• 77. The Truth About Birth Control, Chronic Pain, and Muscle Weakness
    Oct 2 2024

    I want to talk to you about birth control and some of the long-term effects that aren’t always part of the conversation.

    When birth control was first introduced, it was seen as a revolutionary option for women, giving us more control over our reproductive health. But, like with any medical intervention, the full effects aren’t always understood until it’s been studied over time. And now, years later, we’re starting to learn more about what prolonged use of birth control can do to the body, particularly to our tissues.

    One study looked specifically at tissue samples from women who had been on birth control for more than two years. What they found was that the tensile strength of their tissues, especially the thoracolumbar fascia (which is in your lower back), was significantly weaker compared to women who had never taken birth control. That’s huge.

    At the end of the day, birth control is a personal choice, and everyone’s situation is different. But it’s crucial to know that prolonged use can have side effects that go beyond what we typically hear. We’re talking about your body, your tissues, and your long-term health. So if you’re considering it or currently on it, please take the time to talk with a doctor who will listen and give you all the information you need to make an informed decision. And always remember, you have options and resources to support you on your health journey.

    The more we talk about it, the better equipped we are to make decisions for our bodies.


    **Connect with Dr. Audra


    ***GRAB THE FREE THREE-PART AUDIO SERIES DESIGNED TO GIVE YOU MUSCLE TENSION RELIEF IN MINUTES! Think of this three-part audio series as a mini daily treatment for healing and preventing pain/injury. When you incorporate proper breathing mechanics and muscle cueing for just a few minutes a day, your brain will relax the neurological tension and spasm and allow the relief to flow. It's a method I use in my practice, and I'm thrilled to share it with you. https://www.mytrainingroom.co/breathe-out-of-tension

    ****Join the Free Pep Talk. Get the inside scoop on celebrity and professional athlete health secrets and tips to live your best life **https://www.mytrainingroom.co/app-landing-page

    Grab your Breathe Into Your Butthole Mug HERE: https://www.spinesportrehabilitation.com/shop

    *Grab your Game Plan:** I**n short, these Game Plans are a way to save you time and money–who doesn't need that? No more need to Google for hours about the best exercises or spend thousands on devices that promise to fix you. In each Game Plan, you will receive everything you need in a series of easy-to-watch videos. Click here to choose yours.

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    11 mins
  • 76. Social Media and Our Physical & Mental Health: The Good & The Bad with The Samantha Parker
    Sep 25 2024

    Social media is a bit of a double-edged sword. On one hand, it opens the door to an endless stream of information, connection, and education. Samantha Parker, a seasoned social media manager, shared her own experience of discovering new ideas, recipes, health advice, and communities through social platforms.

    These opportunities have been a powerful force in her life and career, connecting her to people and resources that would otherwise remain out of reach.

    Samantha’s journey into social media management was sparked by her personal experiences and mental health challenges. Diving into projects with self-motivation, attending conferences and learning the ropes of the digital landscape. This is a reminder that social media, when navigated thoughtfully, can be a source of inspiration and support, allowing us to connect with others going through similar struggles.

    But it's not all positive. Misinformation and the constant flow of content can be overwhelming. Samantha recalled her early days trying to make sense of it all with limited guidance, a challenge many of us can relate to. Then there’s the negativity, the mean comments that can affect mental health.

    Her approach to handling criticism, inspired by ultra-marathon runner Andy Glaze’s humorous outlook by sharing negative comments, is a great example of turning negativity into something constructive. This should remind us of how important it is to be kind to yourself, especially when navigating the online world.

    There is also a positive side of social media engagement: talking people up, sharing good things about others, and how this "elevated word-of-mouth" can boost local businesses.

    She shared about a local coffee shop that saw incredible success through community support on social media. This story reminded us of the good that can come when we use social media mindfully.

    Still, the darker sides of viral fame, negativity, and the potential of using social media as a numbing tool are very real concerns. It’s crucial to set boundaries and practice self-awareness to avoid unhealthy habits. Social media can enrich our lives if used with intention, as a tool for connection, growth, and support.

    Remember to be kind to yourself and others, online and off.

