packed. Have a listen. Listen again. And share with your friends.

    Recorded in my car - please pardon the background noise. 

    "And if we are not actively practicing resilience, actively practicing watching where our thoughts go, actively practicing moving forward and letting things go, then it's actually quite a high probability that you're going to get stuck in this sh*t. 

    You're going to feel like crap. You're going to feel like, “What's the point?” 

    You're going to start to get in this negative arena, and that's not where life is meant to be lived." 

    - Kandis James (podcast excerpt)

    Did you like this episode? Please write a review and share.

    Please send me a message if: 

    • Something resonated with you - I'd LOVE to hear about it!
    • You have questions 
    • You have a topic you want me to cover in an upcoming episode
    • You want to work together or just say hey!

    Contact: @kandisjames.kj or kandisjames.com

    As always, please find me on Instagram to share your insights from this episode.

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    14 mins
  • Reflecting on Life at 40: Making Changes, Finding Purpose, and Embracing the Journey
    Sep 29 2023

    🥳🎂 It's official—I'm turning 40! 🎉🎈

    And I feel like a new, exciting chapter is beginning. 

    That’s the fun thing about life, isn’t it? There’s always potential for something new just around the corner. (wanted, or not)

    Last year, when I almost died in the hospital and received a diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes, I was terrified of all the change it would bring. And it was an adjustment, to say the least. 

    But, as long as we’re alive, we have the opportunity to not just get through anything life throws at us - but to create the best version of life each and every day. (which, of course, looks different for everyone)

    I’ve never been one to get caught up on numbers when it comes to age. 

    I’ve always lived by the idea that the BEST age is always the one I’m currently living - no matter how high the numbers creep ;) 

    Because it’s only MY CURRENT AGE  in which I’m currently alive - and it’s only this age in which I have the ability to create a life that lights me up. 

    And the same goes for you.

    In my latest podcast episode, I share my reflections since last year’s (third) near-death experience, as I approach “The Big Four-Oh”, and reflect on the various chapters in my life that have brought me to where I am today. 

    But why is this personal reflection important for YOU? 

    Because with each new chapter brings change. Or perhaps better put - change brings new and exciting chapters. 

    Unfortunately, many of us are too afraid to make changes in life - to upgrade our current situations and follow our passions - even when we know deep down that we’re not actually happy with where we’re currently at. 

    If there’s any part of you that knows you’d like to change something in your life - big or small - this podcast is for you.

    Thank you for spending part of your journey we call “life” with me, in these episodes. 

    I appreciate you. 


    Did you like this episode? Please write a review and share.

    Please send me a message if: 

    • Something resonated with you - I'd LOVE to hear about it!
    • You have questions 
    • You have a topic you want me to cover in an upcoming episode
    • You want to work together or just say hey!

    Contact: @kandisjames.kj or kandisjames.com

    As always, please find me on Instagram to share your insights from this episode.

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    37 mins
  • Manifestation Misconceptions and the True Path to Attracting What You Desire
    Aug 4 2023

    In this episode, we dive deep into the fascinating world of manifestation, exploring how you can use it to transform your life and create positive change. 🌟

    Join me as we unveil the secrets to effective manifestation and discuss why it works for some people or situations but not others. Whether you're a manifestation novice or looking to level up your skills, this episode is packed with valuable insights and practical tips to help you harness the power of manifestation. ⚡️

    🔑 Key Takeaway 1: Manifestation starts with a deep and genuine desire. Discover what you truly want in life and focus on how it will make you feel, rather than just visualizing it. This emotional connection is key to successful manifestation.

    🔑 Key Takeaway 2: Our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs shape our reality. What we focus on the most is what we attract into our lives. Shift your mindset from negativity to positivity, and align your thoughts and emotions with your desired outcome.

    🔑 Key Takeaway 3: Visualization is a powerful tool, but it's not enough on its own. Take action towards your goals, make aligned choices, and practice patience. Manifestation is a journey and managing expectations is crucial when things don't happen as quickly as desired.