    Connect with The Samantha Parker:




    **Connect with Dr. Audra


    ***GRAB THE FREE THREE-PART AUDIO SERIES DESIGNED TO GIVE YOU MUSCLE TENSION RELIEF IN MINUTES! Think of this three-part audio series as a mini daily treatment for healing and preventing pain/injury. When you incorporate proper breathing mechanics and muscle cueing for just a few minutes a day, your brain will relax the neurological tension and spasm and allow the relief to flow. It's a method I use in my practice, and I'm thrilled to share it with you. https://www.mytrainingroom.co/breathe-out-of-tension

    ****Join the Free Pep Talk. Get the inside scoop on celebrity and professional athlete health secrets and tips to live your best life **https://www.mytrainingroom.co/app-landing-page

    Grab your Breathe Into Your Butthole Mug HERE: https://www.spinesportrehabilitation.com/shop

    *Grab your Game Plan:** I**n short, these Game Plans are a way to save you time and money–who doesn't need that? No more need to Google for hours about the best exercises or spend thousands on devices that promise to fix you. In each Game Plan, you will receive everything you need in a series of easy-to-watch videos. Click here to choose yours.

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    25 mins
  • 75. Shut out the Noise, Focus on Success: Getting the Edge with Your Mind, Part 3
    Sep 18 2024

    All right, butthole breathers, welcome to part three of getting the edge with your mind. If you haven’t listened to part one or two, pause this, go back, and listen to them first. Trust me, they lay the groundwork for what we’re diving into today.

    Now that you're caught up, let’s talk about shutting out the noise.

    Do you have the discipline to do that? Because without that discipline, you won’t see the results you want.

    Action Step One: Shut out the noise. People are going to tell you no, they’re going to doubt you, and that’s fine. It’s not on them to do this work, t’s on you. I can support you, but I can’t do it for you.

    You have to choose to say, “I’m doing the work, I’m showing up for myself.” You want to grow, to feel great, have the best relationships, and live your best life, right? Then this step is non-negotiable.

    Action Step Two: Identify your self-sabotage. Growth doesn’t happen without discomfort. You have to get a little uncomfortable, a little vulnerable, and that’s how you break through. Sit with your patterns, ask yourself where you’re holding yourself back, and be honest.

    Action Step Three: Start small. I get it, you’re busy. So am I. You don’t have time to spend four hours every morning doing a full routine.

    So, what’s one small thing you can do to start your day right? For one of my clients, I had them step outside in the morning, look at the sun, and just breathe. Feel the sun, feel the ground, and think of five things you’re grateful for. It’s simple, but that’s where change starts.

    And let me tell you, the progress you’ll see after a few weeks is going to blow your mind. Maybe you’ll sleep a little better, feel more creative, or even notice you're less annoyed with people. That’s how you know it's working, but you’ve got to stick with it.

    You deserve to feel great, to live a life you’re excited about. So, are you ready to commit to this?

    The results will be worth it, I promise. Share this series, send it to someone who needs it, and let’s keep pushing each other to be the best we can be. You’ve got this.


    **Connect with Dr. Audra


    ***GRAB THE FREE THREE-PART AUDIO SERIES DESIGNED TO GIVE YOU MUSCLE TENSION RELIEF IN MINUTES! Think of this three-part audio series as a mini daily treatment for healing and preventing pain/injury. When you incorporate proper breathing mechanics and muscle cueing for just a few minutes a day, your brain will relax the neurological tension and spasm and allow the relief to flow. It's a method I use in my practice, and I'm thrilled to share it with you. https://www.mytrainingroom.co/breathe-out-of-tension

    ****Join the Free Pep Talk. Get the inside scoop on celebrity and professional athlete health secrets and tips to live your best life **https://www.mytrainingroom.co/app-landing-page

    Grab your Breathe Into Your Butthole Mug HERE: https://www.spinesportrehabilitation.com/shop

    *Grab your Game Plan:** I**n short, these Game Plans are a way to save you time and money–who doesn't need that? No more need to Google for hours about the best exercises or spend thousands on devices that promise to fix you. In each Game Plan, you will receive everything you need in a series of easy-to-watch videos. Click here to choose yours.

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    13 mins
  • 74. Getting Uncomfortable & Celebrating: Getting the Edge with Your Mind, Part 2
    Sep 11 2024

    L E T S G O. Let's go. Let’s go, butthole breathers! We’re back for part two of Getting the Edge with Your Mind, and it’s time to dive into what it really takes to move, live, and feel better. This is your best friend doctor, bringing you the real talk. And if you missed part one, go back and listen, because this episode builds on it.

    We’re getting uncomfortable, and yeah, it’s gonna suck, but if you want the highs in life, you’ve got to step out of your comfort zone. That’s where growth happens. Most of us live in the middle, safe but boring.

    If you want to hit those peaks, you’ve got to embrace the discomfort. So, here's your challenge: Celebrate everything! Not just the big stuff like birthdays or weddings (those are important too), but the small stuff, the everyday wins we ignore.

    The action step?

    I’m telling my clients to celebrate, even booking an appointment they’ve been putting off for years. That’s a win! They looked at me like I had five heads when I asked how they’d celebrate it. It doesn’t have to be big. It could be going on a walk with your partner, grabbing coffee at your favorite spot, taking 15 minutes for yourself, or shutting your phone off and getting some quality time in.

    You have to make it a habit to celebrate these little things. Why? because they change your brain chemistry! Dopamine and endorphins—it’s real science.

    When you celebrate, those feel-good hormones kick in, helping lower stress and pain. I’m telling you to start celebrating and watch your life change.

    Take it from my friend who fought cancer and celebrated being cancer-free with a simple dinner at their favorite spot. Big win, simple celebration, HUGE impact.

    I get it. No one's coming to save you. You’ve got to do the work to prioritize yourself, get uncomfortable, and celebrate along the way. This is how you give yourself the edge, starting with those small wins.

    So, celebrate something today. We’ve got this! Toodaloo, and stay tuned for part three!


    **Connect with Dr. Audra


    ***GRAB THE FREE THREE-PART AUDIO SERIES DESIGNED TO GIVE YOU MUSCLE TENSION RELIEF IN MINUTES! Think of this three-part audio series as a mini daily treatment for healing and preventing pain/injury. When you incorporate proper breathing mechanics and muscle cueing for just a few minutes a day, your brain will relax the neurological tension and spasm and allow the relief to flow. It's a method I use in my practice, and I'm thrilled to share it with you. https://www.mytrainingroom.co/breathe-out-of-tension

    ****Join the Free Pep Talk. Get the inside scoop on celebrity and professional athlete health secrets and tips to live your best life **https://www.mytrainingroom.co/app-landing-page

    Grab your Breathe Into Your Butthole Mug HERE: https://www.spinesportrehabilitation.com/shop

    *Grab your Game Plan:** I**n short, these Game Plans are a way to save you time and money–who doesn't need that? No more need to Google for hours about the best exercises or spend thousands on devices that promise to fix you. In each Game Plan, you will receive everything you need in a series of easy-to-watch videos. Click here to choose yours.

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    12 mins
  • 73. Overcoming Self-Sabotage: Getting the Edge with Your Mind, Part 1
    Sep 4 2024

    Hi butthole breathers, we are getting the edge with our minds. In Part 1, we’re diving straight into the heart of self-sabotage.

    You know those moments when everything's flowing smoothly, and suddenly, doubt creeps in, making you question your worth and why you’re even here? That’s self-sabotage, and it’s a sneaky little monster that can unravel all the progress you’ve made in your life, career, health—everything.

    We all fall into these patterns, myself include, like that time when everything was going great, and out of nowhere, I doubted myself and picked a fight with my husband.

    Why do we do this to ourselves?

    It’s almost like we’re allergic to happiness and success. Recognizing this pattern is the first step to breaking it. Trust me, I’ve been there, and I see it all the time, whether in professional athletes, CEOs, or just incredible people striving to live their best lives.

    First we have to identifying weak spots, and calling ourselves out before self-sabotage takes control. I’m giving you examples, tips, and some tough love because no one’s coming to save you, you have to do this work yourself. But you’re not alone. I’m here to guide you, and together, we’re going to break these patterns and start living up to our true potential.

    So grab your coffee, take a walk, or settle in with a glass of wine, whatever helps you get into the right mindset. Reflect on where you might be self-sabotaging and why you think you can’t have it all.

    Write it down, share it with me on Instagram or TikTok @‌DrAudraLance, and let's support each other through this journey. We’re all in this together, and it's time to stop getting in our own way.


    EP7: How to Release Tension: Guide to Breathing Into Your Butthole


    Grab your Breathe Into Your Butthole Mug HERE: https://www.spinesportrehabilitation.com/shop

    *Grab your Game Plan: In short, these Game Plans are a way to save you time and money–who doesn't need that? No more need to Google for hours about the best exercises or spend thousands on devices that promise to fix you. In each Game Plan, you will receive everything you need in a series of easy-to-watch videos. Click here to choose yours.