    Remember, you have the power to create your own reality. So tune in to the Make Life Better podcast and embark on a transformative journey of manifestation. 🌈✨ 

    If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me @kandisjames.kj!

    Let's make life better together! 💫

    Xo, Kandis

    Did you like this episode? Please write a review and share.

    Please send me a message if: 

    • Something resonated with you - I'd LOVE to hear about it!
    • You have questions 
    • You have a topic you want me to cover in an upcoming episode
    • You want to work together or just say hey!

    Contact: @kandisjames.kj or kandisjames.com

    As always, please find me on Instagram to share your insights from this episode.

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    53 mins
  • How to Control Your Thoughts
    May 8 2023

    Have you ever said something in an emotional state that you regretted later? 

    Do you find yourself having intrusive thoughts when you feel angry, frustrated, or sad? 

    If you said yes, don’t worry - it just means you’re human :) 

    However, there IS a way that you can WATCH those thoughts WITHOUT becoming attached to them, or acting on them. 

    And I promise you - it’s a life changer! 

    We are not our thoughts. Our thoughts are not us. And our thoughts are most often, not even true.

    In this episode, I discuss a challenging situation I recently went through where I almost reacted in a negative manner to my thoughts, what I learned from that experience, and some tips for YOU to keep yourself from saying and behaving in ways while in an emotional state that you’ll regret later. 

    Learn how to become a watcher of your thoughts, instead of reacting to them.

    Thanks for being here. 

    Xo, Kandis

    Did you like this episode? Please write a review and share.

    Please send me a message if: 

    • Something resonated with you - I'd LOVE to hear about it!
    • You have questions 
    • You have a topic you want me to cover in an upcoming episode
    • You want to work together or just say hey!

    Contact: @kandisjames.kj or kandisjames.com

    As always, please find me on Instagram to share your insights from this episode.

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    47 mins
  • Building Resilience: Techniques to Overcome Obstacles in Life
    Apr 28 2023

    In this episode of the podcast, Kandis talks about resilience - the ability to bounce back from life's challenges quickly and effectively without causing downtime or internal distress. She shares key insights and personal experiences related to resilience that can help us become more resilient and perform effectively, both in our personal and professional lives.

    Everyone faces challenges every day, big or small, and these challenges can cause stress and frustration, to say the least. But by developing resilience, we can learn to face these challenges and obstacles with confidence, overcome them quickly, and grow from them.

    Kandis shares personal experiences where she faced a variety of different challenges and how these events took her down a path of applied mindfulness and neurolinguistic programming to help herself deal with, overcome and grow from these experiences. And now she helps her clients do the same.

    Resilience involves more than just confronting extreme adversity. It also includes facing everyday challenges with courage, staying positive, and being able to manage stress effectively. This allows us to go after what we want in life, be successful in our endeavours and even build better, stronger relationships as we come to terms with our own emotions and growth in the process. 

    By learning how to regulate our emotions, we can be in a better position to respond to adversity and uncertainty without being overwhelmed. When we are less overwhelmed - no matter how large the adversity - our brain is able to function more effectively to choose the optimal path forward. 

    Ultimately, Kandis notes that resilience is the most important skill to learn in life.

    Kandis encourages listeners to reflect on their own experiences and start taking small steps towards building resilience. And by practicing resilience and staying focused on our goals, we can overcome any obstacle and create the life we desire.

    Are you ready to increase your resilience and build a life you love?


    Did you like this episode? Please write a review and share.

    Please send me a message if: 

    • Something resonated with you - I'd LOVE to hear about it!
    • You have questions 
    • You have a topic you want me to cover in an upcoming episode
    • You want to work together or just say hey!

    Contact: @kandisjames.kj or kandisjames.com

    As always, please find me on Instagram to share your insights from this episode.

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    53 mins
  • Why You’re Unhappy
    Apr 24 2023

    Have you ever thought, “Why am I unhappy?” 

    There are a lot of unhappy people in this world. Maybe you’re one of them.

    Maybe you’re just not as happy as you’d like to be. Or even you feel that way only sometimes.