    **Connect with Dr. Audra


    ***GRAB THE FREE THREE-PART AUDIO SERIES DESIGNED TO GIVE YOU MUSCLE TENSION RELIEF IN MINUTES! Think of this three-part audio series as a mini daily treatment for healing and preventing pain/injury. When you incorporate proper breathing mechanics and muscle cueing for just a few minutes a day, your brain will relax the neurological tension and spasm and allow the relief to flow. It's a method I use in my practice, and I'm thrilled to share it with you. https://www.mytrainingroom.co/breathe-out-of-tension

    ****Join the Free Pep Talk. Get the inside scoop on celebrity and professional athlete health secrets and tips to live your best life **https://www.mytrainingroom.co/app-landing-page

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    18 mins
  • 72. Beyond the Symptoms: Jaw Pain, Migraines, and How to Feel Your Best with Dr. Beau Beard
    Aug 28 2024

    I'm thrilled to be joined by Dr. Beau Beard, owner of The Farm, a practice based in Birmingham, Alabama. We're both passionate about the South, so this conversation is going to be a fun and help you understand how sometimes a layered treatment plan is the best course of action.

    We're diving into patient stories, focusing on how small, thoughtful interventions can make a big difference in someone's health journey. Dr. Beau shares a fascinating case about a woman in her fifties who had been suffering from migraines her entire life. Despite trying various medications, nothing seemed to work, and her condition had worsened to the point where she had a constant headache for over a month.

    Dr. Beau took a holistic approach, starting with a full spine MRI to rule out any major issues. When that came back clear, he began looking at other factors, starting with something as simple as jaw function. He performed a test, showing that she couldn't fit three knuckles in her mouth, a sign that her jaw wasn't working properly. This led to some targeted jaw exercises, which resulted in her migraines starting to improve.

    He noticed that she had some weight to lose and wasn't following the healthiest diet. He brought up the importance of hydration and electrolytes, something many patients overlook because they don’t want to deal with the inconvenience of frequent urination. By making small adjustments, like incorporating electrolytes when she felt a migraine coming on, her condition improved even more.

    We need to remember the importance of meeting patients where they are and slowly building on each success. He talks about how these interventions, though seemingly small, can lead to significant improvements over time. His goal isn't just to alleviate pain but to help patients become healthier individuals overall, so they leave his office better than before.

    We also discuss the broader issues within the medical system, such as the lack of integration and how important it is for doctors to act as guides, helping patients connect the dots and take ownership of their health.

    It’s all about understanding the deeper connections in health and taking a holistic approach to care is the key to success.


    Grab my free Breathe out of Tension Game Plan HERE: https://www.mytrainingroom.co/breathe-out-of-tension


    Connect with Dr. Audra on Instagram HERE: https://www.instagram.com/draudralance/

    Connect with Dr. Beard on Instagram HERE: https://www.instagram.com/drbeaubeard/


    Check out the FARM CAST PODCAST- Introducing Blackjack Education: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/introducing-blackjack-education/id1511222989?i=1000664317596


    Blackjack education on Instagram HERE: https://www.instagram.com/blackjack_edu/

    Join us in April Blackjack Education HERE: https://blackjackeducation.com/


    Grab your GAME PLAN and start living your best life HERE: https://www.mytrainingroom.co/services-1

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    39 mins
  • 71. Menopause: Tools to Ease Joint Pain, Fatigue, Vaginal Dryness and Hormonal Changes
    Aug 21 2024


    Menopause. It's one of the most requested topics I’ve been asked to dive into, and today, we’re doing just that. I hear your feedback, and I know you want to hear more about it, so we’re laying it all out there. We could go down so many avenues, but we’re starting with the basics.

    Let’s talk menopause. Let’s go, girls!

    Now, I know menopause might seem like this big, scary, looming thing. It’s something everyone’s going to go through, just like everyone’s going to die. I know that sounds drastic, but it’s true. The more we know about menopause, its symptoms, and everything else, the better we can help ourselves. There’s this overwhelming idea that there’s nothing you can do except get on hormones.

    And yeah, you might need them, and they’re not necessarily bad, but there’s more to it than that. It depends on the person. There’s no blanket solution for everyone. Menopause symptoms might be similar among friends, but the root causes can differ.

    I’m talking about some of the most common things I see, things like frozen shoulder, low back pain, knee pain, and pelvic floor issues like vaginal dryness, pain, or recurrent UTIs.

    Sure, there’s a cellular chemical component to some of this, but we also need to address the muscular, neurological, and stress components. It would help if you tackled both to get the best results.