    Either way, I think this conversation provides a lot of inspired insight into why that is. 

    After watching a reel on Instagram, I got super inspired to share these thoughts with you about why so many people are unhappy. AND of course, how you can start to change that with just one simple shift in how you go about your day. 

    I’m excited to hear what comes up for you as you listen. Please share your thoughts with me over on Instagram @KandisJames.kj

    Did you like this episode? Please write a review and share.

    Please send me a message if: 

    • Something resonated with you - I'd LOVE to hear about it!
    • You have questions 
    • You have a topic you want me to cover in an upcoming episode
    • You want to work together or just say hey!

    Contact: @kandisjames.kj or kandisjames.com

    As always, please find me on Instagram to share your insights from this episode.

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    37 mins
  • Why do we fear change? (even when we know it will make life better?)
    Mar 20 2023

    Accepting Change and Letting Go.... 

    Humans are funny creatures, in that we often know that change is NEEDED in our life...  yet we are too scared to actually make the change.  In some cases, we are not even conscious that we're too afraid, we just come up with a ton of excuses why it's not possible. 

    • Have you ever stayed in a painful romantic relationship longer than you should have, because you were afraid of what life MIGHT look like when you left? 
    • Have you ever stayed at a job that was crushing your soul, just because you were scared you wouldn't be able to find something else? 
    • Have you ever avoided a difficult situation with someone, because you were scared how it would make them feel? But then NOT having that conversation has made the relationship worse? 

    Change, whatever that may look like in that moment, is often the only way to really make life better - and yet, so many of us never actually make that change. 

    In Today's episode, we discuss: 

    • The neuroscientific reason that we fear change (even when we know it's good for us) 
    • How your subconscious mind thinks it's keeping you "Safe" when it's actually keeping you "stuck" 
    • How to move more confidently through change and actually accept it and learn to appreciate it

    Want to get your hands on a copy of my book? kandisjames.com/book

    Did you like this episode? Please write a review and share.

    Please send me a message if: 

    • Something resonated with you - I'd LOVE to hear about it!
    • You have questions 
    • You have a topic you want me to cover in an upcoming episode
    • You want to work together or just say hey!

    Contact: @kandisjames.kj or kandisjames.com

    As always, please find me on Instagram to share your insights from this episode.

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    46 mins
  • How Your Past Predicts Your Future
    Mar 20 2023

    How many times have you heard, "THE PAST IS THE PAST"?

    Here's the thing... the past IS the past. And that has two different meanings.

    a) The past is the past, we can't do anything about it, so let's keep moving on
    b) The past is the past, and the person you are today and the life you live is based on everything that has happened, everything you've experienced in the past which means the past is in part creating your present which creates your future :)

    So what does this mean?

    Every situation you've experienced in the past is shaping how you see the world, and who you are within it. Sometimes this is a good thing, like you're super confident and believe you can do anything, so you accomplish amazing things.


    Perhaps you have difficulties staying committed in relationships and end up hurting others (and getting hurt) in romantic relationships frequently. You want a life partner, but something always seems to shift when it gets serious.

    You struggle to be vulnerable with those close to you, and that's preventing you from having close friends you can talk to and lean on - making you feel alone/lonely.

    You get angry easily, or find yourself lashing out at those close to you and feel regretful about it later. 

    These are not simply 'personality traits' as some people will call them. Rather, they are defense mechanisms that your subconscious has created for you in an attempt to keep you safe, or out of harm's way. 

    In this episode, learn how to identify how your past is affecting your present, and how we can start to reprogram your subconscious to let go of these negative behaviour patterns so you can finally be free to live your best life. 


    Did you like this episode? Please write a review and share.

    Please send me a message if: 

    • Something resonated with you - I'd LOVE to hear about it!
    • You have questions 
    • You have a topic you want me to cover in an upcoming episode
    • You want to work together or just say hey!

    Contact: @kandisjames.kj or kandisjames.com

    As always, please find me on Instagram to share your insights from this episode.

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    40 mins