    I’ve seen it all in my clinic and through my research. I’m here to help you navigate menopause, whether it’s through virtual appointments, in-person visits, or just sharing knowledge here. We’ll start with the basics, like getting sunlight first thing in the morning, eating a protein-rich breakfast before your coffee, and incorporating weightlifting into your routine. These simple steps can make a huge difference.

    So, please share this with your friends, message me with your thoughts, and let’s keep this conversation going.

    I’m here to talk about it all, keeping it real and giving you the tools you need to thrive through menopause.

    Until next time, breathe into your butthole.


    Grab your Breathe Into Your Butthole Mug HERE: https://www.spinesportrehabilitation.com/shop

    *Grab your Game Plan: In short, these Game Plans are a way to save you time and money–who doesn't need that? No more need to Google for hours about the best exercises or spend thousands on devices that promise to fix you. In each Game Plan, you will receive everything you need in a series of easy-to-watch videos. Click here to choose yours.

    **Connect with Dr. Audra


    ***GRAB THE FREE THREE-PART AUDIO SERIES DESIGNED TO GIVE YOU MUSCLE TENSION RELIEF IN MINUTES! Think of this three-part audio series as a mini daily treatment for healing and preventing pain/injury. When you incorporate proper breathing mechanics and muscle cueing for just a few minutes a day, your brain will relax the neurological tension and spasm and allow the relief to flow. It's a method I use in my practice, and I'm thrilled to share it with you. https://www.mytrainingroom.co/breathe-out-of-tension

    ****Join the Free Pep Talk. Get the inside scoop on celebrity and professional athlete health secrets and tips to live your best life **https://www.mytrainingroom.co/app-landing-page

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    17 mins
  • 70. Simone Biles' Golden Advice on How to Enjoy Your Success Without the Stress
    Aug 14 2024
    Join the Free Pep Talk. Get the inside scoop on celebrity and professional athlete health secrets and tips to live your best life https://www.mytrainingroom.co/app-landing-page Today, we’re diving into something truly golden—literally. Simone Biles dropped a gem this past week, and I couldn’t wait to share it with you. It’s not just about her many gold medals, but how she worded this was pure gold, and I knew we had to get into it. So, the Olympic ceremonies are over, and I’m curious: did you keep watching until the end? What sports were you glued to? Track? Basketball? But while I could talk about the Olympics every week, there’s something else I want to focus on today: the importance of soaking in our wins. Simone nailed it when she told an interviewer, “You guys got to stop asking athletes what’s next after they win a medal. Let us soak up the moment. We’ve worked our whole lives for this.” YES. How often do we take a moment to be in the now, to feel the weight of what we’ve accomplished? We’re terrible at this as a society, always jumping to the next thing without enjoying the moment we’re in. I’ve noticed this in my clients, team, and myself. We work so hard to reach our goals, and then what? We skip the celebration and move on to the next challenge. But here’s the thing: celebrating your wins, whether big or small, is crucial. It’s what fuels you for the next round. I’ve even implemented a ritual in my office where we celebrate every win, whether passing a test, getting a new certification, or a client’s success. And I’m asking you, how are you celebrating your wins? It doesn’t matter if it’s a fancy dinner or just taking a moment to enjoy a glass of wine; what matters is that you acknowledge your hard work. Simone’s message is a great reminder: stop worrying about what’s next. We’re not promised tomorrow, so let’s focus on today. Let’s sit in our wins, enjoy the moment, and let that gratitude carry us forward. I’m still working on it, but it’s made a difference. So, what’s been good for you today? How are you going to celebrate? Please share with me, and let’s keep this conversation going. EPISODE 17: The Guide to Breathing Into Your Butthole LISTEN HERE Grab your Game Plan: In short, these Game Plans are a way to save you time and money–who doesn't need that? No more need to Google for hours about the best exercises or spend thousands on devices that promise to fix you. In each Game Plan, you will receive everything you need in a series of easy-to-watch videos. Click here to choose yours. Connect with Dr. Audra Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/draudralance/ GRAB THE FREE THREE-PART AUDIO SERIES DESIGNED TO GIVE YOU MUSCLE TENSION RELIEF IN MINUTES! Think of this three-part audio series as a mini daily treatment for healing and preventing pain/injury. When you incorporate proper breathing mechanics and muscle cueing for just a few minutes a day, your brain will relax the neurological tension and spasm and allow the relief to flow. It's a method I use in my practice, and I'm thrilled to share it with you. Breathe Out of Tension: https://www.mytrainingroom.co/breathe-out-of-tension
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    10 mins